My husband is forcing our son to play baseball...advice?

My husband is forcing our son to play basebal and I disagree and don’t think he should have to play if he doesnt want too and my husband said it “builds character”…but idk how to go about this beause i personally dont think my son shoudl be forced…

LEARN MORE: Team Sports Aren’t The Only Way To Keep Your Child Physically Active


I don’t think a child should be forced to do anything. But I do see where your husband is coming from. Maybe talk to your son and suggest he try it and if he doesn’t like it than okay. But he has to try it.


Go with your husband. It shows alot more than just a sport. Great advantages starting young. He will end up having a great time :heart:

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I forced my daughter to play softball cause she needed to be outside playing not sitting on phone or tv . Best thing I ever did for her !!! Cause she loves softball !!!

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If your kid doesn’t want to play… Dont force it… little people have feelings, interests and emotions that need to be validated. If they don’t want to play that particular sport, find something they do want to play.


Well, if he isn’t enthusiastic about playing then chances are he won’t do well and then maybe dad can move along with the whole idea if the boy tries it and crosses it off. OR maybe it’ll make the boy some friends and he’ll enjoy it. You never know what you like until you try it. Either way, it’ll be a lesson for someone!


Let him do what he wants for hobbies or extra curriculum. He should not be forced to play a sport that he has no desire to play. Its not fair to him and it’s not fair to the team, that could pick-up a player that loves the sport instead of a player being forced to play.

I agree with you on this.

Let. Him. Try. It. Then if. He. Doesn’t. Like. It. Quit. The. Early stages. Is. Good for. Developing social. Skills. Friendships. all. Kids. Need That.

Honestly, just back your husband up. It will be good for your son. Exercise, fresh air, new friends. He may end up liking it.
My kids are in their twenties now and irritated that I didn’t push them more into sports I wanted them to take.
In my house, they each did something active (sports or dance) and an instrument of their choosing for at least one year.


Was he already signed up? Our rule is if it’s something that we paid for and signed up for that we committed, then our son has to finish that particular season. If he hates it at that time we let him stop. If we sign him up for something it’s because we asked him and he expressed interest. We asked him to do football and he started crying. So, obviously we didn’t commit to that one!


I get it’s forcing, but making them try one season to see if they like it isn’t going to hurt that child. If he starts too old he won’t know as much as the other kids. Starting young is what gets starting positions and scholarships. If he don’t like it he can move onto another sport before the window of learning gets harder until he finds one he likes


We usually will have our kids try sports at least one season. If they don’t like it, we don’t make them play it again. While I don’t agree with forcing things on people or children, I played sports all throughout my childhood and think it does help build character. There’s a lot of commitment and dedication that comes along with it, and it also may help open his eyes to trying new things that he may not like or seem scary at first.


It’s the kids life! If he doesn’t want to play don’t force him. Have a discussion with him about how your son is his own person and should be able to choose the sports he plays in if any at all. Imagine being a kid again and being forced to commit yourself to something you hate! Childhood should be fun!

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Try it, yes. Continue if he hates it, no.


There is a lot of context needed to give the proper advice. How old is he? Is it something he already signed up to do and now he’s backing out? Or is it simply not something he’s interested in? You could ask him to pick a sport he does like. As a kid I didn’t enjoy any sports except soccer. I did actually play a lot of them in PE. I was forced to and I honestly hated them all. It was mostly an anxiety thing. That could be another thing to think about. Is it anxiety? Does he wear glasses or has he gotten hurt or made fun of at school for being “bad” at sports. So, maybe he does in fact want to play baseball but it’s his anxiety making him back out? In that case if you could get him to open up about it then you could offer to give him some one on one time to practice away from all the people. Unfortunately the only way to get through that type of anxiety is to make yourself do it. Once you see you can do it the anxiety gets better. The other possible option is it’s simply a personality thing. Some kids prefer to do art or music rather than sports. In that case I don’t think he should be forced to do it. You can say it builds character all you want but if you force him to do something he truly has no interest in at all that will only result in resentment towards you guys. This is something only you can know as the parent. Some kids truly have zero interest in sports and I don’t see anything wrong with that. As long as he is engaging in other outside activities and working towards a goal or perfecting a talent. Find what he likes and let him go full force into that. Kids who are given the support to do what they love when they are young are often very successful adults. However if it’s a case of him just not wanting to do it because he would rather be at home on his phone or something like that then yeah I would have him do it. If he’s just sitting around the house not interested in anything then I agree baseball would be good for him. Sorry that was a long reply I just don’t think you can answer questions like this with so little information or knowledge about the child. That being said you are his mom you have a say and a voice. Use it if you truly think it’s not something your child should do then you have to put your foot down and stick up for your child.

