My husband is obsessed with his xbox: Advice?

My husband and I have two kids between us. About a year ago, my husband bought an Xbox, so we had something to do in our free time. But now lately he’s become obsessed. It has affected him helping out with the kids when he gets home and is now causing him to be late to work every day. I’ve talked to him about it before when he would stop helping me with the kids at night and him just jumping on once he got home. He has improved a little on it but still half-ass things like helping clear the table, picking up toys, or putting the kids in bed. He is now getting to work super late because he ignores his alarms. I get it he wants to have his free time and relax, but it’s so difficult explaining to him that I need help with the kids. I always have dinner ready for him when he’s home so he can see and spend time with the kids and me but once he’s done eating he’s running to the Xbox, and I’m left to clean up and get the kids ready for bed and then waiting on him to actually put them in bed. It doesn’t help that none of his friends don’t have kids, so they’re always rushing him to get on. I’ve tried talking to him, but he only changes for about a week, and things fall back into the same thing, which is now causing him to be late. I’m not his mom, so I’m not going to wake up and get him up. He also gets really mad when I try to, so i give up. Please don’t say to leave him because things are good. I just need help helping him through this. I get it he wants his free time, and I allow him and try not to complain that much, but I’m exhausted & it’s hurting financially when he’s late, and his check is cut short.


I would throw the Xbox out :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Take Xbox and hide it lol

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Accidentally break it


You need to get rid of the Xbox
Responsibilities come first he’s an adult not a child throw it out if he loves you he’ll understand


Take a hammer and bust it up. It’ll be a fight at first but he will understand after a few weeks.


Its a addiction he has it my son had it to when he was younger he just had to play and he would play for hours. But he was a teenager. You husband is an adult and has responsibilities so he shouod only be on it when the kids are asleep

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Take that Xbox and sell it and tell him it’s either you or the xbox


I say sell it and take the money and use it for an outing with the family


That caused a huge issue with my husband and I, my advice accidents happen. :wink:


Set aside couple hours a day for his xbox time and the some time for you. If that doesnt work id be saying me or the xbox

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Either he stops being a shit and helps with his family, or the Xbox goes out the damn window 🤷

First off everyone saying to smash it is encouraging psychotic and abusive behavior. So nah don’t do that. Secondly he’s become/becoming addicted. He needs help realizing that and help getting over it for the better of his family. Sit down with him and have an adult conversation about everything. Lay it all out and don’t sugar coat it. 


The ones saying sell it and or break it are ridiculous. I have an Xbox and my husband has a PC. It’s all about moderation and learning to prioritize. Sometimes I have to get on to my husband but once they learn how to balance then it isn’t a problem. He needs to learn how to be an adult first, THEN if he chooses to still act like a child, maybe tell him you need a man not another child to look after :woman_shrugging:t2:


Smashing other people’s belongings is wrong. He needs to grow up though, for real.


Yeah nope. My husband used to play all the time, now that we have a toddler he rarely gets to unless he’s home alone, because we’re parents and don’t have spare time. A couple hours a week set aside for both of you would be a good compromise, otherwise I’d be having issues.


Spill water on it and act like you don’t know what happened lol


We have a rule in the house that (apart from phones) no Xbox’s are used during the week (Monday to Friday), on the weekends they are allowed. Set family rules. On the weekends they are only allowed on when our son goes for he’s nap or to bed at night.


This is a one of the bigger reasons that I divorced my ex husband. He was obsessed with his playstation.

I wonder if that Xbox is thirsty :tumbler_glass: :upside_down_face:

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Take it to your mum’s house and tell him it’s not coming back until he be a responsible adult and help with the kids and get to work on time

Don’t smash it or sell it, he needs a good talking too. Maybe work out times for him to play. My boyfriend does that. He loves his Xbox. But, he puts time aside for me and our daughter first.

Treat him like the kids, limit game time… experts (which I’m not) tell parents all the time to limit TV and gaming times, sounds like he needs it. Or ground him from it and when he starts teaming with you he can earn reasonable privilege time back.

