My husband is upset we are having boy...advice?

So I am 16 weeks pregnant with my third, I have two daughters and me and my hubby just found out we are having a boy! He has gender disappointment which I know is a real thing, he’s such a good girl dad he does their hair plays dolls with them . He is also nervous about raising a son in this world he says how do I help support him? He really thought it was going to be a third girl and still things it might be just because the cord was in between babies legs but the tech is 95% sure it’s a boy!


Get him to start volunteering with Boy cub Scouts or t ball or something with young boys and their fathers interacting.

He should be grateful it’s healthy. No one should base their parenting desires on gender. Finding a letter to my Dad saying “We know you were hoping for another boy so hopefully you’re not too disappointed” was heartbreaking because my Mum had lost so many babies but also because my relationship with my Dad rocked. I suspect it’s fear of the unknown.


My husband was the same way. Now he absolutely loves having a little side kick to help work on things, someone to hang out with and do boy stuff with. He loves both of our sons so much. Gender disappointment is real, and it’s normal to feel that way. I promise once he sees his son born it’ll be incredible.:heart:

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He should just be glad that you are having a healthy baby. I would be worried about how he will interact with the baby once he is born if he is still upset about its gender. Good luck :+1:t2:!!!


Honestly if my husband was upset about the gender of one of our babies I would lose a lot of respect for him.


My mil got mad every time I had a girl ! So mean !!


I say tell him to suck it up!! god gives us these beautiful life’s because he knows we are chosen to be its parent. We lost our baby boy recently as in other day and I tell you I wouldn’t mind on gender next time because I just want my baby

My husband was the same way. He wasn’t mad he was just scared because he had 2 girls and this was his first son. That changed the moment he laid eyes on him. He is the absolute best daddy and they are best friends. His little clone lol. My son is going to be 6 next month and he doesn’t know how he ever lived without him :green_heart:


As a person who lost four babies and did 6 rounds of IVF to get my two healthy children, I would remind him that all that matters is that the baby is healthy.


I find that weird what man doesnt want a son


It happens it’s a new adventure for both of you…

Wow he should just be very happy that you’re having a healthy baby boy…He is overthinking…Hope he changes to better

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He will probably change his attitude once your baby boy is here my husband wanted all boys we have 3 kids and waited till birth for gender he really wanted our second to be a boy but when she came out you could see him upset for a second then he held her for first time after doing skin to skin and he cried now she is his princess she is spoiled our oldest and youngest both boys

He’s a jackass and he’s also the one who determines the sex if the baby :laughing:

Is he scared his son will turn out like him?
I have 2 girls and I was a little sad when I found out I was having a boy I thought 3 girls be so cool, but my son is the best and he has been the best for me and his sisters

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His feelings are valid. Gender disappointment is a real thing. A lot of people go through it, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Yes, I am positive he is extremely happy that the baby is healthy, no matter the gender. It’s not about that. He is scared and worried bc he has 2 girls right now. That’s all he “knows”. Now, if he was one of those people that got angry and violent bc of it, I would leave. But being upset is nothing to worry about. Congrats on your baby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Gender disappointment is such a real thing for either parent to experience and it sounds like that’s what he’s going through. He’s just so accustom to being a girl dad and this will definitely change! I would just give him some time to come around to it and I’m sure once he holds his son in his arms, majority (or all) of what he’s feeling right now will just melt away. Congratulations on your third baby!!

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Goodness, some of these comments… gender disappointment is real, and it’s ok. He’s not ungrateful the baby is healthy… he’s showing his fear and vulnerability. Remind him ITS OK. Reassure him that while his feelings are very valid, he’s a great dad and you will be more than excited to watch him raise a little boy to be like him. I think men have a lot more personal pressure when they raise boys. Girls, they are teaching them what they deserve and how they deserve to be treated… that’s what he knows and does when they treat their wife the same. But boys… they are raising a man, a husband and someone’s daddy… most men I know take that very personal and very serious.


Oh that’s funny my husband had 3 girls with his ex and I got pregnant with a boy. He said he didn’t know what to do with a boy. I said treat him the same way, he was amazes how easy going my son was as a baby. Now he’s almost 20 and he has two younger sisters. He has 5 sisters all together he does see his older sisters. Husband will come around honestly I think boys are easier in some ways.


He can invite your son to do the "girl " things with them :blush: there’s nowhere that says boys have to do “boy” things


My husband was the same way with our first. He really wanted a girl and we had a boy and he was upset but once it has time to sink in they get over it. They have a wonderful relationship and he loves having his little buddy

I felt that way when I found out I was having a girl. I was raised by my dad, with brothers, and am not a girly girl. I was terrified of raising a girl. Eighteen years later, I am so grateful for my girl. She is my world. I am positive your husband will feel the same about his son. Not to worry.


