made plans for hubbys bday and he pretty much asked me why I would take him to the restaurant I took him too and asked why I would think he would want the kids with us for his dinner… I’m at a loss for words. Can’t stop crying. Just feel like this is it for us, I don’t want to do this anymore. I didn’t plan for a sitter bc whenever we’re alone, we don’t talk. There is no communication back and forth except bickering. This just showed me how much I don’t want to be in this relationship anymore. I feel terrible for my kids that this is the father they have to grow up with, wish I would have planned that one better. Now he’s saying he doesn’t want any gifts at all & my son is in tears bc he doesn’t understand why he can’t give his father the card he made and present he picked out. I hate this man & I hate this for my kids. UGH
Exactly what I was thinking
Sounds like you’ve answered the question yourself, you need to leave & make a new happy life for you & your son
Girl the best thing you can do for you and specially for your kids is to MOVE ON
Men and some women (like me) get over the fuss of it all
We just like family gathering which are a great way to reflect
You need to have a Long Time Out to think about the Relationship
Don’t get between him and his children. Let his children give him the things they’ve made him. You give him the gift of leaving him alone.
Maybe consider counseling. He may just need someone to talk to about what is really bothering him.
That’s my advice.
Sounds like he doesn’t want to be there either
If he isn’t appreciative of what you do then he’s already checked out. Time for you to make your move
Sounds like an a big baby
Don’t ever do anything for him again
Stop doing things if he can’t appreciate you
No reason to put you & the kids through that anymore. Give all that love to yourself. Those kids will love seeing mommy happy, really happy, again. You’ll be lost in the beginning but in time you’ll realize just how badly you needed peace in your home.
Family is everything. Too bad he doesn’t appreciate what he has. Many men would kill to be in his position.
I would be getting your finances on order and finding yourself a place to live than leave him, to be ungrateful is one thing, for you’re child to be upset and confused by his actions, is a new level, get out for the kids sake and yours!
A very wise person once told me, “it is better to live alone and be happy than to live with someone and be lonely”. It sounds to me like you live with someone, but you are lonely and understandably so. Get your ducks in order and find happiness for you and your children without him and his ways just making everyone miserable. We are all here for you.
Sounds like another woman somewhere!. It’s sad how a man can even hurt their own children when they become interested in another woman. They go crazy over her!!!
Tell husband he will be happy with his gift from son and show it. Pretend if he has too
Go to counseling for you.
He sounds depressed. So for you. But yourself a gift
Ask in advance for ideas for holiday
Take care of you
If you feel that way then end it. It’s not fair to anyone that you keep this relationship going when the feelings aren’t there. Get a lawyer asap and ask him to leave as you need the house for the kids.
If it’s to the point you hate him, you need to make your exit plan. Put money aside, get everything figured out for you and your kids, and get a lawyer do not let him know until you are ready to make the next step.
Maybe try talking to him, sometimes a relationship needs alone time, if you have date nights bring back the spark, he might of wanted a night with just you, talking is key to a relationship, if you cnt talk to him then yeah it’s time to go, I had the same thing happen to me, didn’t take my feeling in to consideration at all and it always turned into an argument when ever my feelings were hurt, sounds abit like the same I went through, I finally left and I’m finding my self worth, just talk it through if he shows he doesn’t care then you need to tell him your ready to leave, good luck
If this has been the same thing constantly
Why are you still with him
Have your child hand him the card and say "I Luv you daddy and I made this for you
That’s enough to make any dad smile
Don’t stay for the kids sake
Its better to come from a broken home , rather then an unhappy home
Sounds like you were looking for a way out and now you have it
Leave the relationship. Scary but ur sure u r at the end. Ull be so much happier and content xx
This is affecting your children and you. Ask him too spend counseling, if he won’t go get out of the relationship. He’s not willing to work on it with you, he’s not willing to change.
Even if yours and his relationship has run off the road and into the weeds what he did to your son is dysfunctional parenting (not to mention pathetic), protect children from that psychology
Me and my husband have never once not wanted our kids around for our birthdays. Something is wrong with your husband. I’m sorry you and your son have to put up with that kind of attitude. Me and my hubs would take a handmade gift and card from our kids any day over anything store bought. This is cruel to you and your child.
One stash money away safe and dont go until you have at least enough money to pay Bill’s for 6 months watch what you say and how you say it around him and the kids dont make him out to be the bad one let 5hem figure it out on their own parents should never turn their kids on either one … but first him try to fix it first
To look at this from all sides, and only knowing what you’ve said here, maybe what you planned wasn’t his idea of a good birthday and maybe he is super hurt by the fact he feels like you don’t know him well and what he’d want and you should by now. Or that you should have asked what he would like to do.
Yea get out of there !!! That’s sad af !!!
Hon I did that for 23yrs he was my king I was his slave until I opened my eyes now I’m happily remarried 16 yrs he has no one lol
I had a husband like that…never was satisfied no matter what I did for him…
I’ve never met an ungrateful person who was pleased with anything. Take care of yourself and your children and let him take care of him.
Some men are just like that
You picked him, had kids with him, and I would almost bet he has had this attitude for quite a while, if not he’s looking for an out and probably already has someone in mind. Quit crying and giving him control over your emotions. It’s not healthy for you or your kids…GET HIM OUT! KEEP THE HOUSE, KIDS, FILE FOR CHILD SUPPORT, LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT, DONT SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS!
There’s a lot more going on.
Mine acted just like this turns out he had a whole girlfriend and anything I tried to do was met with hostility
Leave him nothing and move on
Leave before kids are damaged anymore
Fuck him… UNLESS he’s said something specific about what he wants to do for his birthday and you didn’t listen.
