My husband complained to his mom that I bring baby to bed but I am exhausted: Help?

What was your in laws suggestions then

I never had this problem but I have seen people place a glove full of something like rice on the baby so they get the felling your there all the time give it a try stay in her room with her place it on her see if she falls for it others have and sleep next to the crib

Some things got to give… Mil needs to mind her own unless she wants to do the work herself…


Tell him to go sleep on the floor or at his moms when you get married it is you and him not him and his mom. I have a daughter in law and I know my lane but I raised a man that better do what is right and help his wife


*Uck him and his unhelpfulness. Do what you need to keep the peace with your parents and get yourself sleep. He is a coward for telling his mom, like you are siblings fighting. He needs to suck it up. I’m sure if he was up every night he would do the same thing


Tell your husband he has a few good options. 1. Go sleep with his mommy. 2. Go sleep in the empty room baby was in. 3. Help 4. Get over it.


Imagine your baby cries to you and the mother in law big old baby is still crying too all these years later :sweat_smile:

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Do what you need to do to get some sleep!!!Put her in your bed right away and stop
Waiting the two hours then maybe you can get even more sleep!!! He will deal or he can sleep on the couch.


I say, make dad help at night so he understands how stubborn babies/toddlers can be at night. He needs to step up. On another note if you really wanna break the co sleeping, get a white noise machine (this is what we have done and it works for our 19 month old) for nighttime. Anytime she wakes up, don’t talk or turn any lights on. Just get up and pat her bum gently until she falls asleep again. We weaned our daughter out of co sleeping by letting her fall asleep in my arms in our bed and putting her in her crib once she fell asleep and that’s how we broke the cycle. But mama, you’re working too hard. Dad needs to help out, that’s not fair. Especially when he views your parenting differently. Best of luck mama! :heart:

One thing I did when my daughter had difficulty sleeping was put one of my shirts in bed with her (I put it on her pillow over the pillow case— she was about 15-16 months old). It helped a lot! Not sure if you’ve tried this yet. BUT as a father, he’s going to have to understand this is life with kids, you need your sleep too mama

I say put a mattress on the floor in baby’s room for now. Let her sleep with you in it when she wakes up. Deal with this problem AFTER you move into the new house. Y’all are both worn out and need sleep. Two tired people aren’t in the best situation to resolve this right now. You won’t remember this problem in a couple years. Don’t add more stress to your current situation, just do what you can now. Even if you tell your husband you don’t like that he griped to his mom, he already did it. Just get through each day.

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No one knows how hard it is to be a mother except another mother. Tell your jerk of a husband, you helped make her, but you don’t seem to like the way I try to make Everyone happy so you take over. I’m certain you’ll be great.

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Never I mean never sleep with the child, no one said motherhood was easy.

My little girls love to sleep with me since it’s the only way to get them to sleep.It should never be a problem for both parents that kids are sleeping in the bed with them.Pretty much he needs to deal with your baby sleeping with you two and let you get rest.Motherhood is not easy at all

Blow up mattress and sleep in her room or he can take the couch for a couple of months? I didn’t co-sleep cause I was afraid I would smother my son. Plus my Mom never did with any of us. But I wasn’t in your situation either.

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I agree. Move to her room and sleep! My daughter is 3 and has slept with me since she was 6 weeks old. It’s just me and her in the bed tho. She got rsv when she was younger and has slept with me since. A year and a half ago she started having seizures. One night she had one that woke me up bc she sleeps with me. Seizures as one may know aren’t loud have no real sounds and if she was in bed by herself…I dread to think what may have happened to her. She’s woken up at night screaming in pain… took her to er she had double ear infections…I am all for cosleeping if it’s done safely. They said she should grow out of her seizures by the time she’s 5. Til then, I’m all about her beING next to me. Plus some studies have even said it’s good for both parent and child. Just do what you are comfy with and let the rest go.

So our 4th and last kid slept with us until she was 2 (not for lack of trying) and I bribed her with shopkins. My husband trusted me to do what I needed to do, to be able to be ok. Your husband shouldn’t be complaining about you to anyone, least of all your mil. This isn’t about you and the fact that you’re letting your daughter sleep with you guys. It’s about his lack of respect for you.

The fact of the matter is, and you even said it, you need sleep. Period end of discussion. For right now you are in a temporary situation and you need to explain to EVERYONE that first and foremost you will parent how you decide to parent, secondly YOU NEED SLEEP and remind them that you are actually helping out everyone in the house because you could easily let the baby wake everyone up every single night, and lastly you need to tell your husband that you dont appreciate him talking shit to his mother about the way you are parenting your child. It’s none of her fucking business anyways. And as I said, this is all temporary anyways so everyone can just get the fuck over it. You do what YOU need to do and everyone else can just deal with it. End of story.

