My husband got mad our daughter wore a crop top: Advice?

i need advice to see if what I did was wrong…my daughter wanted this cute little shirt from walmart but it is kind of a crop top so i got it a little bigger so it wuldnt show too much of her belly (she is 8) my husband lost it when he saw it because when she lifts her arms you can barely see her stomach and i feel like he is over reacting about the situation…how can i make him see it isnt a big deal that she wears this?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband got mad our daughter wore a crop top: Advice? - Mamas Uncut



Tell him that He and he alone is sexualising his own daughter and that’s Friggen gross


I don’t even know. I’m just here for the comments


That’s not bad at all, comparing to the crap now adays.

Personally I don’t think any child should be wearing a crop top. It’s further sexualizing children :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t buy short shorts or crop tops for my kids even if they ask because I’m the adult and know how other gross perverted minds think unfortunately. I’m with dad on this one sorry.


No hes definitely not. Little girls should not be wearing these kinds of things there are monsters everywhere. I have an 8yr okd daughter as well and would react the same way he did if she wore something that should be meant for an adult. Clothing companies want to objectify and sexualize our babies. Its our job to NOT DO THAT


Oh no! What ever will he do when she’s 14yrs old, wearing a crop top with shorts so short that you can see the bottom of her butt cheeks?!:scream:

We have our 7 year old wear a tank top under so she isn’t showing belly


I see dad’s point. We’re not prudes, but didnt allow our daughters to wear crop tops or Daisy Dukes or bikinis growing up. Have her wear a tank top underneath. Layering is cute.


No bellies until they’re at least old enough to buy their own clothes and then even after that probably not until they’re out of my house. We’re not going and they know it.

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I think it has nothing to do with sexualizing his daughter and for some of y’all to think that is weird. I think he knows how ugly the world is and how there are so many predators out there that he wants to keep his 8 year old daughter innocent and seen as a child as long as he can. Kids are growing up way too fast these days and it’s ridiculous. I agree with your husband

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My 16 year old daughter got dress coded at school for wearing crop tops that were not very short at all, they are not aloud because the boys can’t concentrate! Sickening!


It is a big deal!!! Let your husband be a dad


I know I’ll get rude comments but idgaf. :woman_shrugging:t2: She should be covered. That’s adult women type of clothes. I have 4 girls and will not let them wear anything like that. If there is a crop top that is bought it’s with high waist pants or shorts so nothing shows. There’s gross mf out here that will see your daughter some way. Why give eye candy when you’re able to protect your daughter? Yes yes I know they can be wearing anything and still be “eye candy” but people are more attracted to seeing skin.

Why’s he sexualizing his child?


My 7 year old got two as a gift, super cute, but I only let her wear them at home. I’m with dad on this one.


Have her wear a longer tank top under it


Wear a crop top with her.


Y’all keep saying stop sexualizing bodies but dad is not the problem dad is smart and knows there are perverts out there in this world and wants his 8 YEAR OLD dressed properly And not showing off body parts that don’t need to be seen


I have never & shall never shop at Walmart.

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Absolutely over reacting.


I will never let my daughter wear a crop top. Why do little girls need to show more skin or be cuter or sexier just for school??? Um no. They are not adults. Schools need to bring back dress codes.


Depends I can see him being the protective dad because yes there’s sickos. At the same time I get where you’re coming from.

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Nope! 8yrs old and you are buying her a skirt to wear as a shirt. Why? Why would an 8yr old need to dress like an Teenager/adult?


I dont even let my 15 yr old wear them. Dress like Halloween and ghouls come out.


I don’t let my girls wear crop tops.


I didnt allow my daughter to wear crop tops until last year… lol she’s going to be 16…


Ehh crop tops for young ladies yes, but little girls.
Shouldn’t we want them to be in pretty dresses?
When I wear a crop top I’m very much trying to be an adult type of feminine.

You are both her parents he does get a say, maybe there’s a middle ground?


My daughter is almost ten and no crop tops. Tank tops under. 16 yes, 8 not my child.


I personally think 8 is to young


Weird seeing everyone continuing to sexualize little girls bodies. :sweat_smile: Crazy world. If Susie can’t wear shorts or a crop top around Uncle Bob, Uncle bob shouldn’t be allowed over anymore.


Most dads are protective over their daughters that way. I don’t see it as “sexualizing” like a few of the other comments are saying because I see it as dad being aware and concerned about the nasty ass people that prey on children. :woman_shrugging:

Pedophiles will be after kids no matter what they wear BUT it does draw extra attention :frowning: I wish we could hang em all…so I do see his point. No matter how shitty it is.

He isn’t in the wrong at all. He knows this world is crazy and gross. Nothing wrong with wanting to protect his little girl. I say let her wear the shirt but maybe add a cute tank under it! With Y2K coming back anyway she will be in style still! So she still gets to feel cute and wear her shirt! :heart:


I would say back your partner. It’s not an outrageous thing he wants from your daughter. I’m sure he would have your back with things u feel strongly about… that’s just my opinion tho


Mixed feelings for me. My daughter can wear whatever she wants to at our home. As long as she’s not showing private parts I don’t see the big deal. The mama in me also would be a little uneasy about sending her to school or other public places when she’s showing a lot of skin only because there are a lot of creeps in this world and they hide in plain sight. My baby girl is only 6. I understand both POVs. Try to meet each other in the middle.


Inappropriate, if you ask me. I’m with Dad on this one.


Time to compromise! Maybe a tank top under the shirt? That way, she still gets to wear crop tops and Dad feels better about the situation.


What is wrong with it? You people never saw a belly button before? You ever go to the lake, pool, etc and see adults and kids in a 2 piece swimsuit? Or wear one yourself?That shows more then a belly button. If I have to dress all bundled up due to perverts and hide out…I’m in trouble…if they act out…they pay for it. I can’t control sickos…and I’m not living my life or my kids around someone else’s mental issues.


I let my 8 year old wear them but she also wears tanks under them




He’s trying to save his daughter is all from the pervs


Maybe keep it as a for home type outfit if dad isn’t a fan. Win win for both

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Sadly that’s how they make their clothes now. We buy that style 2 sizes bigger and it’s like a full Tshirt and just has the oversized look that she pairs with leggings or something. Or it could be a house shirt. We have those as well for my almost 8 year old. :slightly_smiling_face:

I am SO glad that my daughters prefer wearing hoodies 24/7. Even so, especially at your daughter’s age, that would be an absolute no go for me personally. Children do not need to be dressing like that


Is she allowed to wear bathing suits in public? My husband used to feel the same. Just last year he has allowed some cropped tops, and we avoid really small 2 piece bathing suits. If I think the shirt is too short I get them to wear high waisted pants so that there is no gap.

I don’t see a little belly as a big deal. But high waisted pants and shorts are in, so toss those on with a crop top for extra coverage.

I personally think 8 is too young as well


He’s right no dad should ever feel ok with their little girl dressed in anything revealing !


In this world, if I had a daughter…I wouldn’t let my daughter wear it either until she learns to defend herself and understand a man’s perspective on how he would view her. It’s not to say she can’t wear what she wants and I know we should have a right to wear what we want, but she might attract the wrong type of attention, she can’t control others thoughts or actions. Better to be safe…. A parent can’t always supervise the child especially at school the staff are all busy trying to teach a child, the unwanted attention might come from a teacher or student at school, or staff or bus driver or simply anyone she comes in contact with.
It is sad that everyone sexualizes a girls/woman’s body but that’s how it has been and I’ve seen and heard way too many Bailey sarian cases to be comfortable with who is around me. But I am an adult I am aware of who is around me and I can defend myself. That’s the difference.


I don’t think dad is sexualizing his daughter - it’s weird when people dress kids in clothes that aren’t age appropriate


People really need to stop sexualizing our children, it’s disgusting


Tank under sounds like a really good middle ground!!


When my girls want to do the crop top thing I buy a matching spaghetti strap for underneath so you can’t see skin. Still looks cute and she’s covered❤️


Big NOPE from me! Too young


I feel she is too young to wear a top like that. Maybe have her wear a longer shirt underneath it.

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These comments ain’t it. Mines 8 and has crop tops! When she wears them out with the bottoms pulled up showing little to no skin! Y’all weird af. Also Your hub sounds like controlling a :hole:.


My 13 yr old isn’t even allowed to wear crop tops without an undershirt. Sorry I’m with dad. Inappropriate especially at 8.


I think people think it’s okay or more acceptable for younger girls to wear that kind of stuff since they aren’t developed yet, but they forget that there are so many sick individuals in the world that are attracted to little children and unfortunately get off seeing kids in those types of things. That is why I don’t allow my 6 year old daughter to wear those types of things. She can wear those types of things within reason when she’s much older, but not for another 10 or so years. I agree with your husband on this one, she’s too young.


I think your husband is just protecting your kid. She is too young to protect herself all the time. There is a lot of phedos lurking around. Yes, I am to body positivity and about my body my rules, but she’s just a baby. I understand your husband, and what happens if you are not looking and a creep is around? Sorry, but no I will not let my 8 year old wear a croptop. But you do you. :blush:


My girls live in sports bras and Nike pros so them wearing a crop top is a good day :laughing: :woman_shrugging:t3:


She’s 8. Crop tops are not age appropriate.


I would have been mad too. Dad is right.


This is my daughters 8th birthday outfit. It depends on the outfit honestly. IMO.


I see a lot of little girls wearing mini skirts, short shorts, and tops that show their stomachs. To me, my daughter wouldn’t be allowed, too many pervs in this world.

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I’m sorry she is only 8 .
Don’t rush it .
Dress her as she is 8 not a teen


Way too young.
Dad’s right.
I didn’t like them on my teenage girls.