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I’m all about kids having sports/activities and outlets - tell your husband your kid is choosing!

I agree that participating in an extra curricular is super beneficial and I also agree it shouldn’t be forced. With that said we told our 9yr old son he had to do something whether it be a club at school, sports or music. The caveat is he gets to pick it but he has to do something and he has to see it through. He is currently in the yearbook club and has been in band all year. He doesn’t do any extra curricular outside of school just yet bc he’s so young but he is already thinking of doing basketball. Maybe present it to your son like that and hear his ideas for things he might like to do. The YMCA has a ton of options, check with your city as well.


You didn’t say how old he is. Kids need to try things to find out if they like it, but they shouldn’t be forced. Being forced could traumatize him and could turn into abuse. But have him give it a try. It’s good socializing for him.

I’m glad I live in Australia
And don’t force our kids to do team sports or anything that involves teamwork
If they don’t want to
Just to build character
Nor do we expect them to go to uni (or as you call it college)
If they don’t want to
We certainly don’t send our kids off to summer camp

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A Child should not be forced to participate in sports if he doesn’want to(you cant make a Child be want you want them to be)time Will come when they Will make thier own Decision and it doesn’t matter What Parents Want.


Don’t take him?
Ask him what sport/clubhe DOES want to play/join?

I wouldn’t allow him to quit if he’s currently in the season, or if there was nothing else he’s interested in doing. I’ll have to agree with your husband, it does build character, peer relationships, team work, sportsmanship,there are many benefits. Getting his body moving instead of rotting on a tablet or tv isn’t a bad thing either. He may enjoy loving it in the end. It is a requirement in my household to be in team activity.


I think a lot of people are missing the point here. She states the kid does not want to play. And then says that the father is FORCING him to play. Believe it or not, kids have minds of their owns. If the kid does not want to play, why are we forcing him? & people wonder where kids hatred and resentment to their parents come from.

But at the same time - this child has 2 parents and SOMEONE has to be able to stand up for that child since the other adult is refusing to listen to him. Kids are EXPECTED to know right from wrong, so why can they not be listened to when they tell you they don’t want to do something? (within reason, of course.) Forcing them to play the game isn’t going to build anything except resentment. Find something he is interested in and have him pursue that - he will be a lot more willing and open to the fundamental things it will teach him.

& before anyone comes for me for my stance - I have raised and am raising my own children. One of which is on the spectrum. So I am well rounded and quite confident I can make grown up and good choices when it comes to the children and all the lessons life should need to teach them.


Was kid already signed up? If so, kid would play. If not, then my kid wouldn’t be playing, but they have to find something to do.

It’s not okay to force your kids to do the things you wanted to do as a kid.

They are their own people.

If he wants to play so bad he can play and leave his son out of whatever fantasy he’s running

Imagine your son being reluctant, doing it anyway, and having an arm that would have been undiscovered if he didn’t at least try it. Or imagine him being a natural at pitching, or batting. Or imagine him having the opportunity to find his lifelong friends on that team. I say as parents, it is our responsibility to raise well-rounded children into adults who will do the hard things, even if initially they are reluctant.


Are we hearing the whole story? Is Dad forcing to cut down on electronics time? Also we asked our kids if they wanted to play sports but they never wanted to. Now that they are grown they say that they wish we would have pushed them to do sports.

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Living his childhood vicariously through his child

Mom you need to advocate for your son and put your foot down. It doesn’t build character if it’s forced on you and it isn’t fair to his coaches or his team if he isn’t into it because he won’t give a shit. Your husband needs a lesson in parenting

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Forcing a child to play sports only makes them not want to play. You can’t force love, kiddo. Are you sure “Daddy” isn’t trying to live through your son. Maybe martial arts, music, nature, critters, and theatre- these all “build character “, respect, friendship responsibility and even trust.

What does the child want?

