My husband says wearing his wedding band isn’t a big deal to him - it doesn’t make a difference because everyone knows he married. He’s wearing his wedding band but he doesn’t care rather it’s on or not. Thoughts?
My husband and I never took ours off since day one of 19 years but we are old school I guess
We don’t wear ours either. My hubby keeps his on his key ring. Mine stays in jewelry box
I rarely wear mine bc I get bad eczema under it. Hubby doesn’t wear his bc of work. We both don’t care but you’re allowed to have you’re own feelings about it!
me and husband never do but we do plan to get ours tattooed
My husband wears his if we are going somewhere, but he doesn’t wear it around the house. He can’t wear it at work because of the type of work he does, if it gets caught he could lose his finger. It doesn’t bother me one way or the other. I do always wear mine, but I absolutely love my ring and how much thought he put into designing it just for me
I haven’t wore my band since covid… (I worked an essential job and washed my hands 24/7 it felt like). After covid I still don’t (it doesn’t fit! Lol)
If the love and trust is there don’t sweat it!
I’ve been married almost 27 years and we don’t wear ours. We know who we are married to and trust eachother completely.
What does he do for work? My husband can’t wear his at work, he knows he’s still married and if you don’t trust him to not wear it there’s an issue. Not saying there is an issue but a ring is just a ring in the end it’s loyalty and commitment that make you married not a ring.
Let him have his feelings.
I don’t wear jewelry either so I think it would be hard for me, as a woman, to wear a wedding ring or even an engagement ring. I would talk to anyone that I made it to that stage with about my feelings before hand though. I’d wear the ring for like going out to dinners or family events. Stuff like that. Other than that I wouldn’t wear it.
I forget to put mine on sometimes. It’s really not that big of deal to us.
Old school. Married 12 years. We both wear our rings daily. It’s a commitment to each other and sign of respect.
.we don’t wear are. The rings got too small. With time
My husband and I don’t wear our rings. We just don’t like the way it feels. A ring doesn’t make a marriage. Unless you have reason to believe he’s being understanding I wouldn’t make a big deal over it
I have mine on a necklace and his is in a drawer, we hardly wear them unless we are going out on a date, but we also have finger tattoos
We don’t wear rings at all
My hubby never wore his. Didn’t bother me tbh. He heh decided to get it tattooed on. I didn’t mind either way.
If it’s important to you it should be to him.
I don’t wear my ring, I have a silicone ring (as does my husband) because we have small children and because of what I do for work, and I hate the feeling of water under the band and it doesn’t matter how much I dry, I still feel it. So I don’t wear mine and I have never cheated, never thought about it. I just don’t wear it!
Just some perspective from me!
How would he feel if you did the same? I have been married 25 years and sometimes you have to turn it back around on them just to show them how it feels. They don’t usually like it either. Personally, it doesn’t bother me but I can see how it certainly could.
My husband wore his for the ceremony and never put it back on after that day. The ring doesn’t make someone married. He doesn’t like the feel of a ring and it isn’t safe with his job.
My husband went through a long period after we got married where he didn’t wear his, but now he only takes it off at night. My dad barely wore his through 1 marriage but all the time for another. If you trust him not to step out, what’s it matter?
My husband wears his and I wear mine
I love wearing a ring. But honestly it’s just jewelry. Your married even if you wear one or not
Honestly half the time I forget to put mine on. At home neither of us wear ours. We know we are married. If this is something that really bugs you then the best thing to do is explain how it makes you feel. He may not have the same sentiment with the ring as you do and that’s okay but marriage works best with communication and compromise.
Been married 3 years… My husband wears his everyday… I wore mine up until i got pregnant and my fingers got fat:rofl: i gave birth in august and still have not put my ring back on… We know we are married… A ring doesnt matter:joy:
I don’t wear a wedding ring either. I know I’m married. I don’t need a piece of jewelry to remind me.
My husband used to have a problem with it also. But going on 50 years he’s learned to adapt.
I barely wear mine, unless we go out, then it’s some classy jewelry, otherwise I don’t because I’m a handyman and always doing something at work or home, so my wife knows its more of a safety issue
Neither one of us wear one:woman_shrugging:
My husband is an auto mechanic so he stopped wearing one after the first one got crushed onto his finger. I honestly never wear mine either. We’ve been married 13 years and it’s not really an issue. A wedding band won’t prevent someone from having an affair if they want to either way.
I mean people will act how they’re gonna act whether someone wears a ring or not . As long as he acts like a married/taken man it really doesn’t matter
He should be taking your feelings into consideration , you are his wife …unless he wore it and now he don’t want to. Go by his job
I don’t often wear mine. Lots of the time I’m just not wearing any jewelry. I really don’t think it’s a big deal. It would be odd though if you didn’t wear yours and he didn’t like it.
My husband and I never wear ours in fact he lost his years ago and never got another one
sometimes I’ll wear mine to church because that’s the only place I go where I dress up…I put on earrings (usually the same pair)
and my wedding ring. When I get home that’s the first thing that comes off
we don’t care. Lol. I know most married couples do, though.