Nothing wrong with Co sleeping. I did it with my son and my twin girls…hell even with my husband son…dnt ask long story…if they fell asleep in the bed with me after a,feeding or playing I’d leave em be or if they woke up in the middle of the night I’d just let em sleep with me…never had a problem wen it come time to make them sleep in their own bed

Why is this just your problem to solve? When is it the husbands turn to get up and figure it out!!!

Hits so close to home. I tried for 15 years. Gave my absolute everything to a man I thought wanted all the things I did. Would always say he wanted things to work when I would finally have enough, and would try for a bit. It always went right back. Would always turn things around and make things seem like they were my fault or I was crazy. I stayed because we had two kids and I thought I was doing what was best for them. It didn’t truly hit me that I needed to leave until my youngest daughter told me she never wanted to get married because she didn’t want to get yelled at all the time. Please leave. Let your kids know that’s not what love is. I’ve been on my own for three years now and I’ve somehow been better off financially. Definitely better off emotionally. My girls are thriving. Just being out of that toxic environment has done absolute wonders. I hope you find the strength to do what’s needed. :heart::heart::heart:

many aspects I can relate to on this… I am so sorry you are hurting. It is a very difficult decision to make BUT you do deserve to be happy and to have the respect and partnership in life you need and want. and your kids need the roll model to teach them. You have to fight for you. You and you kids… you have said it your self he will not change and it will all be your fault. Accepting the things you can not change is harder than it sounds. the 1st step is the hardest and the scariest, but you are a woman, a mom, a fighter and will overcome! Toxic is toxic. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! thoughts and prayers…

Is there a salvation army or something similar near you? Go there & explain your situation, they should be able to help you or send you to someone who can. It’s a very daunting situation to be in when you have no where to go or the finances to leave. Reach out to services available to you. Good luck! & Yes, you & your babies definitely deserve better!

Sounds like you need to man up and leave him. Get on waiting lists for daycares. Utilize your resources.

YOU KNOWNTHE ANSWER. . Do whats best for you and your kids. Emotional abusebis still ABUSE!


omg i just read my life to a T with my husband only we have 2 kids and i work full time, do everything around the house and more plus raise our boys as he works long hrs and only has one week off per month.

This was my 7 month olds father. I left him :woman_shrugging:t4: so far happiest 4 weeks of my life

Pray pray leave him and pray some more I have a similar situation and I’m going to leave as soon as I can produce money to take care of my kids and myself I have 7 kids may god be with you and pray

If u stay it’s going to get worse and then dhs/CPS is going to step in and u aren’t going to stop them from doing what’s best for you and your kids and remove them from the home.
I know this can happen I’ve seen it.
U need to out get out now.

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Find a woman’s shelter they help a lot of women get back on there feet … I will be praying for you

Tell him to man the fuck up and help so you aren’t exhausted and not to whine to his mommy.

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I’d pack my shit and leave? Got one relative or friend that’s willing to help until you get a job and back on your feet?

Go to your local womens center for some counseling, probably free, before you decide what to do.
You have decisions to make and there may be options you haven’t thought of or don’t know about.

Sounds like you already know what you want or need to do. You don’t need anyone’s permission.

Join a mom’s group they’ll help support you

get professional help or get out its not good for you or your kids

Doesn’t seem like it is a marriage that is worth staying.

It’s none of his mother’s business & why TF are you with this guy ? Sounds like a real loser… you’ll be better off without him :+1:

Get some birth control ( it’s free at most health departments) and stop having more children that continue to tie you to this loser.

If you don’t leave him you’re just as stupid as he is


Again with this shit?

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Nothing worse then a meddling mother inlaw. Tell her myob! She raised hers the way she wanted and you have the right to do the same with yours. I don’t see the harm in letting her nap with you, she probably feels a little unsettled right now, kids have an awesome six seance. No shame on you, do ad you please

I only have a 5mo old so I am not sure how it is with older children, but if the roles were reversed and my husband brought our son to bed I would not be happy.
Personally, I would dedicate a weekend to sleep training, screaming included, and let your parents know that’s how it has to be until she learns how to sleep on her own again. She’s old enough it shouldn’t take too long.
My husband and I both work, but we both share middle of the night responsibilities of OUR son, as it should be.


You do what you have to do to suit the situation. Whatever makes your lives better. You cannot make the night any longer, so unless Dad would like to volunteer to work the nightly schedule, and be the Dad who donates HIS time and expertise, Love for child AND Mom, to assist the child to become comfortable enough to sleep in her own bed then they can all sleep better, then he must have a better idea.

It seems the time is not going to be forever. So tough it out. And for heavens sake Don’t go telling His Mom what He thinks his partner in life is doing to show that she is making bad decisions raising His child. .