Forcing anything is wrong was in basketball for 5 yrs loved it not all kids do pls don’t force him so wrong

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If he’s never played before tell him give it a try. But yeah don’t force him

Force your husband to go to the opra and the ballet . It builds character

stand up for your son, if he doesn’t wanna play he shouldn’t have to.


Compromise by having your son choose a sport or extra curricular to do.

I don’t see an issue with making kids try out things. Who knows, he might end up absolutely loving it. It mainly depends if your son is involved in literally anything else, sometimes joining something is a really great thing for kids :woman_shrugging:t2:


I would never even imagine forcing my children to do anything…if they want to and sign up? Then yes, they have to finish the season, but I will not force them to sign up against their will.

Highly dislike fathers and mothers like your husband. It makes the kids not want to play sports if they’re being pressured into it by their parents. Also the age of your child would be helpful too

I hated it I had to go to a few but that was to keep me out trouble but hated going carnt he choose something he wants to do x. X

He’s going to ruin baseball for him :woman_shrugging:t2:

Ehhh forcing a kid to play something they don’t want to play can lead to injuries to said player and teammates…one being a baseball to the face and that’s not fun


Welp. In my household you have to play a team sport. Math teams count debate teams count. Anything that involves teamwork and sportsmanship.


Tell your kid to suck it up period.

Never make a child do something he doesn’t want to. This is the quickest way to make your Son hate sports. If we don’t like something then we don’t do it. So why would you force your son into something he doesn’t like ?


Nah do not force a kid into a sport they have no interest in. What it does is have a negative impact on the team bc they’ll always have the one teammate who doesn’t care and won’t be an active team member. For people that actually care this kid could lose them important games. It’s not gonna build relationships. But it may cause the son to be ostracized bc they’re not gonna want to be friends with the kid who costs them.

You need to stand up for your kid. Find out what team style sport he’s into and have him join that. Maybe he wants to join a Lego building team? Or maybe he’s more into soccer or hockey? But seriously dont make him be that kid on the team.

Every kid should be active in a sport. :woman_shrugging:t4:. If he has a different one he would rather do let him pick himself, but if he won’t pick something himself then yes, the parents should pick for him. My son started sports at 3 years old with soccer, then at 4 wrestling and T-ball, at 5 basketball, and he started football in 2nd grade when he was old enough for tackle instead of flag. He has to participate in something every year but can do as many as he can make work. He was a 5 time state qualifier and 4 time national qualifier for wrestling by the age of 12 and took 1st place at summer nationals in Atlantic City making him a national champion. He was also on a youth football team that made it to nationals in Kissimmee FL at 10 years old. (We live in Ohio for reference) This kid has experienced traveling to 16 different states in 3 years by competing at the national level. If I would have let him sit on his butt and do nothing he would have never gotten to enjoy the experiences he has. Some sports he hated and once that season was over he never had to play again, but he had to at least finish the season and do his best. Wrestling there was a point that he HATED it and was scared and I was carrying him to the mat screaming and crying and handing him off to the coaches for his matches. He now thanks me for not letting him quit then because he would have never gotten to where he is if I didn’t force him to finish what he started. By the end of that first season he was in love and that was it he was hooked and has now wrestled for 9 years at 13 years old. He had to pick something every season and if he didn’t pick I did for him. Soccer was pretty much the only thing he hated so once the season was over that was the end of that, but he has done 9 years of wrestling, 6 of baseball, 6 of football, 6 of basketball, 2 of soccer, 4 of cub scouts, going on his 2nd of trap shooting (His first year at 12 years old he made it all the way to nationals and shot a 175/200 helping his team finish 5th in the country with only 11 weeks of experience), etc. and he is only 13 years old now. Kids need to be exposed to things to find out what they like and what they are good at. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Let him play catch with his dad and yourself. Great sport

I see both sides, my son never did sports cuz he was never interested and I never forced it. But a lot of people who are really into sports and love it said their parents pushed them at first to try it so I don’t know :sweat_smile:

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Does the dad play catch with the son? Have they been to a game and did the boy enjoy it? Unless the answer is yes to one or both of these questions find something else to do. Forcing is a strong word. Does the dad see some superior ability that he thinks will go to waste?

We have our son do stuff he doesn’t want to do. He has to do one season if we sign him up. After the season is up he doesn’t have to play again. But he has to do Something. So far he’s liked blowing and swimming.

I never forced my kids to join any activity like this but if they started they knew they had to finish.

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I think more info is needed.

