My husband, now married for 1.5 years, has gotten the habit of swearing at me when we are around our friends (mutual friend). If he’s not swearing, he just would not talk to me or be as loving as he would when we are at home. What happened last time was our friend asked who knows how to cut a pineapple (something that I don’t know but my husband knows), So I said: well (husband name) knows how to cut one!! My husband immediately startled me and said: WHAT IS UP WITH YOU? Are you crazy? Then followed by a foul word. I, needless to say, felt really embarrassed. Later that night, when I confronted him, his excuse was: you know I don’t like doing these things, if our friend invited us, they should’ve prepared themselves and cut their own thing. Then he proceeded to say he’s sorry and that he wouldn’t do that again. I feel kinda lost by that response. What would you do?
This whole scenario sounds childish.
It starts with verbal abuse… they are always sorry
Fuck him. He’s a control freak drop him. It’s only going to get worse
This is just childish
A husband should NEVER fight with his wife in front of someone…disrespect her or otherwise . . .
Verbal abuse… hes sorry but keeps on disrespecting you? I definitely wouldn’t be going anywhere with my husband if he talks to me that way and definitely wont be staying married if it continues
He’s placing the blame on you. I’d start keeping a journal every time something like this happens. When he tell you it’s the last time he does it, bring out your notebook.
He seems off/childish and rude. And a man would never disrespect his wife.
Verbal abusive girl…get out while you can before it gets worse.
I thought a nail broke or something
I’d cussed his ass out infront of them grabbed my things and left him there
My husband does this. I just do not understand why at all. His attitude is starting to give me serious whip lash!!
Your the one he trying to belittle and disrespect in front of his friends nope tell him he going to be by himself he try that crap again you are not to be played with
I seriously think you are overreacting
Get out it well only get worse I promise I lives with this for 23 yrs I did not even know it was happening to me and I would laugh it off. Now that I’m away from him I see how he was with me and I don’t laugh I feel sorry for him
I would have answered with a bigger one. Stop allowing him to disrespect you.
Set healthy boundaries for your self. That is so disrespectful of him. You have only been married a short time. Set boundaries now.
Reading this gave me a headache. If it happens regularly, stand up for yourself. Y’all are adults, right? Cause this whole story sounds immature & petty to me.
Give him a spanking!
Sorry you’re going through this
…how does this involve nails?
Your feelings matter. Start taking notes. Keep in mind, a door opens and shuts.
I would explain that it was wrong, not because he was upset, but for the disrespect. Relationships grow by understanding their partners and respecting each other. Honestly, I think there is more than just a pineapple as the problem.
There’s starting to be an under lining issue he’s dealing with. It’s bothering he on the inside so the issue that’s inside starts to effect every area of his life. If u can’t find out the under lining issue things will get worse.
Embarrass him back cuss him out back. If he doesn’t like it he should stop
Cut him like a pineapple
Set boundaries now before it gets worse!!! I’ve been a similar situation and wish I would have stepped up for myself because it just progressively got worse!!
She should really look up what gaslighting is!
I’d have shown that friend how force can break down a pineapple in a beautiful way, using my husband’s face. But he also knows better than to speak to me that way been together too long for him to try that, man knows it’s a bad idea.
That’s a form of abuse… Verbal than physical comes next. Watch the signs and be prepared to do whatever you need to do.
It sounds like you guys would benefit from couples counseling. He may not realize how piercing his words are and maybe you two can learn to communicate better together.
He’s wrong and he should apologize to the friends for fuckin up the night smh
Thats disrespectful AF. Don’t tolerate it.
He needs to correct himself in PUBLIC not in private. In my opinion HE overreacted not you. I would feel awkward being the friends seeing him curse at you over something so trivial. It sounds like he needs to take a hard look at how he talks and his tone.
I’d tell him if he ever talked to me like that again, it’ll be the last There is a respectful way to decline and that wasn’t it. Swearing at me just adds salt to the wound.
Hell. No.
I don’t give a rats ass who you are or what my relationship is with you.
