My husband refuses to get a job: Advice?

Ya sorry, you married a boy not a man. Sorry bout your bad luck but you need to move on or put the smackdown on his ass. He might actually be gay as I re read this.


Kick him to the curb . Sounds like dead weight . Lighten the load . Good luck . God bless

Ur already doing it by herself… u dont need him. Just think what ur missing out on by getting a REAL MAN!


So what I’m hearing is that you’ve been the Adult and want to know how to parent a grown man. Not your job. Move on, you sound like you can do alright without him.


Throw the whole man away… or should I say “boy.”


He probably is still dating his ex and using you financially . Girl time to say bye


Maybe you need to give him back to his mommy…


Why are you even posting on Facebook. Instead of posting you should be packing his shit, let his ex keep him.


Honestly? If he won’t work, kick him out the door.

You the foolo for taking caree of a man that is not your son…No Way


GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. if you can… I don’t mean to be overstepping my bounds, but this will not change! and from my experience, you’re better off being a single mama with daycare… It’s not worth it!

My sister said, after dumping her boyfriend of several years after he exhibited behavior like this, that’s the best 260 lbs I’ve ever lost! She only had herself to think of. You have babies to take care of also. It’s not healthy for them to see this torment.

This is a joke, right?

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There is only one solution for this. Time to go babe.

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That’s not a husband. That’s another baby you have to provide for…


You. Are. Being. Used.
Leave his lazy ass.


Sounds like time to get a new husband.

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Girlllll , you’re letting him bring his friends over & use your gas to leave the house even though he’s not working? & wont have sex bc of his ex even after 7 years? Advice? Leave cus you out here lookin like boo boo tha fool .


Get a new husband. Yours is broken.

Pack his shit and leave it on the door and change the locks.Time for him to find another home and source of income. He not interested in you just what you provide.

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Kick him out, sounds like an extra child your taking care of and not a spouse.


Unpopular opinion here: Is he home with the kids so they aren’t at daycare? Is he taking them to and from school? Or taking care of any responsibility at home? If so, why is this acceptable for a stay at home mom and not a stay at home dad. I would hate everyone telling my husband to leave me because he supports our family solely.

Now obviously if he is just mooching and not being responsible in any way, shape, or form, that is different.

Just a different perspective :person_tipping_hand:


Leave or better kick him to the curb.

You don’t need another kid, you need a man mama! Tell him it’s a full time job to help with the house or back to mommy and daddies house.

Draw a line in the sand. He doesn’t get a job, then he doesn’t get anything else attached with the word job! That should be enough of an incentive for him!

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Dump his lazy ass back at his ex’s!!!


My ex husband was the same. It drained me. I chose to go. I wish you the best girl.

Please don’t get offended but dump his ASS he has a mother his broke ass can go free load elsewhere

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That’s not a husband, he is a roommate not paying his half.


If anything is because of his ex, it’s an invalid excuse, especially after that long.
If you have uber eats, grubhub, doordash, postmates, etc. In your area, tell him to sign up to be a delivery driver, they allow him to make his own hours and work as much or as little as he wants without a set schedule, so he had no excuse. Otherwise, start calling him a stay at home dad and start expecting him to do all of the things that a stay at home parent does, and make it blatantly clear that this is what you expect.

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My EX husband did the same. Back pain. So I made him watch our son took him out of day care. He changed diapers, cleaned house and had dinner when I came home. Found out he was playing on tinder. I served him promptly


Bounce his lazy ass out the door

Wtf? Even if it was one year, an ex shouldnt be in your relationship

Make him leave. That’s bullshit.

Ditch him basically a free loader u can do it by yuhr self

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“My husband refuses to get a job: Advice?”
Find a new husband.


Get rid of him you and the kids will be better off

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Darling. This is why God invented divorce! Come on! This man is satisfying NO part of your life. Instead he is sucking the life right out of you by having you work and basically not see your kids. Come on. You don’t need to be a genius to figure it out. And he is talking to you about an ex? Are you out of your mind?


A leech who’s openly using you and abusing you because you allow it. Leave him.

