My husband is obsessed with his xbox: Advice?

My husband had one and it was pretty much the only things we ever argued about. He ended up selling it, now we get in much better and spend that time together and with our son. He also helps me out more around the house.

His family and responsibilities come first. Gaming systems and any other toy is a luxury that should never be put before doing what needs to be done. One day his boss is gonna get fed up with him being late and he’ll get fired. Then what? He’ll have no excuse other then “goofing off was more important.” My inner pyro says destroy the xbox Seth Rollins style and burn it down​:fire::fire::fire::eyes::eyes::eyes: but my… Less pyro side says if he ain’t listening and actually doing better after how many times you’ve tried talking to him? It’s time to simply get rid of it. You aren’t his mama. But he’s acting like a child with you constantly having to get on him about helping around the house.

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Sell the Xbox to make up for being short on bills? Normalcy and stability isn’t something that you should have to ask for assistance on, after a discussion with him, maybe set goals or time limits and if those are passed or if work is suffering, decide TOGETHER what the next action or consequence is… if you guys talk about it ahead of time and set the goals and consequences together and write them down, then each is held accountable and he cannot get upset when a consequence arrives. (Aka changing the internet password for three days, removing the console for a week, even selling it if it causes marital issue etc)


I agree that couples should have free time to do what they enjoy too, when there is “Free Time” after kids are in bed, household chores done, etc…, however if it is cutting into his work schedule then get rid of it. Tell him again the xbox is the relationship he is choosing before his family. If your kids are young have him play it with them but acceptable age games. Not modern warfare or GTA5 those are awful and cause a lot of problems with men addicted to xbox as well as young boys wanting to play w or be like dad. Then they will start the bad attitude and language that comes along with xbox live and friends.
Another option is limit the wifi time or xbox live time he has.
Make sure though you are not addicted to phone like he is xbox. We all have a vise of some kind.

Mine is same way and we got 2 kids one on the way and now he’s getting high on pot saying nothing wrong with it I mean come on we got kids and another coming I told him I don’t want him around the kids wen he’s high he said there’s nothing wrong with it I think he should grow up jes got kids now time too stop the weed

Have a real conversation about setting limits, and having respect for your feelings, and if that doesn’t work, just don’t have sex with him. :joy:


Pawn it. But my husband is the same way n I told him if u can’t help me then ur in for a surprise… I hind the controller for a week n let’s say he learned real quick cause it’s in pawn yes he’s mad at me but he’s learning n ask me to get it out Tomorrow

Take the power cord and hide it and tell hime if he wants to act like a kid he will be treated as one but don’t give it backnas soon as he does everything in like 2 hours actually take it away for a daybor two

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Pull the Xbox. It’s poison in a home.


Blue light from game is addictive - so your main problem is that you are sitting with an extreme addict in your house. We got rid off ALL such devices and it was tough for a time and then everything was awesome again. Chuck it… Pawn it or whatever but get rid of it. Agreeing to him “spending less time on it” is like agreeing to an addict asking to sniffing only half a line instead of a whole one. If you get addicted to something… You BAN it for life because that will be your trap and downfall for life

I would talk to him. My hubs hides behind the screen when something is bothering him

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Let that man play his game at least you know where he’s at and not cheating

Gaming is a serious addiction. Like alcohol or drugs. Goggle it and see the facts.

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Throw away xbox go for a walk instead

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Just take a sledge hammer to it that’s what my daughter did! LOL

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Dump water on the fing thing grow up

Leve his lazy ass he is no good fore you and your kids he is a kid himsalfe you go lady do what is right and move on to a better