My husband has been playing call of duty mobile and talking to girls: Thoughts?

I have no idea what is happening right now!:woman_facepalming:

Help him lose the phone!


Lol sad ass shit. What kind of adult posts this lmao. :rofl: wypipo


What type of pictures

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It’s deffo part of the game

As a gaming women nah your husband being a dick I’m far to busy killing people to be sending pictures that ain’t apart of the game call him straight out on it


Don’t worry, most are just guys pretending to be girls, very common in the world of online gaming.


Without trust you have nothing


That is absolutely not part of the game. My hubby plays COD and so do I. Never has that happened.


He’s cheating. Sorry girl


Girl please he’s trying it. Yall married like married married. Like if yall break up you get half and the kids married? Ah nah we don’t hide passwords over here boo.


If you’re going through his phone and he has a separate Facebook and is sending pics and getting them, cut your losses and move on. He’s trash.

Trust your husband or don’t , simple.

Create an escape plan because he isn’t going to stop. Start hiding as much cash (not in the bank) as possible & get a job ( if you don’t already have one). It might take you a bit to get to a place where you feel financially able to leave, but he isn’t going to stop. Even if he pretends & gives you his password, he can get a second phone or play on another platform. Protect your passwords and cut him out of your personal info. This guy is a narcissist. I’ve been there. My ex also had a rented mailbox so I wouldn’t see everything he was buying. He had a keystroke logger on our computer so he could get MY passwords. He thought I was tech challenged. I wasn’t.

It hurts, but this is what social media and tech has caused. So much easier to cheat and hide your lies.

With 4 kids, just why in the heck does he have so much time to play video games?

Mentally & financially…prepare yourself.

My husband also played an online mobile game called Evony. Same scenario. His flirtations eventually grew into a full on physical affair. With someone from the game who lived 5hr away who was also married. My advice to you is, this will eventually end in a real affair, if you can handle that ok if not then run.

Ok a few points here. So he plays cod mobile?

  1. Plays with girls? The same girls? How u know?

  2. Made a whole new fb acct just to talk to them? How do u know? How’d you find out?

  3. Him and these girls send each other pics? How do u know? And what kind of pics?

  4. He changed his phone pw to keep things secret from you. Or maybe he changed it because you’re so obsessed/paranoid/insecure you’re driving him nuts?

  5. You’re worried about him cheating on you with online gamer girls who 99% chance live hundreds of miles from you?

I’ll be blunt and express my opinion, and granted I’m no licensed psychologist… but sounds like he craves random/friendly female interaction that he doesn’t get at home or can’t get due to your jealous nature. He clearly feels suffocated cause he felt he needed to change his phone pw.

My suggestion? Sit him down and express your concerns.

Clearly, there’s 2 separate issues:

  1. You get jealous of internet (at the very least) female friends.


  1. He feels he needs digital female interactions because he feels he can’t have IRL female friends due to your jealous nature?

Granted, these are my observations off your vague post.

I hope you guys fix your issues but there’s always 3 sides to a story. Yours, his, and the truth.

My fiance and I both play video games. We don’t talk to other people like that. He’s cheating on you and trying to hide it.


I had the same , destroyed our relationship it took over his life and he lied and lied about talking to girls, I mean what sort of girls have all that time to play games anyway ? I was to busy bringing up our children to have a second to myself , perhaps these girls specifically go on there to meet guys I dont know , it’s all bad though …


What sort of pics? Like profile pics?

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I went through something like this with one of my ex’s that I got engaged to, and was with for 2 years. Trust me it doesn’t get better… They just get better, and better at hiding things. They get better at making you feel crazy for the stuff their pulling. Manipulation. Defiantly he’s up to no good. I’m gonna say this. I wish I hadn’t wasted so long being with my ex falling for the silly little stories. I should’ve left sooner, and I regretted losing a couple years of my life I could’ve spent doing other things than being with a guy who was a cheater. So to a woman to another woman please get out for you…


It is not apart of the game my boyfriend also plays call of duty and I’m the only friend he has on his game he doesn’t send girls messages or pictures plus I keep my eyes in him and make sure he’s not doing anything he’s not suppose to do plus I go through his phone and make sure he’s not talking to anyone that he knows would piss me off


Uh yeah. It’s not “part of them game.” Regardless of whether or not he’s done anything beyond pictures, he’s being deceitful. :-1:t2:


What is with these women with no self worth?
He doesn’t love or respect you. You don’t treat people you love and respect like that. And he’s a father with 4 kids, how does he even have time to “game”? I’d pack his :poop:. :wave:


Lol. Exchanging photos? Um, no that’s not ok. If it’s just about playing the game he shouldn’t have them as “ friends “

As soon as he changed his password on you that should’ve been a huge red flag. He didn’t stop especially if he changed the password. He just doesn’t want u to go thru his phone.

