My husband had an affair: Advice?

A little back story! My husband and I have been together for 14 years and have two amazing children. I found out a few months ago that he had an on and off again affair with one of his employees for two years (he ended up quitting and going to a different company, and she actually moved almost to the other side of the world. It ended about four months before he even told me, but yes, he is the one that told me), I chose to work through it ( something I swore I would never do!). Since then, things have been absolutely amazing! He’s been going out of his way to show I can trust him(like snap chatting me at the gym, turning the location on his phone to show me he’s where he says he is, planning romantic getaways, and no, I didn’t ask him to do these things. Anyway! One of his employees claimed today That they have been having an affair in the building, outside the building and hotels (One of the night she’s claiming him and me were actually out of town at a hotel). She told his boss this!his business has cameras everywhere inside the building! his boss asked her specific times and dates of these occurrences, she claimed all kinds of sex in the business place, and when his boss checked the cameras there was absolutely nothing happening and other employees were around, she couldn’t find any footage of them alone. His boss didn’t see anything inappropriate and didn’t see him anywhere near her. He told me immediately! But because of our past, it puts a knot in my stomach, and I don’t know what to do.


Once a cheater always a cheater


There’s nothing to do since obviously she is lying. If the boss found nothing then there is nothing.


Idk i don’t fk with cheaters. Cheat once, dont care how long the relationship, Im out.

Cheaters tend to cheat again.


I don’t blame you for being freaked out, but it sounds like false allegations. He should sue her since you have evidence contrary.


There is nothing. There is evidence that shows they were never alone plus you said it yourself that one of the nights shes claiming they were together, you and him were out of town together.


I’m sure there is more to the story with the co-worker. Sorry, but once a cheater, always a cheater…


Hmm, I could never trust someone again if they done that to me… I’d leave them fuck off tbh! I think if they done it once theyl do it again. If theres no trust what’s the point jano?

If you moved on from the past, leave it there.
You have proof he didn’t cheat again, so if you’ve forgiven him of the past, don’t let this hinder your progress


Now did his boss tell you himself that he didn’t see anything from the cameras or did he ( your husband) tell you this? Sounds like he’s trying to deflect somehow. Why would the employee risk her job to tell the boss something like this if it isn’t true to some effect.

I’m hoping it’s not true at all but that’s a lot of red flags there.


If neither of you want to get a divorce, then it comes down to marriage counseling.


Lol so she’s making this all up for no reason…just to spite him? Doubt it. Especially considering he’s already done this within the workplace.


It sounds like in this case, she’s just spouting nonsense. But I understand the uncertainty, due to your past. Is the information coming directly from your husband? If you know any of the women at the company I would ask them if they’ve heard anything about it, just to confirm the story. It’s remarkable that your husband told you about his affair himself and is doing everything to make it up to you, that’s a really good sign. But it’s totally normal for you to feel the way you do, too, and you should do what you have to in order to feel secure.


If the employee has reported this and you know he’s not doing anything (ie. you were together and no video to show he’s doing anything), you should ask him what he’s going to do about it. He should be going to HR to have it taken care of and in this instance, if I were in his shoes, I’d demand she be terminated.


Well if the boss didn’t see anything and he told you about it right away, I think the cunt is lying. There are a lot of weirdos out there, this just hit a little too close to home for you, riled up old feelings.

Sounds like she wants to cause problems with you two because she may secretly want your husband. And sounds like he was zero interest so she is causing some problems. Or he may have turned her down and she got upset.
Personally I think she should be fired for
Making such lies up.


I’d have been gone the first time and not put myself in the position for him to make a fool out of me again. You chose to stay. He is likely cheating again. Why would this woman make it up?


she probably knows the history and is just saying so to get a kick or for you to leave your hubby so she can sneak in there… if you forgave your husband and stuck with him then you need to be the one to shut her down. “listen I know my husband is a good catch but back the fuck off before you catch these hands”

My fiance and I have been together for 11yrs last year he cheated on me both physically and emotionally and ended up leaving me for a little over a month which caused me to go into a deep depression almost ending my life. I seeked help and we both have worked on ourselves and our relationship for the past year and I just gave birth to our 2nd child. We r stronger now than ever before.

I wouldn’t sweat it until there is actual proof. There is a lot of crazy ladies out there that would do anything to tear people apart.


