My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

As soon as I was “heavy” enough to keep the mower seat down I was allowed to mow​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: being the product of a single mom my uncle made sure I wouldn’t need a man. I can even work on cars and houses.


What? They are doing chores… How is that a bad thing? I just taught my 9 year old how to mow the lawn this year.


That is a good thing to have the kids do chores it teaches them not to be lazy and about working hard and responsibilities. It’s not a bad thing. Teach them as much as possible including how to work on a car at their ages I did at the age of 7. I did chores along side my brothers and I used to help my dad with his mowing business during school holidays


You should be thanking him for teaching them to work.


I have a 12 year old grandson who is artistic and he helps with yard work he mows and helps water my plants he also smashes can’s for grandpa and he loves helping we do pay him of course.

If they were boys wld this be a problem? But yes u r over reacting


I have 5 boys, as soon as they could make a mess they learned how to clean up their mess. I taught them at a young age to take care of themselves, they learned to cook, clean house, do laundry and yard work. I made sure they would know how to survive and not expect a female to tend to their every need. I’ve done the same with my only girl as well. If we don’t teach our kids at a young age so they can appreciate what hard work is


Yes, you’re wrong. Very much overreacting.

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It is called learning about responsibility


Definitely. It won’t hurt them

Yes you are definitely overreacting. They are more than capable getting off there ding ding machines and doing some yard work. Their 13 and 9 they are fully capable of knowing how to run a small piece of equipment.

If you stop them from having responsibilities then you are actually the one doing harm to them. They need to learn.

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This is my 4 yr old. She beggs to do it. Won’t let dad help. It’s good for them builds character and teaches responsibility.


Hats off to him, and the girls for doing it.


I started mowing around 9 but weedeating my dad was very particular on. We lived in a trailer and didn’t want to mess the underpinning up. I can only give my opinion on mowing because as an adult I still suck at weedeating and mowed young as a child.

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Nah that’s a good age to learn yard work. Dad had us all picking weeds while mum planted and he mowed. It’s a fond memory and isnt just a chore


No your husband is doing the right thing, by telling them how to do choice around the house ,and out doors,and as they get older your children’s are going to know how to do thing for themself. Your husband feel like you shouldn’t have to do so much house work . when you put so so many hours at work.He don’t want you to be so stressed out,So you should appreciate him for that.

Yes your overreacting…


I dont see anything wrong with this. But each to their own, everyone comes from different back grounds and up bringings.

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No way! Some of my favorite memories as a kid (even younger than 9&13) were mowing the lawn with my dad.
If they are responsible enough to understand how today safe, I say let em!


If they are old enough to have phones and tablets, then their old enough to do chores.


Yes it’s good for them to learn these skills I stead ring on cell phones

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I honestly thought this was satire; why would you be upset that your (I’m assuming) able bodied and willing children are helping out your paraplegic husband while you’re at work?

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Doing that is way more healthy and actually teaching life lessons then sitting around on phones and tablets! It’s not going to hurt them to learn to do the yards … they should be helping out with all chores around the house ideally… teaches them responsibility and how to do things for themselves instead of being 100% reliant on those around them…

It sounds like he can make it feel like fun to them. To see how much they can do for Grandpa and Grandma. LOL When my husband was still alive, he used to take the children and teach them how to do all kinds of things and our children too. Our children can do a bunch of anythings. Two of our boys work together and make good money doing things I still am not able to do. So if the little ones feel important enough to want to help. Then I say "Let the good to

I started push mowing when I was 9.

Mowing and weedeating is better then sitting on electronics. I myself see nothing wrong with kids helping out and doing chores.

Sorry, hit the wrong key. Then I say " Let the Good times roll". Doesn’t matter if they do it right or not. What matters is how they feel when they are done. And we always told them Good Job! If they point out something neg, EX: Look, I missed that over there. OH Well, that’s fine no problem, Look at all that you did do!!! Ya know? I couldn’t have done it without you. Good job, you are really learning, are you having fun too? (Then if it weather for The Good ole Water Hose, then so be it… Again let the good times roll. LOL

They are not too young to help out at all.
Teaches them for their older years

It is ok for them to learn how to do some of that stuff it thinks them that it is not just a mans job… That girls can do it to

They are more then capable of doing those things.

