My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

I was 10 years started do laundry for all siblings and parents clothes and folding clothes and take care of 3 of mental retard siblings and clean house vacuum and dusting and mowing grass when I turned 12 and more work around house and homework’s from school and nothing earn money account…. Do I complaining because I learn to be individual future…… now I have jobs and earn money and future…. I thank you parents but sad dad gone two months ago……

I mowed at 9 and it did not hurt me and have to dig ditches for gas line for dad and grandmothers that was being installed in town The problem with kids today no one trust them to do anything or makes them do anything What happened to playing and working in the dirt kids don’t get dirty any more and are getting sicker more but we can save them with drugs to fix the problem???


If he is there to supervise I think it is reasonable


Kids need to learn work ethics


Good for him. Doesn’t hurt them one bit. It teaches them how to work instead of playing on their computer all day


Look at this way… these girls are learning a valuable life lesson… YOU DO NOT NEED TO DEPEND ON A MAN! I was mowing by 10 myself! By 16, I learned to change oil and tires, dad wouldn’t let me leave the driveway until I could do those things! So when I divorced in 2006, I didn’t NEED a man to do anything for me! So kudos to dad for teaching life lessons!!


Although I’m sure this is jus some spoof artical to get comments n reactions I will bite… U r definitely over reacting there was a time when kids would run chain saws cause they weren’t pussies if kids were more disciplined they wouldn’t be all self entitled rude ass punks


Our children did. Didn’t seem to hurt them.


I have 2 granddaughters we had a bad storm come through here were I live they help me clean my yard up and they are 4 and 2 and they could go play if they wanted too

He might be crippled but he’s right in the head ! Snap that whip ! Lol !


9 and 13 is plenty old enough to be helping with yard work IMO


Especially for girls as you never know when you might lose your significant other and now have to do everything and make decisions.


I think it’s perfectly ok.


I also started off mowing our yard to help out my parents who both worked full time jobs. Then I started mowing a few neighbors yards. I learned how to work hard and earn money. If I did not do a good job I did not get as big of a payment. My dad taught me, it was good for girls to learn things and to work hard also. Just in case I ever had to take care of myself, I knew I would be able to. As long as they are being safe it’s a good thing.


It’s fine. Kids should do jobs around the house. But can you please explain what a weed eater is??? I thought they were eating the weeds?


Oh my goodness yes they should be doing yard work. My son started at six and did a wonderful job and was always so pleased to help me in the garden as well. Jobs are good for our kids to see they are apart of the family with work and play.

I have three sisters no brothers my father never did any yardwork his four daughters did it all. Never hurt any of us to do it. I still enjoy working in my yard.
Ok I do have a gardener now but I love to grow things.

No, start them young to work and contribute to the household as a family, build good relationships with family and begins the work ethic, not doing them any favors if you don’t make them work for what they have and want, you have to work to have a home, food clothes etc, they need to learn it and the sooner the better


I don’t see what’s wrong with it.


Mine started about 8 and loved helping and made some money! He learned how to cook and laundry too! It’s good for them to learn independence!

My girls did yard work

We grew up on a farm, so can’t remember not doing chores…At this age,my position is that everyone who lives in a house should be making a contribution… Who’s going to pop round and do Their for them if a few years,if they don’t learn at home…

I was working at 7 years old 9years old what took so long :grin:


It will not hurt your daughters to help with yard work. It might just make them better people and teach them to help other people.


I was mowing lawns at 9 & we had a huge section. Didn’t take me long to figure that if a did a half-arsed job my dad, bring a perfectionist would do it himself anyway.

I think what he is doing is great. It will make the kids have great recept for people.


:joy::joy::joy::joy: this page is a joke

If your a weed eater in England you are hiding something from the police :joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl:


Its mowing the lawn hardly slave labour is it.


They need too if its too hot they can pass out did he help cut the yard before he got hurt. Its too hot pay someone when they turn 15 then teach them to be independent

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Omg :flushed: they need to learn stewardship/pride of ownership/hard work never killed anybody! Your husband is doing exactly what he should be doing, let him lead this. I think it’s wonderful that he is giving them responsibilities!

My 15 year old S/S and 10 year old S/D do not have tablets/phones they have 10 acres to “have fun outside” no digital stimulation needed at our house (as that’s all they do at moms) we make them do chores; mowing/dusting/walking dogs/helping with other things. They hate it, but someday hopefully they’ll grow up to be responsible clean adults.

Lol I see no issue with it good for kids to be out moving instead of sitting in the house on their phone or computer, watching tv… at 9 I was driving a tractor pulling a trailer of horse :poop: to dump. Cleaning out stalls for my horses. Feeding, changing out the water, doing turn outs, filling the hay, brushing. Feeding my dogs bathing my dogs cleaning the yard. Helping with the garden. It teaches them not to be scared or lazy of some work. Teaches responsibility.

A little work won’t harm them. In the 40s me n my 5 siblings worked in the grapes, cotton, tomatoes, figs, peaches etc etc. We were 5 years old to 12 n we turned out just fine.

