My husband lied about being married before: Advice?

I would check to make absolutely sure he is divorced from the first wife. Strange that he didn’t mention it to you. I would want to be sure that he divorced


Sounds exactly like my ex husband. What’s his name? lol


I wouldn’t be able to trust him at all anymore… that is a huge lie just to move past :woman_shrugging:t2:

I think there is no reason to hide that! What’s the big deal? Sorry but that is trust broken!


What else did he lie about? Better let him show you proof of divorce as well oui.Before you get pregnant for him.


Depending on the state you live in, it can be grounds for an annulment. If they lie about big things they’ll have no problem lying about little things.


Why would he lie about that?? Definite red flags. I would definitely do some digging and try to figure out why he even felt the need to lie about that.


If he LIED about that the there has to be a reason. It’s not something he can say “oh I just forgot” you don’t FORGET marrying someone. There’s way more to that story and I’d be finding out why. If you have any kind of good relationship with the kid’s mom I’d be asking her. That’s not ok to do that. I could t help but wonder what else could he be lying about!


Oh wow. Obviously he is still hiding something in my opinion


Maybe he wasn’t married but just fathered children with this woman

In my state, you are asked how many times you were married when you file for your marriage license.?


It’s hard being married to someone you can’t trust.if your marriage is worth saving have your husband go to counseling with you if he won’t go,maybe he has more lies he doesn’t want found out. This is your one and only precious life don’t waste it being unhappy or unsure.

Oi… I’ve been in a similar situation and it just became harder and harder to trust and I was walking on eggshells scared of what I’d find out next. Had to leave him in my case

No real reason to lie… simple… so… what real reasons to lie is he lying about… I think you have a good reason to be upset…

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Sounds like a jerk why would he not tell you, doesn’t sound like he’s not a very good person I agree what else is he not telling you!!

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Just ask why he did not tell u. He did not lie about being married before he just did not tell u he was married before

She’s a ex he’s with you, why would it matter. Also if she took his last name wouldn’t you of known he was married before? Kinda odd you didn’t figure it out before you got married. I would of figured one of his friends or family member slip or something


Sit him down and tell him all of what you just said here. Then make a decision on your relationship. And tell him what you need from him going forward if you do decide to move forward with the relationship. And make your needs, expectations, and boundaries known. Best of luck in your decision.


I dated my hubs 9 months before I found out he was still legally married and had two children! I was 19…he had his own place etc…I got passed it…been together 44 yrs now


I get it. This is a dumb thing to lie about anyways. I’d be pissed only because this is a useless dumb lie

Was he with you during any of his first marriage would be the real qu


The lying is what gets me. It’s not that he was married previously. It’s that he didn’t tell you the truth about it. Feels like more could be going on there

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Your whole marriage isn’t based on al lie, because your marriage is based on if he was previously married or not. How long was he married? Honestly I was married for only 3 months, and I don’t tell anyone. He was only a marriage on paper. It was t really to me, and no, I don’t feel like I’m lying to anyone. In my hear I wasn’t married. No one got hurt in the these little lie. I would ask him why he lied about it. But I definitely wouldn’t based my whole relationship off of this one little lie


My daughter never married her first, but had to go through a divorce, when he went to jail, for child support. Maybe he didn’t have a ceremony, but the state considered him married. In Tx if you live together for 6 mo’s or more you are considered married. Other states, if you make a major buy together you are

Trust gone marriage over

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I would tell him this and honestly have a good long sit down and try to stay calm and just seeing threw it and his reasoning and what not before you go off the handles and go from their good luck

I can’t stand liars!!

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Wow and he felt comfortable lying on the marriage license application too. I’d have to leave.

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I’d want to know why it wasn’t mentioned before by him or anyone else but he maybe thought it would put you off wanting to marry him knowing he was married before

Literally talk to him about it. Tell him how you feel as your feelings are valid. Communication is absolutely key in these situations simply because you guys still have so much more you have to learn about each other.

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Trust is important in any relationship! I would not trust him at all. He did it once he will do it to you.

You knew he had kids with his ex. What made you think she wasn’t an ex wife? I would have assumed they were married. But why does it matter? They are divorced and y’all are married now so what’s the problem?


Probably something he’d rather forget.


l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18279 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Did you ask if he was married before and he said no, or just never mentioned it? Honestly who cares, but thats me


Well, I am old school, I assume if he has 2 kids , he was married! If it was that important to you , you certainly should have ask within 2 years!

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Did you ask if he was married before and he said no, or just never mentioned it? Honestly who cares, but thats me

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You knew he had kids with his ex. What made you think she wasn’t an ex wife? I would have assumed they were married. But why does it matter? They are divorced and y’all are married now so what’s the problem?


Sounds like it’s time for therapy since you want to make it work. It’s the beginning of the relationship and you’re having doubts. And deception of this magnitude isn’t something you just get over this is something you two will have to work hard to move past. He has to be willing to take responsibility for his lying.


Have you consider how he was feeling or the pain he was trying to forget. Not everything is about you. Marriage has several ups and downs. Your going to stop trusting him on this low grade lie. Really? Talk to the man. Get counseling for both of you since you want to make it all about you. He sounds hurt, in pain, and he thought of you as a safe haven. Your going to ruin this marriage yourself if you can’t help your partner get through hard times. Im talking as someone who was in the same shoe. Rather than attack my husband, I listen to him instead.


