My husband plays fortnite a lot and my daughter loves to sit in his lap, it is affecting my sleep: Help?

Alright, I need tips on baby daddy playing fornite and our daughter getting excited to the point she yells when she isn’t on his lap to watch. I swear I have no problem with him playing because when he gets home from work, he’ll spend time with us then go play or her watching because she loves seeing her dad play. It’s just he’ll stay up till 3 in the morning playing no matter what I say, and even at times, the baby is up, and my problem is when I try to sleep, they both yell then laugh about it. I swear it’s cute but not at three in the morning lol hellllp


He needs to grow up and not be keeping your daughter up to 3AM so he can play a video game


My husband and kids try that shit where they “buddy up” against me. It’s not ok!!!
It’s disrespectful af,! He is teaching your daughter to disrespect you!!! Fr fr!!! I’m not criticizing, I fight this same bs with my husband!!! And it’s just that b.s.! Neither of u are gunna think it’d cute later. Mark my words!!!

Unplug the wifi modem at night


Well, for starters I’d get your daughter a healthy bedtime routine :).
My SO plays games too, but my daughter is in bed by 7-730, and he stays quiet.


I say find the fuse box lol flip that switch


He needs headphones so you don’t have to hear it and I agree on an earlier bed time for the little one :woman_shrugging:t3: my husband stays up that late playing video games but uses headphones to dont disturb my sleep.


I say give your daughter a certain time limit of watching then bed. Make sure that he understands you need his support when it is time for her to go to bed. She can still have daddy time and you both can still sleep. That is what worked best for my family


Maybe you can tell him to pretend to go to sleep and take a break for a little bit to put her to bed at a decent hour, that way she won’t freak out over being taken away for bed. Along with Elizabeth’s idea of getting him headphones so he can stay up without disturbing either one of y’all


Definitely need to get baby on a bedtime routine. Get him a headset, and move him to a different room if necessary.


ear plugs comes to mind. my husband is a gamer too. my daughters love to watch him play, well they watch both of us play, I hardly play due to a lot of things. I don’t mind them playing all night, but I do agrees not being loud while doing so. ask your baby dad to plug in headphones while playing at night so at least your able to sleep. the telling at the game on the other hand needs to be talked about. I mean was plugs only work to a point. I sometimes had to ask him to wait to play untill the girls were asleep. The only reason id play late at night/ early morning is if I couldn’t sleep. But I have insomnia, lol.

so best of luck and communications is the key


Put her to bed at 7 or 8pm. She sounds like she isn’t on a bedtime routine. Maybe your husband can take a break for 15 mins at that time and help you put her to sleep.

Um he needs to go to sleep and act like a responsibile Dad and put his kid to bed. Child definitely before three.


My son and boyfriend are up right now playing but we are night ppl. I work nights and my son is in home school. However, when I was on a different work schedule and my son was in regular school he still never went to bed at 8 but it was a lot earlier than now. And I did have to have many talks about my boyfriend being quieter. Is the game right in y’alls bedroom? Or u can hear them from another room?

Have him put her to sleep lol

Your kid is up until 3am. That’s ridiculous. You should be Concerned about that




My husband plays most nights in the living room. He uses a headset but still yells sometimes, majority of the time the kids sleep through it. It helps having a separate area to play. The kids go to their rooms, I go to ours and he stays out there. He moved the PlayStation to our room for like a month and my sleep was awful. Definitely don’t let your child stay up until 3am just because she likes to watch dad play. Get her on a better sleep routine and in the meantime, have him turn the game off for the night. Lately my daughter has been having troubles sleeping in her room and prefers sleeping on the couch a few nights a week. So he just hasn’t played very late those nights. Just communicate with him what’s going on and how you feel and try and come up with a solution.

Set bedtimes for everyone & put the games away from the bedrooms. Have Dad play video games w daughter until 7:30 pm (maybe more gentle ones than killing people!) then break to play IRL, calm down (bath?) & put her to bed.

Dad can then resume play until 11 pm & wrap things up by 11:30 when you unplug it. Or can you set parental controls to limit hours of play? When does Dad work that he can stay up until 3 am?

Hope you are getting out of the house into fresh air & doing some physical activity several days a week too.


