My husband has paid bills for 3 months and won't stop throwing it in my face: Advice?

Give him a bill for your time .

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Letting it go is a little dramatic for a marriage for a three month problem. Is he in the wrong? Yes. But go get counseling and some help to keep the commitment you all made going. After that then reassess


Remind hin you paid the bills for six YEARS on your own!


He seems to be just proud that he stepped up finally.

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Give him an ultimatum. Either he needs to think of it as a team effort or kick his ass to the curb

Is he throwing in your face…or just saying something like " Well, all the bills are paid for this month." ? He could be just feeling self congratutory , if that’s about what he says…and wanting you to brag on him a bit. And you could be having a bit of a guilt complex that you aren’t helping with that anymore, and so be super sensitive. Ask him, or examine it a little more, putting yourself in his shoes. Something else is going on here. This isn’t all of the story.


Literally all the posts Iv seen on here lately are like this!! What kinda advice u want us to give u? Leave his ass! He is a man that clearly has a problem with providing! Get u a real man that is willing to pull his weight and not complain! U deserve better! All the posts Iv seen on here lately are crazy! There boyfriend or husbands treat them like shit! U DO NOT have to put up with someone like this! U are worth being with someone so much better! I know a lot of women feel stuck but plz GET OUT! This is a huge red flag!

Wow pretty lame reason to consider life altering divorce. At least consider therapy before throwing in the towel🙄


Immature and irresponsible Mitsubishi help with no problem is I’m assuming the man of the house it’s his job to provide

I had this same problem and people in this group love to jump to “leave him” and that’s the problem with the world today. Anyways try sitting him down and saying hey I feel like the way you say things to me is coming off as your throwing in my face and I’m hoping that’s not what you are intentionally doing but it’s really bothering me and I feel disrespected and everything I have done isn’t being considered. A lot of men don’t realize that their bragging comes off as a slap to the face to us. My husband was on this whole my money thing when I was out of work for 6 months and when I explained to him how it made me feel he told me he honestly didn’t realize he was doing and definitely didn’t mean it to be degrading. Hope this helps and remember it’s harder to work on a marriage than it is to walk away and it makes it worth the work in the end.


Bye :wave: To me, it doesn’t sound like he is sold on being a responsible adult and you have yourself another kid. Don’t bog yourself down with that toxicity.

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Give him a bill for all you do


Depends on the reason he wasn’t paying bills before. And if he’s willing to help you at all. Why stay if he contributes nothing?

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Ew. Toss the whole husband in the trash

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Get rid of the husband.

STOP doing what all you’re doing, minus taking care of the kids. Chores, paying bills, everything, don’t do it. That’s what I had to do to be appreciated. Granted, my husband pays most of the bill’s. Your husband is just a lazy pos, like what a selfish asshole, I literally can’t believe it. He is not a man, he is a child.

He must be a complete disappointment to his mom… God I hope my son never acts this way and his wife better not ever let him slide this way… I am rasing a good man… I swear to the heavens if my sons become a man like this… I will take them out… His poor mom was either an enabler or she must be truly disappointed…


Tell him to do everything your doing stay at home why you go out to work see how long he lasts hahah

I think I would remind him who paid the bills longer. If he shows no remorse it’s time to walk away and make a better life for you and your children… speaking from personal experience and let me tell you best damn decision I ever made

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69 more months to go to catch up.


It would be worthy of a long discussion of your relationship. Calmly state your duties and expectations and same for him. Marriage takes team work. Some fine tuning is needed. Conversation. Action. Reassess. You both deserve to be content.

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Start telling him everything you do,every time you do it.


Girl guys dont realize holding down a household is a job its self I have been on both sides of the situation and let me tell ya its easier to have a full time job than it is to be the one holding down the house hold. Not only are you the care taker of the little ones but also a maid you have to attend to the yard your a cook your a laundry service and the grocery getter trade him spots him stay home you wrk he will be begging to go back to wrk and pay the bills just saying…

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He will never change do you want put up with this man the rest of your life


My husband does this to me as well, I’ve learned to ignore it and just go on about my business.


What was he doing for the 6 years that you paid for everything? Maybe sit down and write him an itemized list of things you do and what you’re going to charge him for each job since he wants to be that way.


Smack to his dumb head


Time to say goodbye. That is a manipulation tactic. Get out babe​:heart: you just needed the affirmations, you got them​:heart: you are stronger than that :heart: you are already self sustainable :heart: don’t let your children grow up believing that is a healthy environment. :heart:

Tell him he is 5 years and 9 months until he catches up to you.


