I wouldn’t be ok with it ; so I agree with your husband.
You need to trust your gut and stand up for your kid. Right now, even though it might seem like a small thing, he needs you to be on his side! He needs to see that his mom supports him expressing himself. I hope you make the right choice next time, I know it’s hard
My two young sons like it too. Its nice to be able to do something fun with them! Their dad doesn’t say no even though he doesn’t love the idea. If anything, your making some good memories tell the dad to suck it.
Why is the teacher even painting children’s nails? Especially a 7yr old boy. I wouldn’t be happy at all
My boy is the exact same!! Hes 8. He has 2 sisters and always says he wishes he had long hair like them…
If he wants to paint his nails…I let him.
If he wants to play with dolls/barbies…i let him!
His dad is the same as your partner…but i tell him in the nicest way possible to ‘back the f**k off!!’
Let your boy do this stuff. Seriously hes doing no harm what so ever
Paint his nails!!!
What is wrong with half of you?
He is your kid. You shouldn’t have went along with him. Absolutely disgusting that so many parents take this stance. How are orange nails hurting anyone? They’re easily removed and have no effect on the nail
And that’s how the fight started…
I would have lost my shit. My son has liked those things his whole life. He is 12 now, his nails are currently red, he had an Elsa birthday when he was 6 had the dress and doll, the whole 9 yards. I am fully ok with him expressing himself the way he feels comfortable and have fought my exes tooth and nail at times to keep him the way he is, with his full personality intact. Never let anyone break your child’s spirit. I understand that’s your husband, but he did real damage to your son tonight and he won’t ever forget that moment or the way he felt.
I painted my brother’s nails when we were kids. He’s still straight. Some of y’all are so ‘scared’ that something so innocent is going to “make them gay”. Which shouldn’t even matter to begin with. But also, there ain’t nothing that can “make you gay”. You either are or you aren’t.
They’re nails. Good Lord these “men” are acting worse than toddlers and need to shut up. Hell, my dad helped me paint my nails!
My brother is the only boy and occasionally likes his nails painted hes 6 we let him always!!! He wanted the frozen barbies so for good behavior he got them. He maybe a dad someday and hell be ready to paint nails and do hair!!
This is what wrong with people now a days females can put on men’s clothes and act like a man without issues…but God forbid if a little boy gets his nails panted or play with dolls THIS is what wrong with the world. TELL YOUR HUBBY TO SHUT IT AND LET YOUR LITTLE BOY EXPRESS HIMSELF!
Makeup and nail polish don’t make a child gay. My problem is when parents blatantly persuade their child to be more the opposite gender then what they were born because it’s the cool thing to do.
I have two sons, they both wore nail polish and lipstick when they were younger. Because they asked me to apply it when they saw me with it. It’s what children do. There is no right or wrong when it comes to your child. As long as they aren’t hurting someone, let them be. Straight or gay, they will always be perfect in my eyes.
I’m in a bunch of nail polish groups and there are a bunch of boys that like their moms to paint their nails. I’m even in a group that has a lot of nail stamping and one time this boys mom did Pokémon them stamps on her son’s nails. It was awesome! I already had the conversation with my husband about what he would do if our son liked “girl” stuff or our daughter liked “boy” stuff and he is ok with whatever our kids like and thinks they should be allowed to be themselves.
Your child is who he is whether his parents or grandparents support him or not. As his mother you have a choice, be his support and his rock or loose your bond and his trust. He has his journey, it’s wether you choose to be a part of it. I hope you make the right choice for both him and yourself.
I raised 2 girls with a step father, most of their lives…
If he EVER took a stance against my kids over something that petty, he would be an EX…FAST.
Your husband is showing his “colors” & if you don’t protect your child now, things are only going to get worse for your son.
This is only nail polish…what happens when it’s “something big”?
& As far as his real dad, if he can’t be supportive of your son taking an interest in “girl things” I would reevaluate how much time he spends with your son also.
Both of my uncle’s grew up with 3 sisters. They braided hair, painted nails, played house, school, Barbie’s, & let me tell you, they are THE BEST STRAIGHT HUSBANDS, FATHERS, & UNCLES I have ever met in my life
Your son is going to be who he is and when he grows up he will either remember that you supported him and accepted him for who he is or that you tried to mould him into some form of a socially acceptable ‘man’. Which do you prefer?
