My husband does nothing when I am at work...advice?

Tell you you will only support children and he has 30 days to find a job…

Remember you only get what you are willing to put up with. Time for a direct conversation with him. Lay it out that you need his help when he is home & what you are needing him to do. If it continues it shows he doesn’t respect you & you have bigger issues. You aren’t his mom, you are his partner & deserve to be treated as such.


You allowed it and he will keep doing it.

You mean you’re pregnant with your 2nd bc you already have a over grown man child…

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She’s a grown man now leave run he’s not not gonna change .!!!

Been there and not with him anymore

I hate this for everyone that has to go through this. I do constantly. As moms/dads we need to do better to break this curse. It’s insane to me how many people say “sit him down, make a list, stop cleaning up after him. No we need to as parents start teaching our kids to have basic cleanness and stop relying on their other half to be their mother bc you failed as a parent to teach them. This is just ridiculous that there are this many people on this earth that are so lazy and dirty and expect their partner to do it for them.

Wat was your first clue you married a child ? And why do you expect any differnt now ?

He needs counseling. Sounds like he’s seriously depressed, feeling useless and unmanly and like a failure and has given up. Especially with another mouth to feed on the way he feels doubly ashamed.

Tell him you need him to be your hero at home. This is a temporary thing and he will be working again soon, so he shouldn’t be a complete bum in the meantime.

Let him know you are a partnership and believe in him and his talents and that you know he can be a great household manager for the family as an interim job, but give him some time for fun while he’s on a work break. Ask him to use his talents to set up a plan to get everything done around the house.

Suggest he get out of the house to do fun things, volunteer someplace he’d be useful and appreciated or take a class in something he’d enjoy to get him out of his doom or “doing nothing on vacation”loop. If you have retired family members or friends who are available during the day ask them to come get him and take him out of the house and spend time with him to cheer him up.

Tell him he needs to cut out the day drinking as it makes things worse. Get someone from Alcoholics Anonymous to come talk to him.

And yes, don’t enable his bad habits. He knows if he waits it out you will do everything for him.

Flat out tell him this is not acceptable

Just tell him. And if he doesn’t start helping leave it’s only gunna get worse and there’s a baby coming?? Lord have mercy. Good luck

Men don’t have a brain to understand