See ya - dont let the door hit ya


Tell him to get another wife that what I tell my husband gonna complain about it do something about it cause I’m not changing

He sounds like a real bitch

You need to send him the same text you sent to FB. Sounds like a jerk.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:


I think it’s a guy thing because I’ve experienced this before too lol. I’m bitter so I’d probably stop washing his clothes or cleaning up his mess :rofl:


Better give him that golden medal because he did house husband duties :joy:


I couldn’t handle that

Tell him what it would charge for everything you do

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It’s time for y’all to realize, marriage is a partnership. Sometimes it’s 50/50, sometimes it’s 80/20. It’s always about respect.
If you 2 can only show off what you’re supposed to be doing, why are you together? :roll_eyes:


I don’t think there’s really enough information here to give you advice.
You’ve been together for 8 years…for 6 you paid bills on your own? Did he stay home for those 6 years? Did you pay the bills and use his checks for something else? How did you act towards him when you were paying the bills?
I feel like this is a HUGE factor. Just simply because there’s a lot of history to the dynamics between the two of you that we can’t see.

My second concern on lack of information…what exactly were the circumstances of you staying home and him going to work? Again. There’s a lot of information here that’s important and relevant.
If it wasn’t entirely your choice then I’d say it’s worth it to step back and consider if maybe you’re being overly-sensitive due to the circumstances of you staying home.

I’m not saying your feelings are wrong at all, but I am saying there’s also not enough here to tell you that you’re right or that he’s an ass.

Add up expenses for a housekeeper, childcare, chef, etc. and ask if he prefers to pay people to do that so you can work outside the home. It’s expensive. He’s lucky to have you putting in so much effort.


Go down the list of all you do in a day.

I’d tell him to shut up and sit down ! I would tell him I did it for 6 yrs without no complaint ! You do it for 3 months and all of a sudden it get tossed in my face ? Does it make you feel good ? Do you feel better now ? Is your ego good ? Smh . Nope this wouldn’t be tolerated. Ignoring bad behavior only expresses the acceptances.

You already give him his crown and now it’s time to be in the other side of the table and now he’s winning I think he like s when you have the b@lls :upside_down_face:

You need a new husband


Tell to trade places with you

Wow I have never seen so many married people having the same stupid problem. We have one bank account. We pay the bills. We buy the food and anything else we need. Did you see that word WE? Y’all are ridiculous if y’all are doing it any other way. And if you stay home then do your stuff so he doesn’t have to complain you don’t do anything. Dang it people grow up already!


hand him a bill for your services, he can pay that bill too…/… your services = $25+ an hour and overtime after 8 hours.

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Wow. Whatta schmuck. Get rid of the whole man. What does he even contribute to?


Remind him about the 96 months you already paid…his a$ $ needs to catch up already :triumph:


It’s time to trade roles for a week or two. You go out and work and pay the bills. He stays home and takes on your role and all you do. Let him see just how hard you actually are working.


Wake up early on his next day off and go on a shopping spree. Treat yourself to lunch and a pedicure too. Go alone. :grin:

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Where does his money go


lol - bills are for both parties…not just for hubby


I rather be alone myself…nobody can throw in my face anymore what they manage to do or lie that I didn’t do anything for them, I don’t play that game…


Ew. You need a new husband.

As a husband he should not be throwing ANYTHING in your face.

When did paying a bill make you superior to your spouse?

It’s just part of marriage. HELL it’s part of life!

Guess what? If he was single… he’d be paying bills as well he just wouldn’t have anyone to take it out on. Tell him to get over it.


It’s not time to go but it is time to sit down and really talk.


My fiancé pays the rent and extras most times I pay everything else electric water internet I groceries shop I cook I clean I take care of our dogs & my daughter (he’s step) since I work from home I do all the household stuff when we go out and do extra he’ll pay then I’ll pay “even though it’s our money” we have separate accounts since we’re not married yet but all money earner is our money regardless of the account it comes out of

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When you paid the Bill’s did he do everything your doing now ? Did you pay the Bill’s and keep the house?

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Next time he says it just ask him to swap :woman_shrugging:t4: list off all the things you do and tell him to stop being so grateful! Sending big hugs :heart::heart::heart:

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Is he a husband or a business partner?

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Omg throw away the whole man. Not even a man. Yikes :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Instead of people saying time to go has anyone every heard of communication. You can TALK . did yall get married to leave when it gets hard or talk shit out? … maybe if you communicate how u feel .

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If you did it for 6 years maybe that’s why he’s throwing it in ur face. He thought you’d always do it that way. The guy is supposed to provide otherwise, how is he helping make ur life easier? He hasnt played his role and now thinks he’s a princess.

