My Husband got male enhancement pills in the mail today ! $279.99 !!! Right now we’re very tight on $ as he was laid off now back to work but could get laid off again at any given time (for the type of work he dose it’s common) so anyways - he never told me and I’m upset about that … like I’m shaking pissed… should I be? Wouldn’t u talk To your wife about this stuff? He has told me numerous times he wishes he was bigger … but who don’t! I don’t have a issue with his size - so I automatically go to freaking out that maybe he don’t want me anymore or something please help calm me or tellMe the raw truth am I over reacting or…. What thank you!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband ordered male enhancement pills without telling me: Advice?
He’s just trying to please you…damn.
He might be stressed out and being out of work feeling less than manly…yes that’s alot of money but he might be having real issues he hasn’t told you about. Maybe he’s scared that you would leave and he’s really just wanting to please you??
Omg no that’s so much money!
Maybe he is embarrassed to tell you he bought them. I mean it’s a lot of money, but otherwise maybe he’s just trying to please you? Maybe he’s insecure?
He already told you the truth. Lots of men feel this way and try different ways to make it bigger. He shouldn’t have made such a large purchase without talking to you, but it doesn’t mean anything but he wants a bigger dick.
Girl his trying to satisfy you…be happy!
I’d be mad on the money if it makes it tight for your family, but for the pills, its no different then someone buying diet pills, or vitamins to make their hair thicker etc etc. If its about ED then he should go to a doctor, but he is probably embarrassed. If its size, then its something he is insecure about. Just like, as I said earlier, weight loss pills if you’re insecure about your weight, vitamins if your hair is thinning and it makes you feel insecure. Before doing or saying anything I suggest really thinking about that and approaching this gently. Yes he needs to know he can’t spend that much money without talking to you if it makes your family vulnerable, but embarrassing him about the pills isn’t going to make the situation better. This is a touchy subject for a lot of men. He probably just wants to feel better about himself
To me the only issue here is the money. It should have been discussed.
Secondary, from the point of health is just knowing what your spouse is taking in case of adverse reaction resulting in a medical emergency .
Take him for ride and be happy. Maybe he is feeling insecure, like all people do from time to time and just wants to be wanted or just wants to rock your world. Rock his world instead:wink:
Well seeing as he’s insecure about it I could see why he did not tell you. You’re overreacting IMO but that’s a lot of
Erin Millar
What we were talking about today.
They’re obsessed
Calm down…he’s already got them?? Then it’s done…u flipped out and that is understandable aswell, try talk about it when calmer so he doesn’t feel ashamed because even though size doesn’t bother you, it’s not on you. It’s his body…your financial situation is where he messed up…Work it out. Understand HIM too
I understand being tight on money, but did he use your money to do this? Or was this his money that he used? Did this purchase actually take food out of your kids mouth, or make you late on rent? He likely didn’t tell you because he knew how you would react, you’re shaking pissed because he bought male enhancement pills. He bought pills, not a prostitute. If he was recently laid off, he probably already took a hit to his ego as a provider. This could be his way of trying to compensate for that. My suggestion would be to calm down, and sit down and have a heart-to-heart with him. Most of the men in our lives do not like to share their burdens with us because they don’t want us to worry.
How much do you spend to get your hair and nails done? Iced coffees? Makeup? He wants a bigger peen just shut up and let him live
MEN HAVE UNSECURITIES TOO! Men get worried. They have things about themselves they ate not confident about. Just like women. They have competition. Just like us. They wonder if they’re good enough. We are human… but for that price uhh yea I’d say something lol. Let him feel better about himself.
They only like $10 to $20 at the store… may have bought for a friend
As long as he’s getting them for you
I get its alot of money. But men are prideful and his performance could truly be bothering him .
I personally wouldn’t make a big deal with my husband. I’d definitely be like babe look what pooped on my Amazon lol show him maybe a cheaper version and say like no man should ever be embarrassed to get this. Idk
Yeah girl, that’s a lot of money… whew!
