The reason why most marriages fail is lack of communication. If you feel like he’s trying to tell you something, maybe just ask instead of assuming. Try to talk about it, because jumping to conclusions never helped anyone out.
Fuck I’d be stoaked with just a gift caus ein his mind he got you a dvd he took as you wanted to watch, some cozy pj’s and that you deserve some chill time
Men are simple creatures
It’s the thought that counts and he definitely thought about it in his own way
Don’t over think it just enjoy it and don’t be so miserable
Woah… you’re definitely overthinking. Maybe be thankful he got you something instead of ungrateful and picky. He tried. Give your husband props and thank him.
Be thankful he took time to shop for you and shared it with your son. This was probably special to him. Appreciate it and quite letting your insecurity win.
I never get anything for mothers day and I’ve been a mom for 3 years now, the only times I really ever get gifts are my birthday and Christmas, yes I’m married and no i dont get anything for my anniversary which i find absolute bs but moving on, just be excited he picked something out it’s the thought that counts and remember men are very simple they think basic not eccentric
First of all sloths are fucking adorable and have nothing to do with calling you lazy and second, be thankful he got your ungrateful ass anything at all. Wtf is wrong with you? Lol I thought I was an over thinker. You got me beat by farrrrrrrrrrr.
Be grateful that he even got you anything. Hell my boyfriend took our two sons to the store to get my gifts and he didn’t inspect the flowers before buying them and when he got home they had mold on them and we ended up having to throw them out but I was grateful he even took the time to go get me something after working a 12 hr shift. (Also about the flowers my son picked them out and I explained to him what we did and told him when we got the extra money then we would replace them)
If you feel hes doing it to say something about you than maybe he is men can be like that I’ve felt with it first hand just watch for this signs of mental abuse and narcissism because they go hand In hand with that kind of behavior. May not be anything to worrie about and he may be terrible at gift giving or it could get something else dont let others tell you how to think or feel about a situation.
Sloths are adorable and laid back. That’s a compliment
Maybe he was clueless in past years that he should give you something for mother’s day and something or someone informed him recently that he should give you something. I’m glad you got something from him this year
Maybe he bought you those to be lazy in not that you are lazy … just a thought.
I don’t think men think that deeply into things
It’s the thought that counts. Why complain least he got you something he didn’t have to
What! All I got was a 2021 BRONCO!
I think you are being hypersensitive and reading into things
Be glad you got something. I’m sure he would have just called you lazy instead of buying you anything.
Sloths are actually so cute! Don’t hate on the sloths because your being ungrateful
Ungrateful much? No wonder he hasn’t gotten you anything in the previous years.
Honestly that sounds adorable, I’ll be a sloth
Maybe this is why he doesn’t get you gifts?? Men… Really don’t put THAT much thought into the gift:thinking:
Oh for the love of god… get yourself some big girl panties and chill out. Sounds stressful.
You seem unappreciative af
Girl, be thankful he got you presents! He didn’t have to! He went out bought you stuff, be thankful he remembered! Some moms don’t even get anything. And he remembered the movie was something YOU wanted to watch. That’s big. And so what there’s a sloth on the pjs, wear them. He probably just was like “oh hey she’ll think these are cute” he’s a man, if he wanted to call you lazy, he would.
The sloth is totally in right now! But I’d be blunt with him and ask anyway🤷🏼♀️
sounds like you’re unappreciative of his efforts!
I mean he’s a dude, he’s probably completely oblivious you dislike sloths lmao ask him, without anger, his reasons. They’re probably gonna be, looked cool, looked cute Most men just don’t bother to think much deeper lol
Ok so I few years ago now, I had told my bf at the time, that for Xmas one year, I specifically did NOT want pots & pans, because we had just gotten a place like a month before that. But I told him, multiple times to his face, DO NOT get me pots & pans. Well guess what the dumbass got me?? Because, now mind you, his mom took him to the store to help him find me something & she told him to get me pots & pans I cried & made it well known without screaming & throwing shit that I was not happy about that situation at all. Men be dumb girl.
I didn’t get anything for mother’s day lol I would’ve loved some sloth pajamas
Sloths are cute as fuck. Just saying.
Appreciate the gift and move on.
You’re reading wayyyyyyy to far into all of that
Wow do you hear yourself! Ungrateful much!
