My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

Me personally I wouldn’t want my 9 year old weed eating. Helping with around the house sure. 13 year old mowing sure but I’m just not comfortable with my 9 year old weed eating. Although there are some who do it. :woman_shrugging:

My 10 year old is outside mowing the lawn as we speak and my 5 year old is the one who cleared the lawn of sticks and rocks for him.


I’m all for kids learning how to do things in/out of the house - as long as they are supervised . Too many kids grow up not knowing how to operate a washing machine/dryer or make a simple meal . How are they going to be self - sufficient enough to cope after they leave school ?


I’m very sure they aren’t mowing and weed eating daily or weekly even…
Nothing’s wrong with chores.
Simply offer incentive/s.


Absolutely. It’s good that they are doing it. I’m the youngest of 5 all girls. My father had me mowing at 10. They more they learn now the better they will be on their own.


Honestly i think its okay becauae its teaching them decipline ans responsibilities. Its okay if a 13 yr old boy and 9 yr old do yard work, but not okay for little girls do yard?. This is teaching them to work hard for things in life


Good to start off young with cleaning off table and washing table. Build up from there the older they get. Otherwise it will be hard

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My kids have been pulling weeds since forever and I also taught them to mow around 8. I’m outside with them when they’re doing yard work. What’s wrong with some chores?

My 2, 9, and 16 year olds all help with yard work.
I feel your’s ages are appropriate.

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All kids are capable of some sort of chores. Each child is different. Teach them from the start and their lives will be better for it.

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Mine started pushing a mower as soon as they were tall enough. Chores are good for kids.


As long as their supervised I don’t believe they there is a age they can’t be doing stuff my 4 and 7 year old granddaughters help with everything I will teach them how to cut grass soon I was working for my dad at a very young age he tought me how to do all kinds of stuff that came in handy later in life even changing a tire.

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Our 13 year old has been cutting grass with our zero turn for about 4 years now and our 5 year old helped us with yard work yesterday. She loves to help with anything. It’s good for them

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It’s time to learn as as adult supervision. When do you think they will they be ready to learn?

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Not a problem that how you raise them right

My 3 boys started doing light chores at age 3 (setting table, dusting with old socks on their hands, etc.) and eventually worked into doing more kitchen work, cleaning bathrooms, household laundry and mowing lawn. It’s necessary that they do these things.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with kids doing yard work. Unless it was an extremely large yard and crazy hot outside, I don’t see an issue.


As long as it’s not midday …has to be early morning like 8 or late evening …whn temps are cooler…

Yes, shows them self worth.

You’re totally overreacting. 13 is definitely old enough to now the lawn. Their father is teaching them responsibility and getting them off the gadgets. Other parents should take notice.


When I was 10 I had about 10 lawns I was doing at $.50 each​:joy::joy: thought I was rich


You are overreacting he is teaching them work ethic and “ it takes a village “


My 7 year old can accurately opperate the weed whacker…


My 2 year old daughter helps with yard work… pulling weeds… planting… when we cut down trees she drags them to the big pile… sje picks up the yard for us and her grandma before its mowed.

My 2 year old cleans up after themselves and puts away his shoes when he comes into the house. He’s a little neat freak now. I didn’t do that with my 9 year old and he hates to clean. Start them young. He’s out there with them. He’s showing them work ethic. In my opinion kids don’t get shown work ethic soon enough. At their ages they should have a whole slew of chores they are responsible for. If you start the chores at 18, you may not have a child that is ready to function in society. They are not as fragile as we make them out to be

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Its good for them to get off the devices and learn how to take care of our planet instead of droning out on devices. All three of my children have chores to do in the morning before devices. And that can include lawn/outside work. Its healthy for the children!


Good work ethics you are overreacting this is good character building for your children


Is this a serious post?


Every Saturday was yard clean up in my family.
We had a blast! In the fall it was Saturday racking the leaves then playing in them.Sunday we bagged them. The best times ever. Who else will teach them if you dont? Kids love it!


I learned how to drive a tractor at seven!
Kids are amazing. Let them shine with mother earth.


That is plenty old enough to do outside yard work. I was doing that type of yard work before that age. The thing is to make sure they now how to operate the equipment safely


I have been mowing my yard since I was 9 years old. Kudos to your husband, we need to develop good worth ethics and that begins at home.