I’ll bite. When did you plan on introducing your children to the concept of “life is not handed to you on a silver platter”? I spent this weekend coming up with chores for a 5 yo because she wanted something to do whilst her older siblings were completing their allocated chores. If it hadn’t been raining I’d have had her picking up in the yard to save the next to mow destroying pegs etc. The parents of these kids have recognised that not having chores leads to children who leave home unable to do anything for themselves. I grew up with chores & one of my earliest is making breakfast for my siblings whilst my parents had a sleep in. I regularly boiled the milk over til I learned not to. I wonder why my parents let me but I figure they needed the sleep vs cleaning up my cleanup. I think I was about 4. By 9 I was capable of all household chores & shared them with my sister as my parents were dairy farmers. It was normal for kids to have chores. As an adult my child had less though he was able to do all when he left home. Sadly the current generation aren’t learning to cook from scratch, check/change tyres, laundry etc. I hate cooking but are showing my friends kids when I look after them I do know how to. This weekend their mum left detailed chore list of a few chores & they finished it by lunchtime Saturday. The older children actually cooperated & ended up with leisure time far earlier than in recent months. I believe your husband is teaching your children well. Support him & teach your children buying services is not the answer. Also my late husband was quadriplegic so the fact that yours does something is better than I had.

My older brother and I worked our garden tilling it with shovels and rakes. Then we planted it watered it and weeded it by hand from the time I was 5 and my brother was 7 until we were in our middle teens. Besides that we worked in the local truck farms planting weeding and harvesting. We also had to help build our concrete block house when I was 6 to 10 years old.

From the time I got out of the Marine Corps at 21 I never was out of work for more than 3 weeks until I retired at 64 then only had a few part-time jobs until I was 66 when I began working a retirement job until I retired again at 79.


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Good learning experience ! You need to do jobs you don’t like just to learn !

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Start them young! Teach them about responsibilities and hard work… If your kids are happy to help why stop them? Maybe ask them if they would like anymore chores round the house :joy: and if they complete them every day at the end of the week you’ll treat them… either to a movie night at home with snacks… or because your working, a day out on your day off… Or a new toy/game etc… or even just at the end of the month as at the end of a week can get really expensive :joy: my kid is 3… and he will put all his toys away back in the you box at the end of the day… I will ask him to put his water bottle by the kitchen sink ready to be washed up, I ask him to make his bed every morning … Some people think 3 is to young to expect a child to tidy up after themselves… Some people think he’s so clever for being able to do it, I don’t expect him to do it. Nore do I make him I ask, and if he says no then I don’t tell him off I just leave it and do it myself and he usually joins in anyway once I start tidying, but most days he wants to and does it without me even asking as soon as I say it’s bedtime… he’s off tidying up and getting ready for bed, and when he’s a bit older I’ll be asking him to do chores. So he can grow up learning about responsibilities and teach him that he needs to help round the house because he lives here too x

Very good being away from phones and laptop s for a while patt of exercise ing

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I think it’s fine as sounds like you all need the help so don’t feel bad. They live there too. Good to get off technology and into the fresh air. They’re ages are more than capable as long as they’re careful x


As long as they are taught how to use these tools and are supervised while using them for now, I don’t see what the problem is.


It will teach them you have to work to have nice things, and that with work you earn respect , work ethic and gratitude. I think more parents should do this… I live on a Ranch and my 12 yrs old drives tractor, feeds and just about everything I do and my 6 yrs old girl is learning to do the same thing…my hat is off to you with respect.

I think it is good for kids to help out. I don’t think your kids are too young.


Lol girl you’re tripping! Unless they’re out in the sun for over an hour without any water keeping them hydrated, they are okay!


Absolutely that is okay.


At 9 ? I dont know if that’s an appropriate chore but thats just me …

I hope your paying them for this. As like pocket money for every chore they do. This helps them to also understand the value of money and working for it… You do not take away from them in order for them to do chores first. That’s wrong it’s like blackmailing your kids. Do this job or you dont get your phone back… how would you like it if your boss said to you. I’ll take your wages away if you dont do this or that? I have 5 children and each one has done chores around the house even if it cleaning there bedroom for money. And they respected that… but no it’s not ok for a 9 year old to use a weed feeder… I’m sure if your husband is in a wheelchair he can do the weed feeder himself. And find another job for the 9 year old.

I was that age or younger when my dad taught us to work for his landscaping business. I hated it, but it taught me good work ethic and pushed me to education. I didn’t want to do hard labor but book smarts to get better easier job in future.

Pay them some of what you were going to pay to get someone in

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When I were a lass ….

I was 10 mowing and weed eating all over town to make some money. I did good about $150.00 a week but worked all day

Life skills for them my grandad growing up taught me how to do all kinds used to love watching him do jobs around the house and him letting me have a go now I’m older have my own house I’m grateful for that but I wouldn’t take there tablets or phones away and reward them maybe some pocket money to show them you appreciate it xx

they should be doing this and more around house with out being asked. problem with family’s today is kids think life is free.

good training for them

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Developed a good work ethic work before play. It’s good skills to have


They will grow up and be proud of themselves .


