My husband cheated and I found adult photos on his tablet: Advice?

Kick him to the kerb


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband cheated and I found adult photos on his tablet: Advice?

get rid of the ass right away…there are lots of good people in this world…get some help finding a nice and honest man some day after getting some help with thinking you are not worthy of having a real man and husband…boy friend…anything except the jerk you have…Get help for yourself before you try another and be sure he is honest and true.


There comes a point where you have to walk away for your own self-esteem self respect.
Clearly he doesn’t respect you by doing this. His behaviour will never change. Walk away now. You and your kids deserve someone better.

You deserve better, move on and keep your dignity and self respect

Major disrespect to you & your marriage!

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Maybe he thinks all men do it, bye, see you later. Hope the pictures keep you warm.

Show him the door so fast his feet don’t touch the ground. A leopard never changed his spots. Get your self respect back


I personally found a leopard doesnt change its spots… the leopard even told me so.


Somebody is just making up these stories to get people to engage .
And we fall for it!
Giving advise…
Feeling bad…
Thinking we are helping…
I just don’t think so🤷‍♀️

And its a woman’s nature not to tolerate men like this. He is a dog in a closet and she deserves better. He sees nothing wrong with it so he is not going to stop. The ball is now in her court. There are good men out there. Find one.


Lots of men do. And get caught. Lots of women file for divorce also. Nothing wrong with that either.

Not all men “do it”. It won’t be long before he needs a young skinny brunette in person. It’s a tough decision, but if you stay, you’ll always be facing this problem.

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It’s your choice whether you end the relationship or not. Only you can decide that. Just know that he won’t change, no matter what he SAYS, so if you decide to stay in the relationship, this is your life from this point forward.

having porn is normal. if it was an actual woman he could meet then i would worry. but it not. so let it go.


Time to walk away. He’s being a guy. Not a man. There’s a difference. His treatment of you will make you unhappy and in effect your children unhappy. He’s also setting the tone for how your son(s) (if you have one or any) will treat their women and how your daughter(s) (if you have one or any) will let themselves be treated. That is unacceptable. If anything should stop this behavior of his it should be that and I’d tell him so. I do not buy into “once a cheater always a cheater”. It’s easier to slip into yes if you have a history, but there are those few who seek help, therapy and go to couples counseling who stop.
Your man doesn’t seem to be one of them. The bottom line is that it hurts you and that should be enough. He’s laughing it off like it’s a joke but he knows. He knows he’s wrong. Time to show him the consequences for crossing your boundaries and leave. You deserve better. So do your kids.


This man will never change. Only going to get worse. Boot him out. They never change. Get rid of him. You deserve better.

I’m just gonna say my husband doesn’t so not all men do it.

Major character flaws. Leave.

All men do not do it…and yes, it is a problem!!


Leave now don’t waste anymore time doesn’t respect you all women are young at the beginning they all get old he is insecure be strong and don’t buy his asinine responses not all men cheat your worth more

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Get out now! I found the same thing on my exs computer at home! After the divorce I found out he’s always been watching that shit!

No doubt in my mind that if the shoe were on the other foot and you were the one doing this, he wouldn’t put up with it- and you shouldn’t either.


Time for him to leave and you to walk away he’ll never change because he thinks he’s done nothing wrong and your not going to do anything and will stay


If u can kick him out and divorce him. He’s never changing . Trust me on this!

Why is he still in your life?

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Not all men cheat I was married for 15 years and I never cheated my ex ended up cheating on me

Same old story. What ? What’s wrong with you? What did I do ?

Drop his ass fast and make sure he pays the child support. He’s got a sex addiction and isn’t going stop.


This is not about right or wrong but about him not being sensitive to what hurts you…

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Pack up the kids and get out.

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Get rid of him hes not worth the misery

No, all men don’t do it.


Not mine no way no how

He’s a jerk and he will cheat again. Kick him to the curb.

What jerk and that is nicest thing I could say.

