My husband seems distant

Need a little advice, I know my husband loves me he used to show me almost daily, with flowers and funny little messages, lately he’s seems a little distant or maybe lost, we will call it deep in thought, I miss talking and hanging with him. How can I help ease whatever is on his mind?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband seems distant

Have you asked him what’s going on? Tell him how you want to help and that you love and support him. Maybe that will help the situation. Good luck!


Ask him what’s going on with him and be supportive of whatever it is :heart:

Talk to him as him right out …
Hug him zell him you love him …
Mix him a drink :slight_smile:

Start giving him little notes and flowers. Talk to him and reming him how much you love him.


This happened to me last year my behaviour totally changed. Ive been diagnosed with Major dep disorder. I wasnt crying/sad. Just lost/spaced out/forgetting. If talking with him isnt productive see if he will go to dr.


You didn’t say how long you have been married. Could he have just gotten comfortable?

Have you tried to sit down with him and ask him what’s wrong? A lot of people have a hard time expressing their feelings, and hold all emotions in until they can’t anymore. See what’s bothering him first, and if it’s anything you can help with. It could be depression, just a stage where he’s going through but regardless get to it now, before it’s to late.

After he showers offer a back massage ask him if anything hurts if his shoulders are super painful could be stress if he feels better after continue every other day make him feel noticed sometimes we forget they liked to be pampered as well


Talk to him see what he says

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Call it life anmd stick it out together best of luck

Communication is the biggest thing I’ll ever recommend. You have to communicate your feelings. Tell him how you feel. Always. Explain how you feel, explain the things that hurt you and what you think could help fix the problem.
The spark you once had is gone, now it’s up to you to recreate that spark while you still have time. Don’t let your relationship fail because of notes and flowers. You got this.


Sit down and discuss it. He may say “nothing”. Tell him
Nothing is keeping him away.
Nothing is coming between you and him
Nothing is the first step in a broken marriage
Tell him you are a team and as a team you are strong and can overcome any problem and find a solution together. That’s what a marriage is about.
You are one in God’s eyes.
Pray together for guidance.God bless.


Maybe write him little notes around the house don’t over crowd him but let him know you’re always there for him.

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Definitely sit down and talk to him. He may be battling something with himself that he might be afraid to talk about :black_heart:


Talk to him hun com.unication is always the best policy

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He could be needing you just as much as you need him


Maybe he’s depressed

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you must be married way less than 21 yrs

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It does work 2 ways. Try gifting him stuff he likes

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Did you just get married ? My ex husband used to give me flowers Even send some to my work while I was there. About 2 to 3 month into the marriage that all stopped. I think some men want other people think that he’s such a good guy. They don’t always keep that up

just ask him what is wrong

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Go for a car ride with him and ask him.