Well I understand why your reacting that way but those are completely normal ages to help out and operate with adult supervision and I’m sure your husband is making sure they are out there doing a good job. Plus it creates great work ethic and gives them a reason not to be lazy and stay on there electronics all day.

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If you don’t teach them discipline and respect the world is fucked.

My 13 year old started mowing at 11. She’s upgraded to weed eating and now my 10 year old mows.

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Well I was mowing my g ma yard at 9 for 5 bucks a week and snow shovel as well. Granted 5 bucks from 25 years ago was nice pay for me as a kid, a d my g ma taught me some work ethic. Ask the 9 year old if they want to help. I I think the 13 year old should be helping…dude your hubby is in a wheelchair and your working 50-60 hours. You guys could really use a hand.


My kids did yard work in elementary school and had paper routes at age 8 for the weekly paper, age 10 for the daily. Plus cleaning their rooms, dishes, and generally helping around the house. When I went to work full time, they started doing their own laundry, too.


My 8 year old begs to help us do yard work. She can use the gas mower and electric weed eater when we aren’t using it

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Omg. He’s teaching them work ethics. Guess who won’t need your income growing up your kids. Stop babying them.


I feel it let’s them know what life all about getting things done that has to be done.


I would have the 13 year old weed wack and the 9 year old to mow

Mine were 9 when they started mowing on a rider mower. One got her first job in HS mowing the cemetery. My cousin was driving tractor at 9. We would ride in the bucket looking for missing calves.

It is fine. Not only does it teach responsibility but also how to do things for themselves for a time when they are by themselves. We, as parent, can not always be therefor them no matter how much we want to.

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Perfect age for them to start. Good work ethic and self sufficiency start now and grow as they grow into adults.


Not at all. My 13 year old started mowing the lawn at age 9 with a gas mower. I had to start it for him and change the grass catcher, and usually redo missed patches, but under supervision it’s a good idea. Ditch any allowance they may get and replace it with pay for chores completed. A life long lesson

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You are definitely over reacting , between the hones and the tablets and people spoiling the shit out of their kids is why kids today have no respect or work ethic , I was running tractors and bailing hay at their age , stop being a Karen to your husband and learn a thing or two about what your kids are learning by doing the work :roll_eyes:

Mom doesn’t have to do it all. You should be teaching them how to do a lot of things. Cleaning up after themselves, laundry. They are going to leave the nest, prepare them for it now. While you are at it, be sure to tell them they print their names in the paper once they are 18 if they mess up.

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Totally normal and okay!!

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Shoot I could prepare a whole dinner to feed my siblings by 9.

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No, I think he in installing good values in them. I applaud this! :clap::clap::clap:

And especially as a female, they now know how to take care of a lawn :muscle: be proud mama! :heart:


I was driving a tractor at 11 Why wouldn’t it be ok And they are very good kids that will help out

what got me was the weed eat took a minute to figure that out weed eater anyway nothing wrong with them doing some yard work

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: This is why kids are so soft, rude, spoiled and entitled… PARENTS LIKE THIS. Good job him!

Better for them to be outside working and helping instead of just laying around on the phone and computer.


My parents taught me to do chores inside and out. It is good for them to learn to help and be daughter us 10 and I have taught her to do all kinds of things around the house. She likes to help and will know how to do things and take care of herself.


Your husband is a smart man! Teach the girls early that you have to take a job serious. So many kids do nothing to help. I vote they are being taught a valuable lesson.


I know a well off man who would not allow his kids to work. They are useless young adults. They cannot keep on task, hold down a job, have a ridiculous sense of entitlement, and no one wants to work with them because they bitch non stop. The dad us now angry and disappointed in them, but fails to realize he created their lack of work ethic.

I commend this Dad for instilling a work ethic in his children early. It will clash with today’s society, but with everything in me I believe that hard work pays off. Good job Dad


How awesome!!! Good job dad. I’d be ecstatic if my husband did that with our daughter. He is the opposite and she is spoiled because of it…lots of issues at school and with disciplining her. She will be 8 in mid-November.


Oh please your husband is teaching them work ethic and to do things themselves something kids do have these days , my son was working in his dads shop a 7 , don’t baby your kids it ruins them :grin:


He did the right thing. It doesn’t hurt them any to learn work ethics


It’s one thing to labor them everyday and not be a kid tho.

