My husband is making me choose between him and my best friend, what should I do?

If you’ve been friends for 9 years then hubby for sure has known bout him. It’s only a problem now after 1 month of marriage. I’d say hubby is a little controlling and insecure. I’d find out exactly why he wants you to get rid of the friend and then tell hubby to kick rocks.

Whats the reasoning… there may be a legit reason. And everyone saying “chose best friend”… a best friend can stab you in the back just like a husband/wife…

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I guess it depends on why he is making you choose. Does she interfere in your relationship? Do you put your marriage first or is it afterthought? Do you spend more time with your friend than you do your husband? Do you talk about things with your friend that you should be discussing with your spouse? I don’t like to jump the gun and say he is a terrible person blah blah blah. We are only hearing one side of things and there isn’t enough information. He could be a control freak, or he could be lacking the intimacy and connection with his spouse because her friend is always there and in the way.

Why is he saying this? Dont feel like we should give you advice on half a story :see_no_evil:

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Sounds controlling that friend will not be the only person that he won’t want you to be around I would get rid of him I’m not your friend

So I need more info. Did your friend do something to make him question the friendship? He was good all 6 yrs??


Definitely trying to control you please dont let that happen

He shouldn’t make you choose bc its controlling but what happened? Is it jealousy or did some type of event occur? Best friend a bad influence and on drugs? Did best friend try to encourage you to cheat or fuck up your life? Did the 2 of them get in a fight?

Depends on the reasons he has. Some best friends tear a couple apart, some cause other family problems, so cant say anything without knowing his side.

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Details? Is the best friend a man? On drugs? Toxic?

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Tell him to wise up if that doesn’t work tell him to f*ck off

That’s not fair and a major red flag. He shouldn’t be making you obligated to make a choice. He sounds controlling… run!!

Is the best friend male or female? Did he know if this bedrooms when you got together and then married. Need more details

We slinky have half the story, but with what I have I will say hubby waited to give u thr ring to ask u to choose,

Well something happened or he wouldn’t have just gave you an Ultimatum…

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Tell him you will miss him for about a week then you will be fine.

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: choose your friend. My ex did this, choose him and in the end it’s her that’s had been by my side long before the relationship and long after. Thankfully she forgave me and was understanding. Most people won’t be. She been my friend for 29 years now and I couldn’t imagine my life without her

Why ? If he cant give you good reason say no. Dont let him start controlling you

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Is your BFF a man or a woman?

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Why??? Give him the same choice!!!’

I think it really depends of the dynamic of the situation which was not included is the friend single has a habit or being you along for trouble does she lie or cause problem in your relationship that un fixable :woman_shrugging:t3: or is it a control issue where she’s your support system and nothing more no issue and he doesn’t like you have that


What is the reason is he having you choose between your friend and him? Is your friend toxic, disrespectful to your marriage, guy or girl, etc? I feel like we are only getting a very small piece of what is going on


I had a boyfriend like this. He said my best friend was a ‘bad influence’ because she was getting divorced (an amicable divorce, by the way. They are still friends after and no kids involved. I’m still friends with her ex, too even though it’s been over 25 years. She’d be the first to tell you he is a great guy. They just didn’t work out). Anyway. Kicked the boyfriend to the curb, still have my best friend over 30 years.
Husband’s don’t last. Best friends do

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Is your bf a female? Is it a healthy relationship? Not enough details to give advise.


Yea I’d divorce him and chose my friends.

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Gonna need the deets


Oh he thinks he has papers so he can control you put that foot down baby tell him he has 90 days to appell the marriage or get over it :smirk:

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The question is why? You need to give more info to get legit answers to this.


Hell no leave him
I am friends with my BFF who’s a guy… been friends over 10 years
My bf had a problem at first but he’s fine now

Your hubby should be understanding not controlling

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There is not enough known of this story … I have made my husband choose and thankfully he chose me he says all day everyday :heart::heart:

Why … But also that’s a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

Red flag. We may need more info to give advice. But been there lived it. It only got worse. Soon he will control your whole life.

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Is your best friend a male?
You should have no problem dropping a male friend for your husband. I wouldn’t give it a second thought.