Did the child choose to start and doesn’t want to continue?
Does he have any other sports or things like karate or chess club or something that he would rather do?

Is he the type of kiddo that secludes himself and doesn’t make any type of friends and not sure how to put himself out there?

Or did dad just randomly pick baseball and told him that he’s doing it no matter what? What is Dad’s reasoning for not allowing him to do XYZ instead?

I think those things need to be answered first before a reply can be said honestly.

Nothing wrong in having him try it.
If doesn’t like it.
Don’t sign him up next season.
I didn’t like practicing piano but now I can look back , I’m greatful , now that I did.

Remember your husband one can build character in other ways, not all kids need sports… I’ll say it again for those you don’t understand you can build character other ways not all kids need sports.

Don’t force the kid to pay baseball.

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My mom signed me up for soccer back in the day!! I didn’t want to go. She made me. I loved it. Played 10 years

The best way for a kid to get hurt playing a sport is to put him in a game he doesn’t want to play


I always tell my kids if they don’t wanna do it they don’t have to. However if you say you wanna do it then decide halfway through you don’t like it, you have to follow through until the end of the season and then they don’t have to do it again.

I believe choice. Maybe see if there’s another sport he’s more interested in? And work with your son & husband.

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You’re allowing it :woman_shrugging:t3:

My 5 yr old played tball last yr and thus yr he didn’t want to play. My husband was gonna make him but I had to tlk to him and let him know never force a child to do something they don’t wont too. Bc if he wasn’t a fan last yr, he’s not gonna be a fan this yr. I was forcing my oldest daughter to do certain things and I almost mad her fall out of love with her sport. So now I let her make her own decisions about sports. And I let them know, that I stand behind their decisions 110%. That’s just me and mine. Others can do as they please with theirs.

I never make my kids play a sport they dont want to cuz your wasting money on something that they aren’t going to put any effort into it cuz they aren’t into it

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I’ve made my kid try things before that he did not want to. He ended up loving some and disliking others. I do it so my kid can branch out. He’s found out that he loves shrimp, enjoys being on a soccer team, likes snowboarding. Now, if your son wants to be in a different sport and is being forced to play baseball instead, I wouldn’t agree with that either. However, if the alternative is them sitting at the house then it can’t hurt to just try, and tell them that if they hate it by the end of the season, he doesn’t have to go back.


If he already started playing and is on a team, I believe he should finish the season and not necessarily play next year. It’s important to make our kids follow through on commitments…or we have a world of young adults who think they can give up because they just “don’t want to” do something.

It’s not going to hurt him to try. He might like it.

My dad forced me into sports too and it made me resent him for it. Talk to your husband. Kids shouldn’t be forced to do sports or anything like that!

My oldest refused sports until we “forced” him to play football. He ended up loving it. Of course he didn’t wanna play football, he wanted to stay home on his phone instead of going to practices and games.

These kids are so lazy these days.

He ended up loving it.

Don’t force kids to do sports
My son does but we put him in it younger n loves it
He does take a break every cpl years
It should be up to the child or else they won’t enjoy it

Ask your son. If he wants to play, cool. if not don’t make him. He will hate it if he is forced. There are other things he will enjoy that builds character if he isn’t forced to do them.

My children have only ever played the sports they wanted to play, and because of this they have excelled in those sports. They have only ever had one rule. If you sign up for any extra curricular activity, you’re not allowed to quit part way through the “season”. You must finish that season. Then come the next season you can choose to not do that activity.
I would not allow anyone for FORCE my child to do a sport. Ever.

No just no.My parents forced me to play softball for years and I hated it. I was terrified and terrible at it because I had a learning/spacial disability.
Let him choose an activity/sport they want to participate in please

Lots of kids won’t try anything new without a push. They object and say they don’t want to do it without even knowing what they are against. Sure, you shouldn’t push a kid into continuing something they clearly don’t like. But if you never push them to try new stuff you’re doing them a disservice.


Kids don’t know if they will like it or not until they try. As a parent it is your duty to introduce all things to your child.
I always told my kids ok we will do it but you have to finish the whole season. Didn’t hurt them a bit. They figured out what the liked and didn’t like.
Kids now a days need pushed. To many sitting in front of the tv playing videos.
One young man at our high school told the story of his folks making him play basketball. All he wanted to do was play videos.
This young man is a Senior is the high point man for 4 years. Been named to state first team and lives for basketball (his words).
If his parents hadn’t made him what would he have done. Duty parents!! Duty!!!