No tape means your clean, give him a chance

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He’s lying… she’s telling the truth… I was with a creep like this for 26 years… we hv 3 sons… it’s an addition… like drugs or alcohol… he gets high off “forbidden fruit”… lying… cheating… sneaking around… he will never stop… get rid of him & save yourself years of pain & torment. It’s no way to live & will kill your spirit & self esteem… my only regret is that I didn’t leave sooner… I regret the trauma I caused my children… he’s not worth it…


This woman is from his new job ? This sounds strange to me that this is a new job and women saying this. How do you know the boss really didn’t find anything ? Maybe she planned on telling you and he’s covering up. It seems strange he had a affair for two yrs, starts a new job and is being accused again


Why would she say that though?? What’s her motive? Women don’t just out of the blue make those claims. Whats your husband doing about it? Are you getting this info directly from him? Sounds like it because theres no reason for some woman to just make that crap up. He never stopped cheating. You’d think he would demand she be fired. Call his boss yourself!!


Divorce! There, simple as that.


Don’t throw away a good marriage because someone did something stupid. No marriage is perfect. Seek counseling if necessary. Marriage is hard work. I’m a widow, but we were together 47 years & still liked each other.


Honestly i have no advice but me and my partner had to live separately for a year a few years ago we tried splitting up but saw each other every week and still slept together he eventually went on a date with someone else i only found out as he was covered in love bites he swears they never slept together but 5 yeaes later it still kills me and still fills my mind and makes me sick. Its your choice if you live with this or not but that feeling will never ever leave u its just whether you can deal with it or not xxxxxx

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Go on with your life and don’t believe the gossips, they seem to relish in other peoples misery! What is the employee doing disclosing things that are none of her business?

I dont condone cheating at all. But his conscience lead him to tell you. He t ed lls you everything g.j ing now. So let it go. Everyone has made a mistake in the past. If he is faithful kind and sincere since then, let it go. Probably just jealous and wants to move ahead in the company. He can sue her deformation.

Sadly I have been with several people who cheat and although we like to believe the saying “once a cheater always a cheater” isn’t always true, it holds some truth. They do it once they are more likely and comfortable enough to do it again. Especially since you have already forgiven him and he knows you’ll stick around. Men who don’t put themselves in these situations don’t have all the drama and he said/she said. Best of luck!


The boss says even then there was no evidence. It sounds like she may be jealous and got turned down,and now trying to stir things up.he has done many things to earn your trust.unless evidence shows he is cheating I would not even lose sleep and keep enjoying your life


Have you spoken to the boss yourself? Or just taking his word for it? are he and his boss friends?
Also, just because she got a date and time wrong, doesn’t mean she’s lying.
I can’t imagine she’s making the whole thing up.


I dont think I could ever forgive cheating, thats crossing a line to me. You are very strong.


I’ve learned in this world there are either men that cheat or men that don’t. If he’s done it once he will do it again. Aside from my beautiful children, I wish I could have gone back to my ex husband’s first affair and ended it then. 7 years of hell. I am sorry this happened to you. But from my unfortunately all to familiarity of this situation, even if he were to “straighten up”, for me, the anger, the hurt and the distrust never went away. I was never the same person after that.


Situations like this is why I would have left. If anything ever happens in the future and he is innocent you’ll never believe Him. The level of trust that was once their will never be the same again. Unless this woman is psychotic and making stuff up just for shits and giggles he has done something to lead her on. He played some type of role into making her think they have something, or maybe he pissed her off? It’s not fair that you are once again put in a position to questions your husbands loyalty. Do yourself a favor and find someone who won’t put you in that position. I’d be filing for divorce

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Sounds like she likes him and hes denied her and so shes after some sort of twisted revenge. I’d side with your man right now

2 Likes big give away is one of the dates that the affair took place you said you both were out of town.dont belive her.


I remember your other post… he’s a doctor and moved to a new work place. So this has happened at the new work place… :expressionless:
How is this a coincidence? That it’s a similar issue as before…
Who are you getting your information from? His boss? Which I doubt because due to his position he should not be discussing this with you…
Is your husband telling you everything that happened? If not… who is telling you?..
Of course he’ll be overly nice to you now, now that you truly know deep down inside what a scum bag he is…

Hire a investigator… It’s bullshit you keep going thru this drama 

I normally would say, he will do it again. but the fact that there were/are cameras & there was no evidence, then add the fact she accused him another time, but you were with him. Would prove to me, she’s fishing,& she looking for a payday (which is wrong with the ones that this has happen to & no one believes them) Maybe she was interested in him & he told her, ‘sorry I’m married & I won’t do this to her.’ Or again, she is looking for a payday :frowning: Yes I also can understand how you feel about this. But the fact that your husband came to you the first time & told you, which surprises me, because most will not & deny everything. I would give him a chance. I will also say you & you & him need to speak to a therapist for both your sakes


If there is no evidence, do not let a crazy woman get between what you two are rebuilding. She’s probably pissed he didn’t accept her advances.


