It is (unfortunately) a normal male reaction.
Preg sex is the hottest
Some men really do fear that they will “hurt the baby” … and that’s not necessarily the true. Maybe taking him to one of your appts and having the doc explain to him that it’s safe to have sex while pregnant even at 8-9 months.
His feeling are valid so make sure you don’t treat them as silly… try to understand and not be judgemental and talk to him about it, … there are many other ways he can help you in that department other than intercourse…
Just throw him on the bed and gave your way with him!! Tell him that he will not! Let you down in your time of needs and he had better do a damn good job of being an amazing husband to help you through this and my god if you want that penis your take it!!! And tell him that’s the way it is, he’s your lil b:;($ now! Lol seriously i would and did to mine al so! And guess what, he got over it real fast
This is very common. Have him talk with your OBGYN. They can explain that is perfectly safe and the baby will not see or feel anything. A lot of men feel this way when it’s the first pregnancy.
Mother of 5, and I have mixed emotions on this one, I was very much horny for the last trimester of every pregnancy and very emotional, if my husband would have said no to me, I think I would have flipped the hell out, but on the other hand it depends on the pregnancy, if your high risk, or any prenatal problems, i guess, but if he just feels weird, he can get over it, it’s not about him right now sooooo just my opinion
Alot of men get weird about pregnancy sex. Alot of women do as well.
It’s frustrating for you sure but if he isn’t comfortable, he isn’t comfortable I’d rather just not have sex then have my man not enjoy himself just so I can get it on
Take him in to see your gyno and tell him to ask anything he is concerned about!!! The peen gets no where near the baby He’s just a little freaked out. Don’t be upset. Get you a good toy in the mean time!
You’re not wrong. He’s being childish. If he can’t handle this, he’s going to really be weirded out watching the birth… If he does at all… It was the opposite for me, he wouldn’t leave me alone lol
ooohh i don’t know what to suggest for that
my man knows how riled up i can get and he has had no issues with still laying it down on me and I’m 32 weeks pregnant.
That’s very common. Please respect his boundaries. You’d want him to respect yours. Some womem feel this way also.
My husband did not want to for many reasons, biggest being he read somewhere pregnant women " overly" discharged & it grossed him out. That & scared to hurt baby & me. It would hurt my feelings at the time. And Om talking 9 months of screaming, crying & busting phones against walls but towards the end months he come around after hearing my doc so much…and now both of us laugh about it cus it was so “dumb” for lack of better word in my brain…we both were thinking out of love but alot of raging hormones made it bigger then it was. We def do have to respect our mans feelings just as we expect them to respect ours. Be best bet to find you a real good BOB or willy cast kit for awhile & continue to work with him & your doctor
My daughters dad told me he wasn’t attracted to me while I was pregnant and didn’t want sex. He got over it about mid pregnancy.
Wow if your only 17 weeks and he’s already saying it weird I was super bad my last trimester lmao but your belly is like in the way I would straight up tell him if you agreed to stand by my side in sickness and in health !! And this is your job and your gonna like it haha JK
But yeah I don’t know I would probably be really really upset and hurt by this !!
Have you check his phone I mean I only ever hear about guys saying they don’t want sex when they are either watching a ton of porn or cheating they will be getting it somewhere !! Basically if you guys had a good sex drive before and now it’s none for long periods of time start digging on your man !! if it’s porn well at least he’s still not cheating but it will hurt your self esteem but just think after the baby’s born and it’s been a few months you will be back to your old self and you can look in dead in the eye when he wants some and say yeah I don’t like dad bods they creep me out
I don’t understand the issue. It’s like damned if you do, damned if you don’t. His feelings are definitely valid, and you are wrong to take him as a joke. If the roles were reversed,and you didn’t want it for whatever reason. You’d want him to respect that. See what you can do to help him. Don’t take him as a joke. Or you’ll be sexually frustrated your entire pregnancy. Smh
Yes, you are being immature and insensitive. Is it only you that matters?
That’s great that he’s communicating although you dont like what hes saying. Maybe oral? But id respect how he feels.
Very common and normal for men to feel that way. It’s opposite for us, I don’t want sex and at 25weeks we have only gotten down twice. I am to scared and gives me anxiety.
Rule of thumb - men have the same rights to sexual boundaries that women have. Should be self evident, but some of these comments show otherwise.
Reverse this… If a man was complaining that his pregnant wife didnt want to have sex bc shes pregnant and asked what he is going to do people would loose their minds!
