My husband had an affair: Advice?

He lied to you/hid things from you for two years. It’ll be just as easy now as it was before. Was that line is crossed the line is no longer valid


Why would she lie tho…even as far as lying to her boss…why…smh


Hmm cheaters usually don’t change hon. And they tell you to allow them to plan easier. If he is giving you all the “i’m being open” talks it is merely a cover. If he really wants to prove his innocence have him take a lie detector test. And then have her take one. If he passes then insist on counseling. When he fails realize you deserve better before this baggage scars you permanently and you carry trust issues with you into every situation in life.

The boss confirmed the chick’s story is bogus. Hes been working hard to rebuild your trust. Seek couples counseling to work through this of you need to. If possible, maybe consider moving to a new town to start over and build a new foundation. If you can’t trust him, you have nothing and I can tell you love him. It comes down to whether or not you believe in what you have.


Forget it. She’s lying. Trust him.


Bc the love bombing feels great! There’s NO BETTER HUSBAND THAN A MAN WHOSE WIFE LETS HIM CHEAT ON HER FOR YEARS AND STILL STAYS he gets to have his cake and eat it too.

THEN (and here’s the icing) when he “makes up for his indiscretions” TO YOU… he gets TO LOOK LIKE A FKN GOD OF A HUSBAND, SUCH AN AMAZING MAN, THE HUSBAND OF EVERY WOMAN’s DREAMS by being “oh so unbelievably honest” right?

So he triangulates his infidelities to somehow MAKE HIM LOOK GREAT through your suffering and hard work in being able to forgive/trust/love him agn and other women JUST LOVE THE CONFIDENCE OF A MAN WHO GLOWS WITH THE ARROGANCE OF:

“I’m SOOOOOOOO AMAZING that I can fuck other women all I want, play the part of an honest spouse to my unconditionally loving wife by ADMITTING TO ONE cheat (the one he knows is moving sooo far away → kinda TGTBT no?) and SOMEhow come out looking like some kinda HERO bc i overkill the love bombing and my wife eats it up (as do every other woman around) so IF AND WHEN my wife looks or acts like shit; I’ll have a trail of drooling back burner bitches (who yes ARE trying to have what “my wife has”) to fuck whenever I want”

Once a cheater, always a cheater, this is a deeply narcissistic man who is GREAT at what he does, he loves attention and almost can’t help himself. I guarantee you there are more cheats that you don’t know with live women other than the one he divulged; and that there is guaranteed a porn addiction so bad that he diddles with live web cams and bs like that.

Triangulating you with his boss to make you look insecure etc is also a ploy. Many women have been out through this… JUST LOOK AT ALL THE IDIOTIC COMMENTS ABOVE of just how many buy this bullshit verbatim. Take him for half of everything. Divorce. Or have an open marriage so at least you can have some fun too. BC HE HAS NEVER STOPPED AND YOU HAVE NOW JUST MADE IT Easier.

A common issue with cheaters is trickle truth. Where they feed you a little bit of truth when what really happened was much worse. Do you have the password to his phone? He doesn’t seem like he was remorseful since the affair went so long. Why did he tell you? Were you going to be told by someone else and so he did it?

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Is the boss sleeping with him?


Only you can foregive him but if he done this on and off for 3 years and didnt knoweither your really slow or he really good i know my husband is at all time we have kids kids do some crazy things did his best firend know cause he really anit your firend ether but your the olny one who will know if he wroth it not you need a paycheck cause there is real things he can bring home to you that dont feave ever good luck honey hope he worth you life

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Honestly, I’m feeling like she tried to do something with him and he turned her down and this is her backlash because she feels like since he cheated before you’d believe her.

If he’s doing all that effort and there’s no proof and y’all were out of town together on the specifics she said I’d trust your husband this one time.


The truth is in there somewhere, you just have to decide where it is.
Humans are designed to carry on the species, so sometimes some think it’s a good plan to mate with more the one.


Talk to his boss…see for your self…if what your husband is saying is true…if you find nothing in the footage…then…confront the girl…tell her,if she continues to spread lies…she will get what she deserves.but…if your husband did fool around(again)…thats the right time to let go…investigate first…


Well she sounds like a BITCH! I would trust him until proven orherwise. She should be fired.

What is your husband going to do about it??

So his boss told you all of this or he did?

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I was wrongfully accused of having an affair with one of my coworkers once, it almost broke up me and my fiance, I had no way to prove I wasn’t doing anything wrong but my fiance finally realized another coworker of mine was just trying to start shit (I’m not the only one that was being accused at the time, there were 3 of us total that our SO was getting calls about us cheating)

If he cheated on you then he don’t love you he is just useing you
A real man don’t cheat. On the one he said he loves and hurt you like that


Oh ewww shes a horrid witch.naughty hubby but if your happy thats really what matters.Wish yous well on your future journey.Id give miss.hopeful a talking to

Once a cheater all ways a cheater


Love Dare Book challenge
Fireproof movie
Rebuild trust

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If there was no proof why are you asking strangers.? You know your husband, is he cheating? If you are just afraid go to couunceling with him and don’t fret about it


You have tried but its said once a cheater always a cheater. Food for thought. My best is take it to God he will guide you thru

I can’t advise you what to do p, he broke your heart and trust before you both knew that you had something special and chose to work on it
He told you of his previous affair it doesn’t give him the right to do it again, weigh up your heart, mind and conscious a liar and cheater can change but the damage they caused the other never leaves, is he worth it, can you do it again, why oh why does this other women make these claims. I wish you with all my heart you do what’s best for you, good luck xx

I firmly believe once a cheater always a cheater. Now girls story sounds false but i bet there is something to this


He did this to you after you got married and had children?
Love yourself.