Yeah I won’t be letting my daughter wear things like that until she’s a teen. Just my opinion


Dad’s feelings are valid and should be taken into consideration . He also has a say in the childrens safety because yes thats what he is thinking about… like everyone has said try and compromise with a tank underneath or only wear at home…


Just for the sake of another opinion commenting maybe just maybe the people that make it a problem should deal with their problem and let a little girl feel and dress how she wants without it being a problem and for the people that say perverts are the problem that cant be avoided … you said it - they are a problem to society that shouldn’t affect how a child feels or dresses and if anything should very much be made to be eradicated rather than young children have to be forced to re address what the choose to wear . Anyone that sexualises a child in any form, dress code etc needs to rethink what they’re moral practice really encompasses . Its not a situation of prevention is better than … its not a problem how kids clothe themselves until someone makes it one !!! And dont even try think the whole it s enticing for a pervert is a valid debate thats just ridiculous.


Yeah no. I agree with hubby. She likes it then have her wear a undershirt with it. My girls love shirts like that. They’re 6 and 3. Yeah they’re not wearing shirts like that til much older. 8 is still young.


I’m on dads side. 8 years old is WAY too young. I don’t even think I’d allow it even as a teenager.

Dad was a young boy once upon a time and there’s a reason he is not okay with it.


He’s being protective, he probably knows how SOME men can think. We were the same way with our daughter. People these days, you just can’t trust them.


I support dad on that.
Too many pervs around.


To young I’m with the dad… absolutely not


Maybe compromise, let her wear it in the house only to make her feel happy but keep it a at home thing because dad is right, she’s a little young for that. It’s good to let kids express themselves within reason so you both are doing right by your child.


It’s important to him. She’s blessed to have a Father that cares.


Don’t let ypur kids ware cloths that have been sexualized …end of discussion


Yeah he’s right about not wanting his daughter to dress trashy


So here we are saying an 8 yr old can’t wear what they want because even in 2022 adults want to sexualize young girls bodies. What a shame a father wants to cover up his 8 yr old daughter like it’s her job to be responsible for the filthy attitude of others who sexualize young girls. While we are at it let’s put a stop to any grown woman ever wearing anything fitted or with any cleavage to be seen . Cover up.


Dad and I agree that they can wear them at home only. They can get to express their self to a certain point. But definitely crop tops only at home. He doesn’t have an issue with that. I did talk to him about before buying them.

Calm down dad ! She’s 8. Stop sexualizing a child.


Husband is over reacting


She’s way to young , I’m on husband’s side


I didn’t like my daughter wearing these tops when she was little either but she wanted to so I used to put a singlet under it. Now that my daughter is older I don’t have a say lol

It is a big deal. Children are sexualized way to soon! They will have time to dress like a hussy later :slight_smile:


U had me till u said 8 :laughing: noooo maybe 12 :laughing: my husband would kill me :laughing:

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My daughter wears them with a tank top tucked into her jeans so her skin doesn’t show. She’s 11.

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I personally am not a fan of crop tops on anyone be them adults, teens, children, nope. I wouldn’t buy my girls one, bit if someone else happens to I also won’t go mad about it. my oldest daughter is 5 (in 8-9 clothing) and was bought a crop top for her birthday from a relative. She was so excited, thankful, grateful she loves clothes. Once the relative was gone she couldn’t resist trying it on. Luckily she’s of the same opinion to them as me her reaction to the top was “Mummy I think she must have picked up 2 year old sisters size by accident it’s much too small” she’s refused to wear it since and keeps insisting that the top must be a size 2-3 instead :joy::joy:


I think it’s disgusting what parents let their kids run around in these days. Holy crap 8?! Maybe high school, like a senior in high school! These girls are way to young.
Good job dad!


Nope 8 is way too young


To many creeps around. I’m 32 years old and don’t wear crop tops and still get followed by creeps.


It’s me.

I’m the dad.

I’m so strict on clothing that my girls won’t even ask anymore. They know my answer.
I’m like the middle school principal from 1998.
Shorts/skirts passed the fingertips, shirts fully covering stomach and chest. :woman_shrugging:t3:
Too many predators in this world. Y’all can try and change their mindset with your “the more we let them show skin, the less they’ll be sexualized” approach, but it’ll never work.


My daughters father and I have differing opinions on this one I’m not so phased because I believe that we should be trying to change peoples opinions on sexualising children so young whereas he thinks it’s a females responsibility to make sure she is covered in saying that there’s also clothes that can be worn at home and clothes that can be worn out and I think there’s a time and place for everything maybe teaching her how to distinguish those would be important

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She’ll have plenty of time to dress in crop tops. 8 is too young, I agree with your husband.


Idk…because of sick ppl…sadly I believe the dad is right .


Sadly a lot of kids clothing can be sexualized now days
Perhaps if she wore a top with shoe string straps on them

Your hubby might calm his farm

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It’s not even cropped on her so he is overreacting. Everyone who agrees with him has a perverse mind when it comes to children. Almost no one would actually look at that and think it’s sexy on a kid. The most likely pervs aren’t even strangers.