Darling. Nothing makes it bigger. Some things can make it harder, like a cock ring. Some things can make it stay hard longer, viagara. But nothing will increase the size, permanently.
Yes, he should have told you that he spent that much money. But let him try them out and when he realizes they don’t work, he won’t buy them again.
That shit does not work. My husband is 9 in. And this mf always not happy thinking he has a little dick. Bitch if I ain’t complaining stop trying to poison yourself
That’s a lot of money to spend without asking if your money is tight. That’s what I would be mad about.
Pretend like you don’t know and have a great time.
Unless there’s a possibility he’s cheating, he’s probably having performance issues and embarrassed.
Look up the meds for side effects and risks though.
He’s probably feeling “less” and depressed because he’s not working. I’ll bet one of his friends recommended them.
Maybe the job loss has him feeling insecure & not “man” enough? Men deal with insecurities too but I’d be livid too how you gonna drop almost $300 like that
No pill in the world is going to make his thingy grow, that’s a job for pumps and surgery. I’d be ticked off too.
Those don’t make it bigger lmfao he wasted his money
Shaking over a small weenie. Girl stop!
Do you clear every “beauty” product you buy with your husband ? It’s the same equivalence. You shouldn’t be upset about what he bought, that’s his personal decision.
However he should have discussed the $200 purchase with you first. This is especially true if money is tight at the moment.
You seem more worried about what he bought though so you are overreacting on that front. You aren’t overreacting that he should have discussed a large purchase prior to making it.
They don’t work! My hubby and I never spend over 100 without talking over.
Maybe he’s feeling insecure!?! Maybe he knew that if he told you he wanted to buy the pills you would say no. Maybe he was embarrassed to tell you how much he really wanted them. Maybe he knew you would say it was too expensive. Maybe you could think about how he might be feeling & try to understand. Maybe you could try to show him some more sexual interest so he feels more confident that you are satisfied by him the way he already is. To me I would think he’s seeking pills to fill something within himself. Try to help & understand! Try not to get soo mad. How would he react if you spend the 300$??
Depending on age and healthy he may be having some issues. Maybe he’s not staying hard or hard enough. Having a hard time even getting hard and is embarrassed himself to say anything. It’s definitely something you should talk to him about because if he’s having issues it’s worth a discussion and he needs to know your supportive. If it’s not the above it’s still worth a conversation and him explaining why he spend money you guys didn’t have right now. I’m speaking from experience so only way your gonna find out the truth is ask but don’t come at him aggressively lol but yes take it to the table.
Honestly, it would throw me off too.
This should not be on fact book at all!!!
Shaking pissed? WOOOOOW
And he may need them for when he gets laid off and has all that time on his hands.
Don’t take it the hard way.
Wow. No, he does not need to discuss what he does with his body with you. No, he didn’t need to tell you in advance that he was getting them. Just because you don’t have an issue with it doesn’t mean he doesn’t. The man has to live in his skin every single day not you. It’s his body and he has the right to feel comfortable in it. You’re being selfish for making it about you. Shaking mad? You’re being unreasonable and ridiculous! Keep that same energy when you guy buy makeup or new clothes or get your hair done.
He’s probably feeling insecure and wants to do something that could possibly make him feel better and himself. Get over it
Just as sometimes us women need a new dress, even little things like fingernail polish & other. Men sometimes need a bit of something to sooth their own inner needs. Give him a hug. Think he needs it.
Honestly if money is tight, and with the way inflation is going, a $279 purchase is something you rightfully have to be stressed/pissy about!!! I don’t know why everyone thinks it was ok to go blow almost $300 without telling you, especially if you have kids or fucking bills
or maybe I’m the only person who’d get behind on bills if someone made a $300 purchase in the family.
my husband also agreed that he should’ve told you about the purchase regardless
And for people asking if you buy beauty products, I doubt you’re spending $300 in one purchase or even through the year.
He’s probably feeling super insecure, so you NEED to be there for him, but you should express that he shouldn’t spend that much in one purchase without throwing a “heads up”. Just talk to him about it nicely!! And be there for him! Let him know you love his size now
They work… look how excited you are!
If he wanted them then that’s for his personal reasons and he is perfectly fine and entitled to feel good about himself. However, I would have a major issue with the $300 spent without talking to me first. But the pills themselves I wouldn’t care as long as it makes him comfortable
Maybe he doesn’t feel comfortable talking about it with you, because it is something making him feel insecure but you are not making it a priority for him. So he just did it without telling you. Possibly ? Just another point of view.
I guess I’m in the minority group.
#1 - $279.99 is a lot of money to be spending when you are out of work and struggling to make ends meet.
#2 - If it’s not big deal that he ordered it then why didn’t he mention it? The only person that should be benefitting from the enhancements is her (because she is his wife) … right? So, I do find it odd.
#3 - Would I be mad? Yes. Because if we’re married and he is hiding stuff like this (and making big purchases that we can’t afford) then what else is he hiding?