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Hide the controller until the kids are in bed.

Tell him that he needs to change and stay that way or you will get rid of the xbox. I play games but I only do it a few nights a week for a few hours. It’s not taking over my life. If he can’t monitor how often he plays something has to change.

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He has become addicted. It will get worse if he doesn’t get help. Sounds crazy but he is out of control or should I say it now controls him. He may need help.


Sounds like you are raising 3 kids so treat him as you would your children. Then when he gets mad, tell him adults talk about things, find compromises, work through issues. When he is ready to be an adult, you will treat him like one. Also, you are dealing with an addict. Take the Xbox away until the kids go to sleep. Then he can play whatever. When he loses his job over it, maybe he will listen

Congrats ! You have a man child! This won’t get better


All husbands are just like this!

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Pee inside the console :woman_shrugging:


Oof. My hubby used to get on it ALL the time. Yeah, we fought a lot. It was stupid. It’s just a phase. Hell, I used to play with him. In the end, I’m a big girl and handle things myself. I can get everything done faster myself anyway. He’s not a child that needs grounding. Our son plays, as well. Honestly, I don’t see an issue. 🤷


I would buy one of those outlets that you can control with your phone and turn it off when you need help and at bed time. Unfortunately treating him like a child for a while may be what he needs.


Hide the cords used to connect it to the tv

Hide the controllers or accidentally drop them in the sink full of water… take the cord

I would continue talking to him about it. It may seem like nagging to you but it’s not. My husband used to obsessed with his playstation and I would be like hello the kids need play time or feed or bedtime.

Sounds like the Xbox needs a bath.


Your husband helps with the kids? Mine rarely helps, he says because he works. So i guess i need some advice too lol good luck to you


Not telling you to do this, but my sister ran over 3 playstations and smashed 1 with a hammer. She also scratched up every game he had when it got too much. I delt with it for a long time and she gave me that advice. I never did it, but I had a mean heart to heart eith my husband anout how je was dropping the ball. He now does it when the kids are busy doing their own thing or when they are already in bed. My husband games with a variety of people some are parents some aren’t. Thry have a special game night picked out each week and that is the day he games as much as he wants with his friends and we leave him be, unless he is really needed. Maybe setting up designated game time will help. Or I’d hide it until the kids are in bed.

I took my bfs Xbox when he started acting like a dick to me :joy:


Anyone who would tell you to leave is a straight up fucking moron :rofl: time to take the power cord away or something

It won’t get better. They see freedom and cannot get enough of the taste. Family life is good if they see it fits their wants. Not just men, but I never was blessed with a husband who helped, I did it all on my own.

If you say things are good then why complain? Don’t take this the wrong way but you sound a little demanding. Just because he doesn’t clean the way you want him to is not because of a video game that’s just him. Also it’s sounded a lot more about you than him, maybe he needs that time to unwind or cope I don’t know. Just let him do him.


Advice u never should of gotten a xbox. Addicting. Throw it out and say no more

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Keep talking to him. He needs to spend time with his kids and you But honestly if he works and you are a sahm let him have his him time.


I feel you, except my husband is home all day with me as well (disabled) and he’s always either watching a show or playing a game, and gets irritated if he’s interrupted…regardless of how long he’s been playing. That being said, he still helps me with our son and some stuff around the house. Not as much as I think he should but I’m greatful he loves his son and plays with him and takes care of him. Honestly, if it keeps bugging you and he doesn’t change, you may need to leave. But if you can handle his hobby then stay and compromise as much as possible. Good luck to you and your family!

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I would say smashing it is just a bit much. If he wants to act like a child treat him like a child. :woman_shrugging: Take away the power cable and give it back only if he does his share.
My husband would choose a night at the weekend and game all night and that was great for me because he’d actually change our three month old’s nappies all night which gave some better sleep (i breastfeed) SO… It is not impossible to do what he likes and still be responsible. :relaxed:

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All of you women saying to break it or get rid of it are awful :expressionless: I’d just have a serious conversation with him and find specific time when he is able to play after the kids are all taken care of and the house chores or whatever else needs done is done. Being a parent means you can’t just play as much and whenever you want and he will need to realize that.


