Definitely think it shows them responsibility! If it’s not like all hours of the days everyday and doesn’t let them take breaks or anything ! Shows what happens when you put in hard work !
I did when I was old enough to push a mower, builds character they will be fine
Umm… fuck yes.? It’s hard to believe you’re serious right now. Chores teach kids a lot about life and the real world.
My 12 year grandson all my grandkids work in yard its goid for them.
I think that’s just fine. They are helping out and learning how to do things on their own! Let him toughen those girls up!
I’m currently working on my 9 year old son cutting the grass he didn’t learn this time around bc he had bad allergies but next time he will have medicine and will get his butt out there with me
I mowed the lawn at 11. Hated it, but survived!!
Haha no this is fantastic!
He’s setting them up for life well if you ask me. You help maintain your living space so why don’t the kids? Never to young to learn how to “human”.
I mean he went and bought specifically a small weed eater and showed the child how to use it… That’s good parenting
Hes Absolutely Right !!
Children need some kind of responsibility, Iam sure he is watching very closely to what they are doing.
I would not let my 9 year old daughter weed eat… I do the weed eater at home and i have been hit with sticks/rocks and it is a dangerous job in my opinion…
I do think the 13 year old is old enough to mow however. My 13 year old has been mowing yards for 2 years. As long as they know proper safety before also. Not just throwing them to do it when they don’t really know how or the safety measures to take
No never I should of to teach the responsibility, my big mistake of ever done. Well done to your hubby.
i think they are doing a good job I started mowing grass a young girl and still mow grass as an adult
When I was about 9 or 10 my dad taught me how to drive the ride-on mower lol from there I started mowing neighbor’s yards for cash for whatever. If the kids are taught to use the equipment properly and take the necessary safety precautions, they should be fine. Yes, you’re overreacting, in my opinion.
No, it won’t hurt them to help.
I agree with you about the weed eater. 9 is too young for that machine.
I feel like they are old enough. My kids started mowing around 8 years old.
Look, you know your own kids best, but the question you are asking fits the current times. I’m 72. The year I was 10, my father had an industrial accident and was in the VA Rehab hospital for 2 years. I had a 3-year-old sister, My mother promptly went out and got a 2nd job, and unless I was in school, my sister was with me. She showed me how to light the oven, bought a lot of TV dinners and every night I made TV dinners for us. Got tired of that very quickly and taught myself how to cook (the recipes on the Ronzoni boxes are amazing). Began winning recipe contests a few years later. I also did the laundry, hung it on the lines strung downstairs in the basement, and once a month walked a couple of miles to the bank and paid the mortgage with cash. But that was nothing. My paternal grandmother was 9, her mother went into labor and she was told to get the midwife. They had a couple of horses and a buggy and that’s what this child used to get the midwife. At some point the horses went wild and she brought them under control. Again, she was 9. My ex-husband had farming relatives and he learned to drive the tractor when he was 12. Used those skills later on in trucking. You see, in previous generations children were shown how to do things and were expected to take part in the smooth running of the family. I think if your kids are made to understand the lawn mower and weed eaters are not toys, they’ll be all right.
Omg he sounds awesome! That’s what kids should be doing. Not sitting on there phones 24 7. Good on him
They can do yard work… I promise they won’t die
Depends on the maturity of each child. They need safety gear though.
Leather shoes or boots.
Hard hat
They shouldn’t be out at the same time as both weedeaters and mowers through everything and anything that they run over.
No !! but he might want to keep an on them !
Absolutely right on
Good husband good dad
Make sure they wear safety glasses
Legit next in my news feed if you don’t want your kids to be spoiled brats get them to do chores
You are overreacting
My son is 8 and he helps me mow the lawn, pick the weeds, whipper snip, shovel things up, pull roots.
I was mowing at 7 years old
Not too young. Kids were like tending crops and whatnot back in the day lol
I know these time’s are changing. But if you’re working all these hours your girls should help you out. I remember being you’re daughters ages. We had chores. Parents both worked. Soon as I got home I started dinner or cooked the whole thing.
Did the lawn for two homes. Laundry the list goes in and on. So relax
I’m shocked this question is even being asked.
No way my kids are kids they play when they are adults they can do adult things.
They are certainly not too young and this gives me a fantastic idea next time I’m mowing and weed eating. Good for dad. Kids are kids but we aren’t servants. They need to pitch in and help too.
They’re plenty old enough.
