My husband is making me choose between him and my best friend, what should I do?

My girl ain’t ever going anywhere.

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See ya later to the husband.Best friends stick together.


Is your best friend male or female andddd how did he act towards him/ her before u married him. Also what is he asking you to do that. Tell us the rest of the story.


Just because you guys are married

Does not mean he can control you
Or who you chose to be around …


A true best friend will be there when the husband is gone.

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I feel like key information is being left out here. Is the bestie male or female? It makes a difference if it’s boundary related or controlling/isolating behavior


Get rid of the husband.

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No man would make u choose … keep ur friend ur man has insecurities. And CONTROL ISSUES :rage:


Need to know why hes asking you to make such a decision. If its controlling and isolating it would be an issue but if friend has done some questionable things then that’s an entirely different story. Overall of your hubs is your most important person in life always choose hubby.


Ditch the husband. You’re not his property to control. We don’t have sharia law here yet. Still free country.

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That’s how controlling there wives start , then next is alienating you from your family, then moving you away an isolating you so you have no friends an no family an after that they start the verbal an mental abuse an finally graduate to physical abuse

I need more info… what is the underlying reason he wants you to drop them? :eyes:

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Think we’re missing info why he don’t like her was this an issue before u got married

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Am sorry but he got to go…my bff n I have know each other since we were about 8 years and she always been there for me…

Abusers like to isolate…red flag city.


BEST FRIEND, bet the bestie would not make you choose between one or the other. Partner is a jelous controlling punk.

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Be careful…first signs of abuse are reducing all your social contacts.


I would want more information, why does he want you to not be friends anymore did something happen? Is it Male or female? is their a history with them? Of the relationship type?

Marriage is sacred. Forsaking all others is part of it.

You are leaving out a lot of important details here that would allow anyone to give you sound advice. Granted, you chose to marry your husband, not your best friend. Is your best friend male or female? Are you giving parts of yourself to your best friend that you aren’t or should be giving to your husband? Why is your husband making you choose between the two of you? Just because you’ve only been married for a month doesn’t erase that you’ve been together for 6 years. What’s the whole story here?


Is this friend a guy?, If so, you you two have a history?

He has no right to tell you this - - ignore him!!!

Have they been cheating with each other

Divorce him and RUN!!!

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Husband or not he can’t make you choose

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I guess I need more context for this one. Isn’t making sense to me. My husband knew when he married me that my best friend was part of the package essentially. Our friendship wouldn’t change just because of marriage.

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Um no… if someone made me choose 1, I would choose the person who never made have to pick just one. If that makes sense :joy:


That’s awful ! He needs counseling! Please don’t drop your friend . Stand up for yourself


So, with no context, because none was provided: throw the whole man out.

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He sounds like a real charm! If he can give you up that easily he probably want stay for the long haul anyway! I’d call that bluff! Put the decision on him and see which way he goes!

Get rid of your husband.!

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if you have to ask that question you never even started it was over long before

They’ll get over it don’t leave you best friend no one should even make anyone tochoose

I would put my best friend before a man if a man made me chose between them

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But why? Did something happen between you and your best friend? Does your best friend respect your spouse and your marriage? Does your spouse feel threatened by your relationship between your best friend? Is your spouse just possessive? There has to be more to the story and with leaving out important key factors it seems you are just looking for what you want to hear.


I certainly wouldn’t choose the husband ……

Now, I need the whole story. Lol.


Context sure would be helpful here.


That’s wrong! Tell him your not choosing between either as they both mean the world to you. That’s bloody wrong and I would be furious! Give it a switch around and ask him if he would like it if you asked him to choose between a best mate and you or something he loves doing and you I bet he won’t like it at all.

The story is a bit blurred is ur best friend a guy uf so ur husband is just jealous

Beware! Sounds like the start of a controlling behavior.


Just don’t. Don’t pick anybody continue to be friends with your friend and if he throws a tantrum or walks then it’s on him 🤷

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There’s more to the story. Why is he making you choose?


Throw the whole man in the trash

There’s more to this story that your not telling hmmmm


If the friendship isn’t toxic, I don’t see why he would make you choose? Need more backstory on this. But just based on what’s posted here; I would say it’s narcissistic behavior. My SO pointed out things about “friends” when we got together that I didn’t agree with, because they were in my life longer than he was. It took me a while to see what he was saying, but let’s just say he wasn’t wrong about them.


It’s too hard to give proper advice without the whole story, there has to be a reason he’s wanting you to choose


Your husband is your best friend now. How could you choose someone over the person you sleep with and share your life with? That’s just me. My husband would always come first.


Not much context to go by….

But if he’s just throwing this on you, RUN! Sounds like the start of control!


Run. Find a good lawyer


Is your best friend Male or female? Did something happen between your spouse and your friend?


