My husband is mad I wore makeup to a party...thoughts?

Something’s wrong with him.

That’s a sad insecure little man… you need to check him! Most times the one making cheating accusations is the one who is cheating…

I don’t care if you had full clown make up on.
This man has ZERO right to be mad.


Oh no no no. Girl you need to RUNNNNN as fast as you can

Hes insecure. If he cant communicate with you i wouldnt entertain it. Its ridiculous hes doing this.

Throw the whole husband away cause absolutely not that is controlling

Is this new behavior? Maybe he is deflecti g his infidelity on you…?

He sounds super insecure. It’s def not wrong to wear a little makeup!

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Why couldn’t he go? Not that it really matters, but if it was something he could control than its his own fault he didn’t go. But anyway. Years ago I was dating this guy. I wore makeup almost everyday. He would always tell me how i didn’t need it n he wished i wouldn’t wear it. So i started not wearing it most days. Which i was ok with cuz he wasnt trying to be controlling or anything. He just loved my natural look, which made me feel good. If we would go out somewhere id put some on. And again he would tell me how I don’t need it BUT he would leave it at that. He wouldn’t get upset when i wore it anyway. If ur bf thinks u putting makeup on means ur gonna cheat, it sounds like theres zero trust. U don’t have to answer, but think about it to urself. Have u ever gave him a reason to not trust u? Have u cheated before? If so, how long ago? Cuz if u did and it was a good amount of time ago and hes still acting like this it sounds like hes not going to be able to move on, if u never gave him any reason to doubt ur intentions than it’s time to talk to him. I rarely tell ppl to just leave. But have a deep talk about why he acts like that and what u can do (within reason) to make him feel more secure. And find out if hes willing to work on this issue himself. If not or if nothing changes than get out. He wont be happy with anyone until he resolves his own issues

This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard

No you’re not wrong. Tell him to get over his self and don’t feel so insecure when you want to wear makeup

My ex was like this I’d say run not saying your husband will be the same but the first sign of the abuse I endured was him getting mad at me wearing makeup and what I wore

I would tell him to get f*cked!:fu:

That sounds like projecting.

Narcissist that’s what he is

Oh please , tell him to get over it :triumph:

Uh oh…You’re not in a Good relationship.

Wow!! Lose that dead weight.

I would wear makeup to my factory job when my ex husband was in his distant and abusive moods. I wanted to feel pretty sometimes, and I would get that from my co-workers. It made him furious…but that was because he was cheating. Basically, either he really is insecure about himself and thinks you’re too good for him, or he’s cheating (or intending to).

He’s very insecure and controlling. Run girl

Sounds like projection. He is probably cheating.

Sounds like he’s got a guilty conscience

Girl you are allowed to wear makeup for YOURSELF!

He sounds toxic. He’s probably the one cheating and having regrets so he’s blaming u

Is this a common occurrence in your marriage?

Because if so, it sounds like your husband is deflecting…

I personally would wear make up everyday :woman_shrugging:t3: and if he didn’t like it he knows where the door is! you have your own income and surly don’t NEED him! If this is out of the blue maybe HES the one cheating! The who will accuse is usually the one to DO!

A woman can wear makeup any time she pleases. He has issues…not you…run

Controlling much? Girl, this is a Red flag.

Too controlling. Why should he have a say in you wearing makeup or anything else that concerns only you for that matter.

He’s projecting…you better start snopping cause he’s cheating.

His problem is with himself…not you🤷

Projecting something he’s doing wrong. OR just insecure. One of the 2 been on both sides of the fence with stuff like this

He is wrong. You have the right to dress how you want when you want. Him not trusting you is his problem and a serious one you need to work on. Also why would he expect you to not look your best at your company party?

He’s probably cheating on you if he’s accusing you, showing out his insecurities of what he’s doing, if he’s not he needs to grow TF up, he doesn’t Own you, I wouldn’t put up with it

I wear makeup and got Dressed up to my Christmas Party back in 2014 and my husband at the time hated it I left him 3 months after get out don’t let a male control you and all you wanted to do was look good for yourself probably just like I did back then I do it know on occasion and my husband now likes it and don’t care by don’t care doesn’t say anything if I do myself up for work or anything

If he accused I of cheating well …… guess where he was the night of ur party ((((CHEATING))) the accuser is ALWAYS the one doing it

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:
There’s a good chance one of you may be cheating! Pack your bags, and run!

Honestly he might be cheating that’s alot of projection for it not to be imo :woman_shrugging:

Dat is ur husband business n how he feels, the fact that it bothered u is a plus for him n he will continue… tell ur husband what he thinks is none of ur concern n doh pass his cheating guilt on u… then put make up again n go out without him… let him go in a corner and suck his thumb… tell ur husband to grow up…

Or he’s the pot calling the kettle black…

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: that’s overly controlling. I had an ex who was like that. Probably worse … but I’d get dressed up for work bc I had a professional job and he would tell me I looked like a whore. When I kicked him out I found clothes of mine he had hidden so I couldn’t wear them. Your situation probably isn’t nearly that bad, but it sounds like it’s going toward that direction.

It’s the “am I wrong” at the bottom :skull:

Stop it. This is the silliest shit I’ve ever started my day off reading.

He’s cheating on you and projecting his guilt

Jesus christ dump him he’s an insecure lout

Leave him. It’s only going to get worse!

Sounds like projecting, accusing you of what he’s doing. :woman_shrugging:t3:

9 times out of 10 when they’re accusing you it’s because they’re doing it.
Check his phone tonight when he goes to sleep. He’s probably cheating.

Love him or leave him,put up or shut up you married him evidently he doesn’t know much about Women

You shouldn’t need an occasion to wear makeup or dress up. Hubby is probably cheating honestly

In my experience: when my ex husband yelled at me for wearing makeup and said I did it so I could cheat he was full of itttt because in reality he was the one who was cheating on me with 6 different women

He should’ve complimented how you look, any other reaction is just red flag to me. That’s just awful and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. Fck that guy!

Very unreasonable, a good husband wants his wife to feel good about herself. Whether that’s makeup or dressed up. Then be like damn my wife is beautiful and she is all for me. All the other men can look and dream! But that beautiful women is my wife. It sounds like either u may have cheated on him before or he has cheated on you with those types of feelings. Or is cheated on you?!?! Not normal feelings if ur trying ur best in a relationship!

Oh my flocking God … what a moron

Hell no he is being control. Tell him to either cut that shit out of he is out the door

Your husband is probably cheating TBH

Um no is he cheating. Why sos suspicious? That sounds crazy to me

Sounds like a huge red flag. Tell him to eat a dick :v:t2:

Lol I wouldnt let a man tell me what to do makeup isnt the thing here lol he just thinks u should stay home bare foot and in the kitchen lol doing house work every women likes to dress up now and then he should of went with you instead you went alone if your attending events alone sweety you may as well be single lol marriage is a 50/50 not anything else wear make up every time you go out alone hummm mess with him lol if no kids rethink him because he should of supported you instead of getting mad lol

That’s mean it’s just a party
My husband likes me to wear makeup I even wear it when I’m home
Your husband needs to chill
It’s ridiculous the way he’s acting
You should let him read all the comments
And see what a jerk he is

Ditch that bitch. Husbands should support you not confuse you. Not hold you hostage to their insecurities.

Omfg leave his CRAZY ass.

Unless getting suffocated in your sleep sounds appealing

He has the problem not you. Why put up with his crazy ideas?