Definitely not too young at all if anything should have been made to do it earlier to. Help out
Might be because I’m a country bumpkin, but I see nothing wrong with kids doing a little yard work. My son is 9 and my daughter is 11. My daughter is wheelchair bound due to Cerebral palsy, my husband works 40-50 hours a week so I can take care of my kids. My son has stepped up BIG TIME in helping me with things. He mows (while supervised) he’s learning to cook, and allot of other things! These are life skills that kids need to know. What if your kids move out on their own and can’t afford to hire some one to do lawn care for them?
I was doing yard work at 7. We didn’t have a weed eater, it was weeding by hand & as for the lawn mower, I started at 10. I was saving for a new bike.
How are they going to learn if no one teaches them?! It’s good for kids to have responsibilities. Especially if you are working that many hours my dad taught me how to use the weed eater when I was like nine I hated that thing but I still used and mowed the lawn.
He’s doing a fantastic job at teaching his kids responsibility and contributing to the household. You are definitely overreacting.
My mom worked in a hospital, saw lots of kids with toes and feet cut off. So no
U should pay them for doing it not be mad at them
Your husband is showing them right and plus our kiddos need to help around and there’s no need to hire anyone if you have strong kiddos to help out and its not bad to take away there tablets or phones I honestly think you should let your husband do what he’s doing because cutting grass or doing things around the house won’t hurt anyone and if the nine year old is using a lawnmower thats good my children help my husband cut yards and I feel good about that because he’s teaching them
More kids should have to help out. Most are spoiled brats.
Yes. you are overreacting, honey. it teaches them good work ethic(: it’s just chores
As long as they have the correct foot ware on they can help out.
As long as they are being well watched to make sure they don’t get hurt I don’t see anything wrong with it.
My kids were doing a whole lot of chores by that age. If you don’t teach them young whose going to do it for them the rest of there lives.
When the post didn’t go the way you were hoping…
Both my son started at that age they also knew how to wash clothes dust vaccum…also how to cook ect…my oldest is married now and Is a great father and husband I think it teaches them nothing free in the world and hard work is good for you …teaches respect to when they work for it they have more respect…
Kids need to do chores…me and my brother’s as kids. Dod yard work every sat…its called good upringing and work ethic. Everyone pitches in as a family
I was working on a ranch I. 3rd grade. Never feel bad for having yr kids do chores. I wouldn’t have the work ethics if I didn’t do some work to help my parents. Now a days parents r too aoft
They are definitely not too young and that’s awesome for them to learn the value of hardwork and being a productive member of them family helping to keep their home looking nice. They may grumble about it now but they’ll look back on it fondly as adults and appreciate the lessons they learned
It is our job to teach our children to be functioning adults. Teaching them to do chores including doing yard work pictures of a good work ethic. They may not like it or realize what we are doing. We are preparing them for adult life.
I see nothing wrong with teaching the children how to do yard work, really…they live there too. Like you said yourself…your working, husband isn’t able to do certain things…they could help with housework as well.
I thought my kids at a young age to be able to run the house because I was sick so often, I didn’t treat things like a chore so my kids and I had fun and they learned how to do things their friends didn’t know how to.
You should be proud of your husband.
I learned to cook rice, do dishes and fold laundry when i was 6 -stop coddling your children, esp. the 13 year old. It’s a great age to learn and take responsibility for things
Depends on the maturity of the kids. I’m sure dad made the right call
I like that he ensured it got done so you wouldn’t have too after a long week at work. A family works together. Sounds like a great idea to me.
My 9 and 6yo help mow the lawn and get firewood. It’s teaching them.
No, they are not too young
That is a great idea
Only thing I would worry about is what he is capable of doing in an emergency . . But that’s about it. He would need to be quick to react . But that be the only issue
This doesn’t sound like an issue I think it’s good that your husband & kids are picking up on the slack ~ enjoy your freshly cut lawn!
9 year old helps muck pig pens as well as work our farm. My 12 year old mows the lawn and helps me when needed around the farm as well as with his little brothers. Nothing is wrong with teaching them responsibility.
I was working at my stepdad’s gas station when I was 11 . It’s actually good for them . Teaches them on what to expect when they get older and responsibilities . Just wish they would have taught me more about finances .
My mom was hoeing the garden at age 4!
Good get them ready for real life hard work. Once your kids leave your house, we - the world - has to deal with them.
Let them learn to work
They should be responsible people…too many entitled twits around!
Is this a joke or are you being serious?? If your serious then yes you are being crazy. Kids should be doing this stuff instead of playing on their tablets and phones. This gives them good work ethic. My parents, may they Rest In Peace , never made me do any chores and I struggled when I got married at 18 because I didn’t know anything. I vowed not to do that to my kids. Both of our kids had to pick up toys as toddlers and they had to do dishes around 7. They had to take out trash, clean their rooms and yes mowing the yard when they were probably around 10. My husband always supervised when they were that young. Kudos to your husband when they become adults they will thank him. My son hated chores the most but when he went into the military he was doing much better than the other guys because he knew how to do laundry and cook.
