My husband is supportive but I can tell he doesn't like my feelings on his other two kids

I am 3 weeks postpartum today. I had ours baby girl and we are both over the moon as is ours son 6. Now here is my issue that I need advice on. Step Son 13 and Step Son12 have not visited since December of last year and only talk to DH when he calls and initiates. So like 5-6 times max since December. This causes/ caused a great deal of emotional stress for our son 6, Because he was very close to Step Son 12 when for some reason after spending time with High Conflict Baby Mama aka his mother he just decided to stop coming around.Step son 13 on the other hand has major ignored mental illness and has made threats and acts crazy so has not come around due to that also his mother poisoning him against his dad. So I had to deal with our sons broken heart while pregnant. My husband and I discussed this and decided that neither one of the boys wanted to be around us and we weren’t going to force them because they are at an age where they can make there own choice on who they want to see and be around. As his family and of course High Conflict Baby Mama continuously poison to them against us. Fast forward to now my daughter is 3 weeks old exactly today and Dear Husband talked to both Step Son’s and they want to come to the house and meet their “little sister”. I’m conflicted here because I feel like they don’t have the right to choose when they want to be a part of this family. And with all the emotional stress and trauma it’s causing our son 6 I don’t want that for my daughter. Am I wrong for not wanting either of them to meet her or be around. I’m not saying that Dear Husband can’t see his kids because we can absolutely go spend a weekend at my mother’s house so that my Dear Husband can have his sons over. We being our son 6, my daughter and myself just wouldn’t be here. Is it wrong for me this feel this way? Am I justified? My husband is very understanding in my feelings but still believes that they have the right to meet their sister I am her mother and it is my job to protect her and I feel like I’m not protecting her if I let them in her life. Not to mention Step Son -13 has major mental issues that have still not been addressed which scares me to my core. I’m not looking to be criticized or have negative words or comments sent my way if you could just send me positive vibes or give me words of encouragement or advice of what you would do or how you would handle this situation it would be great.