My husband stopped telling me he loved me: Thoughts?

My husband doesnt tell me he loves me…he did for like the first year after marriage and since…before he leaves for work i tell him i love him and he just goes “mmhhmm” or ignores it…everything is fine…or so i think he just wont say it…why could this be?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband stopped telling me he loved me: Thoughts?r

Everything is NOT fine lol


The answer is clear as day. He’s just not that into you


That may not have been a thing for him growing up. Dig into his childhood. Unresolved trauma possibly.


Have you done anything to make him led to believe you don’t? Seems odd. I’d be calling him out on that. Maybe he’s just going through something himself and it’s good to talk. Perhaps low self esteem. I would talk it out.


Even my ex-husband tells me he loves me occasionally. He’s just not that into you anymore


If he shows you that he loves you then hey, you’re winning. Wouldn’t you rather have the actions then the words?


My thought is that this is a discussion you need to have with him.


He don’t feel that emotion for you, at this time.

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No way that’s not fine. My man tells me he loves me a million times a day and thats how it should be


Don’t think anyone can answer for you. Have you asked him this ?’


Probably a form of emotional and mental abuse withholding love is not ok., ask him


Maybe ask him and not Facebook


Something is probably going on that shouldn’t be. He’s probably moved on. That’s just how guys are.


Some people are like this, but it’s not usually something that starts/stops later; when my husband and I were dating, I said it first and he would always reply “mm-hmm” or “uh-huh”. I was okay with it because I didn’t want him to feel pressured to say it just because I had…but then once, when he was leaving, he said “uh-huh” before I’d even said anything. I realized he did feel the same way, he just wasn’t comfortable using the words. Now that we’re married and have started a family, he says them much more frequently. He just…likes to save them for impactful moments.

But in your situation, if he used to say it and now he doesn’t, something is going on. You need to have a conversation with him about it, and prepare yourself for an answer that might hurt.


Ask him not Facebook


I’m beginning to think most of the people on this page have the mental and emotional maturity of a 13 year old.



Are u lovable? U bored…stuck? Hope ur keeping it fresh sis. What are u doing for u? Got kids? Do u have hobbies? Self care!!! Hard to shine on idle.


Usually when mmmhmm is said is cos someone doesnt believe you.


We never said that a lot growing up. But now I say it to my daughter all the time and hug her a lot. We didn’t do that either. Maybe he grew up that way.

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He prolly needs to know its something you need/want t0 hear since XY can be clueless sometimes when it comes to their feelings/expectations
I’d be so sad if my husband stop saying it, we say it all the time easily 20 times a day so , ya I would want answers LMAO

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Maybe you should ask him. Some guys get out of the habit… it’s like they think they’ve caught you so why keep priming the pump… Maybe he’s not one to keep expressing his feelings over and over. He thinks he’s gotten his point across already. Or maybe something’s up. You’re just going to have to ask him.

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l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16972 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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He said I Love you the Day we meet, If I ever change my mind i will let you know

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Me and my partner are not luvvy duvvy. He buys me presents that I need, usually for my motorcycle. Helmet etc. We don’t usually say we love each other, it’s how we are

nobody should feel forced to say it. Speak to him about it, but don’t shame him or make him fee bad. If you love him then just keep saying it without expecting it being said back in return.


l Get paid over $114 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12941 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I’d stop saying it for a week and see if he notices or asks u about it, then have y’all’s talk or even if he doesn’t bring it up and see what’s going on .


If you have worries as to him not saying “I Love You” back it could be because he wasn’t accustomed to saying it while he was growing up. Or maybe something is wrong. Whereas, you need to find out. Whatever the situation, do not make him feel bad for not saying it. If you do make him feel bad, you may NEVER hear those three words ever again.

Some men just aren’t about expressing their feelings overall. It’s just the way they are.

If he’s there for you in every other way….just be happy you have a good man. :heart:

Is everything fine? Because I only say, mmhmm when I know someone is lying to me. I think you need to get out of the headspace that’s everything is fine… and sit down and have a talk with him, and recommend marriage counseling. Something has to be wrong and something needs to be spoken about. There is no reason you should be with someone who doesn’t speak your love language


“Let me ask the internet and receive a thousand possible ‘what if’ scenarios instead of going directly to the source and asking my husband, myself.”


