Hi everybody, my husband had a three-month affair last year just before lockdown. We spent lockdown together ( for the kids ) and realized there was still love there, so we’re giving it a go. He thinks he has his feet firmly under the table now and has started again being a bit cocky. Today I went on his tablet to see something. I found lots of pictures of famous naked women, all of one type ( young, skinny, and brunette). The girl he cheated on me with is, yep, you guessed it, young skinny, and brunette. I confronted him, and his answer while laughing was all men do it, and I should get over it. He doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong.
I’m sorry love. That’s not okay
This happened to me a few years ago (emotional affair) and I looked through his browser history and was disgusted with what I found. He had a few secret emails he was doing things he shouldn’t have been doing. I confronted him and told him it was either me and our at the time 4 week old daughter or the things he was doing. I forgave him but still resent him to this day. Give him an ultimatum and stick to it. You deserve to be treated right.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband cheated and I found adult photos on his tablet: Advice?
If my husband laughed in my face over me confronting him about my feelings. He would be served with divorce papers the next day.
Live with it or leave
“Staying together for the kids” is extremely problematic and while you may think theres still love it sounds like its pretty much just one sided
He cheated not just one time but for 3 months continues to fawn over other naked women then dismisses your feelings about it
Thats not love hes keeping you around for his own gain not bc he still has love for you
Leave or spend your life in a miserable relationship where you dont feel like youre good enough
Noone has the right to tell you what is or isnt right in your relationship based on what is or isnt right in their relationship
Obviously you feel its not ok in your relationship and thats valid
He either respects the simple request of staying loyal to you and only you (you define what is or isnt cheating in your relationship) or you leave or you stay while he continues to not be loyal to you
Everyone’s definition of cheating is different. Some people consider watching porn cheating, some think just confiding in a person outside the relationship is cheating. Others feel like having sex with someone else isn’t as long as there’s no emotional connection or kissing. Our opinion doesn’t matter. You have to make that decision yourself. Personally, I don’t see what he did as cheating. If there were pictures of a chick he/you know I’d be a little more pissed. But think of it like this… does he have a shot with any of those famous people, hell better yet do any of them even know he exists?? Probably not. So it’s not like he’s going to run to Victoria Justice’s or Kate Beckinsale’s (or whoever else’s) house and sleep with them.
It’s pictures of famous women? That’s not cheating. That’s being a typical man. 90% of men look at naked women. Women do the same, if ya don’t you’re weird. If that woman looks like the previous woman he cheated with then leave if that makes you uncomfortable. I’ve been cheated on multiple times, and if you continue to go back to that man, that’s your fault. Clearly he won’t stay faithful so you need to leave. The first time is his fault, every time after that is yours for not leaving after the first.
Get rid of him. Stop letting him disrespect you and stop disrespecting yourself.
Some men like porn. If you don’t like it leave him.
Or if you gonna stay atleast cheat back🙄
It’s nothing wrong he’s just looking …
All people look at picnic look at men but watch porn with my partner
I don’t see anything wrong with it. Hell, I send pics to hubby and vice versa.
Usually once they cheat it happens again not always, but usually, I feel like that’s the same as porn almost and people do that, however your going to feel insecure because of his “type”, now and there’s always gonna be a grudge there for what he did, it’s extremely hard to mend that again and when not in lockdown things are very different and he has more time to do what he pleases since he felt the need to before. I wish you the best tho.
Wtf is wrong with y’all?! Any type of cheating is WRONG! If ur gonna go screw around with other females then you might as well be single. If I was you I’d leave. Like I was taught once a cheater always a cheater. He’s gonna keep doing it. He probably thinks it’s a game and that ur not gonna leave cuz u didn’t leave the first time.
Watching porn it happens … but taking action with a women is a whole different story hopefully you have your ducks in a row and are ready for a single life and remind him he’s on a second chance just in case since you already been down that road …
Lol freedom speech
Whom ever wants to expose there situation gunna get facts period .
If you do t like it ignore you don’t get to question or judge my comment …
Did he physically cheat as in talking to her personally with intent to meet or is it porn? I’m confused.
Ok when it comes to porn it literally varies from relationship to relationship. If you’ve talked about it before and said porn was ok then him having pics of famous people naked isn’t really cheating but if you already expressed that you felt like it would be cheating before he downloaded the pics then it is cheating. If it was something that was never discussed then it’s something you two need to have a discussion about and decide (together) if it is or not. As for cheating in the past, that’s in the past and you’ve already moved on from it by giving him another chance.
welli would show him the door,one a cheater always a cheater.and having porn on his phone
Once a cheater always a cheater
He will always cheat
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband cheated and I found adult photos on his tablet: Advice?