His gain is also yours!
I think you need to realize this isn’t about you and let it go. It’s his body, it’s something he’s told you he’s self conscious about. He’s trying to do something to make him feel better about it. Why would you be so mad you’re shaking? It’s not a big deal.
Give him a hug. Remind him that you love him and you don’t want to change him but totally understand that he would want to try something to make HIMSELF feel better. Then apologize for being an ass. Not everything is about you.
Ok my issue would be the amount of money spent during a money crunch. BUUUUUUTTTTTT…look at it this way, his job is on and off. He keeps getting laid off which puts his family in a money crunch. Most men are raised that they provide. They provide money for the family to survive. If you can’t do that you’re failing your family. Toxic masculinity at its worst IMO. Which can cause a lot of stress and stress can affect performance. He is already self conscious about his size. Men tend to show affection via sex. If he is having issues due to stress and his low self esteem about his size…that’s probably why he went and ordered those pills. I mean dude knows his family is tight on money, he keeps getting laid off and he is already self conscious about his size. That is a huge hit on one man’s ego. He should have spoken to you about such a big purchase and he should not have been hiding it. Try to calm down and talk to him about it calmly. Explain why it was a bad purchase at this time. You knew he had been talking about it with you but your reassurances were probably along the lines of “you don’t need them because I’m satisfied with what you have”. I’ve been there with exs. But I mean a lot of us women change our hair color, wear makeup, use all sorts ofnlotions and creams to moisturize/soften/tighten our skin and dewrinkle, some get booby jobs, nose jobs, tummy tucks, lipo and the list goes on. Even when our significant others tell us we are beautiful and sexy as we are. He most likely didn’t tell you because you have not been supportive. Try the more supportive approach of I know you are not happy with your size and want to do something about it, I will support you, but we have to be careful about finances right now. Maybe also suggest a change in line of work? It seems his is not cutting it for taking care of a family. Or at least seek a company that has more work than his does. My boyfriend is in landscaping. His company does a lot of work during warmer months but…the winter is iffy. The type of landscaping that he does though can be done year round. Outdoor stone patios, outdoor fireplaces, fire pits, stone walls, wood walls, stone benches, wood paths, pine straw and mulch, even indoor fireplaces for homes and offices being built and so on. So he has his own large client base that keeps him extra busy during warm months and busy during the winter months too. I’m not sure what line of work your man is in, but maybe branching out on his own could be a possibility on top of his regular job. His self confidence might be taking a very big hit right now. Maybe also suggest therapy.
He works. He’s allowed to spend his money LMFAO grow up
Maybe this is why he didn’t tell you … like are you mad at the cost? Maybe he’s embarrassed… judging by your reaction, I don’t blame him
My husband has ED and it bothers him so much that he very rarely will let me see it and only touch during “fun time.” This really bothers me and it does make me feel bad about myself but I try not to take it personally. I know it’s a real problem and I know he’s not cheating. This is definitely something you two need to be talking about. And anything that costs that much should be discussed first even if he is embarrassed about it.
They don’t want to talk about the problem. Seems He was trying to fix things on his own without the embarrassment. The D is their life!! $$$ is no issue!
Tell him the Honey Packets on Amazon work better and they are cheaper….
HAHAHA! All you women would be pissed if your man spent $300 on himself? Smh are you serious?
Yet. ALL you women NEED to get your hair did, YOUR eyelashes, your nails, make up, buy unnecessary amounts of clothes. Anything you damn well please because you all call it “self care” And because you all deem that shit a must its okay??? But god forbid a man wants anything for himself… Smh sad.
Thats a lot of money to spend and not discuss first. I talk about almost every purchase with my husband even if it is something for only $50. Secondly, my husband and i talk about everything, so this also seems weird to me…why wouldnt he discuss it with you. Idk. Just seems weird.
l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19421 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://AmazingWorking967.pages.dev/
We only live once support your husband bad timing now it’s always bad timing life throws curve balls! Whatever your husbands reasons support what will make him happy so you are happy!
I doubt he’s going elsewhere if he’s told you he wants to be bigger. Sounds like he’s extremely insecure about himself and it’s hard for him to talk about it. Therefore, he’s looking for solutions without baring an uncomfortable topic.
Honestly cash flow varies in each relationship. We always discuss purchases over $200 beforehand, out of respect. Perhaps have a negotiation like this beforehand.
My significant other bought them just to try them and did his own research without my knowledge but once decided to buy he talked to me about it but he sure as fuck didn’t pay that much for them. Jesus.
I’d be pissed if my husband didn’t talk to me. It’s about the money. We have one joint account so we discuss stuff financially so we’re on the same page and stay financially stable. I get it…I wouldn’t be mad about what he bought as much as how much was spent without discussing it.
