My Husband Left and Took the Kids

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"My hsuband got mad at me for talking to my ex (nothign major he jsut texted me and asked how things were) he left and took our kids, they werent even dressed because i just got them out of the bath…he said he is not coming back and taking them to his moms house and he wants me out of the house NOW…what are my options? Those kids are my world and he just up and left with them and i have no where else to go…i really feel like i did nothing wrong and he was just looking for a way out…what do i do? what rights do i have?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"He has to evict you if you’ve been there 30 days and aren’t on the lease or mortgage. If you are, he can’t force you to leave. With no court order, both of you have the same rights to the kids. All you can do is go file for a legal custody arrangement. He isn’t doing anything illegal by taking his own children."

"It’s your house you don’t have to leave."

"He can’t kick you out but now you need to go file for primary custody before he does. I’d also go for emergency custody cuz clearly he’s unstable"

"He needs to figure out his life. That’s not okay! Total insecurities. You don’t have to leave and he pretty much kidnapped his own kids. I’d file with the police"

"Go to the court house in the am and file for custody"

"Talk to a lawyer, go and file for custody asap. You live there and he can’t just kick you out. He can try and evict you."

"Talk to a lawyer and file for emergency custody ASAP."

"Contact a lawyer and file for custody. Go to the bank and get money in your name only soon before he takes your name off of all the accounts."

"If you feel like it’s worth saving talk to him about marriage counseling"

"If you’re in a mother state like TN, you have all the rights whether he’s on the birth certificate or not, otherwise it’s a court situation, but what he’s done is considered kidnapping in EVERY state of the US. In either case, call the police because that is considered kidnapping in the eyes of the law whether they’re his kids or not, it’s kidnapping. Fight for your children. If someone would do that to your children and to you, you deserve better and those babies deserve better. That is kidnapping, call the police and get your babies back! That behavior is not okay for those children or for you!"

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