It’s celebrities. Literally someone he has no chance with more than likely. However if you’re still concerned he’s gonna actually cheat then leave. No sense in wondering all the time.
Sounds like an ass. Save yourself a load of hurt and just divorce him, otherwise he’s going to continue to do it. What you don’t change, you accept.
Personally I wouldn’t care about celebs and looking but it’s the cheating I would never trust or forgive
Leave hes comfortable with disrespecting you and thats not going to chance
Divorce him!! He’ll end up giving you a disease!! He’s a total piece of WORTHLESS S**T!!!
Most men never want to admit he’s wrong I can’t tell u what to do but if he doesn’t want help.u.have a desicion to make it will hurt but in the end you’ll thank yourself please make the right choice you’ll be fine my dear
What!? You need advice for this? Really? Wow, isn’t it obvious that he doesn’t love you and you don’t need to stay with him? I don’t care if you guys share kids, all they’d do is be witness to his lack of love, respect, and ability to be a man and tell you he doesn’t want to be with you anymore instead of just cheating on you.
If you’re ok with him acting and behaving this way, then stay and make it work in whatever way it will. It doesn’t sound as if he has much respect for you as his wife or as a woman. Are you ok with that, or do you find you have more value? My advice is to value yourself first and do as you want. Only you can truly make this decision.
Do yourself a favor and don’t waste any more of your life with this man. You might miss the opportunity to find someone who genuinely loves and respects you…you are teaching your children this is acceptable behavior
Make plans for one of you moving out, after seeing a divorce lawyer. Apparently he’s not just a chauvinist, he’s a narcissist. If your & his wedding vows didn’t include polyamorus side dishes, then let him go hungry elsewhere.
Know your worth! This man doesn’t have enough sense to have you! I stayed with a cheater. It never ended. I now have someone who cares for me in ways I never knew. You deserve the world.
Punch him in the …
Don’t waste another day in this Jerk!
How long before you put his cheating ass out
Leave… u have the best if him already the kids u nothing more
If you let him get away with this he will think he can do as he wants, stand your ground and kick him out!! My last husband did something very similar and kept promising to stop/change and he would for a while only to start again, blaming me because he wasn’t getting what he wanted from me which by the way I couldn’t do anything right so yeah. Love yourself and your kids enough to give him his walking papers!! Like others have said, the kids will grow up thinking that this behavior is ok because YOU accepted it.
Narcissistic and controlling. Leave him alone!! You deserve better
My advice is don’t give him a second chance to prove he doesn’t respect or value you. Believe him the first time.
When a person starts cheating, stopping is almost impossible. It’s like smoking.
Oh HELLLLL no! I’d leave his a@@ so fast!!!
typical to laugh and blame it on all men…give him the last laugh and walk away, sounds like a narcissist. Prayers for strength your way
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband cheated and I found adult photos on his tablet: Advice?
Couples counseling STAT. This affair was rugswept and now every little thing is going to bring it to the surface. Still having love isn’t enough to fix it, you have to put the work in too.
He does not respect you and he will do it again.
He’s treating you how you allow him to treat you. No not all men do that. Very disrespectful
No you should NOT just get over it. He fucked up and shouldn’t be able to speak to you that way. Honestly, if he isn’t willing to stop chatting with other women, not look at naked photos and just focus on you and the kids you need to do your own thing and allow him to see what he is missing. Don’t settle for tht behavior. It’s not okay and not normal.
You poor thing. Leave his ass.
Counseling… it wasn’t dealt with and now it’s coming to surface. You never had time to heal. It’s like he’s stabbing a open wound. Not all men do this. I’m allowed to grab my husband’s phone or any device at anytime and he’s free to do the same with me. One time we got our phones mixed up and ended up having each other’s phones for 15 hours. No biggie. If you allow him to treat you like this he will continue to do so.
Uh men look at porn. So do a lot of women. Just because he cheated before, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be allowed to look at porn. If you can’t handle that, then leave. But to me it’s not that big of a deal.
Nahhh kick his ass to the curb
I personally wouldnt have any issues with “famous” naked ladies. Just like I dont have issues with porn. However what is good for one relationship may not be good for others. I def recommend counseling/therapy. If he refuses then you have your real answer
He will do it again and has no remorse about it honesty don’t bother or you will be be in the same place again.His choices show in his actions.Keep your head up and do you and your kids.