Tell him to grow the fk up :joy:

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Simply tell him you’ve beared 4 beautiful children for him. If he’s gonna cheat and play atleast be man enough to tell them he’s taken or go live with one. Gaming is horrible too me had it happen and it don’t stop it gets either worse or sneakier.

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As someone who has been in your position, I would be very concerned. I can vouch for Kelly Bridgwater that there are innocent gaming friendships as she was a gaming friend of my ex husband and now one of my very best friends. I also agree that the pictures and changing of passwords removes it from innocent gaming friendships


To me anything like changing a password or creating another Facebook and sneaking around is cheating. If you have plans to be deceitful you already are deceiving. He’s getting his kicks from these woman and even if he hasn’t physically cheated yet, it’s only a matter of time. Something is lacking in your relationship that he is getting somewhere else. Perhaps it’s because you’re to busy adulting and raising his children. It’s time for this boy to grow up and be a man and stop making you hold the bag of crap called life alone. My man has 4 kids and they live with us full time. He loves his game but guess what he is to busy working and supporting us to even play his game that he loves so much. I raise his kids and he does what he needs to to put food on our table. Get rid of this looser and find a man that wants you and your kids. Get a job if you dont have one already and start to hoard some cash to get out.


I don’t understand the need for a person to go through another person’s phone without permission. That being said- you need to talk to him and start saving money for you and the kids.

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Me and my hubby play Cod. Talking to girls playing playing them on the game I don’t see that as an issue but having contact with them outside of the game is a big problem!!


Red flag!!! Run girl

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Oh hell no, it’s either he gives up the game completely since he can’t use it properly, or he gives up the marriage.


Definitely not a part of the game :person_facepalming:


My husband has been gaming the entire 24 years that we’ve been together. He has never felt the need to have a social media page to talk to anyone he’s gaming with–male or female. I’ m not a jealous person at all, but this situation would bother me. You are right to be concerned.


First: Pull the sim card from his phone and break it. Drop the phone in a big glass of water. Leave it there for a while when he is not looking. I’d wait until he was asleep.

Second: Sit that man down and tell him if he doesn’t straighten up and fly right he will be working and paying child support living in a crummy apartment where he can play games all day long. When he is not working to support his four children.

Third: Find out if there is back up of his passwords on the game, or on your home computer, and apply some parental controls to it. He doesn’t need to know this, he only needs to know he can’t get back in.

He has to know you are very serious about all this for it to work.


He has no need to talk to them outside the game… point blank. He probably likes the attention etc. but no that’s disrespectful at the least

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He’s cheating babe leave :sweat:


Just put the gaming console at end of driveway so it can get some sun and dry after you’ve put it through the dishwasher. Back out. Forget something and pull back in, repeat.


Red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: My husband plays COD mobile it is not part of the game to be sending pics and texting them on fb and crap, now if you heard him going back and forth snapping on people that’s definitely part of the game :rofl: I hear him putting everyone in check


Is it girls or women?

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Damn he really doesnt want you seein what he doin dudes a fuck up let em have call of duty and the hoes and find u a real man…

My husband plays but doesn’t even turn the chat portion on :woman_shrugging:


100% not part of the game :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:


Oh hell no. My husband did that many years ago. When I found out I told him it’s me or the game. He tried to say it was innocent. But when your staying up all night and sleeping all day and talking to women behind my back …that is not innocent.