Some kids need to be pushed and they sometimes wind up loving things they initially did not want to do.

Is there a different sport he would like? Or is he saying no to all of them?
My kids tried soccer, one liked it one didnt.
They both tried baseball the following year, the one who didnt like soccer loves it. And the one who loves soccer didnt like baseball.
I didnt necessarily MAKE them
Try it, but I kinda signed them up and said WOOHOO LETS TRY IT OUT!
I made it sound fun, they both enjoyed the games, the friends and the atmosphere. My one daughter just has the stamina for baseball and my other daughter can run like the wind with the ball at her feet. So two different children :woman_shrugging:t3:

I don’t agree with forcing it but I also don’t disagree with the husband. It’s not that big of a deal, there’s literally fathers out there not even trying to raise their kids, at least dad wants to instill good qualities in his son. Mom should get over it and have dad take him to practices… Kid will survive

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Let the Man be a father. Be thankful ur son has an active dad

It will only make him hate it.

Extra curricular activities can be super helpful. Maybe compromise and find something else your son? I told my son he needed to find an activity to do. I gave him the option of art classes, karate, swim lessons, basketball, baseball, or soccer. He chose chose soccer and is having so much fun.

My daughter didn’t want to do cheer and I put her in it anyways. I still made her show up, but I couldn’t make her participate and she made it clear she wasn’t going to. Not only could she have gotten injured she could have injured someone else.

This year SHE WANTED to swim, so we signed her up not knowing if she would actually do it or not. She did, because SHE WANTED TO. she even made it to finals.

He can build character in so many ways but FORCING your child is not the way to do it.

You should never force your child to do an extracurricular that they don’t want to do. It breeds resentment, wastes their time and yours as well as wastes your money.

Your son doesn’t want to play, so he’s not going to put in any effort, he’s not going to get any enjoyment out of it, your husband is going to end up pissed off and the relationship between your husband and son is going to be strained.

I do believe that kids should be involved in something, so that they don’t spend all of their free time behind a screen, but it should be something that they show interest in.

So, maybe tell your son that he has to participate in something, but ask him what he wants to participate in - baseball isn’t the only activity that builds character.

How old is your son? What activities does he already participate in?

I tell my boys they are trying it out, this was a few years ago, they are 11 and 8 now, but they did it for 2 years. The second year was their choice.
They decided they no longer liked it and didn’t want to play, so they don’t have to play. If it was up to my 2 they wouldn’t do anything. My oldest tried basketball hated it. So he didn’t play again the next year. They both tried football, my oldest loves it,
My youngest doesn’t, so the oldest plays and the youngest doesn’t. :woman_shrugging:
I think it’s good to have them try it for the season, if they end up hating, then they will not play the next year.

Baseball does not characterize your child! Your husband is characterizing himself as a bully. This will carry on for generations if you do not stop him. So stop him. 

I would never FORCE my kid to do something they have no interest in. Not all kids like sports. I’m not going to take the chance in my kid resenting me for it. There are other things the kid may be interested in that they could put them in if they just ask the kid instead of forcing them. I hate parents that think kids are there’s to control. Kids do have opinions and minds of their own. Forcing your kids to do things they don’t like is why your kids grow up hating you and eventually cut you out of their adult lives. Think about that.

If your son doesn’t like it he will eventually either grow to like it or resent Dad for forcing him to play.

I’d never force my child to do something they didn’t want to do, they will end up hating it and resenting yous for making him do it, kids have the right to say no and to chose their own paths, imagine someone FORCING you to do something you didn’t want to do


I have 2 boys that csn play one sport per season my oldest switched over to baseball this season because he wanted to I have two boys in baseball mybhusbdnd coaches both teams they love it but hey fell in love with the sport and honestly to MAKe any kid plsy a sport is selfish selfish to the kid selfish to the team snd the coaches sho see donating their time we hsve 1 or 2 and when they don’t wanna play they horse around or don’t try and it annoys the other kids that actually want to be there and the coaches I’d never mske my kid play somethin they don’t want too stand your ground your kid can have feelings and oh do I hate thst builds character saying everything does. You are the parent too not all kids are athletes and that’s ok

Your husband is douche canoe and there is no excuse for this mess