Feed him to a lion or something


Since you BEEN paying the bills (minus the 3 little months he paid😒) plus doing all the extra stuff around the house and for the kids I’d tell him to SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT THAT LITTLE SHIT HE PUT IN OR GET OUT! You already have plenty on your plate without having him bitch and moan about paying for shit that he also uses!

Youve basically been taking care everything yourself … You wouldnt even feel the difference if he weren’t there. ? :neutral_face:


He’s immature for his age.

It’s one thing to not help, it’s another level of disrespect to be mad when they help a little… Leave him. You’re doing it on your own anyway… Get him for child and spousal support :ok_hand:

Since it’s such a big deal to him, hand him Bill’s for cooking, maid service, pet sitting etc. Put the going rate in ur area for each.


You need to slap yourself for paying them for the first 6 yrs lady u obviously made a rod for your own back with that spoilt shit

Find him an itemized list so he can visually see the break down of your time and value…
Something like this: How Much Is a Homemaker Worth?
AFTER reminding him you’ve carried the household for the past 6 years.
Then ask if he’d like to sit down and discuss the situation like two adults and come to an agreement you both can feel good about.

Sounds like there’s more going on than just the bills… if you paid them for the majority of the marriage, which is supposed to be about supporting and helping each other, then he should have been understanding….

He’s paying bills now huh? Send him one for the childcare you do, the cooking you do, the house cleaning service, dog grooming and walking, gardening and lawn maintenance, nursing/prompt care/first aide, grocery shopping, driving, etc. all that you do. That man baby does not need to crow for doing ONE thing to contribute to the upkeep of the family and household. He needs to grow up.

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: He sounds like a toxic :poop: who has 0 respect for you or what you do. Y’all are married but he acts like he is doing you a favor. Only a petty child does something like that, not a grown man who respects his wife and marriage. If he is going to act like that over this imagine what it’s going to be like over anything else. Time to go! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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Time to say bye bye😀

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Sounds like a roommate, not a husband.


Run for the hills! You ans your kiddos deserve better.

If you paid the bills for 6 years, I wouldn’t consider him a man.


Should run now should of long time ago

You will never change him you need to leave start over.

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Draw him an award and put it on the fridge for him


Talk about it don’t just throw it all away till you really hear him out to see his mindset. Only then should you decide to leave or not. Maybe it’s a superior thing now that he is wearing the pants and he might have felt some type of way about it for those six years he wasn’t. Pent up words can break you too, hear him out. Let him hear you. You signed into this love for a reason. Communicate


Mary Plado - Varghese

Wow! How bout you kick his selfish immature ass to the curb then make him pay child support and alimony on top of supporting his dann self ! Then he can b*tch!

Maybe he’s proud of himself? Lmao idk

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Time to GO! He is totally taking advantage of you and doesn’t appreciate you! A marriage is about sharing… everything! Including all the bills and responsibilities! Not sticking it in the others face when they help out the slightest bit🙄 You’ll be better off without his selfishness!!

Should have never paid all the bills for 6 years and the baby wants to cry about 3 months… tell him to pay you the cleaning, cooking, taking care of the house and children see what money he has left… If he can’t help out, sorry it’s time to go !

I’m sorry but I believe it’s time to go.

What has he been bringing to the table for the 6 years? I mean if you have been doing everything yourself all these years why is he there? With my husband everything is a team effort and that means house hold chores, caring for the kids and everything else. What was he doing with his time and money for the last six years? :thinking:

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And you keep him around because???

I was raised that it’s the man’s responsibility to work and pay bills.


Time to go or get into therapy

8 years late getting this worked out

Tell him he can start paying you for all your current unpaid chores … You can than use a portion of that money to pay bills and the rest will be yours … He sounds like an asshole

Marriage isn’t easy. If it was, our divorce rate would be much lower. It takes a lot of energy. You need to ask yourself if it’s worth fighting for or not. Aside from this issue, is everything else ok or is this just icing on top of the cake?
I definitely think a conversation regarding how your feeling is a step in the right direction. If he did nothing while you worked and paid the bills for 6 years, that’s obviously not okay. If that’s the case, you have absolutely every right to be upset.
It shows a huge lack of disrespect.
I would start with some self reflection. Asking yourself is this the only thing bothering me or is there more to it? I also wouldn’t rule out peoples suggestions to try couples therapy. I think it could be very beneficial. Wishing you all the best with whatever you decide.


Thats just ugly. Id leave.

He deserves a reward :clap:t2:

I suggest you make him out a bill for everything you do and hand it to him. Say I want my paycheck so I can help pay Bill’s. If this doesnt work leave him cause hes not worth it


Id say its time to have a conversation about shared responsibilities. Its not always going to be 50/50. It shouldnt matter who pays what when or who takes care of the kids or who cleans the kitchen, as long as it gets done and taken care of.

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