Stop making him dinner. Tell him he needs to be an adult and father first. I’d sell it all and not even be sorry. My husband is a gamer but if it started affecting work and family. I’d make him put an end to it

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Take the power cords when he’s at work lol 💁

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My hubby and I are both gamers, but we always put our little girl first. We play once she goes to bed and our responsibilities are done for the day. I think you should try a time slot kinda approach and let him know your buried without his real help. Tell him to spend some time with you and the kids, sounds like you all need some together time. As far as gaming and sleep, well that’s something we all have to manage, I suggest he sorts that out so he does not have trouble with work. Worst case means of sabotage perhaps? I dunno up to you there. I smashed mine and my brothers playstation at 13 and I can tell ya that did not sort out well lol. Good luck!:smiley:


Learn hw to play it so you cn bth enjoy it…


Leave. My ex was the same, it never changed. It’s not good if a game is stopping him helping or potentially causing him to lose his job which is will eventually. My ex did lost his after he came in late for the billionth time. He needs his time but what about your time? He’s a father and a partner too.

I would just stop talking to him about it. Let him be late for work. And move on with my life but not leave him. Once you start doing things that you want to do and stop being there for him he will come back around. Feed the kids and clean up before he comes home then take them to the park and then come home and put them to bed. Then another night go to the library. Just always be doing something and don’t invite him and stop cooking for him as it makes a bigger mess for you to have to clean up. He will come around after that.


My guy is OBSESSED with his phone. It’s horrible. Won’t have a conversation with me without his eyes still on the screen. Wakes up with it, goes to sleep with it, eats dinner with it, poops with it, watches TV with it. Holds his daughter and is on it with the other hand.
No I’m not going to break it. No I’m not going to leave him. Being a nag is annoying and exhausting. I completely feel you. I haven’t figured it out how to get through yet either, but there’s always turning off the internet saying it’s family time. All family members must turn in electronics?


He is a grown up with a family it shouldn’t interfere with his job so its very addictive,he has a problem!

Unfortunately video games are very addictive to some people, much like alcohol. It actually triggers the same part of the brain. I’d try to make an agreement with him that he only plays on weekends, if he’s unable to put it down and it’s affecting his job, that’s what he needs to do. If it gets bad enough you might have to take the cords during the week but I’d save that as a last resort. If he can’t stick to an agreement then stop making dinner for him or doing extra things for him.

Wait, LOL, a man, scratch that, GROWN man that is providing a roof and everything else, go and break something that keeps him at home…wow, be grateful he’s home after work! Jesus ladies :woman_facepalming:t2:


Who wears pants these days ? :rofl::rofl::rofl: controlling women up in here…


I understand. My dude is addicted. Hes also always on headset and it comes across as the game first and family second. But I’d rather him game then be out doing bad things so I guess it evens out

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If I felt my husband spent too much time on the PS4, I would flat out say it’s us or the PS4. He knee right then I was pissed and he had a choice to make. He chose us of course because now we’re married and he cut back on playing it and helps out a lot more. Now our soon to be 4 yr old took over the PS4 so my husband never gets to play anymore :joy:


Things are good?? Um… Not if he’s completely ignoring his duties as a parent and husband and neglecting his job. But that’s just my opinion. I don’t have any advice, other than it doesn’t sound like he takes you seriously enough when you tell him things need to change.


just make the xbox go by by (you dont have to throw it away) but put it up where he cant find it u til he starts helping out.

Break the damn thing.:woman_shrugging:t3:

Some guys put their stupid games before their significant other & children. My bf has bought video games & systems when we needed groceries

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Guess who wouldn’t be getting dinner? That right, husband. I would have to be using that extra time to get the kids ready for bed. (Of course you gotta feed the kids but that’s usually more simple) or here is a better one…guess who won’t be getting no loving? Husband! I’m too tired because I had to do everything by myself while you played the game.