Obviously you HAD discussed his past relationship…or you wouldn’t be acknowledging he had lied to you…l wish people would actually read what you say in your post, because you make it quite clear…My question is this…Why would he lie about something like being married or not.? Seems real fishy to me…You certainly can’t trust someone who either hides the truth, or lies about it…look at it this way…HE deceived you and will probably do it again…sorry you got involved with someone like him…


Is he divorced from the first one?!


Your husband has two kids from previous relationship. You knew that. Does it matter if he was married to her or living with her. All the same just a piece of paper on the marriage part


I imagine it would be painful to think your his first wife and his first wedding. It’s an odd thing to lie about.


I don’t see how it’s a shock to you that he was. I mean I would have assumed it was self explanatory that they more than likely were married or at least serious enough of a relationship to be as such. But honestly who cares if he was or wasn’t the fact of the matter is that’s the past and we don’t live in the past. Live in today. Who is he with you who is he married to you who is he having kids with now you. I think you’re over reacting. Really I feel like the only time it should be an issue is if he didn’t tell you an you got married but he was still married to the ex or the divorce wasn’t finalized. Then an only then would I find a problem with not knowing about it right away.

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Sounds like you know what you want to do already and Sounds like your right

I just don’t understand because I’ll have to mark “previously married” on my 2nd marriage license lmfao


If he can lie about something like this, what else it he lying about?
Major red flag.
Why would he attempt to hide something that is public record? Why did you not know this?! I background check any man I intend to date…. Why do women not do this?! The world is too dangerous to just believe everything someone says…. Trust AND verify!


Keep digging I’m sure there is more


He may be a Bigamist

make sure he is actually divorced


Did he lie? Or did he just never tell you?


You should be he is a lier and watch out


What else has he lied about!!!


Trust is the foundation of any relationship. You now can’t have any. Your relationship is already over.


Might want to check and see that he is divorced!


There’s a difference…if u flat out asked him if he was married b4 & he denied it ? That’s a possible problem but if u never :lips: about it etc then ur sweating over something . Either way it’s in the past…leave it there seriously…he’s with u now & like u said he already had 2 kids…they had 2 come from somewhere


If he will lie about something made for like that, just think what else he is hiding!!! I would get an annulment and get it fast!

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l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 20744 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

It’s literally public information. If it was that important to you, you would have looked it up before dating him
Get over it or move on. I’m sure he lies about other shit you ignore anyway

Something really wrong here, he lies by omission. I know early in the marriage, but I would strongly suggest marriage counseling now!

I’m not sure about other states but in my state if you have been married before you have to present your divorce papers to the probate court when you apply your marriage license.


You didn’t know when he needed the divorce papers to get married again… when we got married the courthouse required previous marriage info… and you both had to be there to get the license for whomever is marrying you to sign…


So he military than haha cause any civilian has to show all the divorce paper to get married again and you’d be there for that. That’s sketch run.


Make you wonder how many others he has lied to :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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In the 2yrs together you’ve never talked to the mother of his kids?


I find it absolutely absurd that people think they have the right to know everything their spouse did before they married them. He doesn’t have to tell you anything and if you asked, maybe he thought it wasn’t important and really none of your concern. I don’t care what my husband did before as long as he isn’t bringing me an STD.


It’s strange that he lied about it but you’re already married now.

I wonder why he lied


I find it odd that he lied but on the marriage license applications here in Ohio. They ask about previous marriages and if you have children. That court case is printed in your license and states how many children you had. It is in the past and hopefully you both can move forward and put this behind you .


Trust is essential to a partnership. If you don’t have that hit the roaad


Did you specifically ask had he been married before? Or did he just not mention it and you assumed he wasn’t?


That’s a really weird thing to lie about …

Why would he lie about something so basic. It does make you question what else he would lie about.


Is he Catholic? Was the marriage annulled? If so, that could explain it.

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Get it annulled now! He lied over something so stupid, and WHY did he lie???

Try to imagine your life without him. If you can’t and you still love him, then forgive him. When you decide to marry someone, you work it out and fight for your love. Everybody makes poor choices at times.


Did you flat out ask him ever if he was married before?
Or did he just, never mention it? If that’s the case then it’s really not a huge lie. He just didn’t fill you in about his past relationship.
If you’ve asked and he lied, I’d definitely want to know why. A lie is a lie.
Either way you’re gonna have to either work though it or…we’ll get a divorce/dissolution.

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Sounds like u didn’t ask. Or he’s just embarrassed by her.

Wait…In my state you have to have the date of divorce to apply for a new marriage license…is this not a thing everywhere??

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I think I would be asking why he never told you. Was he still married when you and him started dating or something?

Just get over it…believe me I don’t count my 1st marriage :joy::joy::joy::smiling_imp:

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How did you not know ? It’s asked befor signing the certificate

Divorce him right now

Wouldn’t he have had to declare that information
When applying for the marriage license

You honestly can’t tell me you didn’t
Know he was married before you got together
Go on line and search for a marriage and divorce certificate

I’m not sure where you are. I’m in Oz. When I got married in the paperwork we had to declare previous marriages. There’s no hiding it then.
You’ve given this man 8yrs of your life. It’s a pretty big lie over something stupid since clearly you know about his previous Mrs. You need to decide if it’s a deal breaker for you. What else might he have lied about. That’s what I’d be concerned about as well