My Husband Expects Me to Be Home with Baby 24/7 While He Works and Has a Social Life: Advice?

Please leave find you a job and a good child care provider. At some point you will regret your child hate yourself and your husband too. If you don’t leave you need to at least show him this post that you have written. You are not just a mom! You deserve to have a full life. You need to get out and get you some “ you time”. Your husband’s doing it five days a week. You deserve so much better!

With this type of man, telling him “how you feel” will not work. It won’t. You can decide to stay, OR start planning on how to leave. MONEY is the key. MONEY will allow you to leave. You need to save, save, save the little bit that you get. You do not work, which was your choice, but that has put you in the position of being a dependent child with no income. You need help. Is there anyway you can find a job babysitting while bringing your own baby with you? Get paid to watch someone else’s baby while she goes to work, and watch your baby at the same time. A site Care dot com
has ads for babysitters wanted. Can you get a job at a daycare center, while bringing your own baby there with you, at a reduced cost for your own child? It may take a year or two years, but if you save up and HIDE your money, you will have enough money to make the move, while keeping on Government assistance to help you. Then find out how to divorce your husband. With this type of man, change is very very very unlikely. Sadly. YOU deserve better!

Leave him. This is abuse. People treat you the way you let them treat you.

Your mental, physical, and emotional health is top priority. If momma cant be calm then no one will be. the tensions will be high because even moms need breaks. So take a break. I will not hurt dad to watch daughter while mom gets pampered. If he has time to hang out with his friends he has time to spend with his daughter and his wife/partner. And shame on anyone who says otherwise. Parenting takes both parents. I know some folks dont have both parents but when there is it takes 2. Moms do need down time. I’m a mother of 4. And though I love my kids to death. I need a freaking break too. So honey go take some you time and dont feel guilty. And dont let anyone tell you any different. We stay at home parents run our selfs into the ground daily. And if anyone says different then they aren’t a true stay at home parent. Take some you time. Get some fresh air. Have a spa day. Get your hair done. Get your nails done.

Agreed, been there done that. Go somewhere else fast. You are better off alone!!!