Well nothing changes if nothing changes. If you can go to a family members house for a couple nights that would give you a break too. He sees no reason to change so he keeps doing nothing. If he barely brings in enough to make it then he isnt pulling his weight either.
Leave you can’t afford stress or early labor sometimes tough love is hard but when he realize he can lose his family sometimes they wake up
Think of you and your babies not him. 
Why do you keep having children with this jerk?? Go to battered women shelter if you can and go after child support.
Hes controlling, and isolating you. Get out. Its NEVER worth it to stay together ‘for the kids’. You’ll be happier with someone who can appreciate you.
Sounds like you need to get a job before that kid comes or find a way to start making some money. Than leave his ass, you’re on here asking for advice when you already know he doesn’t give a fuck about you OR you wouldn’t be here asking a holiday facebook page for help cause he would of cared & listened.
People will be how you allow them to be. You have to start standing up for yourself. Im sure he picks arguments because he doesn’t want to go but he will look like the bad guy if he is the only one not going. Go places by yourself and let his own guilt eat away at him. There are free events at libraries, festivals, micheals, etc. Big events are announced so far in advance, start squirreling money away to be able to go or when people ask you what the kids want for holidays/bdays tell them you are saving money for xyz (season passes to zoo) and help towards that would be the most appreciated thing.
Leave the kids with him for a day and let him see how easy it is to get anything done with them all over the place. Finances can be the biggest struggle in a marriage, but it doesnt mean just because you dont work you should have the responsibility of everything with house and kids. He doesnt have that much responsibility at work. Let him know you see how hard he is working to provide for yalls family and you know it isnt easy, but if yall are going to survive then things have to change. The more you give in to avoid an argument the more damage will occur. Take care of yourself and those babies because they can sense the stress. They will end up with anxiety and start acting out if things continue the way they are.
U gotta decide is it worth the pros over the cons. U can only do so much specially with u about to have another baby. Don’t live a life of regret. Your happiness matters an you need a partner not someone who wont be there for u. Wishing u the best
Classic textbook abusive behavior , either get out now or prepare for your funeral
Let me just say this : people want advice but 95% don’t take. Stop whining and do SOMETHING ! Been there. Left with the dust behind me. Kick him to the corner. He’s cheating on you!
Write dear abby, she has all the answers
I couldn’t be with a man that didn’t help me and especially cause your 37weeks. My husband leaves at 7am and back from work at 8pm and he still comes home and help me. You need to sit him down and tell him how you feel and if things don’t change you will.
Sounds like it’s time to leave, you’re already doing it on your own… File for divorce, child support and alimony.
I’m unfollowing this BS FB page! For my own well being… ladies try Mindfulness and unfollow these BS FB pages
still not sure why all of these questions are being asked here when its supposed to be a holiday page…
Kick his ass to the curb…
This is no place to air all this personal stuff. Instead you should be dealing with it instead of feeling sorry for yourself. Talk to your elders at church and your family but first turn to God but making people feel sorry for you is not helping you. Only God and you can change your situation.
Imagine being the one that cooks, cleans, does laundry, helps kids with homework, and still managed to work full time, and have a beautiful decorated house for every season of the year! Yep that was me. It can be done, don’t be lazy! If you can’t do it, quit having kids. As far as your husband is concerned, most men are like him. Good luck