My husband is weirded out by sex because I'm pregnant

I have been with my husband for 8 years, married 5. We are finally pregnant with our “ours” baby. I am almost 17 weeks. He hasn’t wanted to really be intimate lately and it’s been frustrating, especially after me telling him my sex drive has increased lately. So he finally tells me last night that it “creeps him out” me being pregnant and us having sex. Like, what?!? He says it’s weird knowing there is a baby in there. I said, so are we just not gonna have sex again for the rest of the 9 months?? He didn’t give me a straight answer. Has anyone else had this experience? Am I wrong for being a little pissed and thinking he is acting immature and ridiculous? What the heck am I gonna do?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband is weirded out by sex because I'm pregnant

Some people do feel like this and it’s 100% normal. He’s not being immature at all. Your response is quite selfish and self centered, this isn’t just about how you feel. Just because someone feels differently it doesn’t make it immature or wrong x


Hes not acting immature and ridiculous alot of men feel like this , it’s different for men than women he might feel reassured if midwife tells him it’s safe
I know it’s frustrating but try talking to him
There are also other things you can do


I’m 100% the opposite. My man couldn’t touch me if he tried. I’ve had horrible hg with both of mine though and any pressure on any part of my cause me to vomit :joy: it is normal for men to feel this way though.


Bring it up with your midwife or read some pregnancy books with him. It’s actualy good for the women and won’t harm the baby in any way. Your not been selfish as these brats above keep saying. Neither of you are been. He’s just confused and scared he could do harm and that’s very understandable but to keep your relationship happy atleast get him to do some research. There’s safer positions you can do that will make it easier as you get a larger belly and some are very intimate positions. It’s important to keep a good sex life especially befor little one comes and your hormones can drive you insane without some kind of release. Hope it all works out for you though x


I think this response is immature , just concentrate on being pregnant and bringing a healthy baby into the world. A good nights sleep is much more needed than sex , your husband is acting the way most men do ! Sex isn’t everything in a relationship so suck it up and deal with his feelings


Naw I’m sorry, as a man, reading women’s response that’s it’s normal is wrong. I’m sure over 8 years there’s been plenty times you’ve compromised sexually to appease him when you haven’t been 100 percent. Tell him to grow up


My OH was exactly the same throughout our pregnancy. It was so frustrating because I understood where he was coming from completely but I couldn’t help feel so frustrated at him about it. It got worse for us. As I had a proper bump, he wouldn’t even touch my stomach :grimacing: x

This happens more often than you’d think, its very common. It would be good for you to sit down together and learn more about whats happening in the body (not trying to patronise) and for him to understand where his ‘thing’ goes and that it won’t touch anything baby related! Men are hilarious and think they have the size of king Kong so he’s probably thinking it’s going to poke the baby or something but think he will be surprised when he realises :rofl: It may be that he still doesn’t want to which is absolutely fine, babies and sex are different for everyone and if the shoe was on the other foot, you wouldn’t want to feel forced in to something you feel uncomfortable with so neither should he but I’d definitely try to educate first so he fully understands and then see if that changes anything x


My husband was the same.
It’s hard to explain to them why you feel the way you feel. So I understand where you’re coming from. I was in the same place as you. You’re not selfish. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s your pregnancy hormones and what you’re craving is sex and a higher state of intimacy with your partner. Unfortunately he won’t try to understand it from your perspective.

You can’t force or pressure someone into sex. Buy a dildo or a vibrator and get on with your life. 9 months isn’t a long time.


My partner is like this too :roll_eyes:

So because he doesn’t want sex he is immature and selfish… Yet if it was the other way around then he would be the biggest c**t in the world! Why is that okay? Why do his wishes not matter?

Sex isn’t the be all and end all! If he doesn’t want to then that should be respected rather than being self centred about it. Just because you told him that you have a heightened sex drive doesn’t mean he has to.

I feel for your husband, your attitude is selfish towards him, he doesn’t want sex and he is immature but Lord knows what you would call him if he wanted it but you didn’t

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you suck it up and wait until you’ve had the baby for sex. get a toy and do it yourself. i was like this, i was very creeped out by sex while i was pregnant. leave him be and please yourself until the baby is here. calling him immature is immature in it’s self. some people feel differently and that is 100% ok.


Mine was like that after 24 weeks with our first but all over me this time… its fully ok for him to feel like it though you can’t get mad about it…

100% is not immature at all. So, my partner felt this way too. As soon as the baby started moving it freaked him out. We didn’t have sex at all until like 3 months pp. Please remember that if it was the other way around, you wouldn’t be calling it immature. Also, you cannot force someone to have sex with you if they feel uncomfortable. Get yourself a vibrator, thank me later :joy:

It’s hard to explain but pressuring him is wrong. Maybe suggest some foreplay instead if you crave intimacy and not just masturbation. Maybe link the two, getting a little hot and heavy, kissing, touching, then self masturbation. It is weird to some people and the baby moving means they can feel it when pressed against your front slightly getting intimate. It isn’t for everyone but maybe you can resolve x

So… what you’re saying is… a man can’t say no? … huh… :thinking::thinking::thinking: