My husband recently quit his job. He hasn’t been looking for another one. He has just been doing side jobs. I’m working two jobs to keep us from drowning. He did a job today (I don’t know how much he made). I asked him & he gave me $40. He said he made more but he spent the rest at an estate sale. I’m furious. I’m stressed about bills & he’s brought home $40 this week. That’s it. Sorry needed to vent.
Do you have children? Are you paying day care? If so he can stay home and watch the kids so you don’t have to pay daycare. If he doesn’t want to find a decent job and you’re already supporting yourself kick him to the curb.
You don’t have a husband you have an immature little boy friend. Bye
You need to tell him don’t tell us. Quit your jobs
If hes not suffering from mental health issues kick him to the curb. Its fine to leave a job if you’re being treated poorly or it’s a toxic work place, however it is NOT fine to just quit with no plan for gaining employment & putting it all on your spouse.
I feel your pain. My husband hasn’t worked since July. Here we are in late November. I have 2 jobs and I still struggle. On top of bills, groceries, gas, other regular necessities, whatever our child needs, he also expects me to buy his cigarettes (I don’t smoke ) and his booze (I don’t drink). I’m fed up. He hasn’t even attempted to look for another job. Christmas is near and I’m struggling. I’m sooooo bitter. It’s not okay, its not fair. I finally told him I’m done. I’m not his sugar momma. I told him I’m ready divorce. But, I will say not working wasn’t our first issue, it’s just the cherry on top. You don’t have to settle for less.
You have every right to be pissed. I would be too!
I just came to say
If you have to do all by yourself, why not be by yourself…Atleast then you know you don’t have to fight and argue with a shitty man. And the Peace that will come from that will be worth it. DONT SETTLE FOR LESS THEN YOU DESERVE!
Sorry but not sorry he’ll to the Nah
You misspelt “ex husband”
If you’re doing it all on your own, I guess there’s no reason why he needs to be there you’re obviously a strong woman you deserve better
Just for some perspective… have you tried talking to him to see what’s going on? My husband has a back injury and can’t work. He stays at home and takes care of the kids while I work. He can make more money that I can so we are struggling. He feels like less of a man for not being able to work. Also the aspect of working for less hurts a man’s ego as well. I see the boat you’re in and how frustrating it can be. Just another option than just throwing away your relationship. I have also been with my husband for 14 years. I don’t get the throw away and start over mentality. A relationship is always 100%. If you are in a relationship then you have to put up 50% and they have to put up 50%. Sometimes the other person can’t put forth their percentage so the other person has to make up for it. It’s all a balance. I hope things work out.
Hellllll nawwwww
To the naw naw naw
Oh, hell no. His ass belongs on the curb with the trash. 
You can do bad by yourself.
Umm what did he buy at the estate sale! Genuinely curious… was it for the household or personal? Bc I feel like the answer to this would answer your overall question of : is this still a partnership…
I would never tell someone to throw away a marriage but you also need to start making health boundaries for yourself (and kids) and if he is not providing financially then he better start providing by handling the household and other items required. Set boundaries. Set expectations.
If the odd jobs could turn into a means to support my family eventually and he’s contributing in every other way but financially emotionally with household chores the kids etc I’d be patient.4 years ago my job had me so burnt out I was physically and emotionally spent.just depleted.i walked away regrouped and started a cleaning service.i think my husband probably thought I had lost my mind and I’m sure he felt the pressure financially that first year or so that I built clients.we are now much better off financially.if this could be the case be supportive.
I could understand if he was looking for a new job but this,no way.I would tell him he either needs to start looking for a new job or,he needs to go.You’re doing this on your own.
Make sure you sit down nightly to discuss bills. He may not realize!! Tell him ALL extras will be cut. Cable, beer, snacks, etc.
Run honey trust me I work 2 jobs but I’m by myself ir tough paying bills with one income but if men don’t work divorce
Vent away hun
You got every right to be pissed off
If he can afford to buy something from a sale
He should give that money to you
For your family
Instead of doing side jobs
He needs to find another job
It’s not fair
You are working 2 jobs to keep yourself from drowning
Oh hell no I wouldn’t b venting here I would b going off on him that wouldn’t work for me
It’s sad that so many people would tell you to walk out of ur marriage over something like this. Sounds like an opportunity for communication. Sit dwn and really talk about what’s going on. Maybe make a plan together. This is could just be a temporary season, why throw away an entire marriage over something that can be worked out?
Very disheartening to read comments suggesting you leave him, kick him out, etc. marriage is a partnership, you should not instantly want to break it up if you hit a bump, unless the issue puts you or children as risk.
It’s hard to give an opinion with so little backstory. What was his previous job? How long did he work there? Has he previously shared he was unhappy? Did management change? Any changes in the household? Personal struggles? So many factors come into play. Communication is key. Getting to the root cause of why he left his employment and why he is not seeking permanent employment? Have you both always contributed to the household? Maybe he’s feeling exhausted, overworked, under appreciated. Explain how you feel, that you are exhausted carrying the weight and need him to contribute $X.XX amount. If he can do that with side gigs, great. Never belittle or shame him. Use “I” statements. Words matter and can leave lasting scars on your marriage.
I hope this is a minor twist in the road and you and your husband are able to navigate a plan that you both are happy with.
Have you had a blunt conversation with him? He needs to know he’s not pulling his weight and its unacceptable. And you have to decide what you wanna do if he continues to be a bum
Give him half the bills and tell him these are yours these are mine. These chores are your ls these are mine. Of hecwants “lovins” a d yiu are not feeling it tell him why you feel walked on less than respect and what you need frim him . If donner is his chore one night and he doesn’t cook , just feed you and your kids. Teach hom a lesson. If he fails to wash dishes after being promted… put his in a tote outside and tell him those are his …
Obviously ur doing it on ur own & have been.
Drop him I have confidence you’ll b just fine