My husband is not taking my condition seriously: Advice?

Pre eclampsia is fatal when untreated. Treatment is giving birth and even then that still doesn’t work. I was eclamptic for a month after.

It also causes organ damage, stroke, etc. It’s serious and if he’s not going to take it seriously then he should come with you to your next appt

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Have your doctor explain it.

Set me off :grimacing: what are you 3-4, where you can’t control your own emotions? Don’t be a narc and blame him for things you can control


You may need to leave :woman_shrugging:t3:

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You need to worry about you, just ignore him, you need to control your anger and stress since you are pregnant. Forget him just dont feed into it, just pretend he’s not there.


Girl chill. Lawd :sweat_smile: them hormones are a mf aren’t they :tired_face: :rofl:


Some guys can be such douches when it comes to their ladies being pregnant. It’s like they are in denial about everything until they see that baby not even pregnancy is real. I’m sorry I hope you get the help you need I don’t think you will get it from your partner


Make him sleep on the couch

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So sorry that your husband is not showing the necessary support. I don’t think you want to be pampered, just considered. Hope he wakes up soon because you will carry the memory of this far into your marriage it is not healthy. Hope things change soon for you.

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Divorce papers should work.

You need to take him to your next Dr appointment and confront him in front of the Dr about his lack of concern and then let THEM explain it to him! Then at least you have record of the unsafe and heartless way he is behaving! Good luck momma!!:heart:


I had preeclampsia and my doctor didn’t treat me like she should of…i developed Postpartum cardiomyopathy. 4 days after I had my first baby I was rushed to the hospital and ended up in a coma for 17 days.


Honestly preeclampsia is no joke, if he really won’t take it serious I would find somewhere stress free to stay until babe makes their arrival.


From experience please please take care of your health!!! Pre-E isnt no joke!!!

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Some guys have no respect at all.


Have someone else or maybe your Doctor talk to him so they can tell him the seriousness of your condition.


I would take your husband to your next appointment so the doctor can talk to him. Also another idea is find a YouTube video or something that shows what preeclampsia is and how it can harm your body.

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You need to calm down you can’t control him


Every time he stresses u out, Plop your 2 year old in his lap and go out for couple hours. Go get a massage. May help your stress


As serious as the condition is. ‘He keeps saying and doing things to set me off’ you need to learn to control your emotions, instead of using a health scare to control him.


I almost died while I was in labor with my son because of preeclampsia. It’s not something to be taken lightly…

Have him talk to your OB

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Maybe the doctor needs to talk to him?

Take him to a doctors appointment wirh you and let him hear from the doctor how serious it can be. Some men just dont react like we do in a medical situation. Also, im sure your on edge. It would be totally normal. Be sure that its not coming out on your husband.

Is he like this normally or just while you’re pregnant ?
Personally I walked away…just turn around and go somewhere peaceful till you calm down.

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Take him to the doctors with you and make them explain it


Bring him to your next appointment and have your dr explain it. Some men are so god damn dense! Thank god my s/o was as great during both my pregnancies! But had he not been I’d have sent him some links of useful info and made him come to the dr with me. Because being called lazy and constantly getting snarky comments implying you’re just lazy isn’t cool at all! Super douchey!

He doesn’t get it because he doesn’t want to. Move out until the baby is born, and take the time to reevaluate your relationship


Obviously you don’t need extra stress but life still happens and the people in your life are still just human.
When you’re saying that he’s doing and saying things to set you off…
I would look at your expectations first: are they reasonable? Totally reasonable to ask him to help you (for example) switch out laundry it’s not reasonable to expect him to drop everything the second you mention it no matter what he’s doing and hop-to If you’re expecting the later, then your expectations may be more of the problem than him. That’s not him setting you off…that’s you setting you off.
If he’s just refusing to help, then your expectations are not the problem…he is the problem and to that I would bring him along to the doctor so they can explain the seriousness to him.


If he really cared he would not be acting this way. I’m truly sorry for you.

Have him go to a doctor’s visit with you.

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YOU are responsible for your own emotions and “what sets you off”. You should probably seek counseling together, but ultimately, if you two can’t figure out a way to communicate respectfully, you may be better off apart. He can’t be walking on egg shells, or be held hostage to your emotions forever.


Run like he’ll, he’s does not care, clearly, find a man who will care!


Go to your parents for a few days or a week


Tell him to Google it and educate himself …
Be honest say to you want to die or baby ? Because my friend almost did …it’s serious and sounds like he needs to grow the f*** up

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Have the dr talk to him, or see if you can stay with a friend for a while or he can.


I lady I know that did my hair lost her life and her baby due to this . She went into early labour and couldn’t get to the hospital fast enough. She and the baby passed away in the ambulance.

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Take him to the doctor with you and let them tell him how serious this can be. Maybe he just needs to hear it from the doctor. They can be very graphic in describing the effects of stress. I’d give them a heads up as to your situation before the appointment. Good luck !


Take him to the doctor with you.

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Don’t react to him. That’s a choice I learned to make.

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Make him sit there at your next appointment while your dr explains how dangerous preeclampsia can be!

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leave for a nice relaxing place until he “gets it”. If he doesn’t get it still, remain there

Apart from all the advice already given, perhaps your hormones might be making everything he is saying/doing alot worse than it actually is… secondly the biggest thing I ever learned in my life especially during each of my four pregnancies is…Choose your battles, some are really not worth the energy. You need to remove yourself from a toxic situation as your health and your unborn baby health is dependent on this. Good luck to you

Stop being so easy to manipulate. No one can set you off unless you allow it.


My husband did to the day I was told I need to deliver due to high blood pressure was the day I spent mostly arguing with him. Then he kept acting like he knew more than the doctors. Which only added to the problem. It was a nightmare

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Take him to your midwifes or doctors and get her/him to explain the seriousness of it all. If he can’t handle hearing it from a professional then he ain’t worth the stress x

I agree with others … he doesn’t care about the how serious your condition is … Leave him

It isn’t his job to calm you down. For your own sake I would learn some calming techniques and deep breathing.