I do not have any kids but a lot of responsibility as a wife and move on to a full time job soon. I remember when I was first married to my husband he was on his xbox all the time 24/7 that was very annoying to me. I leave him a list of small chores to do while I was at work and I come home and nothing was done …so I sat down and talked to him and addressed my concerns and told him he needs to work on it or we are done. I pointed it out to him the chores do not get done our date nights no longer happen , road trips stopped and it was not right,he realized I was correct and took some time but he got away from it and now only is on it maybe once a week for a couple of hours then moves on with something else so it takes time but I think if you keep talking to him he will understand,if the date nights stop , kids are not cared for and your not getting any help with chores and kids after several talks then it time to file for divorce, he not mature enough for you or your kids or a family life. but give it some time it might take a year before he changes but keep talking to him

Look he could be out cheating. Ot could be worse. Learn how to play. Me and mine play a roleplaying game on ps4 and its fucking awesome

Kile some of what I’ve talked about with other people’s husbands lol

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  1. Try to join him ALOT :joy: Maybe this makes him stop
  2. Hide it under a pile of clothes, that he has to fold.
  3. Honestly good luck, just try to talk to him.
    I usually just stare at mine until he stops…

If he wants too chnage and make it work he will,my husband plays on his but he does get nuo in the morning for work Evey day so I don’t complain during the week I let him play on it I do dinners and clear up after just what works for us best he cooks on weekends and help out so I Gus’s it all depends on how you house hold works but if you keep telling him you need help and he not doing it then something got too give.

If things are good otherwise get rid of the Xbox

Sounds like you need to his the power cord to the XBOX. If he wants to acct like a child,treat him like 1


What if you did something like this? I know it seems childish but at least you A not breaking it and B not getting rid of it.


Its an xbox could be alot worse. If he enjoys it and busts his ass to support let it be!

Sorry … He is a CHILD.

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sounds pretty childish to me

Tell him how you feel and then make sure you thank him regularly so he doesnt just hear nagging all the time. It feels nice when you know you are doing a good job and It makes you want to keep doing a good job

I hate the saying “I rather him be playing games rather then him going out and doing other stuff” like no girl, get your shit together, it takes two to make kids, it takes two to take care of them, quit playing games, put your foot down and tell him to get off his ass. That’s what I did with mine, he knows better then to turn that game on if the kids are not fed, the kitchen is clean and he’s spend time with the kids. Family comes first. Period. Then he could play all he wants.

Perhaps sell it and tell him you needed the extra money to cover the shortage in his paycheck.


Put the kid next to him and leave, go to the movies or a friends house. Say the longer he stays on the game the longer you’ll be gone


He should do what my husband does in his spare time, oh wait he doesn’t have any cause he knows if he doesn’t take care of our family I’ll make his life a living hell SMH I didn’t make these babies on my own I ain’t about to be taken care of them on my own.

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My hubby gets like this once in a while and I throw the guilt trip at him.
I woke up to pee the other day and called him a teenager because he was up eating junk food at 5 am playing his damn game.
He went to bed right quick and hasn’t picked up the controller since. Lol

When he gets home, hand him a kid and pick up the controller. Make him do dinner, dishes, baths, bedtime, while you play the games.

So I had the same problem for about a year and a half. He was never late to work or anything, but always picked playing his game over my son and I. I threatened to leave, smash the Xbox, everything i could think of. Finally we set up a schedule where he could play on certain days and family time other days. Once we got a routine, and I stopped being an asshole every time he would play his game things calmed down a lot. Plus I switched shifts at work so there are 3-4 days a week when we see each other for 20 minutes when he gets home from work and I have to leave. He gets his free nights because sometimes I just want to cuddle with our son and watch tv. Or during our sons naps on the weekends. I honestly think it is just a phase because my boyfriend seems pretty burned out on his games. But our last fight about it was I was going to pack mine and my son’s things and go stay with my stepdad until he got his shit together. He knew I was at my wit’s end this last time.
Putting aside time that you guys can both enjoy your own hobbies/one-on-one time with your children, will do wonders. Just explain to him on the days you need his help.
I know it’s basically like having a teenager, but this was also the only strain on our relationship while everything else was/is great.

