Does your husband identify as a sniveling piss poor excuse of a man?
Cuz that’s exactly what he is! OF COURSE he should replace it AND the phone. Unless he pees sitting down, he should not even be letting your mom cut her own grass!!!
I would replace both!
You need to buy a lawnmower and get her a new phone. And stop the whining. You all will W IN.
If something breaks in your possession you replace or repair it. Many would go above and beyond, in the event the machine operates just fine and doesn’t break, to return said item back in better condition than it was prior to lending…even if that just means a good wash or sharpening the blades. It is unfortunate that the mower happened to break while your husband was using it, but like many have said, your mother extends herself to help with your kiddos. The right thing would be to get it repaired or replaced so she isn’t left without a mower.
The phone is 100% on you guys to replace. Your daughter was at fault for damaging it. I doesn’t matter if your husband thinks that you pay her enough, those two things are totally unrelated to the cost of childcare and wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the part that your side of this played. Stuff happens. But we still need to make things right.
You’re right, he’s wrong.
If it was my mom I would just replace it and say screw him if she’s helping you guys out with your kids and what not you’re only doing what’s right that’s your mom after all
Your husband’s an a**
Show your husband how much day care would cost if your mum didn’t do it for you. If it was a member of his family that the phone or lawnmower belonged to would he replace it?
Ask your husband what he would want if someone broke his lawnmower. Bet he would want them to pay to replace it
Yes you should replace both and be grateful she is helping with child care x
Tell your husband to price a few daycare centers.
You’re absolutely responsible for the cell phone. IMO, the lawnmower as well. She lets you use it whenever you want for no charge, which save you a ton on paying for lawn maintenance or your own lawnmower and maintaining it. Your husband sounds like a prick
You pay your mom for a service. In no way does that mean your family is entitled to use and destroy her things. If you were paying for a plumber to come fix your pipes, and you ran into his truck with your car would you not owe him for the car bc you’re paying him for a plumbing job? No. You would absolutely owe him for the plumbing job AND for damage to his vehicle. It’s the same thing, just different people, property, and jobs.
Replace her things, it’s your guys’ responsibility. I’m sorry your husband is being a clod about this.
Your husband is being very stingy
You broke it. You replace it. Simple.
F your husband, pay her! That’s your momma and she’s amazing!!
Definitely replace both. Your husband is unreasonable imo. If it was a friends mower and phone would be replace those? If they aren’t replaced your mom can take you guys to court and sue for the money. And I doubt y’all want that.
Repair Both your husband needs to understand she needs Communication as for lawn mower Two families Use this.
Your husband is a mooch! He needs to either fix the mower or replace it. And he needs to buy a new phone. You mother is saving you alot if money. He needs to man up!!!
Both should be replaced
Definitely replace both. Your husband is being cheap and unreasonable person. Ask him if that is his mom
Have your husband buy her a new lawnmower He broke it and your daughter buy her a new phone have her do odd jobs to pay you back tell your husband if he has a problem with it then he can quit his job and be the babysitter instead ! Your mom is watching out of kindness not requirement .and just for reference you might wanna show your idiot husband HOW MUCH childcare actually is !!!
No you are the right one if the lawnmower broke in your possession you should pay to have it fixed or at least give her money toward a new one, and if your daughter is the one that broke her phone you should do the same. Your husband is being selfish and disrespectful.
I bet he would feel different if it was his mom. Men can be weird. Do what your heart says. And let him pout.
2 separate things. Husband is a silly goose
She is your Mom and you already said that you under pay her and she is very flexible in helping you out. Jesus, get her a lawnmower (you can probably find a decent one on Kijiji) and a phone. Your husband is being a jerk and I am not sorry for saying that. Looking after kids isn’t a cake walk, it’s a lot of work!!
You are right. The mower broke in your possession while he used it. Your child ruined the phone.
Get her a phone and mower. Your husband is selfish.
Child care aside because these are separate issues. If he borrowed a friend’s lawnmower and itbroke while he was using it would he repair or replace it? Same again if y’all were at a friend’s home and your child picked up their phone and threw it in the pool would y’all replace said phone? It’s no different because it’s your mom.
Tell ur husband to grow up n be a responsible father! Definitely replace both as the mower was in ur possession. The cell phone was his child that did it. So yes replace them.
I think it depends. If the lawnmower is ten years old then it was probably going to die anyways and if this was the first time you guys borrowed it. I wouldn’t replace but if it’s 2 years old you guys borrow it all the time then at the very least you should be paying for half if not all of the replacement.
As for the phone, if I’m present than things my child breaks if fully my responsibility. But if your mom was watching her, why did your kid have access to it? I may offer partial payment on that but I wouldn’t pay for the full thing.
My husband and I also live paycheck to paycheck and grew up in poor families. If we had money laying around to replace all these things on a whim we absolutely would.
I agree with you. Replace what was broken and continue to pay your mom. Her watching your kid/s is more of a blessing than your husband seems to understand or care about!
He’s upset?
What about her?
Accidents happen but if she is doing so Much that honestly helps you guys, help her out too! you’re right.