I was with someone I dated for almost TWO YEARS and found out he was living a double life. I even had his phone location, dates and times where she said they were together and we had actually been out that same night (a few moments to the store or something here and there and he would see her) so yeah this is really possible he saw her and was with her the same days you were. I would talk to her and find out what’s going on and ask her for evidence (messages, calls, etc.) since she seems determined to prove it. His employers and co workers lied for him too. I’m not saying he’s doing anything this time around but I’m saying dig DEEP and see if she can prove anything to you. Call her right now. If nothing else she should still be fired anyway. YOU call HR, he doesn’t have to be the one who initiates her termination. If they won’t do anything about it you can file against the company for them protecting her


Maybe she tried and he rejected her, so she’s trying to get him in trouble at work and split y’all up.


#1 …If this chic tried hitting on him and he turned her down this could be why…
#2 some chicks are just nuts and go thru imaginary things. If they found absolutely nothing I wouldn’t stress… did you get to talk to the boss or is all this info coming from hubby??


So was he having an affair again?

It could be that this employee tried to seduce your husband and he didnt want anything to do with her so she went to her boss for revenge lol but didn’t think that the boss would look into cctv and she ll turn out to be a liar! Be careful! Because your husband made a mistake once it doesn’t mean he is doing it again. If you have every prove that he is innocent i would carry on with my life normally and forget about everything. But i would also tell my husband to stay away from her as she will only bring trouble!


If Theres No Proof Trudt Your Man Hes Been Honest So Far So No Need To Worry About


To me seems like he wouldn’t have an affair with her so she’s trying to break y’all up. I would trust him on this and ignore her. Especially since she has no proof


Also why would your hubby even tell you in the first place if he was just going to do it again. That doesn’t make sense


Maybe she got upset if he turned her down? It seems like if he told you and is trying to work on it maybe he changed

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I can’t tell you to leave. However, you said you decided to work through it. I would still try. He said it didnt happen and has proof.

Unless there is proof you should not worry…

He didn’t cheat on you again. That’s a hoe trying to create work place drama because she likely tried to get at him and he turned her down. She should have been fired for false sexual accusations.


Well something ain’t right!!! It’s not real common that men get “told on” by other woman and there’s not some truth to it. Especially it seems to be a similar situation as before!!! Wake up lady!!

Have you seen obsessed? Same thing. :woman_facepalming:t3: if you are working it out with your husband, do that. He’s shown you he wants you… if you feel uneasy, bring him lunch to work. Ask the other woman for proof. :woman_shrugging:t3: I’ve had a woman tell me something happened with my man, he was with me when she accused, so I asked for proof. Nothing and she disappeared. :woman_shrugging:t3:

There comes a time you are either going to have forgive him and move on. And be grateful he is showing you how much he cares for you. Ignore the woman he more than likely ignored, and she is a troubled lady. Either forgive and move forward, or leave him, possibly losing the best man you will ever have again
Good luck, it’s all in your lap
I for one, would accept it as a mistake…grieve get mad, then get over it. Your marriage sounds better than ever, looks like he learned just how wonderful you are and how much he loves you.

Is this all coming from his mouth, or do you have outside communication from his boss? I mean if he’s just coming home and telling you all this, I’d be like :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:. But if you’ve seen emails or anything to confirm… like confirmation the date she claimed she was with your husband while you’re out of town with him, like written in an email by someone other than your husband, or an email from his boss saying he checked the tapes, etc. If you have outside confirmation, I’d believe your husband.


Relationships only work with trust do you trust him or not if you do you can work your problems out it’s up to you

I would say go and seek counseling. You will not get over him having an affair right away. It will take a long time. Trust me. I stayed and worked things out with my husband and it took years of work but it can be done. Sounds like this women is setting your husband up. There’s nothing on camera so it sounds really fishy especially since you were with him one of the nights. If he was going and doing it again why would he tell you?