At 9 years old my son mowed,whipper snip,weed,put house rubbish and wheelie bins out, helped hang and fold washing,wash dishes 3 times a week and keep his room clean. At 12-13 years old my daughter cooked dinner once or twice a week for the family(5ppl),wash dishes 3 times a week,did her own washing/drying/folding laundry, swept and mopped once a week, keep room clean and help her brother with raking/weeding garden.

absolutely your working full time and dad needs help they are at an age where they should start thinking that you don’t get stuff for free I would introduce a weekly allowance maybe set chores weekly and then at the end of the week they get a little thank you :blush:

The 13 yr old mow’s while the 9 yr old weeds. You are definitely overreacting.


You should pay them for helping out.

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That’s the trouble with people today that they always think their children are too young to do something you think at 21 your child is 2 too young to live on its own these kids are old enough to do what they need to do dishes trash mowing the lawn as long as they’ve been taught what to do and what not to do kids today need to learn how to do s*** and that’s a problem with kids today nobody makes them do anything they can do things like dishes and mop and sweep and mow Lawns and pull weeds and stuff like that it ain’t going to kill him make their own bed clean their room what what is the problem I don’t understand if they’re taught how to do it properly and made to do it right what is the problem


There is nothing wrong with that kids should help out around the house and since they r being taught how to use these types of things it’s actually good for them teaches them about work and responsibilities


Some parents don’t believe in giving allowance but maybe give them a little cash at the end of the week for helping out

Hah no ma’am your husband just may be a hero for this. Please stop thinking that making your kids do work is wrong. Please please stop. This generation is already so screwed up. There is nothing wrong with a 9 and 13 year old doing some yard work holy shit this world has changed even from when I was little and I’m only 34


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

The kids most definitely can and should help


My son is 14. He’s been mowing the grass for a few summers.


Absolutely!! Hes doing a good job instilling a great work ethic in them!!


My kids help mow at 11 and 9. I was mowing when I was 8.
Kids need chores.


They are old enough. We did it at that age.


My 12 year old mows his grandpas lawn on a riding mower. Both of those ages are old enough to do certain chores


9 is way to young in my opinion for a weed eater but every family is different

I think it’s ok as long as they know mower saftey!

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Good ages to start helping out!


I was doing way more than that at 9 and 13 yr old it will be ok it helps teach them responsibilities


Good job dad!!! He is raising kids with a work ethic


There is nothing wrong with this. Assuming he taught them how to properly protect themselves and they wore the proper clothing.

At that age they should already be doing yard work.


My 8 year old helps me mow the yard! I don’t let him use the weed eater, he wants to but I don’t trust him with it lol but he push mows the yard!

I don’t see anything wrong with it. Teach them at an early age to do the things that they need to know when they are older. All of my kids were helping with yard work by the time they were 8. Now my 13 year old mows lawns and shovels snow for money. It’s teaching them to be responsible.

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Great! It shows them that they have to help and be part of the family unit is also helping out .

They are fine! They are helping! Being a family means being a team. They are old enough to contribute.

My 11 year old can drive or push a mower. My 6 year old used tools or an axe. I don’t think there is anything wrong with them helping out

Good for Dad! Teach them chores & responsibilities before electronics


I was doing dishes for my parents in the first grade. Redoing them if they had food on them still.

It is building life skills for when they are older and teaching responsibilities.

Why do you eat the Weeds?


Those ages are fine and the electric weed eater for the 9 year old is perfect.


Nope, they are the perfect age. Just wait til they start taking pride and tell their friends that their yard’s look like crap​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

That’s a good age to get kids to start helping out. Teaching them responsibility. My 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12 year olds helps out my husband with yard work

That is how I made my money growing up cutting people’s yards

I feel like those are age appropriate chores. I helped my mom with yard work from a young age, starting with raking and pulling weeds and stuff. Mowing was my responsibility as a teen, though we just had a little push mower, not a gasoline one.


I think it’s perfectly ok

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I learned how to push mow by 5 weed eat by 10

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No that’s what is wrong with kids They have nothing to do


My 10 and 11 year old sons do chores like these gladly to earn an allowance. I think it’s reasonable.


My 10 year old mows the lawn because I’m pregnant. But my fiance weed whacks.

They’re plenty old enough lol


Perfect!! That will help them be better adulits


My son is 7 and with a self propelling lawn mower he can do the lawn, and he also loves to weed wack and hand pull weeds.
I think it’s great to learn young in a safe environment


I think it’s great! You need to build on their life skills for when they have to do it themselves, and their work ethic!

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Good for him I was doing yard work since I was 8 it builds responsibility and stepping away from electronics is good for them I used to have to shovel sod in the summer and mow and I am grateful to my parents for making me do that because now that I’m an adult I know how to do it and I actually enjoy it