Replace them! Show him the prices of child care
Maybe that’ll do it
I completely agree with you! The right thing to do is replace both.
Your husband is an asshole. REPLACE THE STUFF HE & YOUR KID DESTROYED!!
Hubby needs to grow up and get his priorities straight It’s your mom and she’s doing you a favor by watching your kids. Lawn mower and phone need to be replaced by you.
Show him how much daycare REALLY costs
If she’s underpaid, and something broke during your possession or broke due to one of your children… you replace it if this was a day care you would be charged for the phone, if this was a lawn mower you rented from idk where, an it broke you would pay for it. Just cuz it’s family doesn’t mean you take advantage.
Tell his ungrateful Butt to go pay a Daycare and see if he gets say reaults…
Get her a mower and phone.
Replace them or tell your husband to babysit !
One has nothing to do with the other. Take the babysitter part out of the equation and ask if you would pay for the cell and mower.
I can’t understand if you both work why you don’t have a lawnmower of your own and had to borrow your mother’s to begin with,your husband is thoughtless,miserly and disrespectful not least towards your mother.You are right on all accounts.Take away the fact it’s your mother who takes good care of you and your children would he be treating anyone else in the same way and have the same attitude.Its the right thing to do to replace it.
You are classy and your momma raised you right. You are responsible for items when you borrow them. You assume the risk the said item may break while in your possession. The same is true with your children. When your minor age child breaks something its your responsibility to replace it if thr child breaks it. Would your husband feel the same way if your child broke someone’s window while playing? Same thing. You are doing the right thing!
If my child broke something of someone else’s I’d replace it… regardless of who it is. As for the lawn mower I agree he was using it when it died so see how much it would be to fix. If it’s gonna cost more to fix than a new mower is gonna cost then just replace it. Let him go pout like the child he’s already acting like. Sorry not sorry
REPLACE THEM!! It’s the right thing to do. (weather your husband thinks so or not)
The care and love she gives your beautiful children no amount of money can buy so please just do the right thing and get her a lawnmower and phone to replace the ones that your husband and child have destroyed.
Tell your husband to pay
He needs to Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus! He has a good mother in law. Yes you pay her but the care your child gets is worth it. Some couples don’t have family will watch kids even it they ate paid. Also that he was able to borrow her lawn mower speaks a lot about your mom. He shouldn’t be complaining he should be asking how can I help you wife. You keep on doing what you are doing. Mother’s are not here forever. You were raised right. You replace what is broken. Well done and be at peace.
Pay here. Tell your husband to kick rocks
He’s a clab he should count his blessings as to how much yous are saving and knowing that your children are in a safe environment
you need to replace both the lawn mower and the cell. Even if she wasn’t underpaid …if you break it you buy it.
Call & get the rates for several day cares & show it to him! As far as replacing the items, yes, y’all should absolutely repair or replace!
We are supposed to take care of our mother’s… Get her mower fixed and replace her phone. I can’t believe this was even a question…
Yeah he would want her to replace it if it was the other way around. Yes reimburse your mom. She’s your mom. Your husband needs to learn better respect for his elders.
You should pay her for them both plus keeping kids
do for your mom, he would probably do for his if the roles were reversed
Replace the stuff. You have no worries with the care and wellbeing of your kids. Just replace her stuff.
Mention to him that he didn’t own a lawnmower, if he didn’t borrow hers he would have had to either pay someone or purchase. Also your kid damaged her phone hence it should be replaced.
Your husband is acting a bit selfish tbvh!
pay for a new phone and to fix or replace her lawn mower, it broke while in your (husband’s using it) only fair
If he’s like that feels he owes nothing he’s grown should have his own tools and be able to replace or have her phone fixed the moral of this story you borrow it fix it your kids do something you take care of it
You should absolutely 100% replace both. The lawn mower was in your care, she is your mother, and she does way more that she has to for your family. The phone is your daughters fault and if she’s under 18 it’s solely your responsibility but I would make her do chores to work it off
He’s being a jerk! The phone is definitely your responsibility as the damage was caused by your daughter. The lawn mower…if it really is old and on its last leg (as your husband claims) then maybe you can offer to split the cost? If you don’t have your own, you’ll likely be using it again in the future.
I work at a daycare it’s very expensive
Do the right thing and replace the items. Grandma babysitting is a God send appreciate her any way you can. Tell your husband to grow up he is being selfish!!
Replace the phone and mower. Having family watch your kids is priceless id give my parents the world if i could for doing so i appreciate them so much. But also like u say its 2 different things. If the mower and phone belonged to his mates n it happened would he still be saying dont replace, i doubt it. Shouldn’t be a question.
You need to find another husband, your current one is the epitome of an asshat.
If my husband refused to replace those like yours I would tell him he is being childish and I will be replacing both items whether he likes it or not. End of story! Also, people shouldn’t have to do something for you for nothing just because they are family.
you only get one mother… husbands on the other hand
You should replace everything broken. The lawnmower was in your care and your kid broke the phone. He needs to grow up.
He doesn’t understand how LUCKY you are to have your mom watch your child.
Your husbands a douche bag. 