You let a man dictate the reaction, self explanatory really , you broke your little boys innocence because why ? Two grown men have issues with the concept of a boy using nail polish?? Both my sons have dressed up in women’s clothing, they’re not gay and so what if they were?? I’d Ditch the husband and ignore the bigot comments in this post …your instincts as a mum kicked in , you were right to feel bad , my question is , how bad does your baby now feel ?? This makes me sad
I would wake him up in the morning and take him to get a manicure and nails painted, gel even, and then take him home a defiantly stand there while he showed my husband, take a stand, show him you are a strong woman and that is YOUR child. Don’t be meek.
Kids do that but it did not hurt them our turn them gay it is just à game to kids your husband is wrong I feel sorry for your little boy it is ok for boys to paint their fingers ànd toes ,
I’d handle the man not the KIDS
The amount of hatred and ignorance in these comments. Woooo, I feel bad for some of y’all’s kids.
Seriously. All of you people that are so much against this little boy having his nails painted, would be praising a grown Man for allowing his young daughter to paint her daddy’s nails. My husband and son (5) get pedicures, just as my girls and I do.
He’s the STEP dad so you need to tell him to step his ass to the side and shame on him for making your son feel ashamed.
You should absolutely have stood up to your husband on this. This is a huge red flag, and you need to pay attention to it.
It is just nail polish! My 4year old son loves nail polish when he sees me painting my toes. His dad doesnt get an opinion though because he doesnt see him much at all.
A four-year-old boy with painted nails means nothing, he just wants to be included like the girls were, it’s innocent and fun, why are some men so fragile?
He’s a kid, no one cares.
I guess he is curious and just wants to know and feel how it is when our nails are painted. You can simply just let him know that it’s actually for girls. But you know there are also grown up men who likes their nails painted. Letting him be doesn’t mean he’d change his sexuality in the future. So long as he is guided properly I don’t think it should be an issue.
My younger brother (8 years younger) loved my nail polish, my skirts, my makeup, nail polish and my heals, he lived with mom and I, our older brother came and went so I believe he just wanted to fit in with the girls. He outgrew that stage by the time he was 7, and is very much a true blue guy. Frankly I think he is trying to bond with your step daughter. My son wanted nail polish and makeup on when I was doing it for his sisters, he also outgrew it. He just wanted to do what his older sisters did, by the way he had his own Barbie’s, his sisters had their own cars, they played together a lot. Best thing you can do is let him know you loved his nails, and find something else the two can both enjoy that will be acceptable for his dad and your husband.
At the end of the day, let your child know that you love him however you decides to decorate his body. Talk to your husband about how you feel.
You broke your little boys spirit to please your husband…
My 7 year old boy paints his nails to and I would never let anyone bully him and me like that. Im sad for him.
Out of all of this Im just curious why you called your ex to get confirmation? I understand its the boys dad, but you married this man to raise a family with so what was the intention of calling to even mention what happened.
My brother had his toes painted many times! He also had his own babydoll because he was a good “daddy”. He played dress up a few times growing up never very often. But he didn’t turn out gay and it wouldn’t matter if he would’ve! People are crazy not letting kids be kids and laugh it off. The kid is 7 and he sees his big sister doing girl things it’s nature to be curious!
You do you momma you know what’s best for your son
Our cultures gender specific expressions are garbage. A child should be allowed to express himself whether it is uncomfortable for the parent or not. The stance your husband and his dad took is a homophobic/ anti-transgender one. It was seen as being too feminine by them. I have a friend who has painted his nails black since elementary school and he’s in his 40’s now. I guarantee he will always remember having to take it off and feeling like he should be ashamed of himself.
You need better men in your life.
These two sound like a…holes
You should never let a man that isn’t even your sons biological dad make rules like that for your kid. And even if it was his biological dad if you believe your son can have his nails painted then he can. That is your kid too. Us women should not let our men control us or our views for us kids.
You need to stand up for your child to BOTH the assholes in his life
Side note teachers should not be putting nail polish on children without parental consent…
My son is 13 and his 8 year old sister painted his nails before we went and watched thier other sister race a go-kart. If you think it should be the other way around you have the closed mind. It’s nail polish it’s not going to effect anything, but removing it while saying you thought it was pretty is quite confusing and maybe you should paint them for him soon and screw what those clearly insecure men think.
Both of my brothers used to let me dress them up in dresses and heels with painted nails & bows in their hair. Up until they were like 10-11. They just wanted to do it because I did it. They’re both straight, we just did it for fun.
