That would be the day I support a man that doesn’t want to work oh hell no
You already doing the single life with the added bs from a leech. Cut him off hon
My second husband stayed home with the kids while I worked. Worked great for us. He kept the house clean and cooked. He was great with the kids. I never had to do anything at home. He did it all. That was worth a lot to me.
Wait you don’t have sex because your husband is still hung up on his ex? Him not having a job is the least of your problems
Are you deaf dumb blind or stupid???
Exactly why isn’t he working?
Oh my God, obviously you’re an empath stuck in a narcissistic relationship. Take a deep breath. You should really analyze your relationship with this person despite the fact you’ve been with him 7 years. Basically wasted time. You must do what’s best for you. Put on your big girl panties and get rid of this idiot.
Nope nope nope. I am so sorry to hear this he does not sound like a man, a provider for his family or even an equal partner attending to your needs!? If he is not pulling his weight in the relationship then you need to tell him to shape the f*ck up or ship out!!! You would be better off handling it on your own! Unbelievable the mind frame these men seem to be having these days.
Gurlllll…What is really there for???
Clearly you can take care of yourself…please leave this pathetic POS
Then you stop work too and spend time with him…, all complaining would stop guaranteed. They would be more concerned with the Hunger and the lack of heat lol
Move on. He is not your equal or your partner.
Kick him out and move on!!
Why are you staying? You are already supporting you and your kids. You don’t need him financially. It is impossible in my opinion to have respect for a man that is able bodied and isn’t working. Not to mention this issue about his ex??? What?
Piss him off…hes a lazy leech and your children deserve a good role model, that he is not, cheaper to invest in rubber😁 good luck x
Refuse to keep the husband.
Kick em to the curb!!!
Girl run…dont walk to the nearest divorce lawyer. Now!
Wait clearly u are not Trini
Throw the whole life sucking lazy bum in the
What. The. Fuck. Are you doing?! Divorce his lazy ass and set an example for your children.
Not the role model you want for your kids. I booted my daughter’s dad for the same reason except we were only intimate once or twice a year. Boot him
What does his ex have to do with your intimate time???
As a man it is his duty to provide for his family. You should be telling him what you are telling us. Let him know how you feel. You should stay home and take care of your children and he should look for a job. You said you’ve been together for 7 years and he’s issue was his ex? Better wake up girl think about what’s going on.
Kick his lazy ass to the curb
Leave his ass and then that will force him to finally get a job!!!
You KNOW you can afford to take care of your family. Kick his Ass out. The court will make him pay child support. Then he will have to get a job! Or his ass will be in jail! After he is gone, you will have a chance to get a Real Man !
If an ex was hindering my sex life… I’m out
Honestly he needs to go. U r running urself into the ground. There is no reason it should all b on u unless there is a legit medical thing going on. Being a snowflake isnt an excuse
Divorce him. Your supporting everything you dont need him. He is just making things harder for you. He is a leech.
I was in your same shoes for 10 years before I realized he was a lazy ass leach. Run now! The sooner you get out the easier, you and your kids will he better off without him(even if u dont think so now…trust me girl, you all will be WAYY better off!). As a husband its HIS job to support you, I’m not saying you dont have to work, I’m saying he NEEDS to he the one working. It’s not the wife’s job to support a while family herself just so he can be comfy on YOUR couch!
Kick his ass out!! What are you waiting for ?
You’re teaching your daughters that’s acceptable behavior out of a man… and you’re teaching your sons the wrong idea of how to be a man. You should put his ass out !
Make him go to work, cause he’s a fucking bum. You are showing your kids what is ok. He won’t work until you make him.
Don’t accept this behavior OR teach your kids this ok. Give him a choice, 2 weeks to find a job or it’s divorce. No need to support a grown child. MOVE ON.
Ugh sweetie. I’m sorry but he needs to go.
