My husband has been playing call of duty mobile and talking to girls: Thoughts?

Four beautiful babies??
Take your babies and get a new life.
He is one of your babies, a big one and more trouble than he is worth.

Tell him it you or them🤬 child support for 4 babies and alimony is expensive!

Yeah that’s not normal “gaming” behavior. Most games stay within the game and occasionally reach over to discord, where gamers who purposefully play the game together, can go and chat about THE GAME. If this is branching out beyond playing the game, to talking to these girls on facebook, then yeah…the game is just becoming a cover and a means to an excuse. Its inappropriate and shifty to say the least. It’s okay to talk to and play with other women, but to go as far as sending each other pics on Facebook, that’s reaching beyond just playing a harmless video game. That’s creeping into personal territory.

Gaming is normal and good, both my fiance and I are gamers. We both have made great friends through online games over the years, respectively.
What concerns me is the second Facebook account. MAYBE it is a security thing, you know, not revealing yourself wholly to unknown people and getting to know them a bit more anonymously at first (like you could do on chat apps like Kik) and it’s kind of a smart thing to do to make sure the person you’re talking to is not a creep. But MAYBE it has malicious intent and is created for the sole purpose of hiding something.
What kinds of pictures are they? What tone do the conversations have? Is there general mistrust in the relationship or is this the first hurdle? So many questions.
Is your husband capable of connecting with you?

Yeah he proubably on other sites as well yeah and proubably cheating because thay have site you dont have to touch to cheat live video s but I bet if it was you he would like that my opinion though

ok well first, as someone who played and still plays call of duty mobile, he made the new facebook account bc you’re able to link your fb account to call of duty account. the reason is bc if one day he was to ever sell his call of duty account to someone, all he’d have to do is give them the sign in and password to the facebook account and that’s it. if he used his own facebook account then he’d be shit in luck bc why would anyone ever sell their own facebook account. as for the swapping pics with girls on there, can’t answer that but i just thought i’d share some insights on why he probably made a second facebook account for all those people on this feed thinking right away thst he made it to cheat. that’s not why he made it in the first place. maybe it eventually did play a part into how he could cheat and that’s when he started doing what he did.

Get a hobby, such as a video game, that a bunch of guys play. Exchange your photo with them, and fill your phone with their pictures. Show your husband, then change your password. See how it goes

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policing a boyfriend/husband dose not make for a better relationship …:thinking:

Well as a person who plays I can assure you there is no reason to be sending pictures it isnt part of the game

Probably is cheating from the sound of it. But, I don’t agree with going through peoples phones. My ex did that a couple times… stuff my friends tell me are really private and they trust me to keep it safe with me. Things that are none of his business. I ended up dumping him because I couldn’t trust him cause he couldn’t trust me. I never even had interest in anyone else let alone cheat on him. It kills relationships if you constantly accuse and cross boundaries. I never touched his phone btw but as often as he accused me it made me wonder if he cheated.

Wow, addictions. Men do have those. Threaten with divorce … it’s not a good energy around kids! Very bad energy.,

I play Call Of Duty Mobile. No that is not part of the damn game‼️ there are a lot of desperate men in the chat trying to get at us females. He’s doing it because he wants too. If it was for the game he’d just chat with them in the game, saying let’s play, join, or invite. DO NOT LET HIM FOOL YOU.

First, it sounds creepy that a Father of 4 is socializing with young women I can only guess are younger then him over a video game. Time to put his big boy pants on be a responsible father and husband. Secondly, changing his password to keep you out is a very red flag that he is laying the ground work for even more inappropriate behavior. He better be careful if they are not of adult age he could end up socializing in an orange jumpsuit. Either way you need to give this marriage some serious thought.

You can’t “blame” the video game, only the person. People make their own decisions, call of duty is not texting or having conversations. In the end it’s just a game. If it’s a game or playing a pool league, the person still makes the decisions.

Without trust is there really a relationship at all?

It’s about trust if you dont trust him why are you with him?