As long as it is just friend ship tell him to piss off

You left your bosses when you left home stand up for your self

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Need to know his reasons why to know what advice to give


If he’s going to control who your friends are with no matter the situation. Then what else is he going to control you on or whatever. I’d say leave before its too late. First red sign being controlling.

He knew yall were best friends before he signed the papers. Just like my wife did. We are a package deal, sorry. Huge red flag. If he’s doing this now with someone you’ve been friends with years, next thing you know he’ll never allow you to have any friends at all


If that was said to me , marriage over …friends are important , my friends are not toxic in any way…

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My Personal Response would be along the lines of –

We both know that you will never again find someone who will treat YOU as I do. You will look for what YOU THINK that You want but you Will miss me when I am gone.
Oh and when You realize that I speak only the Truth to You I really hope it’s not too late for you.

He’s not a nice guy if he’s making you choose obviously he havnt got friends. I wonder why!!!

You shouldn’t ever have to choose…he is trying to isolate yourl from those most important…so let him go…

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Never ever throw your friends away over a man.

We need so much more information, but did he have a problem with your best friend before you got married? Is your best friend a bad influence on you?


So for all these years he’s know who your best friends is. Has it been an issue before? If this came out of nowhere l would certainly get rid of the husband and keep the friend. Every abusive and/or controlling relationship starts with the victim being isolated from those closer to her/him.

If he is a male then yes you should.


It entirely depends on the reasoning behind why he feels you should drop them. Gender should never matter if they’re good people.

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Why? Is your friend a threat to your marriage? Is he/she disrespectful to your husband? Will you friendship cause you to make poor decisions that will impact your marriage? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then I understand his concerns. I think he handled it poorly and should have tried to work something out instead of an ultimatum. Yor marriage should come first. However, if none of those things are issues, he’s just probably being controlling.


I think that ultimatums are a red flag, unless he has genuine reasons to not like your best friend. Is your bf a guy? That would make a difference. If my husband had a best friend who was a girl, and they were super close, I would struggle with that too. I would be a bit jealous. I’d definitely be cautious.

If your bf is a girl, and he doesn’t like her because she’s toxic in one way or another, then that can be understandable. If he doesn’t like her because he’s the toxic one, and wants to control you, then that’s not ok. Does he show any signs of Narcissism? Narcs do tend to try to alienate their partners away from their family and friends so they can fully control them.

Hes being childish…who do u want spend your life with…if u been friends this long he should have known this before yall married…tell him when he chooses you and drops his friends then you will talk to him bout it…if he drops his then yes if not I wouldnt

I feel like this post lacks context. I dont believe anyone would make there partner choose between them and their best friend out of the blue for nothing. Did something happen? Is this person toxic? Did this person disrespect you or your spouse recently? Did you and your best friend argue alot? Idk. I feel like I cant give proper advise without more detail.


Depends what’s the problem with the friend ? And I mean a real man tbh shouldnt be saying these types of things in my opinion .
Was he fine with the friend before u got married .
Too me this sounds like a control tactic like he owns u now that ur married

Life is not about power and control it doesn’t make any difference if you’re married or not when someone wants to take away your livelihood that is important to you that’s power that’s abuse I went to school to become a counselor many years ago I don’t tolerate any type of abuse or forceful attitude from no one my friends are my friends and always will be just because we get into a relationship doesn’t give us the right to tell the other individual what they can do and they can’t do if we don’t like what they do it’s our choice to adjust abuse is about insecurities that people haven’t dealt with I think my best advice is to get up get out and move on and be free

Why??? And why would you choose…

Nah lol he would be gone and because yall only married a month u wouldnt have to go threw a divorce u can get a annulment

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Don’t do it . My husband tried that BS with me . It did not end well for him


Choose your friend! Before you know what’s hit you, he’ll have you totally isolated and you’ll basically just be his bitch.

Depends if it is a woman or a man

My question is, what happened for him to suddenly give this ultimatum? Men don’t just throw ultimatums out like water. More info on the situation would be helpful. Otherwise, you’re just looking for validation here and that’s it.