Send them back for a refund
Feel this is one of those things where he should do as he pleases because it’s his body, mean unless it was both of your money and in a conjoined account u being mad is like him being mad you did something to your Body without his consent. Your opening one of those doors that us women hate that men do to us
I think it would be really hard for most men to discuss e.d.with their partner or anyone else.if it makes him feel better about himself and his masculinity i dont see a problem.in the grand sceme of things 279.00 isnt all that much if it boosts his self esteem.this wouldnt upset me.
Yeah I would be pissed. Lack of maturity in his decision making is awful. That is a huge expense when you don’t have a stable income. I kinda get why he didn’t tell you because it might be something that he feels is private and embarrassing, but that is an awful a lot of money to waste on a gimmick that will have absolutely no benefit to either of you at a time when finances are tight.
Girl you better take that & be happy
Yes he should of talk to you about to but I guarantee you you buy makeup and things like that to boost your self-esteem if you have a problem with it save all your makeup and everything like that needs to go bye-bye if he can’t boost his self-esteem you shouldn’t be able to do yours
I’d be upset he didn’t tell me but I wouldn’t think he wasn’t interested in me. I’d think he was trying to be “better” for me in the way he feels he can. I want breast implants and I’d feel it was crazy if my man thought that meant I wasn’t interested in him. If anything, it’s because I want to feel better about myself for him.
$$ would be my only concern. If he have you no other signs of an issue…either way…
communication is key, ALWAYS.
Pills don’t make you bigger lol and if it’s not an issue with your sex life, I’d think he’s cheating or thinking of it and wants to be bigger for whoever.
He should see a urologist if he’s having issues down there . Talk this out with him after you calm down.
If I were you I would go back to school to learn the English language and enjoy some good sex!
Its cheaper than a therapist - he is doing it for both of you
I don’t think it’s a Fan question it’s your question
Since that was a big chunk of money to spend on male enhancements, I would be extremely livid too. Especially in the financial rut that you’re in. Tell him he is a complete moron and he better find a job that doesn’t do this lay off crap every so often. He needs to find a job that actually brings in the money everyday, not once in awhile. He needs replace that money. I wouldn’t have any kind of sex with him until he does. Sorry, this clearly triggered me lol.
If it makes him happy and he would support you if you wanted something
Id let him try it don’t say anything, maybe it’s for u! Don’t freak, he may b having ed problems and he’s definitely not going to talk to u about it. And if he is and seems anxious tell him u will make a appt when ready and drop it.
Selfish and inconsiderate are 2 words that come to my mind. I would be livid, screaming and I’d make sure everyone knew about his little purchase. Just casually mention among friends and family that money is super tight and y’all prioritize spending, so the hubs decided that the grocery money should be spent on his small unmentionable body part. Just saying…
It’s damn near 300 bucks id be livid. Now if yall wasn’t struggling and it was like 40 I’d say ehhh no big deal.
He is probably embarrassed he needs them. Just mind your business. Cause if he couldn’t get it up. Then you would have a problem with that also and say he is cheating
You may have created a false sense of insecurity within him and he wants to be able to please you. With being laid off multiple times it takes a toll on the man trying to be the provider his instinct has ahold of him. Stroke his ego, reassure him he is your man and maybe you can both enjoy the ride. He wants to be the man you want and deserve. Let him be. Just my humble opinion.
Not just about size they can help with low testosterone which is becoming more and more common with all the toxins leaking out of everything we contact everyday. Did you think maybe he wants to improve ya’ll’s sex life.
Girl just have him pop a pill …then you hop on …problem solved
Why would he not want you anymore? Stop it! Keep quiet about it? See what happens in the bedroom first? Keep your radar up? My mind went to he’s cheating? But that’s my baggage? He’s embarrassed I’m sure! Even with his wife? Stay calm! Wait n see! Definitely don’t attack him with suspicion’s and rapid fire question’s? Maybe he just wants to make your sex life better? He didn’t need to ask your permission first? Did he?
I’d be furious and suspect he is cheating. This is marriage ending for me.
Not all men want to discuss this type of stuff with there wife so I think ur over reacting just a little bit I mean it’s a lot of money to be spending but I’m sure u by makeup and stuff like that what is the difference
Well my partner buys enhancement pills over the counter and yes the work for a short period of time. It gives him an ego boost
This is why we keep seperate accounts. He can spend his money however he wants.
That way when car parts are showing up every damn day I don’t care because I have my own money and hobbies.
Id be more upset about the amount he paid then what he bought honestly.
Sounds like he did it for you! And men aren’t gonna wanna talk about it when things are working like they used to.
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Do you Trust him ??? That is the only question
My husband doesn’t buy anything big without telling me first
I would react over the price and amount he spent. To me before making any decisions over $100 should be discussed with your partner especially if you are living week to week or have a small budget.
I just think communication (not to control) over money spending is healthy to have if spending over $100 on something.
Poor guy already feels shit, small sausage and no job. Now you kill the last bit of joy he had bahahahahahhahahahaha
Girl he just wants to please you and probably did not want to say anything about it.