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Good on your partner showing them abit of hard work


All my kids, including my daughter, were all hands on deck on our property. From knowing how to drive the tractor and bush hog by 8/9 years old to helping a calf be delivered that got stuck (and that is a nasty mess that requires an arm literally to be stuck in the mama cow).

My 15 yo has been mowing the lawn since he was 9…he’s the most responsible kid his age is know with a great worth ethic


I have a 9 and 11 and they both mow and weed eat

Are you asking this only because of their age or also because they are girls? Because you see boys doing this kind of stuff at that age. And it’s good for them to learn.
I think you are wrong and overreacting.
As long as he taught them to be safe and take care of them, as in, drinking plenty of water and so on, there is nothing wrong with it. It teaches responsibility.


I see nothing wrong putting kids to do chores. I am raising 8 grandchildren and they all do yard work, house work

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That is why everyone needs the new, “Live GOAT” mower. LOL

Nothing at all wrong.

I think there’s nothing wrong with this. My father taught me to yard work early by 9 I was riding the lawn mower myself.

By all means ok, they will grow up to be model citizens just as long as they have some time to themselves.

Kids love helping around the house . And they need to . How are they going to survive in the adult world, when they move out . Even my grand children help around the even cook and clean up after themselves. Mums and Dads come on ,teach your kids to be independent and help around the house . It’s not going to kill them. Unless they are working and paying Rent/board ,power water, food etc etc . They will appreciate it when they become adults too.

I think it’s great! More kids should be doing this rather then being on their phones! He’s doing them right by teaching them these things!


Thats is a little over board worrying about it . I was doing yard work when i was in the 4th grade. I would skip school and go out and cut grass all day.

Are you kidding me? YES THEY ARE OLD ENOUGH to do chores. Thinking they’re not is what is so fucked up about kids these days! Give them chores & start them having a good work ethic! SOME PEOPLE SHOULD NOT HAVE KIDS!.

It’s fine. As long as your husband moniters them while they work for safety and keeps them hydrated.

Honestly I wish my dad had made me do that so that I’d have had that skill set sooner in life

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Nothing wrong with it, it’s life skills my 15y 11y an 7y all help there dad…

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Ayaisha Buckley wonder can I borrow her husband to make the boys do some housework for me :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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If they are old enough for a phone and tablet, they are old enough for light manual labor .


I don’t think they are too young but you may want to be sure all involved wash those weeds before eating them. My daughter and I both started yard work at the healthy age of 7 for me and for her it was 10 simply because she had brothers trying to get their hustle going. Good luck!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

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I think it’s fine! As long As they get breaks.

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He is teaching them responsibility the world needs more of that!


No you shouldnt be mad my dad taught us at that age and made us start doing it our selfs. Its the perfect age to learn. Maybe he taught them to lighten the work load on you dont take stuff so seriously or be so quick to get mad enjoy it.

Hes teaching them work ethics as any good father would do. Yes you are over reacting


I was mowing and weed eating at 8 years old. I promise you the only negative thing that could come out of this is when they’re older they won’t want someone else doing their yard work. Lol. But seriously, they are absolutely old enough.


Way to go dad! You should be proud of them for working hard and taking care of responsibility before electronics I think it’s the perfect age and will teach them hard work dedication and let them see how good yard looks when done.


I mowed, did the dishes, vacuumed, did laundry, cooked. Etc.


If they are helping him it’s okay if he is making them do it all then he is wrong and you need to stop it now

No at these ages it’s good to teach children responsibility and hard work

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My nine year old mows, shovels, and loads the dishwasher. I was also mowing around this age. As long as they are being supervised and coached through it, I don’t think they’re too young at all.

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No he is not wrong children need to learn to do things! Chores are good for them

Good for him. Kids should do chores.

I think Kids need to do chores. Your over reacting. They’re good to do it. It’s a good age to teach responsibility although the 13 year old I hope has already helped out before


I would say if with supervision it is fine. Teach them about responsibility young and you will have two hard working kids when they are adults


No they are not too young

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I mowed lawns for money at that age. So do the kids around here.