Why is this a question seriously .
They’re old enough to help out
I mean if they’re old enough to have their own phones and tablets so I assume on the internet and some social media they’re old enough to do some work. If you monitor them on the phones and tablets monitor them in the yard
teaching kids how to work hard is your jobs as a a parent n a christian , period ! its a way of life to be passed down , b cool yall
You are over reacting
Your husband is teaching your children how do to things for themselves like any parent would and the girls are also helping him. So don’t be annoyed he’s just being a parent
You’re over reacting. He’s teaching life skills, are you teaching them to cook?
Tear up the yard and put in a garden so you can feed your family and not work so much ??
Doing chores teaches work ethic and gives youngsters a sense of accomplishment. Good for you!
Yes, you are absolutely overreacting. Get them out there and put them to work! There is zero reason if they are healthy children that they shouldnt. Especially the 13 year old.
He shouldn’t have to ask
nothing wrong with teaching them to pitch in
reward them instead of paying someone else
Heck no…this is so good for the kids. They will be so much better off having parents who care enough about them to instill skills, hands on experience, and work ethic will enhance their success. They should be doing this regularly on top of their own laundry and learning to cook a meal weekly. They’ll thank you both later in life.
Too young for phones and tablets if anything
I was operating a tractor at the age of 7 scraping barn yards, feeding cows, and milking cows, hell I love mowing the yard on the riding lawn mower. I learned to get things I want in this world I had to work for it. I have always held a job I work for the feds through ycc by the time I was 15 as a freshman. We built trail paths, boardwalks, and tore down and built bar wire fences. It helped me become who I am today and I have a great work ethic. And I am teaching mine the same way.
I agree with the mom…They can help out but don’t give these girls that kind of work dad while you watch…the 9 year old is to young…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?
I was doing that kind of work since I was 5 years old lol. It’s a good life skill to have!
I think it’s great. My parents made me do that and much more. They need to know how to do these things anyway. It builds character and confidence. There is nothing wrong with teaching our kids to take care of themselves and what they have. Hard work is a requirement of success in anything we do. Great job Dad!
I think this is teaching your children how to chip in and help is a wonderful thing to do!!
Iam the youngest of 6 we all did chores like yard work since we were around the age of 6 and my children and niece’s and nephews did the same. All of us have great work ethic and it taught us responsibilities. I think its great that your husband is teaching them young it is good for them
in generations past these children would be using axes to chop wood and cook in fireplaces and so forth. I think dad is doing it right and gender does not care who pushes the lawn mower or the weed eater
Nothing wrong with a 13 year old mowing the lawn to help out, I would be a little nervous about the 9 year old but he could be doing some inside chores!
I don’t see anything wrong with this hopefully they were taught how to use the mower and weed tracker.
Yes! In my opinion they should have been helping out earlier. My son mows for me all the time since I work a lot. Kids need to learn these skills so they don’t feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of yard work when they are grown up. Kids need to be helping out more then most parent let them or make them.
It is a good way to teach them young so they can use this when they become an adult. So, they know they can rely on themselves if need be.
He is teaching Life skills. You should thank him for teaching your kids called responsibilities and not just letting your kids sitting on the couch and tapping phone screens whole day. THANK HIM for being a great parent!!!
My kids started mowing (with me helping them) at 10. But it wasn’t dealt out as a punishment, just something that needed to be done because that’s what families do.
Wish we would have trained ours early. I did it as a child, did not do it with our kids, now I regret it.
I think it’s completely fair to expect them to help out with household chores including yard work. If I were the husband I would be hurt that it bothers you he’s having the kids learn and do something that he is physically unable to do. I’m sure he wishes he could do those things and you being upset that the kids are doing it I feel like is really insensitive to him. It’s a good thing he is teaching them valuable life skills. 9 and 13 are plenty old enough to do yard work. They are not being asked to do anything out of the norm. Learning those things instead of being glued to tablet is more important than anything. If they are old enough to have cell phones and all that, they are old enough to help around the house instead of having Mom pay someone else to do it!
Definitely overreacting, your kids will be better adults if they have less time on phones and tablets and more time actually doing something productive.
That’s what’s wrong with this world,people letting their kids do whatever and not giving them a work ethic.When I was 13 I was raking berries in the summer,splitting and carrying wood in the winter,mowing lawns and everything.Nothing wrong with them doing that at all,might be decent human beings from it.