I understand the worry, but its been proven a lie. Theres no evidence and you said you were out if town one of the days. She probably wants him and thinks that this will separate you.

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Coincidences like this do NOT happen, to cheat in the past and then to be wrongfully accused of cheating again… There is SOME truth to what she says!


He’s not nailing anyone else anymore

I would honestly probably turn into Joe from YOU.


If you already know one of those times and yall were together when it supposedly happened. I wouldn’t take anything she says at face value. Since he is working on things with you, I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to get with him and he shut her down. So now she is acting out. Because that is really what it sounds like. Especially if the boss didn’t see anything on the cameras. Sounds like shes crazy.

she got mad bcz she probably wanted w him n he sd hoe no! i mean hell no😁


Lady nothing is worth this crap in your life after 12 months of leaving him you will feel stronger if you stay you will forever have anxiety and questions


Your hubby is a cheater .maybe not with psycho chick but he will do it again …the stuff he is doing now is to regain your trust and when he has it and you finally let down your guard he will cheat… And FYI being with that other girl for two years is not an affair its a relationship …he was in a relationship with that other girl …


No he’s fine with all the checking and eye in the ski he’s fine

If you had left him after knowing of his affair you’d never have to worry about whether he’d do it again. Cheaters should lose everything! After all they risked everything. Kids, home, the job… Although nothing is credible with this woman I’d let her have him! 🤷🏼

If he loses his job you’ll know

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She is probably just a hoe that tried to get with him. Maybe she found out he had an affair before and thought she could get lucky and he shut her down making her pissed and trying to ruin things for him :roll_eyes: if there was absolutley no proof then don’t let it get to you. Camera’s don’t lie, nor do they not capture things if they are everywhere


Ignore her, proof is in the cameras non existant footage.

I find it very strange that a new woman in a new company is repeating the same “story”. Why would she do that without reason? He’s selecting the times he sends snap chats etc to you but I think you should be randomly selecting times to contact him. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.


I cant imagine why he would tell you if there was any truth behind it. Maybe she knows about his past and is looking for an easy pay day?

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I don’t think you have anything to worry about

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It seems like he is putting an effort into your relationship. You made the decision to stay and work things out, and part of that is putting the past behind you and forgiving him. However, I understand that trust is hard to rebuild. It’s a good sign that your husband came to you with this instead of finding it out in another way. If you know for a fact that you were with your husband when some of the alleged encounters took place, I’d disregard her accusations as fake. You are a good wife for sticking by your husband, and it seems your husband wants to make things better. Keep moving forward, but try to be more aware of what he’s up to so history doesn’t repeat itself. Keep an open line of communication so he comes to you if he’s not happy in any way. Good luck, and I applaud you for trying to work through things!

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You have video proof that nothing happened. Let it go.


Honey lifes too short. Make yourself and the children happy. But a leopard never changes it spots. Although u didn’t give his age. When men are older they do settle down. I wish u the best of luck. And remember no one can make you happy but yourself. Take it from an old lady.

You have no reason not to believe him right now. Pray about it. She’s probably jealous and wants attention.
I had a girl download an app and tell my SO that I cheated on him when he was out of town… we went out of town together. She just wanted to split us up so she could have him.


It sounds like you want to believe him, but have your doubts. Go with your gut, it will usually never fail you. You love your husband and ending a relationship is never easy, especially on the children but it will get worse if you don’t put a stop to it. The best advise I can give you is prepare yourself. Have things in line so that you have a plan in the event you leave him or ask him to leave. It sounds like there is more to this story and he’s not telling all of it. I don’t know if his boss is allowed to give you any info, but I’m sure if this “affair” did happen, she’s got to have proof of something. Text, email, calls, or something. There will always be some type of behavior or evidence left behind. My guess is that he’s good at hiding it since you never caught it the first time. The person could have also given him the ultimatum and said if he didn’t tell you, she would. So he could have been honest, but not by choice.

In the end, you need to decide what it is you want to do. After all, you will have to deal with him the rest of your life as you have children together. Best of luck to you and may you find the peace and guidance you need.

Why is his name coming up again? Some serious questioning needs to be done.


