My husband spent money meant for our wedding....advice?

A woman should always have her own checking account separate from her husband.

I would take this as a mixed blessing!!! Be glad you only lost $600. Cancel the wedding until you are both mature enough to be married- maybe it will be to each other, maybe not.

Cancel the trip
Have them put the money back on your card.
Problem solved.

This is a huge RED FLAG sorry it’s happening to you but please pay attention this isn’t the norm…

I have a few questions… first the 600 he took to pay for this trip what was it going towards for the wedding? Like what specifically? 2 did your soon to be husband know that the wedding was no fully paid off? Seems like there is a communication issue here somewhere. Either he didn’t know what the money was for or he didn’t care. There’s a huge difference and 3 I would tell him you can call your buddies and get our money or I can….

Why would anyone want to use there bill money to impress others with a fancy wedding. If you can’t stay within your means then your priorities are messed up. Sounds like future money issues are inevitable in this household :woman_shrugging:t3:

I may not be popular for asking this but why is this even a question? Instead of asking total standers online, why are you not just asking him and telling him to fix it? Are you afraid he’ll
Leave??? Then you already know you should t marry him. If it was an honest mistake, let him rectify it. If you can’t get married because of $600, and you haven’t paid bills, then you’ve got bigger problems than a wedding. So sorry but this is no doubt your wake up call :phone:

My advice is go to the courthouse get married take the money you were going to spend on the wedding and pay your vehicles off or put a good down payment on a house because more than likely you’re going to be divorced in 5 years anyway

Pay attention to this just getting started

GET OUT FAST. Take it from who knows.

So cancel the wedding, try to get as much money back as you possibly can. And this one’s most important, cut all ties with this man.

Sounds like you couldn’t afford the wedding you are having in the first place if you missed paying 2 bills to have enough money. Sign of financial irresponsibility. And this will cause a lot of problems if not fixed right away.

Sounds like your marrying someone irresponsible. I would rethink your plans.

Lady runaway from this man now. This is a clue to the way your marriage will go. Leave.

Don’t get married. In todays age—it’s automatics destined failure. If you’re so worried about money and managing/sharing it before marriage—it ain’t going to improve. Don’t ruin it and get married. All that money is literally for you and YOUR wedding anyway. There isn’t one thing about the decor, food, people, music, COSTS THAT LEAD TO DEBT That is your partners. So maybe allow him to have the $600 and move on.

Call and cancel don’t tell him. Oh it slipped my mind just like he didn’t tell or ask why there was that much in the acct and what it was for. I kept our wedding money in sealed envelopes like for dj, photographer, etc that way I knew I had had it sealed it and knew if anyone got in it. And left it at my mom’s house!

Why are you having a wedding you cannot afford? Holding off on bills to have this wedding isn’t the way to go. Do something small. He should have talked to you about the money but you are both in the wrong so :woman_shrugging:t2:

Looks like you should handle all the finances and just give him an allowance and no access without your signature.

Your marriage will be doomed, you’re the only one paying bills? Where does his money go? Assuming he has a job and contributes. No way in hell neither I or my spouse make big financial spending without talking about it first. Communication is key and it seems neither of you have it. As for regaining the money spent? If he was worried like you are about getting everyone’s portion repaid back he would’ve done so without you even needing to bring it up. That is NOT a future husband that is a immature man. Guarantee majority of your stresses will be because of him. Good luck.

Big red flag! Call off the wedding. Your money will be disappearing the rest of your marriage.