But what’s done, is done
Hopefully y’all can work this out
Please try not to embarrass him though… poor guy is feeling bad enough, with everything else going on n is probably just tryna to “please” you
Good luck on this one!
You need to find out if any the product was used or not and whether or not it can be returned asap. Some of these things come with automatic renewals so check!
You are not over reacting here. If he got a bonus at work, he might splurge on something. That’s not the case here. Here, the product is completely worthless and he put your finances at risk. Why didn’t he go see his doctor if he’s concerned about his penis? You might ask.
If you can’t make him see reason and acknowledge that his purchase was completely ridiculous, your finances are seriously doomed. Financial issues are a major reason for divorce.
Looks like if he isn’t being laid off from work, he’ll be laid in one way or another
Make sure hes not cheating…
I say ignore it to see if they were meant for you or someone else.
You are way overreacting… A man is entitled to spend money without asking your permission to do so …
He’s probably embarrassed, talk to him don’t go in all blazing and if it’s not opened send it back
Take it for a test drive, only way to know for sure if it’s a waste of money … are you approachable with these things… people don’t talk to their partners about things because they really aren’t approachable or youre accused for starting shit… if you are able to communicate. He may have come to you
Maybe he want it bigger so he can make a Lil extra on the side
My first question would be who he trying to impress? Lol
If they were meant to be used with you then enjoy yourself but if your not getting any he’s cheating I used to buy them for my friend because he was to embarrassed to go in store n get them. He used it to please his girlfriend maybe he did it to be a surprise or save your sex life. If he’s not cheating enjoy maybe it will make it all worth the money u never know I guess you will see good luck
I definitely can understand why he didn’t tell you. Insecurities suck. However I would talk to him about it and I personally would try not to be upset with him over it during the conversation. Understanding and communication goes a long way.
I wouldn’t start a fight over it. You’ll make him feel utterly crap. But if the money bothers you, maybe just say to him that big purchases you’d appreciate being talked to first about, that you’ve got no issue with him spending on himself as long as you can afford it atm
l get paid over $190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17661 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Is he having dysfunctional problem down there instead of wanting to be bigger? Just talk to him, it may be a bigger or different issue than you think.
Wow i wonder if this stuff actually works…
but i gave always said its not the size of the hook but how you wiggle the worm lmao
Go talk again. Maybe compromise on this
I would be annoyed. But I get the feeling your husband may be feeling a little emasculated with the uncertainty of his job and may be wanting to make himself feel a bit better or confident.
It’s his money not your money get over it
Talk to him about it and see what he says
Talk to him about it. I think your over reacting. Be open minded about it
Well, he already bought it and I doubt he can take it back. No use stressing about something you can’t change.
Yeah, he needs to be careful. If that stuff isn’t right, it can kill him.
That said, if he gets laid off regularly, have him file for unemployment.
This stuff is embarrassing to men. They don’t talk about it because they get mocked and made fun of. So, no I don’t think you should be mad. You should be understanding and enjoy those pills girlfriend.
He’s just hornet and wants some…
l get paid over $190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17661 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Just talk about it ok
l Get paid over $ 145 per h0ur working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19627 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
More Inf0>>>
You know men go through stuff too! Maybe he thought u wouldn’t care . We all do stuff to better ourselves why make him feel bad about buying them. You should tell him your concern about what if something bad went wrong .
I can see & understand why you’d be upset about the cost - so I agree about getting him to file for unemployment. Yes he could have talked to you about it but men aren’t usually as open about things when it comes to their " issues " with their wives /SO unless you’ve always been very close before. Freaking out and/or getting pissed off is useless since they’re already paid for.
This isn’t about you. And maybe that is why he doesn’t talk to you about it… maybe conversations with you emasculate him.
Hey we all need a little push sometimes lol
Yeah he’s definitely cheating …get checked girl
Women wear makeup to feel better about themselves , let the man have something
Give him a glass of water. Do you want a turtle in a half shell or full power?