I t seems to always be the Mom who must make the sacrifices that might affect HER health while that of everyone else she must protect. (That is not true in some homes.)
She is supposed to sleep on the Floor to make sure Dad gets His rest??? I don’t think so…

Im so thankful that I have a husband that realises our children arent robots that can be trained by a book. I myself don’t even sleep through the night. Changes and stress can change all of us. I guarantee he wont be sleeping with you forever and I feel your husband is being selfish. Whats his mama gonna do about it ? If he doesn’t like it he has 2 choices. Sleep in another room , or stay up all night with baby while you get rest. Seems like you are finding something that helps everyone sleep better.


Well just tell em if they can do better then they can get their ass up and do better. Why does everyone think moms can function on no rest?

Did u explain all of these things to your husband?? If u did and he still complains thats not so good :disappointed: if not I would tell him all these things because if he has a better understanding of the reasoning he may be more accepting of her being in there


Two hours, she’d be in the bed right away. Her whole world has changed and I’m sure she needs that reassuring time with you. Do what u feel is right, and take care of that precious child. It’s not forever.

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MIL needs to mind her own business, and should have told her son to talk to you, not her!! I would put a twin mattress in babies room, and sleep in there with her when she cries out. When you get into your house you can sleep train. And tell your hubby to quit being a tattletale!


Because of your current living arrangements I think you’re doing okay. MIL needs to mind her own business and hubby should be discussing this with you. You both work so unless he wants to get up and take shifts he should just chill. Sounds like its only for a few more months.

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Your mother in law needs to mind her own business and if your husband doesn’t like the way you’re handling it , then tell him to get up in the middle of the night every night and handle it.


Yes its grandmas house but shes your child. My first questions are how long of a nap is she taking during the day? How late in the day is she napping? Who watches her while you are working? I’ve raised 4 children and help raise my. 9 grandkids. One of my gkids was doing same thing because daycare was making her take 2 &1/2 hr naps at 130 in the afternoon. Basically so they didn’t have to watch the kids. Once we stopped the long naps bedtime was delightful.

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FIRST of all he has NO business even talking to her about your life and your decisions. That is between you and him,That would be my first gripe. She has no business with an opinion. I would do whatever I had to do to sleep at this point unless he would like to help there.

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When our kids where babies they slept with us. It’s only for a season a very small season. Try putting the play pin in the room. Maybe your baby just needs to know you are near.

Your MIL shouldn’t be anywhere in this equation. Her opinion is irrelevant and your husband is wrong for complaining to his mom. Keep it private between the 2 of you.

I had to resort to sleep training my twins at 13 months. It was a weekend of crying it out, but they survived and it worked in less then 30 mins both nights. I’m sure there were some who disagreed with me at the time, but they are happy, healthy and very smart, and I was desperate.

Mommy dearest needs to get a hobby and mind her place.


You do what you have to do!!! If your husband doesn’t understand, then he should deal with it. As for your mil, nicely tell her that her son should talk to his wife about it and she should mind her own business. My son slept in our bed for 10 months, everynight.


Put baby in a play pin or Bassett near you. Then it’s not so far away from you to walk. You can always cover the side so they can’t hear or see you when you do the married deed. He will be happier because it’s not in the same bed, youll be happier because it’s easier and baby will be happy knowing you are near by. Remember he was in your womb for 9 months, so if he’s close by than he or she will sleep better. We have a tradition that we never sleep with our infants unless it’s super cold, but we do sleep with them close by, it makes them feel secure, but enough to learn to sleep without you.

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Then he can put the baby to sleep :woman_shrugging:t4: sorry but the minute my husband runs to his mom he can go sleep with her.


If you are living with your parents, I would tell MIL to butt out.


Sleep with your daughter and set up a bed in The other room for him! BAM! Everyone gets sleep!


You should complain to your husband that he SHOULDN’T bring his MOTHER into your marriage by telling her WHAT GOES ON IN YOUR MARRIAGE…


Use white noise machine for all. It’s Awesome.

No no no. Do what works right now and if he has an issue with that then tell both of them he can get up and put her to sleep himself


MIL needs to mind her own business!


It’s my bed and none of her business what I do. Let your husband know this.

Put your husband in the baby’s room and the baby in bed with you. Everyone gets to sleep :sleeping:

If you need the baby to sleep in your bed just do it. You husband needs to grow up and keep his mother out of it.


Dad needs to crawl out of mommies womb! He’s a big boy now! My EX pulled that garbage! Notice EX!!

Did anybody body really read this story?! Everyone referring to the baby as a “him” and she clearly stated it was a girl. Hard to take advice from ppl when they are calling your child a boy when it’s a girl

It is not your MIL can’t believe she sticking her two cents in , you do what u have to to get sleep !!!he shouldn’t complain to his Mom about your personal life