I do not know how you both got together, and with the Kidz as well. The dynamics the breadwinner traditionally falls to the man. These days it takes 2 salaries to make things comfortable. You working 6 out 7 days every week is totally out of order yet I understand momma always do what is necessary to provide for their kids. Your husband is not a husband anymore. Sorry he is become a leech. And he is become another grown old child who mouth to fill. I would suggest finding what your legal recourse is in this matter. If you have family, they can watch the Kidz. Get legal counsel. If you have access to a local church … get pastoral counseling . Bottom line … get legal counsel and see if you can put him out!! Do not kill yourself in this matter.
I’m with all the voices above on this one, he doesn’t want to work but wants to have time with u and guilt trips u as u work to keep him? Pls think what u would recommend ur daughter do in this situation and then think how she should do it and take that advice your own self. If he won’t work, leave him and find somebody who does have an income - even if it’s less than yours because it shows willing and not letting it all rest on your shoulders
Get rid of that loser. He using you.
I would of kicked his ass to the curb along time ago.
What has his ex got to do with you having sex twice a month??? What is he there the rest of the month??
Kick his ass to the curb he won’t change
He need a job , or he can leave. Period. Obviously you can do it alone cause you already are, so you won’t have much to worry about.
Haha 4 real?
U must loved being used!
People treat ya how ya let them.
It hurts him to work? Like physically hurts him? Or is he a grown ass man child? Cause no. He gotta do something. I’m happy to help fill out apps and shit but no. You gotta contribute somehow. Get a hustle. Or if you are a stay at home dad everything better be straight at the home. Everything
He don’t work because he don’t get to spend enough time with you🙄.
He bring over his friends?
You don’t get enough intimate time. You serious ? He wasn’t getting NO intimate time .
You need to tell him find a job or find somewhere else to live. Simple. Don’t let your children grow up thinking that is how a man supposed to act. Stop enabling that kind of behavior
Leave this loser kick him out tell him to grow up and get his life sorted out👍
Need more details. Was he working before and list his job? Is he refusing to work as in, he’s chosen to stay home? Did he lose a job and is currently looking for work? How long has he been out of work? I try not to tell people to leave their relationships. But you have to evaluate for yourself if your marriage with this man, the way it is right now, is giving you what you need and bringing you happiness. Then decide what you’re going to do about it.
If you need to ask for advice on how to handle this, you need more than advice. Make him what he has: an EX!
Dump that loser and get you a winner … You working your ass off and he can’t even give you the D … fuck outta here with that shit … is exactly what I would tell him …
Im confused as why you are asking for advice…your a smart self sufficient woman…you know what to do
Fukin run he will never change. He to stupid to realize you provide everything for him. Feeding his pathetic mouth, roof over his head a phone. He is worthless. Find you a man that meets your needs as a partner. He might as well be another kid.
If you have to act a public forum for advice and can’t see this whole situation is not acceptable then I’m sorry and no disrespect, but you deserve it! Your out there being the sole provider and he can’t be intimate because of his ex?!?!? Are you certain you aren’t keeping her up as well? Are you so needy that you actually need this man child? I’m actually wondering if this post is actually true because I really can’t believe any man or woman would put themselves in a position like this and truly call themselves adults. If you have common sense at all you should know what you need to do. What a great example you both are setting for your children. I seriously hope this is a joke.
Leave his ass. He ain’t ever going to be about shit, just a piece of one
What are you doing woman? Get your self respect back and fuck him off. Bitching about his ex… obsessed selfish prick. Show him the door
Get rid of him i would be damed if i would let him get by with not working so u have to work twice as hard then have the gull to complain about u being gone. The kids will resent you he will be the hero. Yet u get to pay for all of it. No msn is worth it
Leave!!! do it for yourself and for your children. Have faith in God and in yourself there are resources that can help you if you need it. Life is to short to be miserable. Most likely he’s cheating on you. You dont need this and he’s setting a poor example for your children
And what’s your point? He is a stay at home dad. Nothing wrong with that. If it was a man complaining about the woman being home with kids and not working than everyone would jump all over the man for that. You all want women’s lib but only for certain things.
Dump his ass! If he isn’t going to at least try and pick himself up and do his bit then what is the point?
