My husband sometimes yells at our daughter and I dislike it: Advice?

I have done that with my son and I remember yelling at myself for doing it. I finally got to the point that I would make sure he was fed, changed and burped and if he was still crying I would put him in his bed or on the floor with toys and if he still cried I knew he was fine and I would count to 10 to calm myself down.

Ur children are forever, men may come and go

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So, no one here has every yelled at their kid to knock it off? :joy:

I bet if the roles were reversed everyone would be understanding and supportive.

Dude does the night shift probably alone. Itā€™s frustrating being up all night with a baby then up all day. The non stop crying is frustrating. We all have lost our tempers at one point. He is NOT verbally abusing her. He is frustrated. Fucking help him instead of acting like a hypocrite.

If this were a mom, she could support.

That is not ok especially at an 8 month old she does not know how to talk that is a babyā€™s way of expressing themselves. If I were you I would tell him he needs to stop or I am leaving because that is NOT ok.

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Tell him get a job and take :heart: of his family

What sane adult yells at an 8 month old infant? There isnā€™t enough love in the world that would keep me with that man


She shouldnā€™t grow up seeing him do it too you as that will teach her that itā€™s normal to be treated that way and as she gets older he will do it too her as well and yes this abuse and those scares never go away. Do not stay in an abusive relationship he needs to get this handled or you need to put him out.

I think some couples need to share responsibility and that comes to the part of raising child to , see alot of one sided raising , donā€™t take me wrong ihad a habit of it myself , and a parent should never chastise another parent with something they think is wrong in front of child U see alot of this in relationships

Do not trust him!
Do not leave your child with him. I cannot believe you even need to come on social media to ask the question.
Do not let it continue. If you want him shouting and mentally abusing you then carry on. But you take your baby out of that situation


In the words of Jeff Foxworthyā€¦ Hereā€™s your SIGN!

Every time you describe what he does you follow up with an excuse.
Thereā€™s so much I could say.
In short. Try to move your work schedule around so you can stay home with the baby.
8 months is way to young to be getting yelled at. If he doesnā€™t have the patience make changes.
Maybe you should see someone to. Figure out why you think this is ok and why you feel the need to make excuses for him and defend him.


fuckn hell lady, are you messed up or what. Youve just made excuse after excuse for the prick. You seem to think abuse is only through hitting. You definitely need a slap or 5, get that piece of crap away from her you weak ass excuse for a mother.

No way would I leave the baby alone with him !


If it isnā€™t constant i would just keep talking to him. If it is constant I would worry especially if he is shouting at her when your there knowing you donā€™t like it he could be shouting worse when you arenā€™t there. Highlight to him that crying is her only way of communicating anything at the moment and sheā€™s too young to know right from wrong. I think when your baby is crying a lot especially when they arenā€™t baby babies itā€™s hard sometimes to rememebr thatā€™s the only way they can communicate with you x

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Anger management course? He needs to understand why he is yelling so much and the roots could go back to his own childhood that could be buried in his subconscious


He needs to get a job to at least pay for daycare. Can he hold his anger when working? You seem to know he is yelling at your baby after you leave for work? How do you know? Or does he do this when you are at home and not working? If you are at home be the first to get you baby. Some men are not stay at home Dadā€™s, he is one of them.

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Tell him to man up, get a job and take care of his family. Who the hell yells at an 8 month old?!


If heā€™s yelling at her now (at 8 months old) I canā€™t imagine the yelling (or worse) thatā€™s going to happen when sheā€™s older. You NEED patience when you have children and he does not have that. I think this will affect her if it does not stop now. I would look into nanny, babysitter, or daycare while you are at work. If that was my child I would not leave her alone with him until he can work on his anger problems.


Letā€™s see here, yelling at an 8 month oldā€¦ yeah, thatā€™s abuse and he needs to stop. Heā€™s not a man. An innocent child being yelled at is never ok. What could she possibly be doing at 8 months old to make an adult so angry, they yell at them? I canā€™t even with this. Horrible parents!


You donā€™t yell at an 8 month old! That poor baby has no idea what theyā€™re doing wrong


Seems as if youā€™re protecting him in a way, sheā€™s 8 months old what could a baby do at that age to be yelled at?

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He has a temper issue and is seeing an anger therapist. Thatā€™s great, most men wouldnā€™t. Heā€™s verbally abusive toward you and, by the way it sounds, has been since even before your daughter was born, and youā€™ve allowed it and even make excuses for it. You are your childā€™s protector, you are her Mother! Why would you subject your daughter to verbal abuse? Whatā€™s going to happen when he yells at her to ā€œshut upā€ or ā€œknock it offā€, she cries harder from being yelled at, youā€™re at work, and his anger increases? This COULD lead to physical abuse. IF that happens, are you going to continue making excuses for him?