My husband uses a headset, and thankfully is considerate of me and the baby if we are sleeping. I know fortnite is down for 1 month so maybe you will be able to get him to calm down during this time? Just explain to him that you are super tired and need him to stop being so loud. When my hubby does get loud I shhhhh him like a rude ass lol.

Idk… I guess Im a b word when it comes to my sleep. He wouldnt have the wifi back till am. Idc if he works thats not fair to you either.


Its up to you really how want to handle it. Good luck doesnt seem like he cares if u gets some rest.

I probably won’t have a popular answer but it doesn’t sound like your little one is in school so bed time isn’t really a big deal if she doesn’t have to be up early. Maybe ask dad to use headphones (they even have ones with splitters so you can use 2 pair of headphones so they can both hear) past a certain time and work on the yelling when he gets excited? If all else fails maybe move the game system to the living room.


Maybe be a parent and put her to sleep instead of letting her get her way?

To many people on the post giving a grown adult a bedtime. :joy:


When my daughter was asked what do she want to be for Halloween, she responded her dads job so that he would come visit her more. He stays abt 5 minutes away n sees his 2 kids once every 4 months or so if that. Cherish the moment even if it drives u crazy because what irritates u the most would be what u miss the most if anything was to happen!


Just here to say that making comments like “that’s ridiculous” or “you should/shouldn’t” can be viewed as mom shaming. Not every parent has the same lifestyle. Also, if dad works until late, she may just stay up to have time with him and the video games may just be fun to her and vice verse. However, if possible, is there anyway he could play the video games in another room or lay down so that she could lay with him so that she may fall asleep sooner? It may also help to have her get up earlier in the mornings or less naps through the afternoon if she takes them so that she falls asleep sooner at night.


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Hide the game controller’s :grin:

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I’d probably say since he has no respect for your sleep for the next day, I’d go to the guest room and see if he’d rather sleep alone or give you consideration about getting proper sleep even if he doesn’t want some. Also, a 3 years old, if my daughter watched him play video games, It would NEVER be for more than 30 min in 24 hours and she’d be in bed by 7:30 without fail. She’s going to start school in a couple of years and you are going to have a whale of a time getting her to go to bed at a decent hour so she can function in school. You are setting up some really bad standards that are going to bite you in the fanny big time any day now. Him playing videos so many hours is a sign of a problem, but keeping your 3 yo up past 8 o’clock is a really bad precedent, IMO!


Mind bogglig suggestion but communicate with ur dude. Say hey babe needs to be in bed way before 3am and ima need u to quiet down. Stg my hubby ain’t a angry Dude but he’d def prob lose his shit if I fucked with the WiFi,his system or told him he had a bedtime lmfao

I had the same issue. My husband now uses a headset when he plays.

First of all, be a parent and make her go to bed. A child doesn’t need to be awake at 3 am watching dad play video games. You’re her mom, not her friend. Second, get him some headphones and tell him to be quiet if he’s going to be awake at 3 am when the rest of the house is supposed to be sleeping. My husband used to be a “screamer” when he played video games in the middle of the night and used to wake all of our kids up with it. I wasn’t having it. I put my foot down and haven’t had a problem since. Play as much as you want but don’t wake our babies up that I worked way too damm hard to get to sleep :upside_down_face:


Maybe a game room in the basement during the nights? But i thought fortnite was shut down until the 2nd one comes out. Seen it get sucked in a hole lol

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Its is amazing how many people has said its time to grow up and be a parent!!! Lmfao he works FULL TIME, and she clearly said that he spends time with them before getting on his game… But I guess once you become a parent your not aloud to do anything for your own enjoyment! Funny the same women who say he needs to be in bed are up at 3am playing on Facebook​:joy::joy::joy::joy:


My house plays, talk to him about whats affecting you. My hubs turns the tv all the way down an puts on headphones so we don’t hear game play, he tries to be quiet in chat but sometimes is loud. Don’t parent your husband just your kids.

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He has a right to play but she should be in bed past her bedtime.

Baby daddy? More like man baby… he needs to grow up

Limit the game time for her. Have him stop his gaming and help get her to sleep and then when she is asleep he can resume…with headphones


That baby needs to be in bed and if that means he gets off his game to help get her to sleep then that’s what needs to happen and then he needs to respect you enough to let you sleep. If you don’t get this fixed soon then it will affect her as she gets to be old enough for school and doesn’t have a good sleep routine.