At least He is being honest Lots of men think they will hurt the baby swear they can feel it’s head get you a rose to use for the next 9 months
Not immature at all it’s normal and he’s allowed to have his feelings and set his boundaries
Afraid hes gonna give the little one freckles or dents in his forehead
Get yourself a BOB
Go without! And grow up!
Get a dildo. Leave the man alone.
Jump him… lol
Let him know he won’t hurt you or the baby. Hormonal wise it’s great thing!
What an immature man child. She is carrying your baby and you can’t have sex with her?
Dumb. That’s like the best time to get laid. No chance of another pregnancy
Yes you are wrong. You have no business being married if you cant discuss your husbands feelings without demeaning him. Stop being a W#o☆e!
Your spouse isn’t required to have sex with you if they don’t want to.
If he’s uncomfortable then he is uncomfortable.
Have him talk to your OBGYN to get more information but if that’s his choice then you need to respect it.
Forcing him or guilting him when he doesn’t want to crosses a lot of moral boundaries touching on rape.
You’re entitled to your feelings. Yes it may seem silly to you. You feel jaded. All understandable.
Any man who thinks having sex with a pregnant women is gross etc. has serious mental health issues that need to be addressed and 80% of the time they end up cheating on you. I do agree with taking them to the doctor if they think something is gonna “hurt the baby.”
Or a simple google search could also fix that . Lmfao
I would have to respect him for actually communicating with you! My ex husband hated having sex while I was pregnant. He said it was a turn off for him & that he was more worried about me carrying our child safely. He always thought sex would harm the baby. So, I took care of myself and let it be. All of a sudden at 38 weeks pregnant I was “smoking hot” to him, so I jumped on the gravy train being that my doctor highly encouraged sex closer to the end(if the woman could withstand it). Respect his boundaries and let him be. Even though it doesn’t sound good, Maybe it’s “just because you’re pregnant” and after you have the baby he will want to jump back into it. I know a lot of men who wouldn’t have sex while their partners while they were pregnant but jumped back into it post baby. Not everyone is the same, but I still wish best wishes!
Shit, I’m surprised you want his ass. I couldn’t stand my child’s father the whole pregnancy. I think it does creep men out, totally normal.
I never experienced this to me I’d be worried men are animals who love sex, I personally would think something deeper is going on.
I get that he’s uncomfortable or worried, but him take 17 weeks to talk to her about this because she pushed it is kind of sad. Just depriving your significant other of sex with no explanation, especially after they told your their sex drive was higher? That is really hurtful to feel unwanted like that. And if he’s really so worried he should talk to a doctor about it, go in with his wife and hear that it’s fine. And maybe after some time he might be okay with it instead of just being scared to touch your wife for 9 months. I’m not saying he’s wrong for how he feels but she’s definitely allowed to feel upset too! Idk why everyone’s acting like she’s the bad guy, while also saying “oh he’s allowed to feel uncomfortable!”. I thought it went both ways?
In short yes you are. He has a right to feel as he does. There is nothing wrong with him feeling as he does. He is weirded out by it and that perfectly normal and perfectly okay. Yes you’re a little wrong because you’re calling him immature for his valid reason. Yes you’re being ridiculous, he has feeling too and they should be respected just like he respects yours.
You say “our “ours” baby” do you and/or him have other children from previous relationships? Maybe he was the same way with his ex if that’s the case, if your on good terms with her and have a stable relationship with her, maybe talk to her and see if he was the same way? Or respect his boundaries, some men do think they can hurt the baby, and sometimes you may want sex but it may end up being uncomfortable for you, respect his feelings and try to see it in his point of view, if you can’t then you need to just accept the decision and find other ways to help yourself
Sex while pregnant, i never had that, it felt wierd even after 9months😭. I can see where your husband is coming from, as i was on his end. You just have to respect his decision.
To be honest, if I was a guy I kinda would feel the same. Nothing personal. It’s just the thought. He’s being honest. Dont know how to change his mind. Just here to let you know he’s not alone.
Okay so I actually was the one who was like this with my first… it made me so uncomfortable and by the time I was ready mentally, I physically couldn’t do it… then the healing process for me took a lot longer cause I tore really badly… I get where he’s coming from not everyone is comfortable with it.
Explain that his dick isnt long enough ro reach the baby and they dont know whats going on. Remind him his parents likely had sex while he was in the oven too😆
My last pregnancy I didn’t want sex at all and my bf did. He didn’t respect me at all and was always trying and got mad at me when I said no. So you are gonna have to deal with it cuz if it was the other way around you’d want his respect too.
