My husband has a large social media following and lets people make flirty comments toward him: Advice?

Hi. Whew. Ok, so my SO has a social media account with a pretty generous following. He posts anonymously under a tag. He has told his followers things about his life/our life, our dog, our books, our views, and beliefs but makes no mention of him being in a relationship at all. So when I joined his social media, I noticed several comments that I viewed as disrespectful to me. Things I didn’t feel he would be ok with. I explained my feelings to him. He said he couldn’t help others’ comments and made it to where no comments could be made and closed down his chat. When looking yesterday, the comments are getting more and more flirty from his followers that share his posts, and he has yet to make mention of an SO to any degree. He has tried to explain it away or excuse it. I feel like he is protecting someone else’s feelings. I don’t know what else to do. Like I said, I brought it up and how it made me feel. There was an action taken on his part. Yet the comments continue…