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Maybe ask him to play with her for a couple hours, then put her to bed (like he’s done playing for the night) then when she’s asleep, he can get back on but use a headset so it doesn’t wake her up. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ignore everyone telling him to grow up. Some people forget they’re allowed to have fun as they get older.


No gaming until the little one is asleep. 3 hours max gaming and make him go to bed. Too much stimulation for little one before bedtime is a pain to get to sleep. Id only let little one watch dad play when it’s the weekend and not right before bed. You two need time alone together… Take the hdmi cord out and hide it :rofl::rofl: but that’s just me haha

I thought fortnite was done?


Get ear plugs and rejoice that you have a husband and father that spends time with his child. Wish all fathers would!


Move the game system to a different room if possible, I would be snippy as fuck if my boyfriend kept me up playing videogames lol. But as for turning the wifi off and hiding his games IF he pays for them both that’s going to end badly for you lmfao.

Maybe try talking to him about how loud he’s being… and ask him to please keep it down. Me personally I have my kids in bed by 8 asleep by 8:30. I tell my SO if he wakes them, he deals with them… me & my fiancé both play video games (fortnite is one of our favorites) so I know how loud men can get. I don’t agree with other opinions on here saying to give him a bed time or a time he needs to be off. He’s a grow man. It’s better then him going out to bars or clubs spending money…

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Get a head set for him :woman_shrugging:

Y’all saying get a headset, yes they work but the ones using the headset doesn’t hear how loud they’re being with them on. My son and husband are both gamers, both use headsets and sometimes they’re louder with them on :joy:

If all you’re worried about is the noise, is there anyway to move the game to a different room? Can you still hear through a closed door? How old is your daughter? Maybe talk to her about not being so loud when watching daddy and remind daddy that you don’t mind them playing, but would appreciate if they would remember to be quiet.

Without knowing the layout of your home, it’s hard to come up with a good solution.

My son LOVES playing with his dad to. They can get loud to. I let them be. BUT mine ain’t up at no 3am doing it. Nooooope. Sorry. Bedtime still sticks. Routine still happens. Daddy can play til 3am but daddy knows to be quiet or he’s getting beat with a pillow.(cuz I once came outta bed, with the pillow I had been using to try to drown out his game once, and beat him silly with it. Not really hurting him I promise lol. While giving him crap verbally. He’s been quiet ever since​:person_shrugging::joy:). But kiddo. Nope. Playing is fun, but sleep is still important. So kiddo has always still held his bedtime spot. Kids need that sleep. So let daddy play, tell him indoor voice, and put baby to bed as normal. She can still watch daddy play before bedtime.


For starters, The real issue here is the fact that your daughter is up till 3am. You both should make sure she’s in bed at a decent hour before he begins playing his video game in my opinion.

Discuss with your husband the fact that your sleep is being interrupted by him playing the game. You both live together, I don’t understand how we can give you tips about a situation that involves your husband playing video games. The same way you expressed this concern to us, You can communicate that same concern with him.

Is there somewhere else in the home where he could play? That’s the best tip I can give you.

Some of these anonymous questions are ridiculous.


Yeah I recommend a head set! And if you don’t want her up so late with him, have him put her down for the night and then continue playing. See how it goes!

Some of you really should find something legit to bitch and complain about

Get a grown man! There i said it

I don’t think your husband playing his game is the main issue here! Please tell me why your daughter is up at 3 am? Regardless of age!
Secondly if he’s been to work all day shouldn’t he be allowed to have some wind down time!
But honestly 3am for any child is far to late!

set her on a bedtime… if that means he shutd the computer or even just the monitor off for half an hour while she gets ready n bed… no reason a kid should be up at 3am… and he should keep it down while peopke are trying to sleep thats just respect and manners

Google screen time for babies. It affects brain development negatively it’s been proven. It has been linked to ADHD and other things. The brain will wire itself around the fast moving and flashing lights. Brain development is critical before 2 years. Only 30 min or less of screen time.

Id stop it with letting your daughter play and watch. My grandson started and is addicted to xbox playstation4 etc. Its horrible

Invest in earplugs, shut the door, and be thankful she has her daddy.


hubby has a problem. baby does not need to be up that late