Ran into same situation with my husband. I compromised because I understand girls have makeup and hair dealies to make them look special and there’s really not any options like that for boys. So I made my son a “tool kit” even put it in a tackle/toolbox. I went to dollar store and filled it with gel, cheap guy body spray, deodorant, combs, etc. It definitely helped cheer him up and gave him something special to do with his appearance just like his sisters.
My son used to love having his nails painting, its just playing, hes now 15 and doesn’t paint his nails nor is he gay, not that id be bothered if he was or blame it on having his nails painted not all gay men are feminine. Dont remove it next and to make it up to your son, paint his nails for him in bright orange.
Yikes, it is so very obvious how many of you love your children but only conditionally.
He’s not long entered this world and is seeing things for the first time, why would we put adult views and opinions on such an innocent mind, he’s experiencing things and curious, don’t change that…or he may not have his own mind when he’s older, and just follow the pack. Good luck with being strong, your gut feel told you the answer.
Sounds like you will be walking on egg shells for the rest of your life with this bloke start standing up fo yourself now or your life will be a misery believe it please !!!
Is just nail polish . My eldest (6) had been our family’s nail painter since he was 2. It’s great for his fine motor skills, and always a great conversation starter
I don’t believe in gender specific expressions, boys can like dolls and makeup just as girls can like hunting and what society says are “boy” things. By not allowing our children to express themselves however that many be we are telling them that it’s wrong if it’s not what is considered “normal”. I would never want my child to feel that way or feel ashamed. now this could just be some innocent thing but even if it’s not and say your son comes out gay in the future, would it really matter? That’s still your child that you should love unconditionally no matter how you feel on the situation or your husband feels. Your kids come first, I’m sorry but you should have stood up to him. I’m a proud mother of a bisexual daughter! Before my daughter fully came out she decided to cut all of her hair off in this cute little pixie cut, well a couple family members put in there too since and said some very derogatory terms that truly offended my daughter and myself. This world and needs to accept people for who they are and not automatically judge someone based on their appearance or something that they want to do especially in innocent child, something so little as painting his nails. That doesn’t define who he’s going to become at that age it’s honestly just something he’s probably doing because he sees the girls doing it he can’t comprehend that your husband is thinking of it in a different way, so that poor little boy is feeling just got hurt over something he can’t even understand. Please please please next time stand up to your husband and have your son’s back. My son now is only 15 months old and my daughters already have painted his nails, which he loved because he thought he was matching his sisters. This doesn’t mean that my son is going to be gay but even if he was I would be thrilled I want my kids to live their lives their truths and be happy. His father didn’t really like it either, but as I told him if he has a problem with it then leave. I won’t have negativity and gender stereotyping in my house.
Personally, I wouldn’t encourage my boy to paint his nails . I agree with the notion of letting a child be free but there should always be boundaries.
There are so many other ways to express and to amuse himself .
IMO Boys and girls will never be the same but of course they are equal .
I wouldn’t be upset with the step dad just because he has a different view on things . All kids need both parents
Your husband needs to grow up … I have all boys and we never suppressed anything they choose to do thats not harmful to others… so far they have put nailpolish, make up, hair color, long hair and my youngest when he was two, loved being Queen Elsa and one day wore the costume too that was when he was 2 i would buy him those flashy colorful handbags … he slowly grew out of them still if he likes or wants something girly i encourage him … personally I feel by suppressing their interests you are only giving it root … he wanted to do it doesn’t mean he will keep on with it he’s just a child and nailpolish means nothing its just something he tried and had his fill and be over it long before you know… if not then there is nothing you can do to change that. Most important thing you can do is love him and make him feel loved and understood and accepted💕
Who cares?? Kids Express themselves in different ways and if u have a man telling you that ur son he shouldn’t do this then its not a man !!! Kids need to experience things on their own and to hear something they did isn’t right at that age …i say ditch the men!!!
How about stop asking for everyone else’s side and side with your kid? You just very clearly picked your new husband over your kid and seriously you should be ashamed of yourself you say you’ve encouraged him to express himself but as soon as that expression is challenged you bark and fall into line you didnt defend him like a mother should, you should be telling your husband and his dad to stfu and go put sparkles on his nails if thats what he wants
These men need a good smack in the face imo. But obviously up to this point no one’s done that. …
What there mommas think? Mean this with all honesty- if they back their boys up their brainwashed twats from another time- if not then I say let gramas unleash their fire dwn on them
I think that it would be hurtfully to him that you didn’t stand up for him. I mean your house your rules, your son your rules. Be supportive in everything he does in life but I had to have a talk with a few children how some people are never going to like the things you or anyone else does but his/her happiness is what’s important
All my male cousins and my older brother used to let me paint their nails and guess what they each grew up to being loving people and they are all straight so nail polish is just some color on your nails nothing more now go paint his nails and throw both those men in the trash where they belong
My 4 year old like having his painted if he sees me doing it he comes over to get his done I happily do them his step dad doesn’t mind but his real dad didn’t like it he gets told he can express himself how ever he wants it’s his life he will choose how he wants to live it and don’t understand what is wrong with it. I honestly think you should stand up to your husband and his dad and tell them it’s not their Decision or yours it’s your little boys and as I used to get told if you haven’t got anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.