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Game contact is one thing. Personal contact is another. You deserve better


Disrespectful and unnecessary

Smash the phone :woman_shrugging:


Not happy leave… its pretty simple… not complicated

We play COD Mobile (been on a break from it though rn) and talking to other people WITHIN the game isn’t a problem at all. We play other online games and make friends with and speak to inside the game as well. Its part of playing the game. I will mention that in this particular game there is no way to send pics at all. Now what ISN’T okay is speaking to other people outside of the game, creating whole new social media to talk to and send pictures. Thats straight up cheating, at least imho. T


Oh wow that’s crazy I play Call of Duty mobile and I’m not understanding how he gets to just find these females like a dating site lol friends prior

Since he changed his password to his phone then there you go you’ve got your answer he’s cheating on you.


Nope nope nope sumthin is up!

Any man that would choose video games over me would have to go.

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What’s with everyone going thru phones!!! Invasion of privacy


Are his bags packed … seriously, he has know respect for you.

Sending pictures is 100% not part of the game at all.

Ya no by hubby streams and plays cod this ain’t normal


Pack up leave or stop crying :cry:. You and you alone are the one who’s in control.

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I mean I have made tons of guy friends on COD and Snapchat them all the time. My husband is fine with that. So idk.


I’ve been through this and can tell you, he’s obviously cheating on you. He has no respect for you. Don’t let him do this to you! Put your foot down now and get to the root of the problem or else he won’t stop. You can take away the game, but he’ll just find other ways to talk to girls. Trust me. If a cheater wants to cheat, they’ll find a way. And they just get better at hiding it. My husband used to even have secret hiding apps on his phone to try to hide it from me. They’re master manipulators and so good at lying that they’ll make you feel like the crazy one even with the proof in their face.


What kinda pictures?

People who have nothing to hide hide nothing :eyes: your gut isn’t wrong.


Well since he changed his phone password, that tells you enough right there! It’s not the fact that you can’t access it that’s the problem, it’s the fact that he changed it after you found dirt on him. Huge red flags!


Yep I’m sorry but ur hubby is more and likely cheating on you…him changing his password says it all


Change the WiFi password :joy::joy:


Trust your gut… a voice in your head or a feeling that somethings up… is normally indication that somethings up

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You do not have to send each other pictures, to play COD! This lie alone would make me out, but all of it together, I would have my shit packed and out of there

Sending pics is not part of the game, most the girls on it are catfish tbh but some are actual chick’s. My best advice maybe play the game with him? I play with my hubby not for the same reason I just wanted something fun to do with him that he enjoys and honestly I love it more than him now lol and enjoy kicking his butt in the game.


Okay so my husband plays on discord with his friends and a lot of them are female there are a handful of dudes too. But there is a chick that literally owns the discord server he plays on. They voice call every now and then and stuff and send photos of random things and stuff every now and again. Nothing out of ordinary. So difference between you’re situation and this is , you’re man made a WHOLE ass new social media platform for these people . Are you on this platform ? Are you listed as in a relationship? Are you made KNOWN to these people you exist? My husbands friends online even talked to me a bunch of times because they know I exist .

He’s hiding something if he has to make a whole ass social media to do so. If I told my husband to stop playing with his friends he would defend that he has nothing to hide and not doing a single thing . If you ain’t got anything to hide , you know what I mean

I love playing call of duty mobile… and talking to guys and girls… It’s about playing the game… we don’t go on there to hook up…
The whole other fb is bullshit.
Usually it’s only game talk. Ugh. I guess some people use this game for other things??

Made a whole new Facebook… put a new password on his phone. I think you already know what’s going on here.


Listen to your gut!!

Are the pictures something to be concerned about?

No matter what he is still having a emotional relationship with them … leave him…

I have a feeling you have an idea of what’s going on and you’re looking for confirmation. Well here it is. Opposite sex taking an interest in the same games? Sharing interests? Sending pictures? Changing passwords? All red flags. He is either planning to cheat and hasn’t gotten to yet or is planning to.

I play call of duty mobile & don’t talk to anyone. I have my mic muted & to hear them talk muted. I reject every friend request I get on there & have never got a msg from anyone. It is not all part of the game.


Why don’t you start a conversation with him… you make a cake account and pretend to be one of the girls. And ask him cheating questions. As like if he is married?. Does he have kids?. What does he do for a living?. And then once you had enough you have proof to yourself. That if he don’t change divorce papers will be in the table. Also. Since he talking to other girls. Turn the towel on him and you do the same. Change your password. On your phone. Talk to other guys. Dress up for a date and don’t let him know we’re your going. Watch him see that karma is getting him back.