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My life Motto after having kids and trying relationships :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ok in my relationship with my husband we set boundaries in the dating stage, we both watch p*rn, I’m ok with it. Yes alot of guys are pigs and it’s not helping that he cheated on you. If this is something that is a deal breaker for you then it needs to be resolved by a professional in a professional setting. You need a third party to be your mediator, as it seems that the cheating issue wasn’t fully resolved. If you are both willing to work on things and actually get the issue resolved then that’s great if not then you guys need to come together as parents and amicably initiate divorce proceedings. Best of luck mama

Kick his ass out the door,as fast as you can

Take your kids and leave.

He will do it again.How can you ever trust him again.He’s a pig.

get rid of him once a cheat always a cheat !!!

Once a cheater always a cheater.

Leave and take care of you and your mental health honey he ain’t worth it find your peace and God bless you and your family

You don’t need him!!

Leave him!!! Quickly

Dump him. He’s a jerk.

Drop his ass. Not all men do it

Kick him out go she a lawyer

once a cheater always a cheater :weary:

He’s nothing but a lying cheating scumbag dump is as fast

Once a cheater always a cheater

Always man hating. Dog hating post here.

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Go and check out Esther Perrell on infidelity. Your husband somehow thinks he needs to find satisfaction elsewhere and it may not have anything to do wihh the you! Encourage him to go to a therapist, specifically a sex therapist. What he shared with you, that u need to get over it is not right, he needs to acknowledge that he has done something that has hurt you

Coming from a similar situation, he doesn’t get to do that anymore. If he wants to stay, he has to spend every day earning and keeping your trust.

“Staying together for the kids” is extremely problematic and while you may think theres still love it sounds like its pretty much just one sided
He cheated not just one time but for 3 months continues to fawn over other naked women then dismisses your feelings about it
Thats not love hes keeping you around for his own gain not bc he still has love for you
Leave or spend your life in a miserable relationship where you dont feel like youre good enough

I think counseling would help. He needs someone else besides you to tell him what he’s doing isn’t ok and is hurtful.

Someone who does not feel they are doing anything wrong will continue to do so. You need to think about whether or not you want to continue to put yourself through the pain his repeated actions will cause you.

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He sounds like a narcissist…smh…I would leave…its a red flag! You can never trust someone who has betrayed you…the trust…the attraction…You wont feel.good enough…and anything you do wont be good enough for him…don’t hurt yourself…and don’t get blinded by the title. “Husband” its the principal of the situation…NOONE SHOULD NEVER MAKE YOU FEEL.LESS THEN!.. And I wouldnt stick around…just for the kids…thats more toxic…and your kids deserve to see you happy…bc eventually theyre going to see a change in your guys behavior…and it will effect them…so you need to do.whats best for you…Im sure you love him and that’s all you know right now…but hunny believe me there is someone out there that will cherish you…and wouldnt do anything to hurt you…or make you feel less then what you deserve…and a good influence on your kids…let a narcissistic dumbass by his self…believe me karma is very real…and he will feel.the pain…that your going through… #BEENTHERE​:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:#NARCISSISTICSURVIVOR

I probably would not have taken him back after cheating but i would not trip on him having porn :woman_shrugging:

Let him cheat in peace :peace_symbol: and just leave .

He’s clearly not gonna change. Only you can make the decision on what to do. You need to realize you’re worth more than his treatment. Sending prayers your way.

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Get rid of him he’ll never change

My wife would chop off my ballsack if i ever even thought of cheating.

When he goes to work pack his shit put it out the front & change the locks if needed. Lets see who will be laughing then…

I’m annoyed for you that he thinks he just gets a pass to do things like that after he had a whole affair. & it’s not just some pictures if they literally resemble the girl he cheated with, clearly he’s not over her. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if he does it again because the laughing etc just screams a “eh she’ll just forgive me again” attitude.