I’d say now that a few days have passed, find a moment and ask him why that movie and why the sloth pjs. Ask with intent to listen, and then don’t react if you feel it is negative, but let him know you appreciate the thought (unless he says something mean of course) and then either regift the DVD and return ir enjoy the pjs.
My man brought home hummus and chips for me lol
You are being very selfish honestly, how thoughtful of your man to remember a movie you mentioned, buy you what he interpreted as comfy relaxing clothes and a stuffed animal. How PRECIOUS YOU ARE ADORED BY THEM
Well call me lazy af bc my phone case has sloths on it
Call him out on it. Say what you feel. Communication is key.
After reading all that it’d apparent yall need better communication in your relationship. 1st off you assumed he felt that way. He is a man and they aren’t gonna go buy something to let you know you are lazy they are gonna just tell you hey this house is a wreck clean it or they are gonna do it themselves. The movie you mentioned one time was enough for him to think ohnshe would like that and he prolly saw it on the shelf and remembered the conversation. And I hate to be that person but marvel is not suicide squad that’s DC. And I’m gonna just put this out there too . Be thankful he even got you something whether you liked it or not he put effort in and that’s so much more then a lot of people get . My husband didn’t buy me a gift but he did other things for me like making sure I was taking it easy bc I just had a c section and watching our son and our new daughter while I got to sleep and just things that are important.
OK so he’s a guy he’s probably not smart enough to try to put the 2 together like that he sees them their pajamas … they are cute or they are soft I will get those for her lol … And maybe that was pretty much all they had left and the right size !!! I think you’re over thinking this
He made an effort. Let it go.
Ungrateful at least they are trying. Make a wish list for gifts and leave it hanging up round for future
Wow, you’re very unappreciative. At least he got you something, you’re looking WAY too deep into the meaning of it. Appreciate what he got you and stop being a jerk. Honestly blown away at how snotty this is.
As someone that makes over thinking things an Olympic sport , I get it. Maybe your son helped pick out the pajamas ? Maybe he was last minute gift shopping ( like 99.9% of other men) and grabbed the first thing he saw ? Or maybe he’s just an ass….just donate them , I’m sure someone out there would love them !
I think I’d put my sloth pajamas on…sit my happy butt on the couch and enjoy that DVD he got because mommin’ is hard. Men are dumb (we love em but they are) and they don’t think into things as much as we do. So enjoy those gifts!
Wow! You’re so appreciative & grateful it’s so astounding how you can contain yourself. With that whole book of a post. I clearly don’t understand how you became a mother in the first place. I pray that your husband won’t have the urge to gauge his eyes out w a rusty spoon
Maybe youre being hypersensitive to it because you feel that way internally? I do that at times. Im sure we all do. But just be grateful and love him.
So you wasn’t happy when he didn’t buy you anything, and you’re not happy with what he has bought you?
You are very selfish. How would you feel if he acted this way when you gave him a gift?? What if your son picked it out? And even if it was from your husband your attitude about it is ugly. He got you something. I agree with people that he I didn’t have to and that at least you got something! Lots of woman didn’t. I see why he hadn’t gotten anything in the past for you. You should be ashamed. I hope for the sake of your husband and marriage you lose this ugly way of thinking. People have become so selfish and ungrateful it’s appalling
I just think he is a bad shopper and you’re reading into this a little too much lol no offense
That’s more than most of us got for Mothers Day. Put them ugly sloth pj’s on, stretch out on the couch, watch that movie and tell him you aren’t cooking dinner tonight.
Sounds like he bought you what he either could afford or wanted to be cheap. I don’t think he bought sloth pjs to call you names but because he didn’t feel like
Shopping and prob were on sale.
How do you know your kid didnt pick them out???
I think he should have got you some pot and Xanax
My husband bought me a onsie that was a purple fucking cow now when he bought it I just had our son n was already feeling like a cow n then he buys me cow outfit I hate em they are in the back of my drawer
Be THANKFUL an try to appreciate that he thought about you!!
I’d appreciate some nice sloth jammies.
Men dont think that much lmao
Some tea Brandi Brewster
“Hi from someone who got nothing for Mother’s Day”
edit just wanted to add, I’ll gladly take
Your ugly sloth pajamas and rock those babies!
Wow. Just wow! Next time buy your present yourself or stfu
Be greatful I would love pjs