My husband refuses to get a job: Advice?

He doesn’t sound much like a husband. Lol work hurts. Lol. It hurts me too, but is still do it every day.
Get out now. You’re already doing it all. What’s he good for? Unless added stress from an ungrateful, selfish , and lazy man is your idea of love?


Time to find a REAL man! I provide for my family while my wife raises the kids. My wife hasn’t had to work in 4 years! We have been together for 9 years and still get it in at least a few times a week! He has no excuse!


Lord he would have to go!! No way could I be married to a lazy ass man!! He sounds immature

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Good fuckin grief. I think ya want to stay with the fool… Who needs to be told to leave that mess?

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Omg girl get rid of him!


What would you tell someone else? or your kids ? Only you can do whats best for the kids and you .Staying with him only teaches them that this life style is ok.

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Same same same and he doesnt help with her

I think you’d save a lot of money if you tossed him out

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Soooo hes your babysitter pretty much

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Tell him to get off his ass.

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There is so much wrong here… I want to put this as politely as possible… But what in the literal fck momma… I want to physically shake you back to reality and tell you to stop being a pendeja and then hug you and help you find your strength to move forward… Fck That Puto!


SIMPLE, if your doing it alone, be alone. You can get day care and may not have to work so hard. And let the law dictate his contribution.

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He ain’t worth it …kick him to the curb…

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Went through the same but my husband worked n worked more hours than him I left my job but his always bored Wana go to friends so I don’t see y I felt guilty men is manipulative

Think of all the money you will save without him there! Even with cost of daycare it is cheaper without him. You could be home more with your kids saving all that money.

Kick him to the curb and do not let him back in. Find a man one will treat you the way. You want to be treated

Ok, so he’s the stay at home dad and your not liking that? Seams to be more to this. Do you both want to have jobs? Or do you want too be the stay at home parent?

Personally (unless he’s not pulling his weight at home) him being at home and you working shouldn’t be an issue. Try reversing the roles. Or is it that you need help financially and he’s unwilling to help.

As for the “intimate” part. You BOTH have to work at it. We have a system so we both get what we need. So sounds like a communication issue?..

Sometimes just talking with a neutral party helps and goes a long way.

Good luck!

It “hurts him” seriously? He sounds lazy af

Damn girl. Give me some of your patience. I really really need it.

Also friend, he’s pulling that shit with you bc you allow it. Leave him and watch how he’ll work to provide for the next girl. People get away with things you allow them. He’ll find a woman to get him in check.
You either grow some and tell his lazy ass to get a job or leave. Give him a time frame. Girl, he won’t try that shit with the right one!! Couldn’t tolerate that :unamused:
What’s he’s purpose there? TF

Been there done that. He left willingly. The only down side was I had to find child care out of the home. Then there was the constant harassment because I refused to support him. Do what’s best for you. You already know in your heart what the next step is.

Omg I’d be so pissed

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If it was me all I would support is me and my kids he would have a different residence

Pfft divorce… let him get some more of that friend time