Oh getting phone with only his finger print or his face that is hiding something when you are marry oh the biggest he gets you one also. I hate mind

Trust your instincts, do what you need to do, take care of yourself, be happy life is short

Confront him and express how u feel about him talking to other women.

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I understand your feelings.
However, you cannot control his actions, only your reactions.

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Depends on the pics sent and received. Im married and I send pics to my female mates all the time. Completely innocent nature of course

Don’t nag. They hate that. Act like you don’t care. If he is indeed yours then he will act differently

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Focus on you and the babies love

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Leave him!!! Easier said than done but possible!!! Love yourself!!!:heart:

Learn to play Call of Duty and meet guys. Change your password and get a new FB page. Flip the script on him.

My boyfriend plays with girls online and I learned to get over it cuz I trust him 100 percent honestly

Smash the phone, & confront him that’s what I’d do ain’t got time for that shit, your raising HIS kids & he’s doing that petty shit, hell no.

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Stay out of his phone

A bad sign is he changed his password.

Join the club my ex is the same way. That’s why he is my ex.

Emotional cheating is worse than physical cheating…

Break the game system, break his phone, tell him if he doesn’t stop you will leave him :woman_shrugging:t2:

He changed the password… oh girl he hidin something.

Make ur own account and have dudes send u photos :joy: make it known how much attention you’re getting. Start dressing up hot and let him catch u taking selfies :joy: u kno before you leave him. Loli

He needs to grow up – he is immature – and he will cheat eventually, if he isn’t already.

Cheating does not have to be a physical thing!!

Why would you even be in this relationship if you felt the need to go through his phone it means there is no trust and what’s the point of being with anyone unless you trust them fully?

Karens of the world unite and ignite. Or, maybe just let your man play some games. Don’t make it like when we ask what you want for dinner. Her “Uhh, I dunno” so, I know what I want to do, I do it, y’all won’t make up your mind and I’M THE BAD-GUY? Glad I am in a healthy relationship. Feeling sorry for you, but, not really. GFY! DUMBASS!

Why are you going through his fone? Ugh!

Thought she was on some bullshit until she said they were exchanging pics…

You have two red flags, the Facebook account and the password change. Your gut isn’t lying to you in my opinion.

I think he’s officially turned call of duty into call of booty. Pack your shit girl before he meets up with one of these girls and possibly brings you home an STD. COD isn’t POF but he sure is treating it like it is.

Damn… I played warcraft for about 4 years straight because of an injury . Things were so great at home either but speaking with the people in the group helped me.

What if monogamy is the biggest fetish of all?

End it, he already has :person_shrugging:

Go to a therapist. FB is not a free medical clinic!!

He’s cheating. He could use his original fb. He did that so girls think he’s single. Leave his ass :unamused:

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You have 5 children not 4, men go looking elsewhere for it when the kids replace him. He hasnt grown up enough to see that his kids need his attention, not e-thots. He needs to hear this from another man though. If it comes from his wife, ears will shut and passwords change.

What you put up with is what you will continue to deal with. Hobbies are fine- but he has responsibilities and a family to take care of. Get off the game for I throw it the F ooout along with ya clothes - better call Tyrone

So happy to not act like this woman!!! So so many women act like this and its stupid!!! My guy is free to talk to whoever he sees fit!! No issue no problem!!! Come on women… Grow up!!

Tbh screw privacy. If I can’t go through my man’s phone without finding something off (vice versa) shouldn’t be together. It’s always the cheaters that need “privacy” he’s obviously hiding something because if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have blinked twice before handing it over and hitting you with the “I told you so”

It sounds as though he is going astray. Don’t know how to counter that. Will he grow out of that? I don’t know. But I*'d sure be playing call of duty right along side him for awhile.

I’d leave or start my own account on something to talk and exchange pix with men and just let him know and be open with it. Sometimes people need to be hurt to get the hint.