What a DICK… Don’t plan anything ever again.
Ohh, I’ sorry, and for your son also. Maybe have your son set out the gift on the counter and dad might take it? This breaks my heart for your child. So sorry.
Secure money in your account. Then get a lawyer. Make full custody before he takes the kids over. Ask for child support
Get out as fast as you can run , ungrateful piece of shit you married
He is a prick! You will never make him happy. Just for fun ask him what he wants. If he says, nothing, give him nothing and see how he responds. Go forward from that.
Reminds me of my ex fiance. He was cheating the whole time, with men & women. RUN.
So leave…
Seems like you made your mind up saying you hate him.
My fiancée asked if I got him the “sex swing” for Christmas… after I’ve spent so much thought and money. Yet I asked him weeks ago for a few “helper” ideas and got ZERO response. Now that Ives pent a bunch of money and put tons of thought into getting his precious passed away now dogs pics in cavasss, etc I bet it’ll come down to “but where my sex swing”
Thats terrible. Get away from that ungrateful man as soon as possible.
Get out now! He is not only damaging you,he is damaging your children!!
Leave now, this marriage is not good for you and certainly not for the kids, it won’t get any better only gets worse, don’t leave it too late get out now
What a ass hole. He’s got personal issues that he needs to deal with. Why waste your time on someone this useless and obviously not interested. Leave and never look back, if he wants to see the kids then he can make an effort to come pick them up and do something.
Maybe you should get him a hooker and a pile of blow… Sounds like you’re boaring to him
I can imagine, my children being devastated that their father wouldn’t want the card they made for him! Like wtf their father would be thrilled to receive anything hand made from his children. It would be better for you to leave and give those kids a happy life instead of forcing the love bc quite honestly dosnt sound like much love is thrown around in that house! F him and get out it will be better for them in the end
He would get the Bi**h full force from me. He can say anything to me but when you hurt my child we’re going to have a big problem. Sorry POS I don’t care what anyone says you hurt my child your child you’re a POS.
Take them babies leave that Ahole
You’re not the one. Stop wasting time
Leave the presents on the bench with a nice little note and explain how unappreciative he is. Then I would pack my bags with my kids and go spend it with family or friends over Christmas and enjoy yourselfs, poor little man must of been so upset.
Divorce ~ you and your children deserve better.
It’s over. Time to build a new, better life for your kids.
My father was the same. He always told us not to do anything for his birthday. He felt it was a waste of time and money. But ,Mom always made a cake and let us give him gifts. She let him know he was worth that. He grew up poor and his parents never had money for that. He was born in 1944. So times have changed. But , let him give his Dad his gift anyway. He may accept it. Let husband know it’s coming so he’s not angered in front of child or children. Let husband know not to be verbally abusive to them as it will be traumatic for them. If husband still refuses explain that Dad is going thru something emotional and being there for him is better than any material gift. Learn communication skills if you are at a loss as to how to handle him. Ask husband if he would be willing to attend counciling. As a couple and all the family. It sounds like the kids too need help in learning how to handle their own emotions about it. God bless.
This is heartbreaking. Leave and run xx
You picked him . Your children will pay for your choices. This is not an insult to you. Just a reminder to all.
You know what to do…
ARE YOU MARRIED TO MINE?! I was hoping someone would take him but clearly neither of us want him.
Either that or theyre twins? Brothers? Father & son? They have to be related somehow.
Nessa Lind who does this sound like
The last 2 sentences say it all… you hate him… leave, trust me you will be much happier even though it seems hard now
Please leave save ur kids which in turn may save their relationship with there dad
Maybe he’s at a breaking point too… some people may just want a few hours of alone time for their present. Maybe plan a get away day trip for just him doing something he enjoys. Effort goes both ways. He may not be able to “just fake it” anymore.
he’s sounds like a narcissist when you say that when you both are alone he just fights backers n causes drama.
leave. find a love that will actually do you better and show your kids what a real man can be in life
He is mad because he didn’t get his birthday sex and you gave him some lame dinner with whiny kids around. He never said anything about not wanting your kids birthday present. You made all that up yourself to make him sound bad.
Sounds like you have some decisions to make.
He needs to either agree to work on this or the relationship is dead in the water.
But I would go march my butt to him and tell him your son has a gift for him and its not okay to treat him that way, suck it up, say thank you and give your son a hug or go sulk somewhere else because emotional manipulation towards a child won’t fly with you. He can go back to sulking after.
Sorry what an ungrateful selfish bastard he would get nothing from me, I would get money together, carry on as normal then get out of this toxic relationship, its not good for you or children’s mental health, depressed no just bloody selfish, think I would be depressed if this is how he behaves.let your son give him his card and present but mine would be going back for a refund and then put money in your pot towards a happier life. He is behaving like a spoilt brat not wanting cards or presents, fair enough don’t give it to him don’t know how you have managed to stay with him, you need a plan start putting money aside and see what options you have don’t be hasty take your time and do your best and its not good enough it never will be accept it no more tears you need now to be strong for your children and make happy plans for the future. Good luck x
Oh Hell Naw, If He’s SO MISERABLE that His WIFE and CHILDREN would try and Make him feel special on HIS birthday that the end result is a Child Crying and confused as to WHY Daddy Dosent want the gift he picked out or Card that baby made.Pack his shit and throw his ass OUT! ENOUGH of this BS pandering to a Grown ass MAN. Have you sat Him down and talk to him blah blah blah. He Dosent Deserve such a thoughtful Wife and loving children.