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Oh no hun. A husband needs to provide unless he has a legit disability. I have MS and still take my butt to work. No excuses for a man not to work and provide for his family.

Get rid of him him he is a LOSER !


My ex got out of the military and then sat on his ass for 6 months. I “nagged him” to get a job while I busted my ass at work everyday and then was still doing 90% of home duties. That killed any desire for intimacy that I wanted. Now I’m a single mother of two and work and do everything but my life is so much easier because I lost the 3rd child and the other two at happy with a $2 allowance. Moral of the story: ditch the zero.


Leave. If he still had issues with his ex him never should have gotten married.

You don’t have a marriage. It’s over.

No desire to work and let you do it

No no no

Pimping much? He better have the dinner and house clean most days. You have motherhood one time and it ain’t for his ass especially if he’s able. Age and sperm don’t make a man or a father. Donor life.

Sounds like you have an over grown child still looking for a woman to take care of him like his mom did as a child. I personally couldn’t deal with that, but that’s just me​:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Is he taking care of the children? Is he cooking? Is he cleaning? Is he doing any of the things a man would expect a stay at home mother to do? If so, have a talk with him if he’s complaining he doesn’t see you. If he’s lounging around doing absolutely nothing, then it Sounds like you need a good divorce attorney. Intimacy 1-2 times per month? No, he’s getting it somewhere else.


You don’t need him seems like you can do this on your own .

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Baby know your worth and kick him to the curb you already got children to provide for you don’t need to provide for him💪


Kick him out and file for child support and spousal support. The court will make him get a job or go to jail.


Your guilibul, believe anything, he got you wipped, your desperate and he knows it, your willing to do anything to keep him, hey don’t get upset of him taken advantage, now divorce him you won’t tho, I mean 7yrs of desperation, :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging: your the issue another women would of pissed him off a very long time ago, you tell your self I can change him, :rofl::rofl::person_facepalming::person_facepalming: nahh stop blaming the EX she ain’t the reason your desperate to be HIS mother…


If you havent already…Have an honest conversation with him about it all. It sounds like you are trying to fix the relationship instead of just end it, so thats my best advice. Be sure to mention that you cant go on like this if he isnt willing to be a part of supporting the family. Maybe therapy or divorce if he isnt receptive to that.
I hope he is at least doing housework and watching the kids if hes staying home…if not something definitely needs to change.

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Girl, he is your baggage. Since you can provide for you and your kids, kick his ASS OUT.


So why are you still married? Sounds like nothing but another mouth to feed.


So my hubby and I literally just had this conversation, I’m basically a SAHM right now, and iv debated on going back to work to help with finances. After having the conversation with my hubby we decided that I would stay home as for us it’s more financially reasonable with the price of daycare


Divorce put his butt on the road.

So he’s not contributing anything but stress to your life, and is probably cheating on you

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Because of his ex??? I dont get it.


Move on sorry, or talk to him one last time, or he should go to dr,

Intimate times are less because of his ex?! What in the actual fuck? Refuses to get a job, complains because “he doesn’t have time” (because he refuses to contribute), leaves when he does have time and on top of all that bullshit he doesn’t sleep with you because of his ex. Hell no. He’s using you and you need out of that bs. Go find yourself a real man


Because of his ex? What does that even have to do with it? You know you can make it without him. You’re doing it now. So make it even easier on yourself by having one less mouth to feed and toss him out the door.


Your his bank. Your his momma. Kick him to the curve. You got real children that need you