Replace… it’s only right
He is ungrateful !!! Yes replace her phone and get her a lawn mower doesn’t have to be $300 look on the marketplace , offer up downtimes people give them out free
Replace the phone and see if the mower can be fixed.
You should 100% replace both
I would say replace both… If the lawnmower was honestly on its last leg, maybe offer to pay for half? But regardless You’re paying her to watch your child, if her things were damaged in your care (or at your daughters fault) it shouldn’t come out her own pocket to replace.
What a horrible attitude your spouse has towards being kind to your mother. It’s so icky. In this situation I would be the tie breaker on the decision and I would go ahead and help her with a mower replacement AND the phone replacement. He has zero clue that grandma providing childcare at this flat rate is saving him 1000s yearly. He really needs to examine his heart and why he has this terrible stance on these type of situations.
Replace it and then replace the husband! Grandparents aren’t free sitters even tho I’m sure she would do it for nothing. Don’t take advantage of it and treat her right, you have 1 mom!
You should be replacing both and tell your hubby not to be so tight
You should absolutely replace those items! Your husband is ridiculous
The phone is on y’all for sure. And the mower, you should replace that to, it broke in your care and you don’t do people like that when they loan you something and certainly not your mom. How would he feel of it was his mom’s stuff?
While you’re at it, replace the husband, too.
replace them for sure and tell hubby if he don’t stop being so tight you’ll replace him too x
Sounds like the man is a person that is only for himself. Let him babysit
Replace them for her
Umm her lawnmower broke when y’all were using it so yeah pay to fix it. Tell your hubby to stop being selfish or he can buy his own lawnmower for y’all’s yard since he wants to give things back broken. Also your kid broke her phone so I think you should buy her a new one, or give her the money to buy her own, whichever works. He needs to stop being a douche, regardless if y’all are paying her she has bills that has to come first and phones and lawnmower parts and shop fees are not cheap at all, all that will be a couple thousand probably if not more depending on what’s wrong with the lawnmower. He needs to man up and be a man
Tell him to sit down and shut it
The following facts have been offered:
*Mom is paid much less than the going rate for one child.
*It is her sole source of income.
*A second child is also being cared for at times, no mention of pay for this.
*The mower was borrowed in working order and damaged while it was being used by the borrower.
*The cell phone was damaged by one of the children she cares for.
Pay for both items and be grateful that she’s there for your children …and for you!
Fix the mower an the phone an tell her don’t give the child the phone that’s her fault it got broken you won’t replace it again.
I think your husband is a…. Fill in the blank.
I’m with you in this. You under pay mom per your words. And your baby broke the phone. And your husband was the one using the mower when it broke. Maybe split the costs of the mower if he feels that adamant. But the phone is all on y’all
Ummmm your hubby is 100% wrong. Yes definitely replace the phone! As for the lawnmower see if it can be fixes 1st if not I’d buy a new one. It doesn’t have to be a $3000 fancy mower just something that works
Ur hubby is is ao wrong and a completely wrong. The phone needs to be replaced because ur daughter broke it. The lawnmower I wud either fix or replace
I agree with you. She is a definite asset and she sounds underpaid . Look after her or you will have no one to look after your kids
100% replace both… your husband sounds like a cheapskate… who needs to realize just for the fact his children is in the care of someone you can fully trust there is no price tag on in itself cause there has been numerous stories in the news about children being tortured, abused, raped, and hurt at daycares and private sitters. You are right it’s 2 separate entities. My husband had a tool fall out of his work truck and his his coworkers fender busting it on their way home for work… his company covered the the new fender and labor cause it come off the company truck… same principle. If he didn’t want to replace it then he should have never borrowed it. And if I was your mother I wouldn’t let him use another single thing. But I bet if it was his mommy he wouldn’t be acting this way…
I would replace them. Her caring for your child and your daughter breaking her things are completely separate.
Fix the mower get her a new phone and by the way find a new man too
You already know what the right thing to do is. Just do it.
Your husband is definitely a jerk, he broke her mower while in his use and doesn’t want to get her another one. Why not, you can find a used one if that’s his concern, next time don’t borrow someone else’s stuff if you can’t replace what you broke. Also your child broke her phone and he thinks your Mom should replace it, wow is he just a cheap person? Maybe your Mom should charge you what daycares charge then, so she can replace it herself since your family seems to be getting off easy. So sad.
Your husband sounds like he’s taking advantage. Tell him to go to some daycares to get ideas of prices. Yikes. As far as your moms belongings I would replace them 100%.
She’s YOUR mom that watches your kids. Pay for both and whatever else she needs. My mom watches my kids while my husband and I work, we are very blessed to have her. We pay her weekly and whenever she mentions about buying anything at all, I usually get it for her without her even asking. You should feel very grateful she’s able to watch your kids, you know without a doubt they are in the absolute best care.
So coming from a man’s perspective I asked my girls father if this were to happen how would he have handled it. And he said if she wasn’t watching your children the phone wouldn’t have got broke and she would still have a lawn mower if it wasn’t borrowed out. Yes you should buy her a new phone and if not a new lawn mower a used one in good condition.
Husbands can come and go but you will always have your Mother
You broke it you fix it.