I agree with your husband and sons dad
However if it’s something you have been letting him do for years then you should have said that to your husband
I used to paint my brothers nails and do his makeup.
He didn’t love it or hate it.
Insecure about their masculinity. My dad used to let me paint his nails to match mine.
I am a single mother of an 11 yr old. When he was younger and we would hang out with my best friend and her daughter. Us girls always painted our nails and being little he felt left out and wanted his nails painted too. So I decided we would paint them the boy color (clear). He was happy. My son is also thoughtful and pics out coral or purple items sometimes because those are my favorite colors. My son isn’t gay, I honestly wouldn’t care what color he painted his nails if he decided he wanted to do that. Its a non permanent form of self expression. But who I am to tell you how to raise your child. Good luck, from the mom of a dread head rock star
He really has no say as that’s not his son and honestly he should know his place. As for his biological father, sounds like your son lives with you so when he’s at his dads his dad can decide what he can do. No one should dictate what goes on in your home except for you. Now what if your child is gay or metrosexual and this was his first step in expressing himself? (Not saying that painting your nails makes you gay or anything). You just taught him that while you support his choice to express himself that you don’t care enough to stand up for him and that’s so wrong. If he can’t trust you to back him up in small things how can he trust you with the big stuff
Um, excuse me, you’re letting someone who’s barely even been involved in your sons life, someone who is not even the real father dictate what your child can’t do because its for girls???
Stuff what the step dad thinks and the dad…if your little lad wants to wear nail polish…let him. Let him be who he wants to be and not what the men in his life want him to be. Support your son instead of your husband and ex partner. It doesn’t hurt anyone…let him be him x
Create a nail board. You can get a finger from Sally’s, the nail slides in. Glue them to a board. He may be good at micro painting.
Only thing wrong here is moms boys are suppose to have their dads input on what they do thats how they my learn to became men if mom is going to cry and fuss everytime dads says something the child will be confused let dads be dads and to their sons and moms to their girls
Your children are free to express their interests in whichever way they choose. He could become a nail technician and still be straight he could go down many career paths for showing interest in it. Doesn’t make him gay or anything and you know what I would be so proud of my son if he showed interest in something that we class feminine so each to their own opinion. I personally have no issue with it I’ve painted my sons nails cause he saw me painting mine and wanted his done so we had matching nails until the polish came off
I agree with the guys, it’s so wrong! Teach your kids right and wrong when they are little!
Its really sad to see that this is still an issue today. I’ve had this problem with my own son and family members telling him that it’s for girls only. It absolutely broke my son’s heart (3 years old) when his favorite person told him it wasn’t okay. Let kids be kids. They learn from you. They see what you do and want to be just like their mama. It for the most part, will be something they grow out of. But even if they don’t, nail polish doesn’t make anyone gay. Just like wearing dressed or heels won’t make them gay. It’s something they see their momma’s wear and they want to be a part of it. There’s even men in bands that wear nail polish. My husband wasn’t okay with it at first cause that’s how he grew up. But after explaining all this and more to him and telling him how he makes his son feel, hurting his feelings over nail polish, something he very likely will grow out of, is ridiculous and not acceptable. He eventually opened his minds more and realized that it is harmless. That’s what needs to be done here. They need to see that they are doing nothing but squashing his freel expression and only making him self conscious. Sooner or later he’s gonna be afraid to do certain things, wear certain things, thinking he’s going to be judged or shamed for doing so.
My son asked me to paint his nails loads of time, I use to say but it’s for girls, (in a silly voice) but I’d still paint them. Very often he’d ask for it to be taken off half hour later xx
Mama, let that boy be who he is. My son went thru all of this as well. After all they watch both of their parents. My son was always the first to know when I got my nails painted a different color. He thought it was neat and liked all the colors. I would even take him to get a pedi, which he would get no color or clear. We have guy friend that take pride in looking nice with clean hands and toes. Then one time he wanted color and he choose blue. I did tell him of course people are mean and may make comments or fun of him, but if that’s what he wanted then fine. He did it. His dad made comments about it but I shut him down. We went to school orientation and he had flip flops on. He hide his toes so Noone would see them. Then he wanted the color off. We’ve painted a couple of times and he never wants it on long. Now he keeps up with trends. He just got a perm for his bday. Something all the boys are doing now. Let him be him and he will be happy. I finally even talked my husband into getting a pedi with me.