I kick him out I’m sorry but if you live with someone even if you aren’t in a relationship should help each other. I would just kick his ass out and thought a child support go tell him to get a job or go to jail. There is no reason for him not to work it hurts him cry me a river it does not hurt I was in a major car accident f***** up my knee and my ankle and my whole entire neck back and jaw. I’m not supposed to lift more than 10 lb I do it anyway I’m not supposed to stand on my knee and ankle because there is no muscle behind my knee or cartilage to protect the bones or even tissue so I’m not supposed to stand for more than an hour at a time but I do it anyway. I work at hot topic I work with kids I do amateur modeling with a few photographers and I work with animals that are special needs. They want to do surgery on my back and neck to fix it because it’s that bad but I still get up every day and do all this and I’m even a caregiver for my mother because she’s sick with cancer and seizures and neuropathy and a bunch of other s***. There is now it hurts me to work that don’t work for me I get up and do it he can get up and do it other people have worse problems to where they aren’t supposed to be working but just like me they get up and do it. he’s taking advantage of you so he can party and have fun with his friends instead of doing what he really needs to do it’s your money you pay the bills at your place and that’s all he wants is someone to take care of him. I tell him either get a job or I’m filing for divorce

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Girl he’s broken go ahead and throw him out!

Honestly it’s hard enough to be a parent but to be a parent on top of all that… oooo eeeee better toss that bad egg out

That’s not a husband honey tell him boy bye


Sounds like he’s already moved on from this relationship…you should too.


You only get one life. You are already showing your kids how hardworking you are so now show them how to be happy and stop settling. Get out and love yourself and your life! You can do this!


Throw him to the curb


I stopped reading at any advice, the advice is leave him until he can get a job

Is he willing to be a stay at home dad and run the house and raise the kids full time? Because that would be the talk I would be having. if you are working and trying to do it all then that’s a no go.


You is a sugar momma, leave him.


Dump that narcissistic man. It will be hard, you may need therapy but it will be worth having him out of your life


You need to show your children how a woman should be treated by their husband…as their mother you owe them that

Yup kick him to the curb.

Sounds like he’s just plain lazy and is content with living off your labor and is using some bullshit excuse for being a bum. Possibly on the verge of, if not already cheating, and needs a good swift kick in the ass. Also, it sounds like you’re enabling his piss poor behavior. Start taking his things away and treat him like the spoiled child he is.


Sorry sweetie lost cause stop wasting your time make sure you sign up for child support

Throw the whole husband away

My husband says ‘you only can grow a plant you water’ … what are you trying to grow?! Can’t get work is acceptable but not trying to get work isn’t acceptable! You’re a team, your bus wife, you’re not his mother!

Liar liar pants on fire is what you should tell a person that states that they can’t contribute because…

Time for a divorce lol

He would find his ass on the curb if he was was my husband

Girl, if you already doing it all by yourself, why not BE by yourself? Cut him loose, and have one less mouth to feed.


Unbelievable. He would be at the curb already.

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Kick him out, save the living expenses of an adult, get benefits for being a single parent, spend quality time with your children!


Your children are more resilient than you could ever imagine, I think your husband is a lazy bastard and needs to stop making excuses, a problem shared is a problem halved so I suggest he gets off his arse and go get a job so you to can have some time to spend with your family as you deserve, I’m pretty sure your children wouldn’t mind if mummy and daddy went to work so they can have there treats.


Two choices: get a new husband OR work two jobs yourself

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Your being walked over.


What a fucking idiot. He won’t work but also complains about you spending time with him? Kick him out.
People need to start taking this shit seriously. Your wife or husband refuses to work, they’re not responsible adults. They need to contribute or move out.


Between now and dead, what do you want to be doing with your life?

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You’re already supporting the family; you don’t need him. One less mouth to feed, cloth & entertain. :woman_shrugging:


From someone who’s been cheated on…hes getting it somewhere else. Start looking at credit card bills, phone records…or come home early.


Take yourself out of the equation… put a friend or relative in your place… now what would you be telling them? You seriously need to have a good talk with him… if he’s not prepared to find work, and start acting like a husband, then walk away. Life’s too precious to waste xx


I walked off from my first husband over this I was working 3 jobs and going to college…best decision I ever made


Go ahead and leave his ass right now! He deserves just himself, and his friends and maybe his ex.

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Please do this ^^^** STAT


Sex 1 or 2 a month because of his ex? Huh?
The whole post is like… What?


I’d be done. Any man that refuses to get a job is not worth the effort. If you have to do it all by yourself anyway, why do you need him?


Give him back no work no eat mother’s place at home

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lol leave him with the kids and take a breather f that

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