Exchanging photos, making a new FB profile to do so… That has 0 to do with any sort of gaming. What that is, is him making CHOICES. He’s CHOOSING to put himself out there as a single man and hiding his marriage. Only game he’s playing rn is “How to become a broke mf paying child support for 4 kids” :woman_shrugging:
Leave his stupid ass.

I’m gonna make this really simple: that’s cheating. So either stay or leave, but he’s an asshole. Don’t @ me.

part of the game?? lmfaoo he’s full of shit girl. My husband and I both play COD and you do not need to engage with anyone outside of the matches. Not to say he can’t make friends, but friends have nothing to hide to the fact that he made a new facebook and changed the password means he’s up to something sketchy. Don’t let anyone guilt you into thinking you’re wrong here. He’s crossing boundaries

Go to a real couple’s therapist instead of asking random strangers on Facebook for relationship advice. They are not going to deal with the consequences, you are.

As a husband who plays Xbox and has played with girls, I’ve never done no shit like that. The farthest I ever let it go is having them on my friends list on Xbox and playing with them when they happened to be on, just like any of my other friends. That’s to far

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To me that’s cheating.and unacceptable. No need for it to kill you, walk away. Your worth more.

If your spouse has you locked out of their phone they are up to something.

:scream: he talks to other people regardless of gender!?! :open_mouth:
… lol, lighten up

Cod mobile is full of thirsty girls and guys pretending to be girls. So yeah he probably having a blast :smiling_face_with_tear:

Go ahead & get a divorce. :upside_down_face:

Exchanging pics of what? He says its part of the game. Is he sending screenshots or is he sending pics of himself? There is a distinct difference. The way it sounds, it reads like he is sending personal pics and NO GAME EVER has asked you to do that so he is a damn liar, give him the boot. But if he is genuinely sharing game pics or something then take a breathe ma’am and stop getting mad about opposite-sex friendships. Especially superficial ones with people he will never meet from some mobile game.

Nigga is literally trying to level up his season pass, hop off his dick

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He’s only attempting to make them give up their position. Its a game of strategery.

He is cheating,get rid of him

U dudes know there is such thing as a gaming community

Calm down… at least its not warcraft

Girl…you know what to do

Ummm what kinda of photos…? I’d leave that situation or find couples therapy

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Beat the shit outta him hun

Aww I feel for u kinda in the same boat hun :sob: u wanna chat inbox open x

Sending photos is part of the game :thinking::thinking::thinking:
Photos of what I ask ?

Put you foot down stop or go out

Also if you want I’ll add him on the game. So you’ll know once & for all if it’s just gamer related or not. DM me

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Hahaha send him to his mamas house.

Not normal. I game all the time, and we never send pics back and fourth.

That’s not part of the game as my kids play it. They use my fb info because they are you get than 13

Type the password incorrectly and lock his phone

Nope not cool. Hes doing shady shit

He’s probably cheating

Yeah that’s def not part of the game lol there is fan engagement but I never send pics to people I play with

Get rid of the games

He’s cheating plain and simple.

if he talks to just girls then yea tiem to say bye bye. he is supposed to be married to you right . But as a Citizen of Second life i would like to give ya a lil comfort. The Population of SL is mainly women . but teh fact is most of teh girls there are really guys . so until ya hear lots of girls voices maybe consider its a bunch of guys playing girl as to some degree women fo get advantages like maybe they get items transferred to them

He cheating! Get a lawyer!

Your husband is a scumbag grab the kids and go

You just have to let him be.

Definitely cheating. Dump him.

divorce court plain and simple

Your husband is having a psychological affair with multiple women. Time to confront it for what it is.

Ok I play COD and that’s not right. He’s trying to cheat

he’s a cheater and a liar w a serious problem. this is not new. you just found out. leave him and his narcissism.

He’s probably bored with u why don’t u try and learn to play the game with him…

Separate from him for the simple fact that he is playing cod mobile lol

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I say calm the f down…

Start playing COD mobile.

Sounds like a manchild to me. BYYE :clap:

Rock salt in shot gun shells. That fucker will not cheat again.