Why what’s wrong with the best friend

Actually, Men and women when they marry together forever, is to put marriage first then friends until a baby comes into your lives. Then,all about marriage and the the baby. If friends are helping with to make your marriage work then they are the ones that you need to keep in life.


Not enough information given
I mean did your friend come into him or leave needles in the kids bedroom
Did he find out that you’re"friend" is actually your ex fiance and love of your life
Is he just trying to isolate and control you
Did you marry hubby but continue to blow him off to go clubbing with the bestie every weekend
Details girl, details


Not enough info here :woman_shrugging:


Red flags waving if hes making you choose, is there an issue between them? Erm nobody would make me choose

Advice really.Why would he tell you that? I think a control issue.Werent you friends before him.Doesnt make sense?Watch yourself.

Need more context why is he making you choose there is more to the story than that.


Is there a reason for this sudden dislike or is it the beginning stages of control.


Sounds like you ignored a lot of red flags

Tbh if I was in your shoes and my bestie was a man then I would have to let my best friend go. I’ll still love them but once I chose my husband and said I DO it’s us not I anymore. Does this make sense to anyone? Hell my bestie (woman) of 20+ yrs I don’t get to see much of because we’re both married, work and have kids to raise. Her even more because she has a farm too. Once your married life is more focused on y’all & your family.

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Sounds like a big control issue.what else does he say you can’t do


Toss the husband and start over?

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People have gotten divorced after a month and I think you should join that club lol

There’s not enough information here

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Need more info… It’s very vague and there has to be more to the story.


Too vague…could be controlling…could be that your best friend is a male that has feelings for you idk need more info to actually answer…

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I’m sorry but if he’s that bossy, insecure and controlling then sounds like he needs to go


If you have been with him for 6 years and best friends with the other person for 8 , why the sudden issue or force of decision ? The time frame indicates that your husband has been aware of your friendship all this time . So did something happen to make him suddenly demand-request this ?

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I’d choose my bestie


Why didn’t he have a problem before y’all got married? Why wait until after? He is trying to seclude you from everyone….it’s a control thing.


How’s anyone supposed to give advice when you detailed nothing?


Uhhhh do you see your best friend in a sexual light, or vice versa? Has there ever been a moment that your husband felt insecure because of something you said or did with your best friend? I mean, I get that it’s your friend, but that’s your FAMILY now… if he’s feeling some type of way about your friend, either there’s a good reason and he feels he’s protecting you or he’s a narcissist and just wants the control. Find out which. Because if it’s the second one, RUN AWAY AND LEAVE THE MARRIAGE NOW. IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE

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He can’t make you do anything. has no right to choose your friend


You knew both just as long, and he wasn’t worried while you two where dating?


There’s a lot more to this than just a husband making his wife choose between him and the best friend. Need a lot more details than that. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Husband always, at least for me. I have to live with him, share a bed with him, he’s the father of my daughter.

Pack his bags. Your best friend comes first


Always choose your best friend.

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Not a good sign a month in

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Haha all you women saying bestir are indeed the toxic that you try to blame men for. So much for family values hey girls but its ok you just keep on pretending your not like the evil women who murder or assult their own children… you know family. I hope this post triggers the sewage monsters saying that, step right up ladies as I wanna give you a free phycic reading of your future… ALONE, undesired.

It’s the beginning of control issues. RUN as fast as you can!!


He didn’t have a problem before you got married? Marriage is just a piece of paper

Early signs of an abusive hubby. Stand you ground with your friend. If he wigs out you better get out


He made a pass at her!!!

He wouldnt be my hushand anymore. What else or who else is he going to tell you that you cant be friends with. He sounds controling looks like he is showing you who he really is now.


How about the real reason he feels the need to say this


Your husband should come first.


That sounds like some abusive controlling stuff!

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Ew. If you think he will stop with just your friends, he will not. Eventually he will alienate you from
Family. That’s what narcissists do.


Depends. Is there a reason he wants you to cut her off? If not lose him.

There’s more to this story, you’re leaving out vital information. All I could say without all the facts is that you didn’t marry your best friend for a reason, so choose the guy you want to spend your life with. You’ll lose one of them either way.