Maybe it’s not gender disappointment and more towards fear of raising a boy right when he’s so used to girls? I know when I had my girl I was already a boy mom for so long all I knew was boy stuff and raising boys and when I had my girl I was clueless, I wasn’t disappointed in her gender but I was terrified, still am and she’s 6 lol. I would just talk to him and help him look into things about boys and helping him build confidence

Tell him gender doesn’t matter. What matters is that the baby is healthy when it’s born. Congratulations to you and your husband

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Tell him it’s his fault. It’s him who determines the sex.

Seek therapy. Be happy for a pregnancy. Be happy for a healthy child.

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I dated a guy once who said he only wanted to have girls and didn’t ever want a boy, I dumped him and never talked to him again because it gave me major pedo vibes. Idk why it just gave me the ick. :sweat_smile:


Is absolutely normal , he will learn how to be a boys dad

I have 4 kids. 1 boy 3 girls. I cried for days that my last one was another girl. Not because I didn’t love HER but because I had convinced myself it was a boy. I really wanted a boy. Parents are allowed to be upset/disappointed without everyone’s judgement. It didn’t change that she’s my baby and I love her…

I highly doubt he is genuinely worried about raising a son in this world. If anything, a girl would be less fortunate and have more risks of harm.

I had gender disappointment with my second. I thought it would be a boy, I had convinced myself it was a boy, my oldest is a girl. So when I found out my second was a girl (at our gender reveal) I walked away to cry so no one could see me. I was so disappointed!!! But I did eventually get over it, and I couldn’t imagine my life without her, she is hilarious and so full of life!! I did get my boy as our last child!! And I’m so happy with how it all turned out, wouldn’t change it for the world!!! Your husband will come around give him time!!

Awe I’m sorry … I think it’s nerves …it’s like heez a first time dad again… Heez never had a boy …so it’s a foreign concept …just reassure him …the baby is a gift…who always needed a father like him …but I know the feels …I have 2 boys …9 and 3.5 and am 20 weeks along right now …I was dying for a girl since this is my last baby …but it’s another son !.. .but then thought …maybe this gift isn’t exactly what my heart wanted …maybe this baby is the brother …his brothers needed …things will fall into place ! …He could always join a dad’s group ! Anyways congratulations Mama I’m Soo happy for you … And lil boys are sooo cute and amazing …and eat …and eat …and EATTT!!!

Give him time, if he can’t accept it then you need to reevaluate your relationship

Father son bonding is great. Here are some topics that men often find relatable to their kids, specifically boys.
Outdoor adventure
Lawn care
Car care
Teaching how to (do anything)
Fart jokes! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

He might feel that way now
But once bubs is in his arms
He will feel differently
Ultrasounds can be wrong
They told me my last one was a girl
But when bubs was born
There was an extra bit

My husband was upset we had a 2nd girl as that was our last baby…guess who’s a daddy’s girl and has him wrapped around her finger? He’ll get over it and if he treats him differently you know what to do. Cause that’s wrong

Women get this ALL the time. All you can do as parents is try your best to raise a decent human being. Boys are much different yes but remind him that his son has a good role model considering you stated he’s a great dad to his girls. He will be the same for his son.

This is crazy we had 2 girls back to back
Once we found out our 3rd was a boy he bawled. I don’t get it. To me something is wrong with your man. Sorry but it’s 50/50 on gender. But then again I was supposed to have 3 girls just runs in the family. But damn I’m so happy we have a 2 beautiful girls and 1 handsome boy. But man is my son BAD AS HELL

Remind him that he gave the “Y” chromosome so be mad at himself for making a boy because you always give the “X”. Then go one about your day.

gender disappointment will
lead to gender confusion dont do that to your kid. its a boy period raise it as one .

Tell him he’s gonna raise a man he’d like to see his daughters with. He’s helping someone else out

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Maybe he feels he will fail as a father. Maybe he didn’t have a great relationship with his own father now thinks he will be the sane way with his own son. I’m sure once he comes along he will be over the moon :crescent_moon:

He will get over it as soon as he’s born. My last child was my third boy, I was very disappointed. So much so that I cried at the ultrasound. I wanted a girl really bad. I was disappointed and am allowed to be. I am human I have feelings.
It’s not that I loved him less, it was more my dream of a girl died and I knew I’d never get one. Give your husband some time to deal with his feelings. It has nothing to do with the actual child itself, I guarantee he’ll love it no matter what.

Does he want you to return it? Like … As long as he is healthy what’s the problem?

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scared to raise a boy in today’s world? but ok to raise girls in todays world ? :thinking: as long as the baby is born healthy , he should be happy

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There are so many people out there who would sell an organ or sacrifice their flock to get a chance for a healthy child in their life and here he has a third one on the way and he’s suffering from “gender disappointment”? the line goes around the block to relieve him of his burden

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