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Honestly I just wanna know how someone has enough trust not to hire a whole ass P.I when shit goes down like this after an affair. I mean personally I’d have just left and burned his house down the first time :woman_shrugging:t2:

It is a choice that only you must make and ask yourself: do you want to be happy by yourself, meet other people or do you want to stay confused and undecided all the time(with a knot in your stomach). You need to take some time to search for your answer.

How are you in contact with his boss to this extreme? That’s pretty unprofessional. I can’t see a boss getting involved in this… so I don’t really believe you lol… I feel this is all you convincing yourself of these things…it’s not really funny. But it seems obvious. This might be that one weird exception but I’m just doubting it. He had an affair at work before and we’re supposed to believe this girl is just nuts…and what kind of girl tells a boss this about another co worker risking getting fired… something isn’t right. I would never talk to my boss about weird intimate details
As that. In fact, why the hell would her boss care to know or get involved at all…to the point theyre looking at cameras. I call bs. If you want real answers you have to tell the truth.


I love how y’all worked through the complications. Don’t believe the “once a cheater always a cheater” comments. He’s gone out of his way to gain back your trust and if you ask me it sounds like a girl that just wants him fired and may wants him and wants to break him up and find him single.

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For me idk if I could ever trust him again after the first time ! You will have that answering in your head . Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me !

If he has shown regret and you have not found anything inappropriate, do not mortify yourself, Iknow that she lies because If I was with him I would not tell you anything, it is a sing of despair because he left her, stay calm.

Maybe she got wind of his past affair and is just trying to be a hoe


Takes the dates she saying especially one where u 2 werenput of town together and see if there was movement on google maps just to be sure if he didnt leave the room shes lying and he prob denied her

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He had an affair, you decided to stay together. He’s been doing good rebuilding the trust. These accusations have no proof behind them. When you decided to stay together, you decided to work it out. Especially with there being no proof from cameras, you yourself was a witness on at least 1 accused date. I would give him the benefit of the doubt unless some actual proof shows up.
That feeling is the fear and memories of the past affair.


Leave… what a fucking idiot he must be… that’s a full on relationship with someone else behind your back god knows what his capable of

You made the choice to stay and work it out and forget. Do not turn around and hold it over his head for the rest of his life.


I think the main question that needs answered for everyone to give this woman peace of mind is “Did this information only come from him”? That question and answer is honestly a huge game changer. I believe people can change and disagree with the “once a cheater always a cheater”. But I feel with the past u need to get answers directly from the sources and not from him. It’s not about not trusting him it’s being a smart woman and making sure your not getting played again. He may have shot this woman down and she got mad and made it up but then again she could be telling the truth and may have caught feelings and told him she was gonna tell you so he came up with this story… his boss could always be covering for him to idk the relationship between the two. Go with ur gut and talk to the woman as well cause u know ur man, what he likes, his routines in the bedroom so question her that there will tell you if it happened or not as well. Best of luck


Here the deal…
It isn’t about this other lady at work. Or why she is claiming what she is.
Your man cheated. Broke a part of u that cannot be fixed.
If he has gotten passed all that then the tagging his location and pics are all amazing on his part. I’ve seen couples do better after a affair.
But if he is just getting smarter at cheating, please spare yourself the pain that awaits at the end of this holy Grail.

Yes this girl at work will b marked at psyco. Perhaps she is. But ask urself why?
The saying is where there is smoke there is fire.
I’m guessing there a fire here at some point. Even if it was just a kiss somewhere or some hand holding. Empty promises made…


Im sorry but that knot will always happen from now on. It’s youre sub conscious reaction because of what has already transpired. He could never to anything ever again and that seed will still be there in the back of your mind. Because the weed has already sprouted once.


Why would she lie and say they has sex if they didn’t. Does she know about the previous affair. Idk sounds fishy to me.


Investigate Hon. Go to the boss and say you want to see the footage. Put your mind at ease. You are getting what your husband says and calling you about where he is very easy to do!! Hate to say that but I am a wife of 6 affairs while married. I knew of one when on the east side of USA. But found 5 more after we were back home for a few years. So you need proof nothing happened by viewing the tapes!! GPS tracker under his car would let you know where he is going. Sneaky I know. But if he is lying you need to know. Just my view. My husband I could not trust and I left with our son. Set him free so to speak.

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Yeah… Why would she lie about it? Something happened between them 2. He is obviously not telling you the whole story. Also, he cheated for TWO YEARS! Dump him and move on with your life. You are worth it and so is your sanity!

No such thing as a coincidence. He is cheating. Just didn’t get caught, yet

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so he was probably sleeping with her and ended it. And she decided to rat him out

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Hide a voice activated tape recorder on his vehicle

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Have him take a lie detector test.

Maybe she’s trying to get even with him


You have an instinct for a reason. You need to dig it out of the back of your closet, dust it off, and make it the center piece of your existence again. Let it guide you now like you haven’t allowed it to guide you in the past. Be still. Untie that knot in your stomache, analyze it and move forward.

I think he is telling the truth. the bitch is starting shit. she has nothing better to do then to cause trouble. get her fired from her job and keep working on your marriage.

Or this co-worker made a pass at him and he brushed her off, so now she wants to make trouble for him. Unfortunately, this is why she would lie. So, it’s up to you whether you are going to believe your husband is not messing around with this woman who is telling lies about him and her, or not. If you choose not to believe him, then get out of the relationship and get counseling for yourself, so that you can move forward without this additional baggage.

She’s lying through her teeth. Not only was no evidence found in the camera footage, she claimed to be with him at a time that you know for sure that he was with you.

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The bitch is lying!!!

It sounds like she’s just trying to start shit.

If this other person lied to you (you were out of town with hubby at the time she says he was cheating) then I’d take everything she says with a grain of salt