Is this for real
Is he the house husband? That means does he do the cleaning of the house, the laundry, caring for the children, getting the children up every morning, dressing the children in the morning for school, cooking all the meals, bathing the children, putting the children to bed, food shopping, clothes shopping for the children, nursing the children when they are ill, helping the children with their homework, driving the children to their extra curricular activities, etc?
If he is doing that work at home every day, then he’s working a full time job and is contributing just as much to the household as the partner who earns the actual dollars.
If he is not doing that work, it’s best to kick him out and lose that loser.
Relationship problems? Doesn’t sound like you’re in one, just going through the motions. Make him do some online work. Just need a speedy internet connection. He don’t have to leave home for that. Y’all probably need some marriage counseling. Also be real with your kids. I think it’s very important to discuss with them your finances if they at the age to even slightly comprehend. Most importantly you HAVE to communicate. That’s the first step.
Dude, are you serious? Please look at all the comments, the problem is YOU.
Give him an ultimatum. Get a job or get out
Seems like if you can support yourself, him and your kids you could support yourself and kids way easier!! Don’t put up with that shit girl you do NOT need a man in your life that bad!
Move on!!
You deserve sooo much better!
Sounds like you’re supporting a bad habit…kick him out you already do it on your own anyways…maybe if you put him on child support he’ll finally get a job
“It hurts him to work”? Like physical pain? Does he need to see a doctor? If yes, then force him to go or kick him out. 7 years is too long.
If he’s complaining he never sees you, that’s on him. If he got a job, you’d have more free time. Since he doesn’t want to, it’s time to move on
Hahaha he complains you are never home!? Well if he went out and tried it would mean less stress on you and you would be able to be hone with your kids.
Shit I’d take vacation time from work and tell him I was laid off maybe he will finally go out and try
tell him to get a job or he can leave. one less mouth for you to feed
Your the only one carrying the load what do you need him for? Right nothing, he needs to go to the curb
uh that little BOY you married is broke. Throw the whole husband away. You deserve better
Get rid his ass. Girl if your working and he is not. You can do a lot better. Stand up for YOURSELF. THROW HIM OUT
Is he watching the kids?
Sounds like you married a bitch lol.
He is getting free housing and free food and doesnt want to work. He is taking advantage of you.
What’s the question?
Kick that bitch to the curb…
Kick the loser to the curb
Put his lazy ass to the curb
You are asking a question you already know the answer to …
Get a job or get out. You can manage without him.
Sit down and think - make a list of things you are going to talk about what you need to change and what time you are allowing for the change be honest with yourself about what is happening. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY is to honest and tell him what you need.
No yelling no name calling honesty - if he is not going to change end conversation and figure out your feelings what is the next step
There’s not enough context in this post
What hurts ?
What about his x?
Has she addressed the issue at all?
And what is the question ?
Wait, He says the reason he’s not intimate with you is because of his ex? Did I read that right? What the f##kkkkk?
Sounds like he is a big LOSER. The blame is always on someone else…never him.
His ex is why you two are no longer intimate more regularly??
Sometimes dads stay at home with the kids I mean are the resource available for him to seek employment with you working 6 days a week
He would get a job or get out.
Is he taking care of kids and cleaning house,if not tell him to get f–k out,girl ,
Get him out. And breathe.
welp, you wont have to work so much after you leave him and he has to pay child support.
Time to send him back to his mommas!!
I’m sure it is because of his ex, probably sleeping with her.
Leave him, take him to court for child support, his lazy ass will be forced to work, then you’ll be able to work less and spend time with your kids. I really don’t see why you’re even asking this you already know what to do.
First, Google run-on sentences and proper use of punctuation. Second, pull up your big girl panties and tell him to get off his ass or get out.
Time to make him your Ex perhaps?
Kick him out. Show him you dont need him, then he will either get a job or stay a loser
Is he a stay at home dad? Does he contribute to housework? Take care of the kids? Cook meals?
Remember, there are 3 sides to every story. Hers, his and the truth.
Ultimately, if you’re unhappy, leave.
Throw the whole man away and start over.
You don’t have a husband!
You have an over grown boy!
What it sounds like is you have a bitch sad excuse of a man-child. Get rid of him!