If it was true, she would have proof. Pictures of them together, text messages. Something. I’d reach out to her if you can just to settle your own mind. Don’t mention anything about his history. Just see what proof she has.


Once a cheater always a cheater


You stayed with him when you found out he DID cheat on you but now you’re confused on what to do when he ISN’T cheating on you?

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I hope you just straight up ask him if it’s true or not. Be blunt about it. And his reaction will show you whether he is telling the truth or not. Call him out on it and tell him that it makes you feel uneasy. Communication is key. Trust your gut it’s never wrong!

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Did your husband tell you all of this? Or are you on close terms with his boss…most bosses would not take this news to the wife.
You also say that the two of you were out of town on the same date she claims she was with him.
Who told you the actual date … Your hubby or the boss?
If your hubby is the one giving all the info to you… I would have knots in my stomach too. I don’t want to alarm you or make you feel any worse but you should investigate further. Talk to your husband. Use your intuition. It is usually right.


I strongly don’t think you have anything to worry about .

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It’s normal to feel that knot. You’ve been burnt before but if u forgave him and he didn’t give u a reason to believe he is cheating again then continue living your life and ignore the lady because some women just bitter. Trust and believe. My hubby used to give this female co worker a ride home and she would drop her earring or she would use the mirror and leave behind lipstick Marks etc and one day I met up hubby at his work and i offered her a ride which she accepted and when we were close to her home I gave her back her earring and told her I love the lipstick and I’m really glad that even though her bf is too busy to come for her my husband makes sure she gets home safe as it’s on his way home. Shortly after she stopped taking the drop to go home. Thing is she didn’t know by husband would msg me and tell me he dropping her off. :rofl:


Obviously he has been proven innocent so far. He probably told her NO and she is just being a vengeful witch.

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Don’t do anything, there is proof it is lies

She’s lying. Video cameras don’t lie & you were with him on some of thos occasions.


He was upfront of the lies being told by this vixen so trust in your husband afterall as you said one of the times she claims you in fact were with him - she’s blowing smoke bc she wants what you have but he only has eyes and love for you - that knot will vanish don’t dwell on it sweetie.


Looks like, even though, you chose to work through it, that same level of trust is not there.

I don’t understand women who need attention like this but she is having her own drama at your expense. Until I lived my life, I want believe it either, but there people out there who NEED attention and don’t care how they get it. I’m 85, was a teacher and still experienced very sick people like this. You and your husband have gone thru enuf. Ignore the bitch

I’ve honestly had a bunch of girls trying to create drama because my boyfriend rejected them :woman_shrugging:
To the point where we were hours away at a hotel and they were claiming he kidnapped them after taking them to a movie and wouldnt let her leave for the whole weekend (mind you I encouraged her to press charges/involve police if that was the case but she refused). I’ve had girls say “oh he text me this asking for _____” and when I ask for proof its “oh well I deleted the messages!” I honestly would just trust your man. She sounds like she just wants drama, but if you’re uncomfortable, reach out to her. Keep your husband in the loop and send her a message asking for any kind of proof – screenshots etc.


Forgive him and move on with him. Sounds like she might be up to something shady.


I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Especially if cameras didn’t pick up anything and they’re everywhere


In the beginning of our relationship, My husband and I both called off work one day and spent the entire day together in bed. Around 9 that night we had just gotten out the shower & my husband received a text from a “friend” that I was at that exact moment sitting in a bar making out with my ex & he “just had to let him know because he was too good of a guy” . Obviously that wasnt even possible, we had been together in the house the entire day. This so called friend went so far as to say he even had pictures and true enough he did, but it was some chick who kind of looked like me in a really blurry picture and she obviously didnt have my tattoos. Ironically the first fight and almost break up my husband and I had this same guy tried to “comfort” me. Smh. The point is, people will try to come in between you’re happiness because they dont have it for themselves. I completely under you feeling some kind of way given the past, but this sounds to me more like the situation I found myself in all those years ago. Sounds to me like she came for you’re man, he rejected her & now shes trying to cause problems. Dont allow it.


If there’s no footage of any of the times she was claiming then she’s obviously lying.


Once a socket twice a fool. Don’t kid yourself! I know it is not easy, especially if you love him. But once it’s broken, the crack is always there. Even if you forgive you never forget. I pray for your strength.

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She’s lying. Forget it. Trust him.