If monitored I say they should pitch in.


Kids need to learn to work and gain life skills…doesn’t hurt em a bit!


Any chance to be outside in nature even in your own backyard is a good thing.

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I dont see anything wrong with the girls doing yardwork. Safety first though.

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I believe it’s perfectly fine for them to help out. If they have been taught how to operate properly. Children need to learn more responsibility and it’s teaching them that helping family is rewarding. :heart::pray:


They aren’t too young to help out. It’s the perfect age to start learning how to care and maintain a house and yard. As long as dad is there helping them out and guiding them in what to do, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them doing the yard work. My brother and I were working in the yard since I can remember. I think I was 8 when I started helping with raking, picking up sticks, etc. My brother was 12/13 when he took over mowing the lawn if I’m remembering right.

Yes they should be doing outside work it will only make them a stronger person

Yes, you are overreacting

Oh hell no you dot learn to work how are you going to teach them about life. Quit baying them teach to be strong

Of course they should.

Nothing wrong with it! They need to do chores. More than just keep their room clean! I did all kinds of chores at home and at my grandparents house

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Meh. Mowing was my job around 10. I didn’t hate it that much. So long as they’re physically capably and can understand how to do it safely, it’s good to have outdoor responsibilities.

Hahaha is all I’m going to say…my sister and I did yard work as soon as we were able to push the mower…as we got older found it a way to tan…and kinda a work out…we didn’t mind it but we also got paid extra on allowance for the months we did yard work…so it was something we didn’t mind doing…it’s good work ethic and teaching them to care for the place they live…just like you as mom teach them house work, hygiene and stuff knowing how to tend to a yard isn’t just a man or dad thing and I think it’s great he is giving them this knowledge


And another thing it’s great dad is getting them outside and off there tablets and phones I’d be prod not whining about it on fb…


I mowed the lawns all the time for my parents from 10 years of age. I actually enjoyed it and felt great that I could help out my parents :slight_smile: I think it is great that the girls are helping out! :blush:

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My dad was in a wheelchair. He used a riding lawn mower. When we got big enough we mowed the grass . 5 acres with a push lawn mower.

they’re not babies…
ain’t no reason why 1 cant mow the lawn and the other weed wack

Of course they should be mowing and trimming the lawn. Not only did I do our family’s lawn when I was that age, I mowed others in our neighborhood for pay. Then I shoveled driveways in the winter…sharpened knives and tools as well for 10 cents an inch.

I mean if it’s a huge huge huge yard / area where it would take them like 5+ hours to do yeah maybe too much. If it’s just yard around the house where they can finish in a decent amount of time and can take a break if they need to nothing wrong with teaching work ethic

Omg i woulda loved to have u around as a mom when i was younger :rofl: ur kids will b fine. We was getting to drive the tractor n use the bushhog before i was in 1st grade. My 10 yr old has been mowing the neighbors yards for 3 years now.

Wow if you need to ask that question. Then you yourself need chores

They are old enough to help out with that kind of stuff!!!

As long as they’re capable and know how to not hurt themselves or each other it should be fine
I personally think 9 is a bit too young but it’s like right at the line so it’s iffy to me

Nothing wrong with it as long as they don’t preform tasked they’re not old enough to.

When do think its okay. They have to learn sometime. He’s out there with them.

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We did chores around the house and learned how to be responsible in the process.

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kids should have chores,they are part of the family your over reacting

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You could check with the attorneys that came with your kids when they were born, but even they will likely agree that it’s ok for them to lift something heavier than a cell phone and even sweat a little.


At that age my son had his own lawn business.


I think its great it teaches them responsibility and helps there day

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Omg chores for the kids I can’t believe it… how dare someone teach them life skills


Definetly old enough to learn responsibilities. Doing yard work as well as some house chores will teach them responsibility and respect for others who do the same.


Chores build character!!

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Teacher them went they are young and you will have better Kids ,They will Learn that Life is not Free and They can Take Care of Things when you are not There.

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The kids need to work

As a paraplegic myself… You better use them kids :rofl::rofl: Kourtney Adair

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I see no problem at all. Good for your husband. You should support him.

I can’t believe this is a serious question. Who DOESN’T give kids chores?!