My husband doesn't appreciate anything I do for him: Advice?

Anyone elses husband not appreicate anything you did for them for fathers day? iw okeup early to make breakfast because i knew he had to go to work and he didnt even eat…just said bye and walked out the door…i had dinner planned but i am not sire i even want to do that now…i just want to leave…i am tiredd of never feeling appreciated by this man…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband doesn't appreciate anything I do for him: Advice?

Father’s Day was a few days ago in Canada, do you live else where? Or could it be he’s upset you forgot ?

Thats easy…do nothing…

You do what you feel is best.

Do dinner and see if it will go well.

He had to go to work :woman_facepalming:t2:
You can’t just disrupt someone’s routine and expect them to lavish you with praise for it
Dinner when he was done working and didn’t have anywhere to be would’ve been the better choice in my opinion
Obviously there is more to this story than just a breakfast if you’re contemplating leaving, once you have to ask you already know the answer


Don’t do it. Stop doing stuff. He’ll soon come to appreciate the stuff you do


If my husband done that I would stop doing anything for him and I mean EVERYTHING. He would soon realize how much I do and be appreciative or he would be kicked to the curb .

That’s incredible rude… if he was running late he could of put it in a lunchbox ectt 2 eat later. Don’t cook his dinner he doesn’t deserve it

Some people are not morning people, not really a reason to leave someone.


Yeah nah. I’d stop doing anything for him. I did the same thing to my partner years ago…

Making breakfast isn’t exactly something I feel I deserve praise for… I mean… I’m making food for “our” family not just because its “Father’s day”… soooo what did you or the kids do “for him”… idk the ages of the kids or what else yall got going on but I found several free events or things to do for Father’s day before the day of… both are to blame if a flame is dying… a fire needs fuel and oxygen…

Give him the same energy he gives you! Oh and pull up at that”job”


Don’t bring yourself to that level.
Look at your relationship with compassion.
Keep shining like the supa nova your ment to be :heart:


You will find out later & wish you’d followed your heart sooner. “LEAVE” Why…bc I been though it! Take, tale signs! He has a new boo guarantee.


Stop doing shit for him, be the energy matcher :woman_shrugging:

Maybe he is just in a mood… when we are as women “in a mood” we hope they still do for us so I’d say still cook & hope you can turn the atmosphere around. He probably also EXPECTS you not to cook because he aggravated you so you can prove him wrong in the gesture.

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I wouldnt do S H I T again for him…make your own damn breakfast or dont eat. Quit being his doormat…

Firstly I would have a conversation and talk to him about your feelings and how youre feeling unappreciated. Do you show appreciation for his hard work, maybe he’s feeling the same way, communicating is so important. If a conversation and expressing feelings doesn’t work I would say if I don’t see a change or any effort than this may very well effect our relationship. If still no change and sometimes sadly there isn’t, then it’s most likely just the personality and leaving would be your best option. Life is way too short to be unhappy make the changes to benefit your self :sparkles:

This is an old post ? Father’s Day is September or have I missed something :flushed:

Time for an upgrade?
Ask dude what gives?

Do you know what HIS love language is? Mine is acts of service too… but I wouldn’t be able to make my man breakfast for a special occasion because he doesn’t eat breakfast. Talk to him, tell him you tried and felt unappreciated, but don’t be upset if he responds with “I was hungry” or “I was in a hurry”. Ask him what kinds of things make him feel loved and appreciated. Maybe a card with some meaningful words would have been enough. Maybe he appreciates a well thought out gift instead something he would like and took a lot of consideration about who he is to choose.

If you are that upset about it then just leave him… WOW

Maybe it’s too hot to eat before work. Maybe you are just taking his normal behavior way too personal. Communicate with him. You said I do for good and bad. Stop listening to these people who say leave and look back at why you wanted and married this person. You know marriages these days end in divorce because no one works through their problems and everything is so entitled attitude. Maybe work on things and see how it goes.


Did you ask him what he wanted for father’s day?