How does he feel about you wearing one
My husband and I love wearing ours. You are no less married without it though. Lol. Maybe he doesn’t like how it feels on his finger. Hopefully that’s the only reason.
I dont wear mine often either. Don’t want it getting too damaged from wearing it every day. I have cheaper dress pieces I wear daily instead. Hubby prefers it this way after seeing how rough I am with my hands lol
I think your husband was probably just being brutally honest that for him it’s just jewelry and he doesn’t need it for show, he’s faithful and that’s that.
In 9 years my husband removed his wedding band one time. I sometimes go days w out wearing mine but he never ever takes his off
my thoughts…
you need to work out some of your own insecurities
How would he feel if you didn’t wear yours?
My Husband has never worn a-wedding ring. His job made it to dangerous. A lot of jobs require no rings are to be worn
Pick your battles! If it bothers you that much explain it to him. But ask yourself, is it really worth a big disagreement?
My dad never wore his after a co worker lost an entire finger in a machine at their job. If he works in an office, I’d take mine off and talk to a lawyer after packing up stuff. If he works where he can lose fingers over it, leave him alone about it.
I wore mine except when golfing. It messed up my grip. I put it on my key chain when I took it off at the course. My wife died years ago. My band is still in my pocket on my keys.
I never take mine off. It is part of my body. That said, my husband rarely wore his. It was his choice and didn’t impact our marriage.
My dad didn’t have a ring. My ex rarely wore his but they weren’t any less married. If he wore his ring day in and day out and suddenly stopped for no reason I might be suspicious, but f he just isn’t a jewelry kind of guy, it’s OK.
Did you get married for a ring or for a commitment to your husband?
My husband doesn’t wear his because of his job… if it got stuck on something he could get badly hurt. So he doesn’t wear it unless we go out together. I also don’t wear my rings unless I’m leaving the house. But… we also have wedding band tattoos. So
My husband never takes his off. He was very thoughtful when he bought my engagement ring. I have allergies to metals but I had told him I can wear black hills gold or white gold but no actual gold. I’m not a diamond girl but I love purple. So my ring is white gold and the stone is amethyst. The jewelry store he bought it from made my wedding band to fit my engagement ring and after our wedding we had them soldered together. I rarely take mine off. Hand mixing foods like meatloaf or homemade bread, putting leave in products in my hair or applying lotion are the only times it leaves my finger.
I don’t wear my wedding ring. It’s in my safe. Hubby don’t wear his either.
My husband wore his wedding band until we got back from our honeymoon. Then, he took it off. I haven’t even seen it in over 15 years…
It doesn’t bother me. Everyone knows that I’m his wife
We don’t wear ours either (husband has his but slightly damaged it at work and took it off so he doesn’t completely ruin it). I developed a sudden allergy to something in mine and I had to take it off as my finger was swelling up around it. Luckily I got it off myself and didn’t have to cut it off or lose a finger. Been married 23 years so the commitment and struggle is real lol.
My husband has never removed his 44 years later. I only did for pregnancy swelling and when I injured my ring finger.
Sounds like there’s a deeper issue of no trust. Deal with the real issue a ring is nothing his character and your trust is everything
Ummmmm… it its not a big deal either way. Then he should just always wear it then ! If it’s important to you. Then it’s am easy thing to make you happy.
My husband got his ring tattooed on his ring finger since he can’t wear his ring at work and I got knuckle tattoos that say Mrs. King but I still wear my ring He wears his sometimes and I think it’s sweet
My husband and I haven’t worn wedding bands in many years. It’s nothing more than jewelry, and to be blunt unnecessary.
Mid last century most men didn’t even have a wedding band…I’d let it go unless there’s a trust issue beneath the surface!
We don’t wear ours I’ve lost 2 already and he’ll wear it sometimes but with work it’s usually off
My husband has always worn his. He lost it once and felt so bad and didn’t think he would ever find it. After the snow melted he just happened to look down and there it waa.
I don’t wear mine sometimes because it annoys my finger don’t take it too personally
I don’t wear mine still don’t stop me from showing love
Um I don’t wear a wedding ring but know I am married. He knows he’s married wearing the ring or not. Everyone does not like jewelry.
My husband took his off. Said it hurt him ?? So off came mine.
He said he’d wear it when we went out but never had so mines off
It’s a gesture to you. So…
Maybe it bothers him? I don’t know. I hate wearing glasses because it feels weird to me.
However, I personally don’t mind. I know I’m married. I trust my husband enough to tell others if it came down to it. We don’t wear ours, lol.
I think if it bothers you, if it’s a big deal to you, then he should take your opinion into consideration. If it’s not a big deal to him then what’s his problem with wearing it?
That’s why hubby and I got each other first letters our names I have D with a crown and he has a R with a crown
I agree with your husband. My husband and I do not wear rings. Neither one of us care. It’s just a piece of jewelry in our opinion.
I don’t wear one. Mostly because my last one I accidentally forgot to take off before work & it ended up coming off into a trash brute & since I work in healthcare, I was NOT digging through feces and urine for it. And didn’t notice until the end of my shift. So finding it would have been impossible at that point.
Everyone knows I’m married though.