I wouldn’t be concerned about cheating. I’d be mad over the money and concerned about what’s in these pills and if they’re harmful. Talk to him. Gently.
Id be more upset over the amount of money that was spent seeing as money is tight.
How the hell is his lack of self esteem about you? The man can do whatever he wants to feel good about himself. He isn’t hurting you, stop making it about you
What he bought is irrelevant the fact that he spent that much money without talking to you about it that’s the problem.
I have three scenarios for your situation
1 he wants to satisfy you
2 he wants to be bigger he don’t want no one else bigger to take you he probably noticed something during yal last session and he feels your lying about being pleasured
And 3
He met someone but their just gonna be friends while he takes all the pills and when it’s finally the length he wants be careful
The fact that he is laid off spending that kind of money is alarming. I would be upset also. Smile tho, he is probably just going through a phase. Hopefully your husband gets the results he was hoping for.
I would sit and talk with him, everyone has insecurities. The way you are reacting is a huge reason why men don’t seek advice or help for their problems. Grow up and talk!
He could have been embarrassed to bring it up or to use them and have it as a surprise. Men seem to think their size or performance, if it is lacking they feel they are less of a man. Just talk to him calmly, I know your mad and upset but yelling gets no where and he will go right on the defense and then your both throwing shit at each other and that just makes it a mess
Time to make the best of it, make sure to stretch.
Ouch that’s a tough one as you don’t know if there for at home or somewhere eles as it wasn’t discussed
Most of those pill have testosterone in them. He could have the beginning stages of Low T. Now if he dick stopped getting hard or goes soft in the middle you would freak out as most women do
well he has them now… enjoy lol
Are you people kidding me here? This is about trust and partnership. Besides the money (which is huge), a couple’s sex life has TWO people in it and he has made decisions/taken action that affects both of them without consulting her. This is about so much more than those pills - and none of it bodes well for her.
l get paid over $190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17661 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Is it possible he did a ‘free trial’ for something a month or 2 ago and didn’t cancel the subscription? Working at a financial institution, that’s the first thing that comes to mind…. People order something and pay for shipping only, but then don’t cancel the subscription (it’s normally hard to find this small print detail) and then they are enrolled in a subscription they weren’t aware of. He could have done a trial for anything and then that’s the company’s main product, so that’s what they sent. I’d suggest, before getting mad and angry at him, sitting and talking with him from a place of love. Talking when you’re flustered and with high anxiety will likely just create a fight and for him to shut down.
I would be more worried about the expense than who he bought the pills to impress. Maybe it’s time to calmly talk to him and see what’s on his mind. Has something happened to make him suddenly feel inadequate? Tell him again that you aren’t bothered by his size. Maybe he’ll open up to you.
Some men are wired different just like some women. When men have issues with employment, it can mess with their sense of masculinity. He may feel like he is not “manning up” or providing for his family. He may view enhancing things as a way to keep and satisfy you. Plus he probably has a lot of time on his hands to ponder his insecurities. Every guy who has his di** in his hand is not necessarily cheating.
What if he’s insecure about the size? Women do their boobs,its just the amount of money he spent thats the issue
Do you buy clothes, make up, purses without telling him?
Girl, you better start stretching! He got big plans!
My ex did that too. He was cheating. That’s MY raw truth. Hopefully it won’t be yours.
Being laid off may have messed with his head, and trying to increase his size (something else playing on his insecurities) felt like something he could control. So I wouldn’t worry about WHAT he bought.
I do agree, though, that for the price of it and being that you say you’re tight in funds, he should have spoken with you.