Then get those walking shoes on and hit the door after advice from your lawyer

Father’s Day is in June

Smh then stop doing things for that ingrate


I would ask what the deal was. Maybe the way to his heart isn’t through his stomach. Ask if he would rather have had a gift. That you were trying to be nice. If he gives you a noncommittal grunt as some men seem to do sometimes, or tells you that he’s not your father, something like that… I’d just say forget it and stop doing these things. Then you need to decide if you want to stay. True, you said for better or worse, but did that include having your spirit crushed? Trying to keep the pizazz in your relationship by making holidays special is a big deal. To have it thrown back in your face without a word is awful.


My SO and I I guess have a very different relationship. If he said he wasn’t going to eat the breakfast I made, I’d say something.
Should’ve asked him if he wanted dinner and what he wanted


l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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He probably just didn’t realize it and wasn’t hungry. It’s really not a huge thing

Hardly a reason to leave


When I was married if I felt unappreciated I would get dolled up, make a nice meal and let him get situated then bring his food and plop on his lap for a big kiss. RIP RICKY. 27 years and 27 days.

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If you’ve done this before and he’s ate then I’d wonder why and ask him what his deal is but if he usually doesn’t eat breakfast than I wouldn’t have gone that route. Just talk to him and find out. If this a reoccurring pattern more than just breakfast than y’all have a lot more to talk about.


Honestly he was probably in his head to much about having to work on Father’s day instead of being able to spend it with his kids.


I’d be serving that breakfast for dinner, make a point showing him he’s being a jerk


Happy Father’s Day, do you want breakfast?
No? That’s fine, we will celebrate w dinner. What do you want?


Does he normally eat a sit down breakfast at home before work? If he does, did you tell him you would be cooking for him that morning? If he doesn’t normally eat at home and you didn’t tell him you were making him breakfast, how is he wrong? Does he make his own breakfast normally? If so, why would he think you would get up and cook for him? Did you clearly communicate your intentions with him, or did you assume he would just know? Also, he may not have been hungry. Why do you feel entitled to HIM eating food?


He could of at least acknowledged you/it and said thank you.


Need more context…just because ehe didn’t eat your breakfast doesn’t mean he doesn’t care…


Plus if he had work how could you reasonably be mad…


l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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Leave it will just get worse

I’m ex husband didn’t. Hence part of the reason I said EX

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The first step is communication, communicate your feelings to him, give him a chance to work on it, maybe he doesn’t feel appreciated, you don’t know, so communicate before throwing in the towel.


l G­e­t p­a­id over $ 135 per h0ur working f­r­o­m h­o­me. l ­n­ever ­th­o­ught ­I­’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19699 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
More Inf0>>>


Stop doing anything he will notice

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If she doesn’t feel appreciated then she doesn’t feel appreciated. She’s not crazy I see too many excuses for this man on these comments from other women :disappointed: Go where you’re appreciated simple.


l G­e­t p­a­id over $ 135 per h0ur working f­r­o­m h­o­me. l ­n­ever ­th­o­ught ­I­’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19779 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
More Inf0>>>

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does he always eat anything before he goes to work,? If the answer is no, why do you think that would change!!! It was a nice gesture, but if someone made me breakfast before I went to work, I also would not eat it either, Not to be rude, I don’t eat breakfast, Just maybe next time, ask him if he would like you to make him something to eat & if he doesn’t’ eat it at home, you would be happy to pack it up for him so he can take it to work & eat it later. Now if he says that’s OK, don’t bother, then don’t bother

Don’t do anything for him then

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I use to make breakfast for my ex and bring up to bed for him. He jus slept thru it. They dont care . Stop wasting your time, make yourself breakfast


stop doing things for him n focus on you


Don’t base your emotions on your expectations then


Stop doing stuff for him… Simples

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I don’t care if he doesn’t normally eat breakfast or isn’t hungry! He could of at least said, thanks hunny! Not just walk out like she didn’t just take time to make him some food. There is no “excuse” to not have some courtesy towards your WIFE! Would I have left, no but i would talk to him about not feeling appreciated enough and how it hurt your feelings. Then if he doesn’t understand or try to make some changes then maybe think about what you want to do 


I’m so sorry he’s treating u this way!! It’s awful n Disrespectful!! Plz don’t hit him with a big talk when he comes through the door, but definitely have to speak to him about how your feeling and how he treats you.

Stop doing things then.