Some of these comments about you needing to change, or men look at porn and just get over it… I’m noticing are coming from girls who’s prefrontal cortex aren’t even fully developed yet… do what you will with that information.
after cheating… trying to work on your marriage is :100: what he should be invested in, anything less… you’re too good for.


The fact he laughed means he does not respect you. At that point I’d be kicking him out…


Ok well women do it too then. See how he likes it. That’s what I would do. Foh lol

Cheat back he deserves it

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Porn is no big deal but cheating…thats a whole other ball game. You can always kick him out, and make him pay child support. A new relationship is so much better. Why be with a loser

Get rid of a man who lies, cheats and hen tries to steal from you…

He’s going to do as much as you put up with ! Why do you want to be with someone that lies and cheats on you ?

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He should be trying his best to be a man of integrity to you, given the extreme breach of trust in the past. That’s not how you work on a marriage. Not all men do that, either.

I used to have a problem with porn…not anymore tho. It’s the laughing that annoyed me. Probably the lockdown is what is keeping him there but u will always have this doubt whenever he starts acting weird aka locking his phone, late nights early days, staying on his phone more, u know sus things u noticed right before u found out.

The disrespect is bigger for the then the actual porn. Leave he has no respect and doesn’t care how it makes you feel and for the record…not all men do it and sometimes even if they do they stop after knowing it is bothersome for you.

Porn is one thing… it’s the cheating and laughing in your face for me. I’m happy y’all wanna try to move past the cheating but the moment he laughed at you I would have snapped. It is a complete disregard for your feelings and you voicing your feelings!

I’d say see your ass out the door and file for divorce

U deserve better than him :relieved: move on it will be hard but staying with him really should be an option :100:

Your marriage is over, so move on

If they are just famous women then its no different than a playboy magazine. If that is all he is doing then no its not a divorce able offense. If he is looking at or talking to actual reachable women again then yes dump his ass.

Well, I just found porn on my husband of 39 years, on his phone. I was hurt and embarrassed, felt insecure. Cause way back in the day, he did leave me for someone else. Moved past that. Let me say this most men do this. I 'm not trying to make excuses, just stating a fact. Most men think with the other head, if you know what I mean.

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No, Really, what’s wrong with you that you would even stay with someone like that? Girl, go find you a man that really loves and appreciates you. They do exist!

Personally I would leave him. In my experience once someone cheats they will do it again

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All men do NOT do it. Dump him. Some men are just not monogamous and never will be. The computer stuff is just another form of cheating.

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He has no respect for you. Get rid of the bum.
Do not bad mouth him to your children. You be the one with class. Before you notify him of your intentions you go to every divorce attorney in town for a consultation. That will limit his ability to find a good lawyer.
You file for divorce without saying a word to him. Have the papers served to him while he is at work. Have a sherif accompany him to the house to remove his clothing. YOU DO NOT LEAVE. Unless you are in danger you do not leave the house. You get him out.
Get a lawyer ASAP!!!

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Bullshit if the shoe was on the other foot he’d be pissed, mine did that then he started sexting them, he’s been doing it for 6 + yrs now and he says it’s not cheating, just keep an eye on it if he starts to sext them nail him, give him a choice to go get counseling, or get out

Doesn’t his response say enough?


If he got at home no need to look for it

He shows no respect for woman

Gosh , u forgave him once , it’s time to seek professional like a lawyer .

Maybe see a lawyer first to draw up necessary papers (relieving you of HIS debts, assure there will child/spouse support,etc.)
Get outta Dodge ASAP!

He never will think it’s wrong.

Kick him to the curb! Broken trust is hard to get fixed.

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all men don’t do it AT ALL …kick his ass and balls to the curb

Be done. Not bc of what he is doing but bc of what he is NOT doing. He doesn’t respect you and he never will. Just start the leaving. But do so with your best interests in mind. Be smart. Find someone who respects YOU

I would dump his disrespectful narcissistic ass . I have a lovely woman who i love and I dont look at porn she is everything I need To me she is the most beautiful woman in the world

Porn isn’t cheating🤦‍♀️