Divorce he hiding shit

lol if u believe that ur a sucker! i play COD mobile and u dont send pics to anyone! my kids and husband also play, ur being played girl


Make a call of duty mobile that he doesnt know about & play it too. Add him after you’ve gone up a couple levels. Then you could see what they talk about in the game :woman_shrugging:
Or simply tell him that what hes doing is disrespectful to you & the family youve built together. Making a separate FB account & sending pics back & forth isnt ok.


If he changed his password after being caught he probably ain’t stopped


Lol I was part of the game of war clique for a bit… usually separate Facebook is for sending gold and stuff to other people in your alliance… or whatever terminology they use. And yes a lot of the girls who play are a wee bit much and love to flirt for free stuff

Can I just say, once they change their passwords there is no trust. Form him or you. You need to talk to him about it and explain it makes you self conscious and he needs to just be understanding. Now I don’t think he’s “cheating” but he is just playing a game and it might be making him feel young??? He shouldn’t change his password and shouldn’t act that way. Talk it out. Go to counseling.

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He’s being a piece of shi*. Remind him how expensive child support will be. :smiling_imp:

But no really, if your relationship has reached the point where you’re going through his phone and even changing his password, your trust is gone. And without trust it just can’t work.

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I play CODM, I can say that men get really entertained by female players. Sorry to say he most likely has someone on the side. Trust your gut, once he’s totally occupied, everything else wouldn’t matter . They will get distant.

Trust your gut instinct. If the scenario was flipped and it was you, would your hubby be okay with it?? In my opinion, if it bothers you and you’ve expressed that to him and he continues to disregard your feelings about it, that’s a problem I wouldn’t look past.
Would he be okay with you having a set of guy friends who sent you pictures and texts that he didn’t know?


Hell to the no. Girl, he needs an ultimatum. Tell him to get his shit together or you’re leaving. This isn’t normal. My husband plays on his PS4 and leaves it there lol there’s no mobile anything. And if there happens to be a girl voice I make sure to listen in. Anyways he sounds immature and absorbed in an imaginary universe.

Hes most likely lying. These games men especially are getting addicted to is kinda sad. Seems like he’s making his own little fantasy world and most likely they are young girls which is kinda weird. But realistically what kind of pics are they and why would you need pics of anyone playing a video game. It’s all a little weird.

My husband plays COD mobile. He doesn’t send pics to anyone and doesn’t have a separate fb to talk to other players. I would say something isn’t right.


This is the exact situation (except having kids) that brought my marriage to an end.

I’ve been divorced for 3 years and it was the best decision I ever made.

If he’s lying and hiding stuff he’s set in his ways. He is never going to change because he doesn’t see an issue with his actions.

Save yourself some heartbreak now and make a plan to be on your own.


Forget the game playing, forget the girls and the Facebook. You should have a bigger issue with the fact that he CHANGED his phone password. Trust is EVERYTHING! There is no relationship without trust


The same situation happened to me. He’s cheating! And he won’t stop.

This kind of infuriates me. I used to play a lot of WoW and had male friends I made on there and we would always group together for gaming purposes. Making a whole new fb just to talk to them is going way overboard.

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FYI I kicked my husband out because of this and other issues. He was supposed to do marriage counseling and bailed. Ended up moving to Minnesota to be with one of the girls he met on XBOX. He never looked back and has seen his kids maybe 5 times in 4 years. Don’t think it won’t happen to you.

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COD mobile does not require to make a Facebook for it, specially if he already has one. And it for sure does t need pictures to be sent to anyone for it.
If he changed his password to his phone so you can’t see I’m gonna say he’s 100% still doing it.
Tell him your thinking about separating/divorce since he can’t be truthful and open. :woman_shrugging:t3: see what his reaction is. Cause I sure would be looking into a lawyer.


Yep that is bull it still cheating

I play that game but I don’t talk to people on it right enough x never in the same game twice. I’d tell him exactly how it’s made you feel. The game in itself you could deal with but the fact he’s made a whole new Facebook just to talk to them hmmmm

Leave him,he’s not worth your love and time, goodluck for the future.

That’s not part of the game. I’ve been with my bf for 7 and 1/2 years now and he has always been a big game player. He adds some more of the guys he becomes friends with but never women.