My husband has been acting strange since August: Thoughts?

You’re not listening…
He wants out…
Question is are you going to let him leave? OR
Would you like him to stay and be miserable where you’ll always be questioning his shit!!


Okay everybody can jump my ass think I’m wrong but it sounds Khmer I keep trying to put it this is between him and his family that includes his wife his children his mother I got to wonder if there might not be a medical reason behind this and he’s pushing everybody away


Don’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do if he wants a divorce give it to him don’t fight if he wants out respect him he will either comeback to you when he is ready or he really dose NOT love you anymore and is ready to walk away from you but you pushing him into therapy and having people chase him around will only push him away more faster leave that man be and give him what he wants…


Maybe he’s depressed maybe he is seeing someone else… what I’d like to know is why are you still living under the same roof when he told you a month ago he didn’t love you and wants a divorce?
I understand wanting to fight for your best friend but honey if he doesn’t love you and if he loves someone else there isn’t much you can do :disappointed:


It sounds like he’s being straight up and telling you it’s time for him to go :frowning: Men don’t beat around the bush kike women. It’s all right there, sadly :frowning:


He’s trying to bitchout in this!! He helped you create this wonderful family but now don’t have the ball’s to be a man and save his family!! Get your kids and yourself and bible and run dont stop or look back unless your going to slap the fuck out of his bitch ass!!! I know exactly what your going through SAVE YOUR TIME ITS A LOST CAUSE!! GOOD LUCK DEAR GOOD NEWS IS YOUR GOING 5O HAVE BEAUTIFUL BABY AND TO KNOW WE’VE ALL GONE THROUGH IT AND WE LIVED THROUGH IT!! PRAYERS

Someone once said but I myself heard it from Oprah,’'When a person shows you who they are believe them."
Sweetheart u hv two beautiful daughters one more on the way.
Please love them.
Let him go.
Let him go.
Been here before.
Why he telling your 9 yr old such stuff anyway!
Thats just too much on a child.
He could be a narcissitic man.
You need to detach.
You need to heal.
You need to bring the camera lens back on you.
Let him go.

Girlfriend…fuck him and fuck that. Get your ass over to the court file custody spousal support and child support along with divorce papers. Hit him up style. Put some breakup music on cry watch breakup movies repeat with ice cream. Do not try to figure this out you know hes seeing someone. Hes a dog and if you keep messing with him hes gonna give you fleas!


My and my husband have been together for 10 years. Married 8. We separated for around 6-7 months. And honestly with us it helped so much more. Her both learned lessons that we needed. And now we are good. Fixing to celebrate our anniversary. I recommend talking to him about a separation and see if it helps before any divorce is done. But it also needs to be said that neither party “be with anyone else”. Unfortunately it sounds like your husband may not want to fix it. So I wish you the best of luck and hope you get the results you need. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sweetheart…my advice is just let him go…If he’s asked for divorce random or out of anger…? Doesn’t matter…Just part ways as hard it seems.You will eventually get on your feet and bounce back​:100::100: Best of luck to you and sending well wishes

Time to move on. He won’t change…only when you leave things will change. Was married almost 19 years. Trust me, focus on yourself, a good job, for your kids. Dont stay because of the kids, because little by little you’ll lose alittle more of yourself. It hurts like hell, like death, but it gets better.

Thing is. You have to let him do whatever it is he wants to do.
I went through this. It ended very badly. (I am open to chat with you). Just focus on you. Do things for you. Raise your child(ren).

This is one of the hardest things you’ll go through. He likely isn’t the same man he once was, and that’s normal. He doesn’t realize what marriage is, and that’s normal too (for today’s society). Maybe things will get better. Maybe they won’t. But you have to focus on you, your child(ren), and your life.


So, he moved on. Get kids in treatment, get help yourself.

Pregnancy is hard on both parents. It changed my personality so much that my SO doesn’t want anymore kids because he hates the person I am pregnant. It’s possible that he feels “stale” in the relationship then the pregnancy added to it and he started seeking fun elsewhere. Staying in love is work. Some days (sometimes for long spans of time) it doesn’t feel like you love them the same way anymore and little things they do get in the way and bother you more. It’s then that you need to love harder. Make the effort and do fun things.
The problem I’m seeing here is, he doesn’t want to try he wants the fun without the effort and seeking from new relationships. Its his choice to come back and try or move on, but It’s YOUR choice whether to forgive him for that or not. There’s a lot to think about with this situation and it won’t be easy because everyone is hurt and strained. With a new baby/postpartum will make it VERY hard. Remember to focus on the kids more than him. He doesn’t deserve you bending over backwards when he won’t do the same.

I think you need to let him go. Tell him he needs to find somewhere else to live. This isn’t healthy for any of you as is.

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Man, I do feel someone else got his attention. He may also be depressed. Whatever it is, you need to get down to the bottom of it. Its not fair to you, or ur kids. Either tell him he needs explains himself for his actions… or you got to go

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He could have low T, he needs to see a doctor & a Christian marriage counselor. If you both decide divorce is best then fine. But him bringing the 9 year old into this, family & friends before anything is final is just crazy. He’s going to give your child and you anxiety, he’s dragging you all down and that is unacceptable.

It could be drugs, gambling another woman or man. Being pregnant, please be around people you trust like your parents or best of friends for stability. You can’t change what he does but you can change what you do! Good Luck & God Bless.

He is hooking up with the co-worker. You already know.