That’s a tricky one, he may have bought that pills because he’s insecure about it right now and he felt like he couldn’t come to you without feeling that shame of thinking there was something wrong with him. That’s what I would address, I understand that the price have thrown you but look at it like he’s doing something to make himself feel better and more secure in his own body and could result in a happier him. He may just be trying to love himself and trying to please you
He may be unhappy with his size and uncomfortable talking to you about it but I would be upset about spending that kind of money when you’re on a tight budget
I can definitely understand being upset about the money but unless there are other red flags waving I feel like it’s most likely something he is really insecure about and probably felt too embarrassed to talk about it with you. Men go through phases and have body image issues too.
Yes your over reacting. Sounds like he has insecurities and wants to try and take care of it. Instead of freaking out you should be supportive and thankful he is trying to improve your sex life. That’s embarrassing to men so maybe he was too embarrassed to tell you
I’d be upset he hid it not the fact he bought it.
He really should have communicated with you on this especially if you are in a financial bind but guys do get insecure about things like this and for whatever reason I am sure different reasons they start thinking things their not good enough even if you say you think he is who knows just ask him hopefully he will tell you the truth .I would let it go this time but tell him I just wish you would have let me know you cannot afford it sometimes when you harp about money that sometimes is a problem too so just try to give him a chance just keep your eyes and ears open and have your ducks in a row if you start feeling like your relationship is falling apart all you can do is ask him and try and please him I would not walk on egg shells either do your things and keep busy is all you can do besides pray on it .
I dont think this is about his pills. This is about him spending a large sum of money on something when yall are in a tight place. He messed up on that and he may be self conscience with his man banana’s performance but thats a different conversation… He should have discussed the cost with you.
Well nothing makes you bigger. Your born with what you got. Maybe he feels like he’s not lasting long enough for you. He should have discussed it with you but it’s past now so leave it in the past.
To be honest… I wouldn’t be upset he bought the pills to be bigger…it would turn me off…being insecure and not being mature enough to address it with me would be a big turn off… I want a confident man who knows who he is and accepts himself… so that probably sounds insensitive… but men aren’t attracted to insecure women either… I would suggest he goes to therepy, he’s got some stuff going on mentally… obviously…
Shit my ex husband used a pump thingy and it worked and it was permanent…
But I hated it it was gross.
I’d be pretty mad if he actually spent that money that nuch money.
If he has issues with it little blue pill from the Dr or a c0ck ring. Pills will not make it bigger, not once LOL
He wants to feel good about himself let him be.
Let us know how it works
Maybe u guys need a rule that if U spend more then $100 on something u guys talk about it 1st. I would be upset about the money being spent on it. My brother in law got some stuff like that one time. My sister told me it kinda helped but u have to keep taking it. They didn’t think it was worth the money.
Generic viagra is so cheap these days and can also be bought online. Or let him have a conversation with his doctor and get a prescription. Less than $2 a pill at most pharmacies.
He’s bored he needs to get bk to work.
I wouldn’t be upset with what he bought, but more that he made a big purchase without talking to you first, especially if you are on a tight budget
Stop being mad, just get over it as it’s done and can’t be changed. Harping on it will only hurt both of you relationship wise. You’ll be too angry to enjoy and appreciate what he thinks he’s doing for you both and he will feel insulted, insecure, angry etc and not want intimacy with you.
Make a rule that neither of you can purchase outside the budget for the basics until you are in a better situation financially and when you are, depending on the leeway or wiggle room your budget allows, set an amount, $50,$75 or $100 that you can each spend without consulting the other on non essentials. Anything over your preset amount must be discussed and agreed on.
I get the financial part…but dang there are so many things women can do to themselves to enhance so many parts of their bodies.
Let him enjoy! Whether it works or not he might feel like it does and you could be in for a wild ride !
Lol, why would a guy wanna tell any woman about that?
You should be glad he’s thinking of you, unless he’s not?
He just threw $300 away. I’d be pissed too. Everyone knows that there is no pill in the world that makes your peepee bigger…
Not over reacting I’d be freaking out .
When I found male enhancement pill in my ex husband work bag and it turned out he trying to cheat but the he trying have sex with told him he too small lol I can laugh now but then I was so upset because my marriage was over