Hide the power cord and bring it out Friday afternoon, take it away again sunday afternoon.

Maybe someday he’ll grow up

Tell him he only gets to play when the kids are sleeping, that’s what I did to my fiancé and he doesn’t even play anymore

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Hide the Xbox while he’s at work. If he’s going to act like a kid, treat him as one. once things are done, he can earn the Xbox back. Change the hiding place everyday do that he can’t know where it’ll be. So he won’t just get the Xbox before helping.

My hubby likes to play on the PS3 a lot. I play as well. But when it’s just me and my kids while he’s at work, I play their movies for them. We both decided that on his first day off, which is Saturday, that it’s our "clean up"day.

Give the game box to chairty for Christmas . Tell him it was stolen or find a broken one and replace his with a broken one. Addiction is more then drugs .

Give him a little taste of his own medicine. When he comes home tell him that dinner is ready and he needs to take over feed the kids and then get them ready for bed. Go to the Xbox and start playing. After the kids are in bed either let him have the Xbox or keep playing tell him to go to bed and you will be to bed later. When he says something about not being able to play tell him the only free time you have is when he gets home from work and he has been doing it since he got the Xbox. Show him how it feels first then discuss the problem this way he will have more insight to the problem

“Don’t tell me to leave because things are good except all the bad stuff I just dragged you through” :roll_eyes:
Give the xbox to a friend to hold on to and tell him after 10 therapy sessions with you, he can have it back. If he doesn’t keep going to therapy or nothing changes after he gets it back, it goes missing again. If he tries to buy another, report the card stolen. Or take his wallet when he goes to look for his xbox. Or just leave when he gets home from work. Go to movie and take yourself to dinner. Maybe the kids are alive when you get home, maybe not. Like you said you’re not his mother, but clearly he’s not your partner and you’re letting this happen. Fucking walk out and tell him you’ll be back when he leaves for work and gone when he gets home. Why is that difficult?

Hii guys I just made a mommy group you are all more than welcome to join, invite your friends!! Hope to see you there :smile::purple_heart:

Sounds like he’s trying to find an outlet just like us moms do. And hes enjoying that getaway feeling a lil too much. Ask him to limit time. Were adults and we gotta do stuff we dont want to, even if it’s the only time we get to ourselves. We gotta cut it short.


All of you trying to treat him like a kid? That’s how adults get to that point in the first place. YALL grow up and start seeing things through others eyes. It’s usually not so black and white as yall make it to be.


Hide the HDMI cord somewhere he won’t be able to find it. Then have a sit down and pour your feelings/concerns out. That’s what I’ve done & it worked :woman_shrugging:t3::sweat_smile:

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You’re not his mom so you don’t make sure he’s up for work then bitch because the money isn’t right? You are as childish as he is !

I’m all for having free time and relaxing after a long day at work, but he doesn’t have his priorities in order. It’s bad enough that family time and household responsibilities are being neglected, but when your income starts to be affected, enough is enough.
If I was in your position, I would take the power cord away and that hide mf’r until he gets his act together. But that’s just me.

He keeps being late,may be looking for a new job,most employers will get tired of it!!

I would recommend therapy. It sounds like he had an addiction that he isn’t taking seriously and he is allowing it to affect all areas of his life, marital, work, children and could even be putting his job in jeopardy. And it sounds like he wants to change but is struggling. Talking to someone either alone or in couples therapy could help identify what’s going on for him that he has lost sight is what’s important ex. Helping to raise his children be a supportive husband and help provide for the family.

Take a hammer to it!its the frickin devil! I’m with ya, my husband at 51 gets home says hi, gets something to eat, then sits down and games. I go back to my room and watch tv. Happy life! I hate X box! Your not alone and I’m so sorry