You talk to me like that… I will set a boundary ONCE. After that, you can watch while I walk out that door
The first 5 yrs are definitely a learning period. He stated he doesn’t like doing those things and seemed irritated after. I definitely wouldn’t volunteer him to do something in the future for someone. As far as swearing it’s not acceptable and he did apologize for that. I’d sweep it under the rug it is childish move on. Also order a pineapple corer for future. I have one and it’s a great purchase why not order 2
Imma be honest… go ahead and find you a divorce attorney… either he been like this or he been like this… He shouldn’t talk to you like that if you’ve stated you don’t like it… I know it isn’t the first or last time since you said he’s “gotten into the habit”… don’t let his habit be your demise…
Ummm… you should have nipped that in the bud right then and there. Pull him to the side next time and have a strong conversation with him and let him know that is not acceptable. And if he still doesn’t get it and he comes out of pocket the next time ask him who the f*** he thinks he’s talking to and set his ass straight
OMG!!! My husband said a bad word let me pout and tell my mommy…grow up sweetie you’re MARRIED and a GROWN ass woman…get over it…
Get out now! The longer you live in it the worse it gets. Will be different and apologize when alone but turn into a turd again with an audience. But then it soon starts to escalate and happens with or without an audience. Verbal abuse is just as damaging as physical.
Pssh he would be sleeping outside on the porch if he called me a name, the first time. Hes kicked out the second and last time.
You dont have to be in an abusive relationship, EVER.
Emotional Abuse, look this up. It will help you understand better and should give you ideas how to deal with it. Very sorry, this is very hurtful. Sending you a big hug.
For get it and go on with life if he does again just tell him to leave the house. Then st down with you friends znd enjoy your time with them
Your husbands a jack ass
Lmao better then me throw the pineapple at him
Dont air stuff out on Facebook
My ex of 9 years did this all the time said sorry everytime I was to stupid to stop it and now I’m in a better place cause I walk away not telling you to walk away saying if it happens to often with a sorry you need to know your worth next time throw the pineapple at him lol
He needs to apologize to the friend (s) as well as his wife
I’d treat him how he treated me.
My ex did this all the time to me we were at a friends house for a football game of course there were lots men I walked passed the tv he said hey I want you to look like one of those cheerleaders … they guy sitting next to him was built pretty good… I said well I will if you can look like him… the crowd went nuts … I felt good… needless to say he became an x very fast after that lol
Punch that nig$a and establishe dominance
My ex would always volunteered me on things I did not want to do and he knew I hated, however, when he did this I never insulted him. What I did was to talk to him on the side. He is completely wrong for disrespecting you.
He needs to be more respectful towards you and could’ve just respectfully declined. I understand emotions can get the best of us but there’s no reason to be disrespectful. Youre not over reacting
nawww he did to much he could’ve waited until yall were home to say something that was very disrespectful
Marrige should not be like that especially only 1.5 years in.
He would’ve got cussed out right in front of his friends🤷🏽♀️
I’m glad you confronted him but his reply was lame. Don’t let it continue. It’s very disrespectful.
He would not have made it past the 1st time he was disrespectful to me. I don’t allow anyone to talk down to me
Tell him something like that won’t happen again. You won’t be disrespected infront of anyone by him again.
Pack up. It’s just going to get worse
His response was way to aggressive. He is obviously showing some flags. Talk to him. And pay really close attention to his actions and words towards you. This type of behavior is unacceptable. In my personal opinion.
I cant even anymore with this group
There’s more to this story… There’s a reason if this is a sudden behavior that’s recently started. I’d say anxiety reactive issue or possibly a narcissist…
Since he felt it was necessary to do that I front of friends I as a wife myself would tell him” so not talk to me like period idgaf who is here but do not talk to me like that because you look and sound like an ass! Second I’m your wife so I deserve some respect! Period” or what you did is fine but it’s not ok for him to talk to you in that manner in front of anyone. He is wrong and if he has done it more then once obviously he really is not sorry
What would I do? I’d leave before it gets worse. This is abusive behavior and that typically only gets worse with time.
Get rid of him NOW before you waste any more of your life fooling with him.
That’s verbal abuse and it might go to physical abuse …
Not good,I agree with the lady above ,that is abuse. I’d say you have a problem,sorry.
I would leave and divorce his ass.
Shame on him get out now before it get worse I’ve been there…
Tell him to show you the respect he wants to be treated with and if things dont change it will only get worse mite be time to rethink things and poot stop to it or it over no one needs to be treated like that infront of otheres to make you look bad when its him that’s being bad
I’m a little confused. You said he has a habit of swearing in front of you with friends, but then he said he wouldn’t do it again? So is he intentionally disrespecting you in front of friends very often or this one time?
