My husband spends no time with me...advice?

Yeahhhh I don’t know about that sounds like he’s saying he’s
With his brother when really he’s
Going out with another women and staying with her :face_with_peeking_eye::dizzy_face:

Doubt he was at his mom’s

Do you cook or is that where he is getting fed? :man_shrugging:

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Sounds like you should be there with him

Umm ma’am y might wanna go Inspector Gadget mode and follow his a$$ bc I guarantee homeboy isn’t at his mammie house till 4am :roll_eyes:

Girl. Come on now. At his moms? Till 4am? No. I’d be OUT for good!

Out til.4am um nope…leave his ass. Does he not have a job? Does he pay all the bills mortgage? What’s going on? About 2 hours at mommy’s house should be enough. Leave his ass and get child support unless his mother is sick and dying or bad health

Put an air tag under his wheel well and take it from there. I think the problem is bigger than you think.

Girl hes cheating. Put an airtag and see where he is.


If he doing this more than once a week and staying out that late then deffo a red flag maybe speak to his mum ans say he is needed at home and maybe invite the brother ans her over to your house for dinner etc and bring up the subject so did u have a nice night the othet night when husband was over??? Also tell husband he is needed at home especially late at night etc if these don’t change maybe time to chathe things in relationship or time for time out in relationship

Hes a liar and a cheat. Living a single life. DONT GET PREGNANT

I would simply suggest he go back to his mom’s :wave: :joy:

Moms house ? Silly :upside_down_face: girl !

Ever heard the sayin “aint nothing open at that hour of the night except legs and the ER?” If hes with his brother all hours of the night, my guess is they are gaming??? Without jumping to crazy conclusions, Id stick with that and help him understand that his place is home with you at 4 am period! If you had family or friends that you could stay with, I just wouldnt be home the next time he isnt home by 10 pm. Theres no reason for him to be out at his “moms” after that.

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Have you not spent time with ur family?? Maybe his relationship with is family is important to him. Just bc he does are you really that upset bout it. Facebook material this isn’t ur life an marriage is personal. We all have opinions it’s ur life

Just tell him you’ll go along cause you like to visit her too. His reaction will tell you if those are really his plans. Or have his mom come visit there. You’ve got to throw monkey wrench into that mess and jam it up or you’ll be on the next episode of cheeters. Don’t be afraid to calmly communicate your feelings to him. And if your mom is close by go visit her. If he trys to contact you have your mom say your not there. The shoes a little uncomfortable when it’s on the other foot. Find one of his other ladies and let her know he has an std and you wanted her to know so she won’t get it. Revenge is best served ice cold.

Are you saying his mom stays up till 4am while your man visits her??? :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:is it his baby mama ? Or his mama ? Cause his mama ain’t staying up all hours of the night with him !!!

Looks like mommy is all in favour of this cheating going on. Look like you are not much liked or She would stop this Going on.

I’d start by not doing g his laundry or cooking g let his mother do it then talk to a divorce lawyer

Not saying this is the same but just as everyone else’s opinions I’ll tell mine… I went through this with my 1st husband, always at his moms house, always gone hours at a time, I’d always trusted him until I had an emergency and needed to tell him, called his mom and he wasn’t there, he come home 5am the following morning still claimed to be at his mom’s, later found out his “mom” was more then just one female… it was multiple ones which one was pregnant and was told the baby was his… only you know your husband and if his stories are true, I’m more of an “investing” women and now always doubt what I’m told, so I dig into it and ask questions then listen to the stories more because sometimes the stories get twisted and lies are caught!


Umm coming home at 4 am & saying he’s at his mom’s… I don’t think so… He’s doing something else most likely with someone else… Sorry…

Someone I know, used to be at his mom’s/brother’s house until 4 am and now he has a child who isn’t his wife’s


Go to his mothers house with him. Or go after he’s gone to pop in an see if mom-n-law needs any help with anything.
Confirm he’s really there then evaluate why he’s spending so much time there. You mentioned a brother. Is this brother sick or handicapped?
If he’s not there then he’s having an affair and you should file for a divorce because he’s already left the marriage.

I’m guessing he doesn’t want to be home.

Stay and pray or pray and leave bc he is up to no good. Definitely lacking the skills to be a husband and father. So selfish!

This is not enough information. Nobody spends that much time at they mammas house unless someone has a terminal illness or drug addiction or a debilitating disease :joy:

And you think you are going to get answers on FB? Talking to FB and not him shows what your problem is. Get off FB and try to save your marriage, if you can’t, choose a path for you and your kids and clean his plow in court.

Cheater alerts definitely going off

First we don’t know the back story. Why does he spend time over there. Is mom sick? Is she old and needs help with stuff? My husband spent more time with his uncle while he was going thru some hard shit. First his wife died of a brain aneurysm and then 5 months later his son died of a drug overdose. His uncle then met a GREAT lady … Who went into the hospital for an upset belly that wouldn’t go away and died in there. Sure I asked him to come home and be home more but then I realized it’s selfish of me to expect him to be at home when his uncle truly needed someone. They sat around just talking and playing music. Took his uncle a long ass time before he wasn’t suicidal or anything anymore.

Next: why don’t you go along?

Honestly it sounds more like he is cheating. Honestly if he doesn’t want to spend time with you. He doesn’t want to be with you. For people make time for the ones they love

Was in – not the same boat – similar. Everything else was more important then myself and child. It will not change.

Get a hobby :woman_shrugging:t5: my man spends at least a couple hours a day fishing if not more. I picked up crochet and stay at home or go to my friend’s place while hes at the lake or bring my project to the lake and work on it while he does his thing.

Sounds like he want to be single

You better check that story.You have a choice to make.Stay or leave.But you better check at his Moms :joy::joy:I would call or show up.


How certain are you that he’s at his mothers?

You sire he’s not cheating??? I’d divorce him you said your peace stop talking and start walking.

If there’s no medical issue going on:
Then unfortunately it holds true, that we make time for what we care about - and don’t for the opposite.

You are his wife - you are the priority, not the last item on the list. If her does this in cycles: it’s bc he knows he can get away with it.


I would lose him like a bad habit!

Send him back home to mama and find yourself a real man.

That man was not at his mama’s house

And what did he say he was doing until 4:00 am at his mom’s?

His mom’s house, huh? Okaaaayyyyy

He may call her mommy but she didn’t birth him.

First of all. Dont be so gullible mami. Whats hes doing doesnt sound fishy to you??? Check his phone and I BET you hes cheating and just lying to you about where hes going.

Why is he at his moms all night? Actions speak louder than words. Doesn’t sound like he’ll change. Maybe do a trial separation. You might be happier.

Pack up an go to the local motel.leave a note…I did , an he got the message

My toxic exs done have my mind thinking this girl getting cheated on. I’d investigate cause that’s red flags all day long… he’d say he was at his moms but he was else where the entire time. Was pregnant at the same time another girl was. Stay woke

Maybe he turned he turned queer for handler…