Dye ur hair brunette if it still going on leave
Its like when an alcoholic quits then later on gets caught drinkin beer but insists that it doesnt count, like my gramma used to say “you’ll have whatever you’ll put up with”
Color your hair brunette and leave his ass
Love does not concur all. Without trust what is left in the relationship? Your children will be fine and you have no idea what a burden it is on you,always thinking he is gonna do it again. Leaving will hurt, it is the demise of the life you planned. Once you get through the stages of this loss you will see how much happier you are. Good luck!
He’s gas lighting you. Don’t fall for it. Leave if you can.
Please don’t tolerate that. That’s not what I’d call love and it’s not what all men do.
Oh jeez guys look at porn, get over it
People seem to think love is what a relationship is it’s so much more you need respect and once that is no longer being served you have to leave the table x
That because even when he did u forgave him …course he thinks this is OK cocky asshole out the door he’d go
Girl. If counseling don’t work…
You will never get over it.
So sad to think that so many other women deal with the same thing I did. I know how hard it is to leave but it will never stop and once you find the strength or way out, you will be so glad you did!! You are strong enough and don’t deserve someone like that. I am so sorry for what you are going through!
He crossed a boundary and you two are supposed to be merging back together. Your feelings are valid. Do you want to always feel like this?
Leave !! If he answer like that to you just leave means he gunna keep on cheating as long you forgive him he not gunna stop
He’ll cheat again. Never “do it for the kids”
Boys act like that, men don’t. If it bothers you and you talk to him he should be noting how things make you feel and YOU should be the priority! His actions should not ever be to hurt or make you feel bad. But communication is key make sure he knows how you feel about it. If he still blows it off like nothing then you may have bigger things to think about. But communicate and don’t beat around the bush when your talking lay it all out there.
Umm Idk my husband doesn’t have any naked pics of famous people lmao he’d just watch porn. Pics don’t do shit for him
tell him he isn’t acting like a married man he is actually acting like a careless teenage boy . so he can pack up his clothes and go home to his mama’s house
Once a cheater always a cheater
as a child that comes from parents who “did it for the kids” please do not do it for the kids.
Get rid of him! Once a cheater always a cheater.
Nope! He manipulated the situation and doesn’t respect you.
Not all men. Real men create and respect boundaries with partners and don’t do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.
Do yourself a favour and leave!
You might find a man who has some respect for you and himself!
Sounds a lot like my ex partner x
Kick him out of your life
At least it’s pictures of celebrities not his girlfriends. Guys are going to look. You decide to take him back🤷
Push him to the curb.
No, not all men do that. Look at porn, that’s normal, but to cheat on you, and to still have her picture on there.
I would Confront him with Divorce papers and when he asked What’s this? I would answer him while laughing and say that All women with Cheating Husbands do it and that he should sign them and Get over it…
If you’re not taking care of business in the relationship, making sure your partners needs are met, then there is a certain amount of meeting your own needs without them that could be considered cheating. Because you’re not being a considerate partner. There may be schedule issues or times when you guys just can’t meet each other’s needs especially when you have kids but if you’ve tried to communicate in a healthy way and they aren’t willing to listen or make adjustments with you to try then it’s clear what their real intentions are.
Run! Hes a loser u deserve better
While I’m not sure why your hung up on the fact he has adult content on his tablet… I means he’s an adult and can do that the cheating I would not forget. You allowed him to disrespect you once but staying with him after her cheated. You can’t really be surprised he’s going to do it again.
yes most men do it but that doesnt make it right once a cheater always a cheater
It’s one thing for a man to watch porn but to download pictures and things and have them actually SAVED? Weird. I would be pissed.
I’m guessin… perhaps he should suck his own dick… while paying child support…
you will endure what you will allow
My boyfriend used to watch porn until I told him how much it truly bothered me. He hasnt watched a video since. You deserve respect and boundaries and he isnt giving them to you. Hes making it out to be that you’re over reacting which you are not.
I dont see anything wrong with naked pics of celebrities and not women that he is talking to. But I wouldnt have took him back after he cheated. Dont be shocked if he cheats on you again.
Pack a bag and see if he’s still laughing then
It’s is wrong and porn is wrong and harmful no matter who tries to perpetuates the agenda. I would get a stable healthy counselors (they aren’t always that way) or maybe even reach out to a pastor or other leader for help.
He’s not sorry. That should tell you everything you need to know.
He’s addicted to sex and porn. Porn is fine in a relationship when BOTH parties are on board with it. If one isn’t, its just disrespectful.
I could care less what’s in my husband’s spank bank…I enjoy porn myself BUT divorce papers would’ve been filed as soon as I found out he cheated
Why are you still with him?
Wants to cheater always a cheater throw his ass out and get a divorce