Well i would have went right back at him! Well don’t you know how too? Reminding him of the time he did such a great job followed by ASSHOLE! I’m not the one… If you dont address this now it’ll get worst with time. Dont put up with his shit!
Unfortunately it’s only gonna get worse. Hopefully though it won’t go from verbal and mental abuse physical abuse.
If it was my husband I would kinda feel lost and swear to take out his life especially if that mouth isnt used around his female relatives but then again im from brooklyn we dont take no
period that is a disaster stirring not good at all
Don’t ever let anyone talk down to you even if it is your spouse. There’s someone out there that won’t do that to you. He’s emotionally abusing you and it will drag you down.
Leave that mofo. He doesn’t respect you
I honestly hope y’all don’t have children together because at some point he may use the children against you and to keep you “prisoner” if you decided to leave.
There’s 2 sides to every story.
Oh and another thing, start a journal, this is very important. Write down everytime he does this to you, date, time, place, witnesses. But do not keep it where he can find it!
I’m not following? What was the foul word? Did he call you a bitch? What is up with you, are you crazy… does not sound abusive to me?
Oh no booboo he would got socked right in the throat no maam if he had the balls to cuss at me in front of his friend he can get knocked out in front of his friends too that why i left my baby daddy years ago best decision of my life verbal abuse is just as bad as physical time to go sis
If he’s going to get that upset with you over a pineapple that’s a red flag right there. I’m not sure if he’s been like that to you in the past but just be cautious.
Take note… If he only is doing it around certain people… like a certain other women… He’s cheating. Well . IDK 100% but good chance.
The ones that laugh for aggression should maybe read and see what it leads to by googling Felix Verdejo
Learn how to cut pineapple as simple as that.
First off these your at a friends house so why would he not be willing to help his friends with something as small as cutting a pineapple🙄second he should never treat you like that in front of people or alone, 3rd his excuse is pathetic, and finally you need to watch this cause these are real red flags and could elevate into worse behaviors. If he continues after saying he will not do it again id really suggest considering to get out of that relationship. You dont deserve to he treated that way and shouldnt have to deal with it. Im sorry it happpened to you in the first place .
I’m sorry that happened to u,it is Never ok!! N saying sorry doesn’t make it any better if he keeps doing it. If he’s loving at home then he should b all the time,home or not
Things like this start small and grow until it gets really dangerous. Leave him while you can.
What does this have to do with nails
Communication is a good start but if he keeps doing it and doesn’t fix the problem you’ll have to put your foot down
Unacceptable… It will only get worse. I am 2 years and 3 months free of my 12 year abusive relationship. He was VERY verbally abusive and what he is doing IS ABUSE! Please seriously consider leaving the situation BEFORE it gets worse because it is only going to get worse from here.
Typically with abusive behaviors such as ones shown in narcissism (but not all marcissists) they do tend to want to pull you away from any type of outings even if it’s mutal friends they will make you eventually not want to go… but I must warn you that they still will…
He knows this behavior is going to bother you and since you let it go it will be pushed to just as far as he can take it. Eventually it will end up that your subconscious will relate going to said friends house (or any for that matter) to the negative… making you not want to go. This is how seclusion starts. When you get home he apologizes you accept the apology… this is your biggest mistake and can lead to alot worse down the road as this “love bomb apology” (eventually there will be gift the next day like flowers or something you enjoy generally this is followed by him asking if you want to go back to a friend’s house and the cycle continues) will just fuel a fire of getting his way. Your subconscious will start to connect him being nice but negative elsewhere and you’ll only want to be with him…
People can laugh, people can think this is crazy, but there is a reason why woman are abused and don’t leave its almost like a brainwash to a point.
There is no acceptable excuse for him to treat you like this, in public or in private. And unless you make sure he understands this, it will continue. Maybe he can imagine what it would feel like if the tables were turned?
Narcissist for sure! Should definitely run FAR AWAY!!
Don’t seek advice from Facebook; seek counsel and advice from someone truly qualified to counsel in this area.
Really over a pineapple
Red flags is all I’m saying
The alarming part of your post is that you’ve indicated this is becoming a pattern. This isn’t a one off frustrating moment which we all have. I think you need to really pay attention to this big red flag