My husband was like this and it slowed us down a lot had sex some throughout the pregnancy once it became 37 weeks we didn’t have sex anymore even after my doctor told me to have sex bc I wasn’t dilating. I was very frustrated and pissed about the whole thing I thought the same things and worse
I agree- educate him on where baby is and that having sex won’t bother the baby. A lot of men are not very educated about pregnancy and don’t understand that they can’t bother baby lol
Hopefully you give blow jobs . I never want sex after about 20 weeks I feel so ewww and not sexy but I still tried to find ways to sexually please the both of because I feel it’s important. Have the doctor talk to him about it because I feel for some women a man not wanting sex from her could make her feel bad and that intimacy is still needed.
My husband was like this. I told him my needs and he said he would but it was weird. Especially when i got big and i did get big. I had to sleep on the couch some nights and i got pissed because he was getting himself off before work secretly. I stay at home so i clean up everything around the house and I had to clean it up.
He’s missing out. I love sex with pregnant women.
I experienced this and it made me hate my husband, needless to say we r not together anymore.
My husband was the exact same way. We didn’t have sex for probably almost a year.
And some of these comments show firsthand how twisted feminism has become. It’s not about equality. It’s about superiority.
Having sex that early can cause preterm labor
Go without sex for the whole 9 months n once baby comes out…Don’t ever have sex with him again. If you are not good for one thing you are not good for the other…
Shit’s definitely weird when you’re further along, when you’re like 6-8 months, as far as right now he’s just mentally frustrated and you should be glad he’s being honest, would you expect him to have sex being uncomfortable ? Sounds like a double standard here because you’re horny🤔 that also sounds familiar amirite?
Mine was the same way…it is what it is. Just don’t electrocute the baby with your toys and see your husband in a few months.
Alot of guys feel its weird honestly.
When I got pregnant my now ex would not even touch me.
Don’t tell him but next time you’re at your appointment with him tell the doc his concerns and they can explain
Masturbate with good toys! Its better than sex anyway.
My husband was like that too
He said he doesn’t want sex. Simple.
Have him talk to the ob about how it’s still safe and if after that he doesn’t want sex still then he has every right to say no for whatever reason he wants to.
If roles were reversed and he wanted sex with you constantly but you didn’t want to because even thought you knew it wouldn’t hurt baby it just weirded you out. And he kept trying to ask you to have sex and called you immature and ridiculous cause you wouldn’t have sex with him then it would be a whole frenzy about how he doesn’t respect you and your consent.
But you do it to him and it’s suppose to be fine because he’s a man? No. Same thing applies to him. No mean no. No matter what the reason is.
Educate him and if he still doesn’t want to then get a sex toy. And get over yourself.
I think he needs an anatomy lesson. The baby is not in the vagina and will not be affected by what happens down there in any way.
Guys can get weirded out.
Help him through it and explain towards the end sex helps you go into labor and may need to happen
Just masturbarte. How are you gonna be mad because he has a mental block about something? If he asked you to do something sexually that was not your thing or out of your comfort zone or you hated… would you still do it? Then if he were mad that you didn’t, how would you feel? I get pregnancy hormones and sex drive. But it’s selfish and a little wrong to be mad at someone because you’re ok with something that they aren’t comfortable with.
Plug your ears to that immature BS and rub his back, talk sweet & FLIRT until he gives in! Sex does not hurt the child at all! It’s a time to Bond as Parents, as a couple! Words hurt & when your husband rejects you because your getting bigger & your belly is growing…Hello! Your Pregnant & he better get on board!
My husband was the same with “our first”. I wouldn’t say it was immature, he just wasn’t comfortable with my body doing all kinds of important stuff and changing and he was worried, period. Dude it was fuckin weird for both of us. Pregnancy is not an awesome, fun, comfortable experience for everyone, male or female or any gender really. Tell him to do some research if you want, but don’t forget this when he’s sniffing all over you and you’re balls deep in kids and sleep deprivation and all that. Ya know? This won’t last forever. The pregnancy will go quick
Also, use a code for adam & eve and get 50% any item lol you do you, girl.
No worries, in about 5 more months your own sex drive might plummet if you get PPD
The tables will turn lol
Are you have the baby and your sex drive drops would he be wrong if he was pissed?
Get creative. You don’t have to have “traditional sex” to be intimate and enjoy yourself. I think this is a common concern for dads to be. Just talk to him
Suggest he watch some pregnancy porn.
Buy yourself a toy for now
I mean you could always force him to have sex with you… I’m sure it’ll turn out just fine he’ll prolly end up pushin’ rope and then no one gets off.