You should be asking him not us.


l Get paid over $114 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12941 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Everything is not fine, talk to him about it.

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l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16972 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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How about communicate with him amd ask. You’ll never know if you don’t speak up

speaking from my experience…. My 6 year relationship ended because when he finally talked to me about splitting up that was a main thing he pointed out- he said he hadn’t loved me in a couple years, ‘did I notice he never stated I love you or any variation of that?’ So I would have a conversation with him about that now to see what the issue is, and see if you can correct it. I really hope he’s in a funk and talking makes him realize he hurt you with that, but sometimes people fall out of love, so be mindful that opening the conversation may bring up things you may or may not want to hear. Again, just what happened to me


So I’m going to throw this out there and this is why I say I should have been a man. My husband is extremely Affectionate. However , I am not! Like when he asks me for a kiss a million times a day I get annoyed. With the being said he tells me he loves me wayyyy more then I tell him. Half the time I don’t say it back. And the reason is sometimes it feels forced. When he doesn’t say it as much I throw him an I love and miss you text during the day! Maybe it’s to much for home ? Not everyone is the same. Don’t let anyone tell you he doesn’t love or it should be this way. I love my husband very much. But growing up my family wasn’t an overly loving family. My mom still really isn’t even with my kids. It’s just how some people are….others love affection: and hanging all over each other.


He is a self centered asshole

Me personally I would say something & then if no change I would be done. It never gets old with me …

Dona Rae Esau-Sogbandi she clearly states… “he used to tell me the first year after we got married”

I don’t say it alot to my man but he does know I do. I think part is last time said to anyone I got hurt so I don’t say it as much .he doesn’t say it much either. But lately there’s also alot going on. We are kinda at a stand still not sure of right words looking for

I don’t say it much to my man but I mean I do say it …. When I feel like I’ve neglected him to much I’ll remind him I do love him lol. Some people don’t feel the need to say it as much but for him to not say it like at all ever is weird yeah

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Does he SHOW you he loves you?

He no longer in love

He scoffs when you say I love you. He doesn’t love you.

I would def be like what’s up with that?

l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12596 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Sorry but my old man only says it like that when he’s annoyed something’s wrong

I think it’s time to throw the whole husband out. It’s ok to do that. Really, it is. Husband is broken.


I did the mmmhmmm too with my ex every time he said i love you but that was purely because i stopped believing him and eventually fell out of love with him I wasn’t going to say something I didn’t mean. All words no actions, words are exactly that words, they don’t mean anything without follow through, actions show it all without a word having to be spoken.
Not saying this is the case but something has gone a miss since he used to an know longer does something is up and you need to speak up, if there’s no communication feelings are going to build and come with it frustration and resentment shit will eventually hit the fan communication is key in every relationship.

I would suggest having a conversation


Because he doesn’t love you.

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If you really want to know Ask him why he doesn’t tell you that he loves you


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That’s something you have to ask him. I mean we can speculate all day, but only he knows the answer. I can’t count how many times a day my husband tells me he loves me.


l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12596 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

No one can tell you, but him. Instead of listening to all this, filling your head, etc. Go in and ask.


l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12596 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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Ask him and let him know you want/need to hear it.


My husband use to every morning before leaving for work. Said never know when his last day would be and wants to make sure that i know that he loves me. God do i miss that man 4/21/21.


My best advice would be to ask him lol. Don’t beat around a Bush and don’t put all the feelings into it but just simply ask him. Some people don’t like saying it all the time where others do all the time. We can’t answer for him especially considering none of us know him lol. Ask him!


Sounds like emotional abuse


Sounds like you should be talking to him….


Instead of asking everyone else, ask him. Communicate with your partner


You should talk to him

Ask him :woman_shrugging:

None of us can give you an accurate answer… and most of the people on here are going to try and tell you he’s cheating sooo… ask him.

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Probably wasn’t raised with being told he was loved all the time or everyday just keep telling him

i am making these days easily more than $500 per day for doing work online. i got my 3rd payment last month of $18335. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $17771 per month but now i see how it works.

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He’s a Dickkkkk!!! That’s Awful​:sob::broken_heart:

talk to your husband