My husband doesn’t wear his at work. Because he can’t. And sometimes doesn’t around the house.
If he is wearing it to please you then who cares how he feels about it. My parents have been married almost 50 years and neither one ever wore a ring.
My husband couldn’t wear one because he was a cabinet maker and it was dangerous around the tools they used.
My hubby wears a silicone. One for safety
Mine wears it if he remembers or simply lost it. He recently got a rubber one since he works on boats.
Mine to big so I wear it as a necklace
I was married 47 years never wore my wedding band I knew I was married My wife knew I was married That’s all that counts wearing a wedding band didn’t change my love for her or her love for me
Big deal. Ring doesn’t make him any more married or less. He’s grown man he can do what he wants. Married 44 years here and jewelry chokes me to death.
My husband wore his actual wedding band only on our wedding day.
He now wears a rubber one off Amazon and never takes it off.
My brother put a wedding ring on and he got hit on even more
A band doesn’t make or break a marriage. The person does.
Real question is why is it a big deal to you? Does he make it known he’s married? Do you think he keeps it off because you’re worried he’s going to try and cheat? There’s a reason why it’s upsetting you and you need to figure out why and once you do then you sit down with your husband and explain why. Then you also ask him why it’s not a big deal to him besides the “everyone knows he’s married excuse”. Communication is key to a healthy relationship and marriage
People don’t care whether he’s wearing his ring or not they will still try to get with him . Ask him how he would feel if you don’t wear yours
Wearing a wedding ring comes with the commitment of the vows. Those that use their work as an excuse are not being true to the commitment of the vows. They make rubber ones or he could wear it on a chain. I used to only take mine off if I put my hand close to an electrical contact or a snag point, then put it back on after I got done. Due to my weight gain (her good cooking) over the 35 years we’ve been married I can’t get it off anymore so I’ll wear a glove. If he truly wants to honor the commitment of the vows he made to you, he’ll figure out a way to deal with wearing it. There’s a vein in the ring finger of the left hand that runs directly to the heart, wearing the ring on that finger connects the two of you together. Taking his off temporarily to do a project then putting it back on is like you taking yours off to mix up meatloaf, wash your hands and put it back on. You each should feel like the other is missing when you don’t have it on.
Don’t push him to wear it if he doesn’t
Want to
Many married people
Don’t wear them
Id leave mine off too then. If hes fine with that then there’s no hidden agenda
My husband always wore his until his coworker had his finger degloved because his ring caught something and ripped the skin right off his finger. Now he wears it for special occasions like when we go out to eat or family functions but never to work.
My SO,is allergic to all types of metals so if and that’s a big if we ever got married,he wouldn’t be able to wear one.
If that’s the only thing to complain about, you have damn good husband. My ex husband didn’t wear his unless we went out. He was a Bricklayer and it’s dangerous to have a ring on. Men in construction have lost their fingers because a wearing a wedding band.
When I met my husband I had a piercing in my lip . Not the usual kind mind was an ity bit tiny diamond. It looked like a piece of glitter it was so small. He hated it so I took it out. Well after we were married he didn’t want to wear a wedding band he said it was uncomfortable and bothered him. So I put the diamond back in my lip and told him it would come put when he put his ring on. Then I ordered him a silicone band from groove life ( because they have a lifetime warranty). After a couple of weeks he put it on, I took the diamond out and 3 years later he now feel naked without it.
It doesn’t bother me. He used to not wear one and now he has a silicone one that he doesn’t take off even though i tell him to. I forgot to wear mine today when i went on a school field trip. Neither one of us are jewelry people
Mine doesn’t fit anymore. When my husband was alive he didn’t wear one. Who cares. We were married over 35 years when he died. The ring means nothing.
Well at my factory its considered a safety issue to wear a metal ring of anykind. So if hes in a place like that i get it.
Who cares there are always bigger things to worry about the ring is a symbol that’s it
I’m sorry but I agree with him. Not all countries have bands either. If you’re both completely secure in your marriage then why should it matter. If when out separately and someone tries it on with either of you, a band isn’t going to deter them but your firm ‘no thanks I’m married so don’t even bother’ will more likely deter them
If that’s his preference… let it be. My husband is extremely particular and prefers to have one on. When his original one began to crack, he was devastated. I told him it was no biggie, he works with his hands anyway…. He insisted on having something. His preference, so I left it be.
We never wear ours. It sucks having a ring on all the time. I hate it
I think it’s a big deal if it is to you. Personally for us we have been together 13 years and married for almost 10 and he never wears his since he does construction. I just don’t really wear mine. I work out and don’t want to ruin my rings and honestly we are solid af so it just doesn’t matter to us. Buuuuuttttt if it was a big deal to him I’d make more of an effort to wear mine and vice versa
Neither me or my husband wear ours, we trust each other and I know with his line of work it’s dangerous, besides we don’t need it to prove to anyone that we belong to each other
U don’t need a ring to prove ur married
if it’s important to YOU, it should be important to HIM. Period. How would he feel if you took yours off and went out with the “girls” ??
My husband and I rarely wear ours. It’s just a piece of jewelry. We know we are married.