Take him to the nail salon and make it up to him. Get the same color as him to match.
My grandson used to let us paint his nails (blue)…his parents never had an issue with it…guess what!?! It didnt hurt him at all. Hes now 17, does well in school, has a pt job and a beautiful gf of almost 2 years.
I would take him to the Store and let him pick a bottle of nail polish of his own and after I’d take him to get ice cream and apologize for not thinking about his feelings. Momma’s mess up sometimes but it’s about owning up to it and showing him that you support him in each and every way!
My son is a mama’s boy all the way. He likes to brush my hair. Put lotion on my feet and help me with my make-up. Even puts some on himself once in awhile. And guess what. He also likes trucks video games boxing and football. He wants to be a fireman when he grows up. His grandma on his dads side paints his toe nail when she does hers. His dad tried to put a stop to it and she about smacked him into next year saying he needs to first understand what its like to be a girl in order to become a good husband and the father to a girl some day. Makes perfect sense to me.
Also my son carries around a stuffed Minnie mouse and treats her like his baby. Changes her diaper and everything. He has done this since he was 1. He is now 5. His dad tried to get him to stop till granny stepped in again and was like how he supposed to learn to care for a child. Lol i love that women!
Sorry but I would never allow my son’s to wear nail polish and encouage to dress up as girls. Sorry I’m old fashion and believe in boys being boys and girls being girls
I have an issue with the daycare painting any childs nails without parental permission. Children do have allergies and sensitivity to products.
I would allow any child to express themselves any way they felt as long as it didn’t harm them or others.
You husband and ex husband both need to see a therapist and take parenting classes.
My son is 6 and likes his nails painted. He also like makeup when i put mine on. It doesn’t bother me or my husband we both feel like he’s expressing himself and we want him to come to us and open about whatever and feel judged.
I’m so sorry. What a tough, heart wrenching ordeal. I feel for you and your son. I don’t have anything nice to say about your husband or your ex though. So… I’ll remain silent.
You’ve got to stand up for that baby. He should feel safe doing the things that bring him happiness. Definitely go out, buy him his own orange polish and tell him he is smart, loved and perfect the way he is.
if he has girls to play w sometimes u have to do girl stuff. nothing wrong w that. kids r kids. love ur kid and support what makes him happy.
What the hell is so wrong with a little boy liking colours?? Nail polish is just that. NAIL POLISH. It f*****g washes off. Who cares??
You need to stand up to both these men and have your son’s back! Let him have his individuality and support his creative spirit. It has nothing to do with sexuality at 7 years old…and who cares if it does.
If it makes your son happy then that’s all that matters. Let him be happy because this world can be so cruel and he should ALWAYS feel safe and be who and want he wants at home without judgements.
This is a societal stance for manliness. My nephew painted his nails and wore dresses for fun until he was eight ish. Well we put him in the dresses until he could know any better. Children don’t care they just see colorful!
If the kid is happy what else matters??? Who or what is being hurt from him getting his nails done?? That is your son, how could you not support him, and be there for him??? You rather stand beside a man than to stand by your son side?? Smfh
I paint my 3 year olds nails. He has baby dolls and accessories. He wears Elsa chapstick and pretends that my blue shirts are Elsa dresses. Hes 3! Let them be kids…I’ve seen grown men with black polished nails. Smh so much toxic masculinity here.
Naw, you don’t come to Facebook asking for advice. What works for some doesn’t work for others. As a mother. I would never let my do things that are gender based: ie make up, polish and wearing a dress. That’s team too much. Now ya husband doesn’t like and neither does his father and if they are both active in his life. Their opinion matters almost as much as yours.
I feel as this age kids want to explore etc, but you need to draw the line. Three years you’ve allowed him to do this. You are ruining him. Sometimes kids are asking for things just because. Don’t expose him to things because that’s what he likes.
I take my 7yr son nail polish and lipstick shopping all the time. I even let him buy clothes from the girls section if there’s something he likes. He’s had pink light up unicorn shoes…rainbow panda hoodies…all kinds of cool stuff.