He deserves a standing ovation…


Your children will be better people because of it. They’re learning about responsibility and working for what they want at a good age.


I did lawn mowing, weed eatting, blowing and sweeping since about 10 till 14. Its how I was paid each week. It sucked but it kept me active and made me a bit stronger cause the machines were older and heavy being used on a big lawn. As long as they can come in to rest from heat, i think its fine


Nothing wrong with children helping out with age appropriate chores. It teaches them responsibility and appreciation for what it takes to run a home​:+1::+1:


Teach em young! Nothing comes free…

That’s awesome!!! He is teaching them responsibility and appreciation :100:


I was six yrs old operating a log splitter of my brother in laws . Splitting up wood in the winter time minus one degree i didnt get cold or feel cold i became a ranch hand at that age .

Teaching daughters to be self-sufficient is great! Teach them how to do more than put gas in their car too! I’m thankful my dad taught me.

He paid for the phone and tablet, kids don’t need to be on that 24/7. Kids need to learn how to work so that they are indipendant and capable as adults. Alot of kids do yuard work at a young age. As an adult when you go to work, your phone and tablet stay in your locker until your shift is done. My younger siblings came home with so much money during the summer from doing yuard work for people.

I think it’s awesome :smiley:

Sounds like a dad trying to teach work ethic and other skills.


They’re fine as long as he’s constantly checking up on them!


It’s good for kids to do stuff.

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I think it’s a fab idea get them working. Mine also have things they must do to help out an also to earn pocket money an my youngest is 7.

He’s teaching them how to be responsible. Ones 13 with a phone. If she’s old enough for a phone, she’s old enough to weed whack and mow. :woman_facepalming:t3: they’re definitely not to young to do house hold chores and maintenance, they live there too & your husband physically can’t do it, as someone with a number of disabilities, it’s hard to delegate tasks that you desperately want to do. Good for him.


Absolutely not. Teaches kids responsibilities.

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As long as they have stuff for Sunday protection and take frequent breaks for water.

I was doing this stuff at their age.

13 I think is fine but 9 is a bit young imo.

Absolutely this is fine!! My parents and grandparents had me and my sisters doing these things around the same age. Teaches them responsibility and how to care of your home. These were lessons I’m very grateful I learned as a child. As long as he monitors to make sure they are using the equipment properly so no one gets hurt then go with it. Kids need these kinds of lessons, in my opinion.

Tbh they’re fine. Mine are 7&8 and love doing those things. I think it’s great that he took the initiative and had it done! I’m sure the kids learned something as well :heart:


I started my own lawn mowing business at age 9. Until I was 18. I weedeated and mowed.

OP, not even Nationwide is on your side.
Good for dad :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


I was doing it at that age I wouldn’t have maybe made that a chore for my daughter not because she wouldn’t have been capable but I probably should have now now I’m reflecting on it but if my situation was like yours then i wouldn’t have gave it a second thought family work together always

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I wish I did more yard work when I was younger. Than maybe I would be better at it in my adult life.

The 13 yr old him or her is not too youngto mow the lawn or are weedeat. The 9 yr old is too young to run a weed eater or mower but there’s other things she could do. Help her dad do it or rake. Taking their phones or tablets away yes if they don’t do the work or take away until the work is done. But yes 9yr old too young 13 yr old n it too young.

OMG. If this is all you are worried about… so you would rather pay someone you don’t know/ have them at your house rather then letting your grown enough daughters help out.? If it were too much for them I’m sure the dad wouldn’t suggest it.
Come on now.


He’s in the right…it doesn’t hurt them to help around the house and helps them with responsibility.

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I think he’s on the right track!
I know some farm kids, younger than that, who do all kinds of hard work.
I also know kids almost 20 yrs old, that don’t even know how to start a rider mower!!
They’ll be strong, independent woman!
I say don’t worry, momma!!


No ma’am let him teach your girls everything he can about taking care of the yard and cars! It will benefit them when their older… can’t always depend on a man!


I see no problem with it

Nothing wrong with it. Allow yourself the slack they are picking up. It’s good for your girls anyways


That’s fine. They will learn to work for themselves and be responsible.

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There is nothing wrong with this at all.