He needs to attend anger management classes and if he has addiction he need to put himself in treatment because he may lose control and hurt you and the baby .take your child to your mother for baby sitter or you aunt donā€™t neglect payment there are programs that will help with baby sitting feesā€¦

please be careful, maybe you can find some one else to look after her while you work or maybe go part time, i can see so many red flags, look after your beautiful daughter.


Has he seen a doctor? My husband also has a short temper and i made him go in as it was pitting a strain on our marriage. He was diagnosed with bipolar and depression. When he takes the meds he is great when he skips you can tell. I would look into it maybe.


Ask him to see therapist more often and see if there are med to help with anxiety depression. Is he yelling from a differant part of the house or when he is holding her makes a big differance

Heā€™s yelling at an 8 month old? That is not good. Your daughter is at serious risk of being shaken or otherwise physically abused. Please do not leave her in this situation!


Interesting you said you yell at him. Think ALL the yelling needs to stop. If youā€™re leaving your baby knowing this is the situation someone shld be telling you to stop. He needs more therapy however the baby shldnt be left in his care until he can manage this.


Youā€™ve already answered you own question. You gut is telling you itā€™s NOT SAFE! I donā€™t take any of this lightly, including my advice which is to leave immediately until he can show he has made a concentrated effort to take HIS family serious.


He needs help NOW. He should not be yelling at you EVER. As for yelling at an 8 month old baby that is a sign of danger to your baby. I know you said that you are the main breadwinner, but your child comes first. I would remove yourself and your child from the situation immediately. Tell your husband that you will not get back together until he gets professional help with his anger issues. Iā€™m speaking from personal experience. Itā€™s not going to get better, itā€™s only going to get worse. My 4 sons paid dearly for my hesitation and fear of being alone. There were so many people who who were willing to help. Please do it NOW, before it gets worse.


If someone calls Child Protective Services because you didnā€™t act, you risk losing your baby.

Yelling at a baby? Why are you even asking for thoughts on what to do? You worry about it affecting your daughter? It is ALREADY affecting her. He is abusing her and you are allowing it. She will be traumatized. For life.


For you to have a had a baby 8 mnths ago. Im guessing she isnt even a yrā€¦ Tbh she is a baby and he is an adult and if he canā€™t control his temperā€¦ An adult shouldnt be telling a baby to " shut up". God knows how he treats her without you thereā€¦ If he does that in your face, imagine what happens behind your backā€¦ Dont get me wrong im not a perfect parent. But there is a very thin line with emotional and verbual abuse and speaking to your kids in a high tone, the difference she is to little to understand, and sadly she is going through verbual and emotional abuse from the one man who is supposed to protect her and love her when she is in distressā€¦you need to put that little girl first and leave him and his temper alone until he can get the help he needs imoā€¦ She is a baby she can not talk. So if she is crying she is trying her best to communicateā€¦ Be your daughters voice and leave him where he sitsā€¦


Leave. I should have left 14 years and 5 kids ago. Unless he seeks help on his own, it doesnā€™t get better, it gets worse as the kids get older. Been there done that. Donā€™t stay.


Does he work too? Maybe he is experiencing post partum as well. That is a thing. Tell him when he gets that upset to lay her in her crib and walk outside and cool off. Crying never hurt a baby for a few minutes . we all lose our shit as new parents. Just looks worse on a man cuz well he is a man.


No disrespect at all but you donā€™t need advice from anyone. You already know what to do. Itā€™s just hard to do it. Good luck!


I wouldnā€™t leave my child alone with him.


Choose daughter. Keep her number onešŸ™

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Why is he yelling at a baby, he got issues.

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Dont leave her with him. I would insist he gets more help


He needs to be seen by someone and you should NOT leave your daughter alone with him.


I wouldnā€™t leave your daughter alone with him sorry to say because whether you believe it or not him yelling is going to turn him in turn into him smacking someday heā€™s going to freak out so bad that heā€™s going to smack her and then one day every does smacker I hope you drop him on his ass


Follow your intuition. Your baby should be your priority first and most importantly to you. Your, asshole husband can take care of himself!!! Your baby canā€™t :baby:t2::purple_heart:

He have anger issues and heā€™s yelling at her but you are not scared that he will hurt her and yet you ask for advice? You donā€™t need advice maybe you were second guessing your decision because heā€™s emotionally abusive and he make you feel like you are the one worrying about nothing. I went through the same stuff with a bipolar narcissist who was mentally and emotionally abusive in a marriage that lasted way too long and he would turn everything around and blame me. Donā€™t do it, my kids watched me go through this. Itā€™s not worth it. You see the signs, donā€™t let him watch your baby she is too precious. Run!