Sound alike this is how he may always be so why get your feelings hurt? You said YOU got up early and YOU made breakfast and YOU had dinner planned. Where are the kids? How are they involved with Father’s Day. This sounds like it was more about YOU and not about him and the kids. Did he get up early enough to eat breakfast or get you the same time he normally does?

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N it’s his day… It’s a day where he needs to feel appreciated

Stop doing anything for him

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Sounds like my husband, he always have something to complain about🙄. So I stopped doing things and I started do things by myself


My Husbands Fathers Day gift is sitting in middle of yard where he put it together and left it and the trash…

Then do things with out expectation or don’t do them at all. When you do things expecting something in return you set yourself up to be disappointed


Sounds like those things aren’t what he appreciates. Find out what he actually likes and do that instead. Maybe he prefers his car washed? Or a massage? Find out what his love language is.


You guys need to sit down and have a serious talk about why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling and why it’s important that he sees that you are making an effort. When did you two become disconnected from eachother there would have been a time when you felt appreciated.

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  1. speak to him about how he is making you feel. Communication is key in a relationship no matter how old it is. 2) stop doing things for him. Make him fend for himself. 3) start doing something that takes up your time so when he needs something you can say I’m busy or that’s not my responsibility. Reminding him that he can do things for himself and that you’re not always there to just do for him will teach him that you are an individual who has needs as well. It’ll also highlight the things he has taken for granted that you always do for him. Also if he’s not a father he doesn’t get any Father’s Day treatment an I’m assuming your lack of mentioning kids means he isn’t a dad. Bc I’d assume if he was you’d of said you did Father’s Day breakfast with the kids for him. Your primary need is to talk to him about how you feel and why.

Talk with him about everything. You should both lay it all out and then after that nothing changes then do what you need to do to have a life for YOU. People so often forget you are not put on this earth to just serve another. You have a life you should be able to live it.

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So why do u keep doing it then. He’s taking advantage of you

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Stop doing things for him but seems like it’s a deeper issue that needs to be addressed

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Does he normally eat breakfast? My husband never eats breakfast before work, he waits until lunch before he eats. I did that once before he went to work bc I couldn’t sleep and of course he didn’t eat either, but I did with our children. Not a big deal. Maybe try to find something else he would enjoy more besides a breakfast meal? What about a surprise luncheon date or maybe a go-all-out type dinner meal? Dessert? Hobbies? Go from there.


Need communication
…sounds like passing ships. Talk to him.

l get paid over $190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17645 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Your too nice. Guys don’t like good woman.


You need a set down talk with him ,

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Stop doing nice things for him then


I hate that ! One birthday I went all out for my husband this fool had the nerve to take off the entire time after that experience I don’t do shiiiiiiit for him it’s already overwhelming planning decorating and cooking let alone trying to make him happy so fuck that !excuse my language lol!

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Sit down with him and go over your love languages. Yours sounds like it is doing things for others, his may be something else like touch. Just communicate that it hurts when you do nice things for him & he doesn’t notice. It sounds like he isn’t aware that you get fulfilled this way. Talk to him, a lot of guys were raised to just be unobservant and maybe he was running late, had to go in early etc. Just communicate


Your a wife Not his slave

Did he know you were cooking ? It’d be kind it’s unfair to expect him to wake up and just know you wanted some time with him. He still had to go to work … unless you woke him up early so he had extra time to eat it you can’t be mad he had to go.

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Stop doing things for him then


l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17413 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

You have to speak up

Ever consider how he felt that morning? Mine only does that when he doesn’t feel right…anxiety etc… talk to him

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If your tired of feeling unappreciated…then it’s time to stop doing stuff for him. Sometimes as women we mother our significant other…which then becomes the norm for them. They get complacent. Maybe time for him to fend for himself just for a lil while…and then when he complains you haven’t don’t shit…maybe you can remind him of what you normally would do and how he never recognizes it and how unthankful he can be.

I have to agree to talk to him. He may not like to eat in the mornings right away. Some men don’t like to eat right after work. They like to relax first.

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Communicate how you feel.

Communication is key to a lasting relationship goes both ways for man and woman


Get a hobby, preferably one where you get out of the house. A lot. Really, let him take care of things at home. Go have some fun.

He’d eat for dinner what he didn’t acknowledge for breakfast…