They like what they like!!!
I’m sorry you are finding yourself in this difficult position. If I were in that situation I would raise hell to make sure I was my children’s safe haven. The world out there will tear them apart, judge them, and be very cruel. As parents we need to show them that they are loved and have someone on their corner. If you cried yourself to sleep you know what the best thing to do is here, you don’t need anyone to validate that for you. You just need to be brave enough to stand up for your little human.
Be your sons voice. There’s nothing wrong with self expression. He is YOUR son. YOUR flesh and blood. If you think it’s ok that he paints his nails, let him. The step dad can go kick rocks and drink a beer and play pool with his drinking buddies and then go chop wood and do manly things so he can compensate for being a giant bag of dicks.
Also, maybe get a divorce. Third time is a charm.
He looks up to you and wants to be just like you. And at 7 years old he is only pretend play while being like mom.
My son is 8 years old and loves painting his nails!! My sons biological dad and step dad don’t like it but its not their choice. Don’t stop him from being him!! Spend time together and repaint his nails.
I mean at that age having your son want to put makeup on because you are or painting his nails because his sister is is no different than a dad playing dress up with his daughter or letting her put makeup all over him… it’s not about sexuality at all it’s about social development and finding likes and dislikes… nail polish and makeup don’t determine gender or sexuality wish the men were more understanding you’re doing great mama
Omg as a cosmetologist who owns a salon and has a 7 year old son who always wants to have black painted nails to match mine…id tell everyone that has a bad comment to fuck off! Literally it means nothing. They see what we do and want to copy because that’s what kids do. No different than babies wanting to play on cell phones after watching us do it. Let your boy get his nails painted and just let him do him. It’s just paint. Sending good vibes
First of all, the step father has no say in the matter. Period. This is something that makes your son happy. He is young, innocent, and did something innocent out of pure joy. Tell his step father and father that by condemning him for something as simple as this is taking away his childhood and forcing him into the mindset of a grown man. They’re stealing away his childhood by doing that to him and its not fair. Now, if he were a teenager and you all wanted to sit down and talk to him about cause and consequence, and let him make the decision and face what judgements he might receive, thats one thing. But hes a child. And its not fair that they’re pushing a society-approved agenda on him based on his gender is extremely fucked. Its 2021 for petes sake.
My son is 10 and he was curious he got his nails painted. Then he asked if he can wear nails because I get my nails done. I let him wear press ons. He was like ooh yea not for me and took them off an hour later. He’s just curious and thinks it’s normal since you do it. And because of that my 9 y/o paints her nails and since she can’t do mine she does her dads nails and he goes to work like that… so both dads just need to get over it
You have to live with how you let your child perceive you. Is this how you want him to see you? Do you want him to feel bad about himself for adding color to his body? Go with your heart. If you sat up crying all night that should tell you right there what you should do. You are raising a human and you have to live with how you bring him up. In the end you can’t blame his dad’s, you have to take a stand for your son.
If your son is happy, I don’t see why the men should squash that!
My 4 year old loves having his toenails painted wild colors bc it’s cool to him and he has 2 sisters! So be it my husband just laughs!
Your son should not be shamed and forcing the removal of the nail polish that made him so happy was shaming him.
My 6yo son paints his nails every now and then and so does his dad. When he wants to play with my makeup I give him his own little setup and he has fun! We as Moms have to let our kids explore and help break these stigmas.
keep supporting your son’s sense of style & choices. when my daughter was little & I painted my nails she’d want her nails done too. & so did he . so I did. he loved it. he grew up in 90s & went thru the goth thing with black & silver nails in high school & spiky hair. I do believe he is fairly well adjusted now
I have no room in my life for anyone that doesnt accept my child. Im so sorry you have to deal with that. I have cut off people…and will continue if anyone makes my babes feel ashamed of who they are. Maybe have a talk with your husband about your boundaries for your child… Thats a hard one.
Guy chiming in. 1st who cares if his nails are painted? Honestly, no one should care. However, boys his age will and will tease him. This will make his life hard. You can teach him to have tough skin (cause the teasing won’t stop) or teach him to conform. Both suck. I say let your son be himself and let friends come. Just know friends might not come anytime soon.
I don’t see where letting kids play with dolls, makeup, Trucks, football, dance, sports is going to hurt them. My kids play with everything, it’s called self expression. It doesn’t make them one way or the other. Let them be kids and enjoy the little things in life. I’ve known grown straight ass men wear nail polish, get manicures and pedicures. So let him be him, no matter what it is!!