Never choose a man over a friend for life

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Stick with ur friends always tbh don’t loose that many years of friendship over someone who is being controlling. U should always keep time for ur friends while being in a relationship because they r the ones who will pick the pieces up if all else fails if he doesn’t respect that bye :wave:


Friend. He shouldn’t be giving you that ultimatum in the first place. That’s controlling behavior…i speak from experience…


If you been married only a month what was he like before you married and is your best friend male or female are you up close and personal is that why he making you chose or has he actually said you chose your bestie or me ,
Because making and asking someone to do something is two different things.
End off the day if anyone makes or asks you too chose between them and the other party you with the wrong person or in the wrong friendship.
No one has any right too ask you too chose if it’s really only a friendship .now if you getting down and dirty then too right you chose .
But once you make that choice off choosing dnt be moaning because if uts just friendship then you given him the power too that control button and it will only follow with more I wants .
If you getting down and dirty with this friend too right you chose , you chose too leave because your hubby deserves better.
End off day what ever you chose to do its on you …

Another fucky post …

Get rid of your husband… stand up for yourself and tell him no he has not right to choose your friends


I’d say. Theres a issue. Run for your life… Before it gets worse.:astonished::grin:


You know the answer!! No one should ever expect you to choose

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Keep the friend unless they did you wrong

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Oh he’s one of them guys… that insecure guy that has to divide and concur to eventually control. Well gud luck with the mirage (smoke screen & mirrors) ooop’s meant marriage and a very lonely one it will be. Oh btw has he started hitting u yet? U take a hard gud look at it all…gud luck.

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Throw the whole man in the trash and start again™

Which is guy or woman best friend? If it’s him well your husband can be jealous and hard to trust if it’s woman that’ll be fine.

Never let a partner make you choose them or friends!!


Not enough information here. Are we talking one evening or an event? Or long term? If the latter…keep your friends close. This is typical narcissistic behavior and he will control everything in your life if you let him
Start right now. Do not allow him to manipulate you.


Controlling!! = LEAVE!!!

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Your marriage is for life


Well there is always annulment

Definitely friend!!!

I feel there’s something sketchy that happened between your friend and your husband and he doesn’t want you to find out. Why after 6 years all of a Sudden you can’t be friends anymore??:thinking::thinking:


What’s the back story? Is there a reason… if this best friend male or female?


Sounds like a trust issue, don’t know if its a guy or girl but either way that’s how it seems, and if there is no trust then that will destroy a marriage. Maybe get them together and let him see and be around your friend so maybe he will be more comfortable with him or her.

I think it depends on your situation. We don’t have enough information. Like they say it’s 3 sides: your side, his side and the truth lol

I mean context is everything but in general I’d never let anyone I love tell me I can’t have someone else I love in my life.

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This will be just the beginning……

does not sound good. I was married for over 50 years and my husband never told me who i could be friends with or i him

My ex made me make same decisions… started a month or 2 after marriage

It was only the beginning… once I was secluded from all friends and family… well, it’s not a good sign… huge red flag luv… :triangular_flag_on_post:


Ditch your husband. People who truly love you would never demand you make that choice!

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What are the reasons?

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Yes we need more information. There could be major reason. But I will say this, some narcissistic partners wait till after married to isolate you from the people you love. Idk if this is the case but there wasn’t any problems before. Why now that you’re married.


More information what is she doing

It will get worse and worse. Leave

There needs to be a back story here :woman_shrugging:t2:


Nothing good will come from it.

Well it depends tbh my husband & I don’t have the opposite sex as friends unless they are like neighbors we both talk with but he doesn’t hang with other females & vise versa we’ve been together 10 years & have 5 kiddos together.

I couldn’t live without my friends… throw the whole man away!!!

This is a simple question with so many possible answers?! We need more clarity and in detail what are the cons of him imposing that question to u ‽?:lying_face:

That’s controlling behaviour I would say you don’t like my friends there’s the door. My husband would never ever say anything like that to me let alone make me choose they my friends not his. You know that old saying boys say bros before hoes well same diff other way around………

WHY is he making you choose?

Sound’s like there’s more to this story :thinking: is ur friend a male or an ex? If not he shouldn’t have a problem unless said friend is a bad influence or maybe ur husband is insecure or he wants ur friend, like I said there’s more to this story


Don’t. Ditch your husband - he is trying to control you already.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

First off NOOOIOOOOOOOOT OK …FCT that he waited til you got married to give you conditions …NARRCCISTIC MOVE …pls dont fall for secluding u from those dearest to you.nxt will be. Problems with family coworkers clothing what you eat


Friends are forever. If I were in your shoes, I’d look at him and say goodbye


First of all; friend was there before him, and will more than likely be there after him.


He’s not a real man if he makes u choose him over your friend she’s been in your life longer then he has he needs to get over it and move on

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Need more background! Is she interfering with your marriage? Is he trying to control you?


Has he given you a reason? Is your friend a horrible influence? Dangerous? Actively trying to steal you away? Otherwise, just no. This is a HUGE red flag. Does he usually criticize you and your choices? Try to make decisions without your input? Has he tried to isolate you from family? Limit contact with others? These are the signs of a control freak and eventually an abuser, if he’s not already engaging in emotional abuse and social isolation. If he can’t give you a legit reason, put your foot down.

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Best friend is a guy? Or does he feel threatened by your relationship in some way?


Keep the friend. If it was that important hubby would’ve asked you to dump the friend years ago. Instead he waited until marriage as if he is now in control of your life.